The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Thank you for the kind words Margret. The stent is injected from an instrument. I imagine it to be something like when a syringe is used. The brochure my doctor gave me says the stent is the size of an eyelash, just 6 mm. long. Pretty amazing!

sounds like when you get your pet microchipped only that is much bigger, the size of a grain of rice and you can feel it through the skin if you know where to look (the back of the neck).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
Just found out Torchwood is going to be coming out with season 5 'Aliens among Us'. Nothing will be as good as 'Children of Earth', but it may be worth checking out. I can't find a release date though.
Man, John Barrowman must get no sleep. Between Torchwood, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. Poor guy.
Would love to see Capt. Jack meet the new Doctor though.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Apparently there is absolutely no way to fit the comfort foods of a cheeseburger, fries and a soda into a diet. Sodastream cut out two thirds of the soda calories, I chopped up a russet potato for the fries, 100% beef patty, whole wheat bun and 1 oz of Colby Jack....and that came to 800 calories. Needless to say I didn't eat a lot for the rest of the day.

I've gone off the diet and while I'm not yo yo ing, my weight and measurements are holding steady. So this morning (another cheeseburger, sans fries and soda) is the last cheat for a long, long time.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Just found out Torchwood is going to be coming out with season 5 'Aliens among Us'. Nothing will be as good as 'Children of Earth', but it may be worth checking out. I can't find a release date though.
Man, John Barrowman must get no sleep. Between Torchwood, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. Poor guy.
Would love to see Capt. Jack meet the new Doctor though.
OH SPIT! ANOTHER one to record and try to find time to watch! I did find the series on Amazon, so I guess I'll be ordering those while awaiting the new one. I'll have to do it one season at a time, but that's ok. LOL...most of my dvd collection is television series that I like well enough to enjoy watching multiple times.

Edited to add: DOUBLE SPIT! It is out now, but is AUDIO ONLY, and can be ordered. Forget that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 9, 2017
OH SPIT! ANOTHER one to record and try to find time to watch! I did find the series on Amazon, so I guess I'll be ordering those while awaiting the new one. I'll have to do it one season at a time, but that's ok. LOL...most of my dvd collection is television series that I like well enough to enjoy watching multiple times.

Edited to add: DOUBLE SPIT! It is out now, but is AUDIO ONLY, and can be ordered. Forget that.
You can always do what I do...cheat and watch it on
You need to be quick on the redirects though


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Thank you for the kind words Margret. The stent is injected from an instrument. I imagine it to be something like when a syringe is used. The brochure my doctor gave me says the stent is the size of an eyelash, just 6 mm. long. Pretty amazing!
That makes sense. As long as they can get to the location where they need to put it via blood vessels that's the easiest way to do it. They do something similar with balloon angioplasty and they've been experimenting with itsy-bitsy cameras that can negotiate blood vessels.

Just found out Torchwood is going to be coming out with season 5 'Aliens among Us'. Nothing will be as good as 'Children of Earth', but it may be worth checking out. I can't find a release date though.
Man, John Barrowman must get no sleep. Between Torchwood, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow. Poor guy.
Would love to see Capt. Jack meet the new Doctor though.
Yes, wouldn't that floor him! Not for long, though. Captain Jack has almost as much chutzpah as The Doctor!

Fortunately for her, all modern incarnations of The Doctor remember Captain Jack from way back, and forewarned is forearmed.

Apparently there is absolutely no way to fit the comfort foods of a cheeseburger, fries and a soda into a diet. Sodastream cut out two thirds of the soda calories, I chopped up a russet potato for the fries, 100% beef patty, whole wheat bun and 1 oz of Colby Jack....and that came to 800 calories. Needless to say I didn't eat a lot for the rest of the day.

I've gone off the diet and while I'm not yo yo ing, my weight and measurements are holding steady. So this morning (another cheeseburger, sans fries and soda) is the last cheat for a long, long time.
:alright: It may be time to look for some new comfort foods; that's what I've had to do.

For what it's worth, removing the bread and eating your burger with fork and knife will save on both calories and carbs. Also, CostCo has 24 ounces of shelled pistachios (quite a large bag) for $12.99, which is an excellent deal, and most people seem to think of pistachios as comfort food.

The problem with fries isn't just the fat; the potatoes themselves are almost pure starch, which means pure carbs.

Edited to add: DOUBLE SPIT! It is out now, but is AUDIO ONLY, and can be ordered. Forget that.
I second the sentiment. Try the BBC America website to see the shows on demand. It seems to run best in the middle of the night, which is the most convenient time for you anyhow. Shows are available there for a limited time, something like 60 days after they're first run.

You can always do what I do...cheat and watch it on
You need to be quick on the redirects though
Good to know.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I have been steadily losing weight for the last 6 months or so without really trying. I have cut down on the amount of alcohol I have been consuming (a shot of rum in a glass of punch), now I use Sprite Zero, the small can in a big glass with loads of ice and I pretty much don't eat anything after 4 pm. I also don't eat as much as I used to, I seem to be full much sooner than before. Maybe it has to do with getting old. There is no way I could eat a whole burger, fries and a drink. I discard the top of the bun, no cheese for me on a burger although a cheese sandwich is good, I like lots of lettuce and tomato, mayo but no mustard. 8 years ago I weighed 160 lbs (I'm only 5'3), then ate myself up to 220 but am now down to 197 since February. I don't exercise at all, being retired I sit a lot and read (or surf the net, that can be really addictive). My biggest meal is breakfast which could be so late it might as well be lunch: 1 egg over easy, 2 sausage links, 1/2 avocado or a whole tomato and two thin slices of sourdough bread, toasted without butter or jam, every day the same, very boring. Then 4 oz whole milk to take my various pills. Between 2 and 4 I eat whatever I call dinner/lunch which many times is a big salad with everything including more avocado, croutons and shredded cheese or a boiled egg, with ranch dressing that I thin down half and half with whole milk. I don't eat much anything that is sweet including fruit but do indulge in dark chocolate but only a small piece or two a few times a week. I do cook a few times a week and always for more than one person, then I have enough for another time or two, the freezer comes in handy. I also get a DiGiorno pizza every so often, load it down with more cheese and some pineapple and eat one piece, then freeze the individual slices for later. I also enjoy cooking a meal with all the trimmings, drag out the good china, set a beautiful table and invite a few friends for dinner and good conversation. I send people home with more food and freeze what's left over. No, kitties don't get any people food.
I would not recommend this for someone who is very active like most young people are who need the energy. But it seems to work for me and having gone from size 22/24 to 18 is really nice. When I weighed 160 I wore 12/14, it would be nice to get down to that again but I don't expect to, this way I won't be disappointed if I don't get there. I hardly ever go out to eat and no junk food is found in my home (cookies, candy bars, pretzels, pop corn, chips, crackers etc). I love my veggies, mostly salad veggies, not so much cooked ones anymore unless it's cabbage which I stir-fry. My summer garden did not turn out good this year although I worked in my garden as always, hoping for a good winter garden which is less work.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
GOOD JOB! I've dropped almost 50 pounds now. I eat whatever I want, just not whenever or as much as I want. I've learned that restrictive diets lead to yo-yo losses and gains, as well as the guilt that accompanies that. The main thing I did was switch from sweetened iced tea to unsweetened iced tea.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I hurt. I hurt a lot. I think I screwed my shoulder up again. Ick. Looking at Google Maps, I'm not sure how I could manage to ride my bike safely to urgent care. I may have to bite the financial bullet and use Uber.

But that's my vent. The real reason I'm posting tonight is to ask about feline dementia. Someone said that yowling can be a sign, and Midway loves to do that, especially during sleeping hours. He can't be locked out of my daughter's room, he will sit at the door and yowl until it's opened, though he normally never goes in there during the day. And today he kept yowling and I'd call to him and he'd eventually come running and be all calm and happy.....and then half an hour later he's in the other room yowling again. Almost like he lost me over and over.

But he's young, he's only 14, and he is very physically active. So old age stuff doesn't sound right either.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
I have a friend in my computer club (the one who found Jasmine for us, as a matter of fact) who doesn't own a car, which is a pretty big deal here in the West where things are so spread out. He goes everywhere by bike, bus, or light rail.

One night he showed up at our computer club and told us he had a broken collar bone, because a curb had jumped out in front of him. Fortunately, he was near the hospital with the best trauma care unit (and the cheapest E.R.) in the city at the time, so he walked his bike to the emergency room where he was diagnosed and treated. When he was ready to leave they told him that he couldn't ride his bike home, not with a broken collar bone (I should think not!), but there was no way he was going to leave his bike behind and call a cab, so he just told them that he wouldn't, then went out and got on his bike and rode home.

arouetta arouetta , my friend is a nice guy, and on all subjects other than his bicycle he's perfectly rational. However, I think your reaction to an injury makes more sense than his. I'm sorry you hurt yourself, and I hope it heals quickly. :vibes:


Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
We went through this when Feather died. Habanero was distraught.

It's probable that Midway is grieving. He's lonely and calling for Shadow. His pain is as real as yours and he's expressing it the only way he can. The best thing is to comfort and distract him as much as possible. If you have something with Shadow's scent on it, you might give it to him.

He might even need some temporary meds. Grief is hard on animals because they can't understand what happened. Please watch him carefully because he can develop health issues if he's not eating, drinking, or sleeping. You two should help each other through this.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
His yowling started a few months ago, around three, maybe four months. Shadow wasn't even sick back then.

They put me in a sling. As needed, but the pain level today is needed. They couldn't give a steroid shot. I have no clue how I'm going to work one-handed. The only reason I can type is because for several years at work we had no breaks so we literally had to eat with one hand while typing with the other, quickly and accurately. And of course I had to switch to left handed mouse configuration.

One trip to the bathroom made me feel very sorry for people in casts. Changing into my work clothes made me wonder how the heck people in casts manage without a personal dressing assistant.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I had to run into town for something yesterday, and saw a a wedding party in a stretch HumVee limo. I don't know why that struck me as being so funny but it did. That's keeping it classy! I bet they played "Redneck Woman" at the reception too :tongue:.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
We went through this when Feather died. Habanero was distraught.

It's probable that Midway is grieving. He's lonely and calling for Shadow. His pain is as real as yours and he's expressing it the only way he can. The best thing is to comfort and distract him as much as possible. If you have something with Shadow's scent on it, you might give it to him.

He might even need some temporary meds. Grief is hard on animals because they can't understand what happened. Please watch him carefully because he can develop health issues if he's not eating, drinking, or sleeping. You two should help each other through this.
That would explain why he's yowling outside the one room he's not allowed into. Did that part of it start before Shadow's death? Of course, there's also the fact that cats consider closed doors to be an affront against all cats everywhere...

Also, it's been pretty thoroughly documented that cats and dogs can sense (smell, perhaps?) illnesses before they become symptomatic and the doctors start looking at them.

Changing into my work clothes made me wonder how the heck people in casts manage without a personal dressing assistant.
I'm trying to remember how I did it. When I was in the hospital, of course, I was wearing hospital gowns, which have shoulder snaps, and the nurses did function as personal dressing assistants. After I got out, I believe I either wore extremely old tee-shirts that were way too big for me, which means the sleeve was big enough to stick a cast through, or I simply kept the casted arm inside the shirt. And in a pinch I got Roger to help me.

I had to run into town for something yesterday, and saw a a wedding party in a stretch HumVee limo. I don't know why that struck me as being so funny but it did. That's keeping it classy! I bet they played "Redneck Woman" at the reception too :tongue:.
We were married an hour after dawn in a mountain meadow. I wore a lovely handmade gown with no train; Roger wore the standard tux; and the only music was a guitarist friend playing the hymn "In the Garden." At the reception my grandmother came up to me and said (in a totally amazed voice) "It was a nice wedding after all!" :lol:

Last edited:


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Guys, this is a very sad day. I found out a few hours ago that my granddaughter's mama committed suicide last night. It was very unexpected. She had been "a little quieter" than usual, but no one suspected a deep depression. My son and granddaughter are just broken about this. Zac and Melissa broke up years ago, but were excellent co-parents of Erin, and had maintained a close friendship for her sake. Melissa remarried a couple of years ago, and I know her husband is all to pieces. Good thoughts for them, please.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I hurt. I hurt a lot. I think I screwed my shoulder up again. Ick. Looking at Google Maps, I'm not sure how I could manage to ride my bike safely to urgent care. I may have to bite the financial bullet and use Uber.

But that's my vent. The real reason I'm posting tonight is to ask about feline dementia. Someone said that yowling can be a sign, and Midway loves to do that, especially during sleeping hours. He can't be locked out of my daughter's room, he will sit at the door and yowl until it's opened, though he normally never goes in there during the day. And today he kept yowling and I'd call to him and he'd eventually come running and be all calm and happy.....and then half an hour later he's in the other room yowling again. Almost like he lost me over and over.

But he's young, he's only 14, and he is very physically active. So old age stuff doesn't sound right either.

For a cat 14 may not be ancient but Midway IS an old cat by now or at least a "senior" cat. I don't think his yowling has anything to do with his age. He may be confused when he can't see you, I have one who is only 10 and he sometimes calls me when he is in another room and when I answer him he shuts up, apparently needs reassurance that I am still here. One of my 18 year old who is getting thinner all the time, needs to be hugged several times a day, otherwise she acts like she always has, she also now sleeps in my bed which she did not used to do. The other 18 year old is still the same as always, I see no change in her behavior. The 11 1/2 year old which I adopted last November (that would make him 12 now) comes to me several times a day for a cuddle, his head on my leg or sitting right next to me, waiting for the hairbrush and turning on his back to make sure I will brush his belly too. So getting older can take all kinds of different ways. If you hear him yowling you can try just talking to him or pick him up for a short cuddle. See if that helps.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 - I'm so sorry. Please forward my condolences.

Midway definitely hates that door shut, any door shut (don't lock him out of the bathroom), but he yowls at other times right now. He's in the dining room and no one else is.

And crazy as it sounds, if it's too darn early to get up I can bring him into the bedroom with me and shut him in and he's calm as can be.

I'm going to be off the bike for a while. Today was the first pain free day in 6 months. I could manage without the sling, but first pain-free day in 6 months - that's too much temptation to turn down. It's the weight. When the sling slipped to where my arm angled downward in the slightest and the shoulder had to handle any weight some of the pain would come back. I just, I just don't want to hurt anymore. I know it's modest pain, 3 or 4 on the pain scale, but now I have a way of avoiding even a 1 and I don't want to turn it down, even if it means limiting my activity.

Just be prepared for my whining when I'm needing to rebuild arm strength because I'm too weak-willed to turn down temptation.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Guys, this is a very sad day. I found out a few hours ago that my granddaughter's mama committed suicide last night. It was very unexpected. She had been "a little quieter" than usual, but no one suspected a deep depression. My son and granddaughter are just broken about this. Zac and Melissa broke up years ago, but were excellent co-parents of Erin, and had maintained a close friendship for her sake. Melissa remarried a couple of years ago, and I know her husband is all to pieces. Good thoughts for them, please.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
arouetta arouetta , I have vivid memories of just wanting to not hurt anymore. The thing you need to remember is that pain is a protection. That doesn't mean you should like hurting; it means that pain prompts you to avoid doing the things that hurt. It's your body's way of telling you to slow down and let it heal. Listen to it. Take your time. Yes, you will lose muscle mass and have to gain it back later, but you'll lose more than muscle mass if you try to tough it out. Wear your sling when you need it. Take it off when you don't need it, but keep it with you so that you'll have it when you get tired, and don't get yourself in situations where you may have to injure yourself just to get home if the pain hits while you're at work.

Once you've pretty much finished healing, that's when you want to start pushing a bit more than you're comfortable with. But not this soon after the injury, and even then you push yourself just a little bit more every day. Unless, of course, your doctor or physical or occupational therapist tells you otherwise.

Wearing your sling and giving your shoulder a rest is not the temptation. The temptation is to push yourself too hard, in order to avoid future effort. In other words, every once in a while the right thing to do just happens to be the thing you want to do, and this is one of those times. And it's late and I'm running off at the mouth. Time to give it a rest and visit the grocery store.

Take care, Margret
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