Cat Vomiting Dry Food


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
I have a cat that is vomiting quite a bit. I don't know what to think. Every time she eats dry food, she throws up. So I bought Blue Buffalo Basic for sensitive stomach. She gobbles it down and then throws up. I just noticed lately she had lost weight, so she went to the vets. They gave me Royal Canine to try, same thing happening. I was told maybe she has a food allergy and I have to give it about 12 weeks for a try out, but this food isn't working. She is still throwing up and is going to be losing more weight if she keeps throwing up all her food. So I am stopping this food. I just need her to keep her food down, and hope she gains her weight back. I give her soft food, fancy feast, tonight I gave her some chicken. and I bought a supplement from Honest kitchen for gastrointestinal problems and was giving it to her and will start again. She had blood work done, had a steroid shot for inflammation. She doesn't have kidney problems, no diabetes, no hyperthyroidism. Do they check for cancer when they do the blood work? She doesn't throw up blood or anything like that so would you think it would be cancer? Just a bad stomach. Is there anything I can give her to coat her stomach. They have things for humans and our dog had a bad stomach once and I was told to give her Pepcid. So what can I give my cat to help her out. I do like my vet, but this is going to become expensive. She said a biopsy is going to be $2000. And I can probably tell you they won't have an answer after that either. Do cats need to have dry food? She wants it really bad. Even feeding her one piece at a time she still threw it up. I know this is hard to detect but I can't keep guessing because my cat doesn't have the time. I would love anyone's help or any information you can advise me on.
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
Cats do not need dry food - in fact, the vast majority do better with a wet food based diet ;)

One part of your girl's issue may simply be that she's eating too fast. It's pretty common for cats to vomit if they bolt their food. A slow-feeder bowl might well help matters, or you could try a puzzle feeder. Some members here even make a game out if the dry food, throwing it piece by piece for the cat to chase down and eat.

The weight loss is more concerning though, and could well be an indicator of some underlying issue. The biopsy is likely to test for IBD and lymphoma - both serious issues that need specific treatment if present. If it were me, I'd go with the biopsy, just to be certain that this truly is just a dietary issue. I believe an ultrasound can be helpful too, but the biopsy is the only way to be sure.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Cats


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2017
I have a cat that is vomiting quit a bit myself. I don't know what to think. Every time she eats dry food, she throws up. So I bought Blue Buffalo Basic for sensitive stomach. She gobbles it down and then throws up. I just noticed lately she had lost weight, so she went to the vets. They gave me Royal Canine to try, same thing happening. I was told maybe she has a food allergy and I have to give it about 12 weeks for a try out, but this food isn't working. She is still throwing up and is going to be losing more weight if she keeps throwing up all her food. So I am stopping this food. I just need her to keep her food down, and hope she gains her weight back. I give her soft food, fancy feast, tonight I gave her some chicken. and I bought a supplement from Honest kitchen for gastrointestinal problems and was giving it to her and will start again. She had blood work done, had a steroid shot for inflammation. She doesn't have kidney problems, no diabetes, no hyperthyroidism. Do they check for cancer when they do the blood work? She doesn't throw up blood or anything like that so would you think it would be cancer? Just a bad stomach. Is there anything I can give her to coat her stomach. They have things for humans and our dog had a bad stomach once and I was told to give her Pepcid. So what can I give my cat to help her out. I do like my vet, but this is going to become expensive. She said a biopsy is going to be $2000. And I can probably tell you they won't have an answer after that either. Do cats need to have dry food? She wants it really bad. Even feeding her one piece at a time she still threw it up. I know this is hard to detect but I can't keep guessing because my cat doesn't have the time. I would love anyone's help or any information you can advise me on.
How old is your cat ? Has she always been a sickly kitten / cat? Mine spent months being sick every day and it took ages to find a food. She was however able to keep down the royal canin gastro food from the vets ! I also used to 'starve ' her for about 12 hours after she was sick and only let her have water . After 12 hours was up I'd only feed her on boiled chicken and rice. I know feed her thrive food plus boiled chicken when I cook myself chicken (3 times a week say ) and plain cooked beef mince (again I part a bit from my main meal when I cook).
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  • #4


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Cats do not need dry food - in fact, the vast majority do better with a wet food based diet ;)

One part of your girl's issue may simply be that she's eating too fast. It's pretty common for cats to vomit if they bolt their food. A slow-feeder bowl might well help matters, or you could try a puzzle feeder. Some members here even make a game out if the dry food, throwing it piece by piece for the cat to chase down and eat.

The weight loss is more concerning though, and could well be an indicator of some underlying issue. The biopsy is likely to test for IBD and lymphoma - both serious issues that need specific treatment if present. If it were me, I'd go with the biopsy, just to be certain that this truly is just a dietary issue. I believe an ultrasound can be helpful too, but the biopsy is the only way to be sure.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Cats
I already have a bowl like that. No matter how I feed her she gobbles it whole. It could be an hour later and she vomits it up. We were thinking IBD, but how do you treat that? You don't think she is losing weight because she is vomiting all her food up. I would like your thoughts. Thanks
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
How old is your cat ? Has she always been a sickly kitten / cat? Mine spent months being sick every day and it took ages to find a food. She was however able to keep down the royal canin gastro food from the vets ! I also used to 'starve ' her for about 12 hours after she was sick and only let her have water . After 12 hours was up I'd only feed her on boiled chicken and rice. I know feed her thrive food plus boiled chicken when I cook myself chicken (3 times a week say ) and plain cooked beef mince (again I part a bit from my main meal when I cook).
My cat is nine years old. She really was never sick. She started with the diarrhea and I figured out what was causing that, she had to many treats. She always vomited her dry food up. She will always hog it down, no matter what. She came from a shelter where there were many cats, not sure if that has something to do with it. The vet tells me as long as she can keep the food down she will gain her weight back. So maybe I just have the wrong food. If she doesn't eat she will vomit up liquid. I really do not want her to vomit anymore. Did your cat lose weight? My cat went from 9 to 7.70. I just think that is horrible. I can't let her lose anymore. I don't want her to die. Any help I would appreciate. Thank you


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
My female cat had a horrible vomiting problem, and it ended up being hairballs. I use Nutri-Vet Hairball Paw Gel for Cats, Salmon flavor from Tractor Supply every other day now.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
My female cat had a horrible vomiting problem, and it ended up being hairballs. I use Nutri-Vet Hairball Paw Gel for Cats, Salmon flavor from Tractor Supply every other day now.
Did your cat lose weight when this was happening?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Yes, because she wasn't keeping her food down. I can't say for sure if this is what is wrong with your cat, but I thought I would mention it. Do you treat her for hairballs at all? The paste I use has good oils in it like Salmon Oil and Coconut Oil. I can't get my cats to eat oil in their food, but they love this paste, they lick it right off a plate.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 22, 2017
She may just have a food sensitivity/allergy to a common protein like fish, beef, chicken, or wheat. I'd do a food trial before jumping to an expensive biopsy that still may not give you any answers.

Through a little trail and error I realized my cat had a poultry sensitivty - he eats some novel proteins and more common ones like beef now. I feed him grain free brands as well since he seems to just have a sensitive stomach in general (I cant rotate his wet food like a lot of owners here do because it upsets his stomach). He had the same symptoms as your cat - anytime he would eat anything with poultry he'd throw it up pretty much immediately. If it had of continued I'm sure he would've lost weight as well.

I'd also try maybe a probiotic powder or chew as well? That may help her stomach settle and digest foods so she doesn't throw up. Just some less expensive options to try.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
She may just have a food sensitivity/allergy to a common protein like fish, beef, chicken, or wheat. I'd do a food trial before jumping to an expensive biopsy that still may not give you any answers.

Through a little trail and error I realized my cat had a poultry sensitivty - he eats some novel proteins and more common ones like beef now. I feed him grain free brands as well since he seems to just have a sensitive stomach in general (I cant rotate his wet food like a lot of owners here do because it upsets his stomach). He had the same symptoms as your cat - anytime he would eat anything with poultry he'd throw it up pretty much immediately. If it had of continued I'm sure he would've lost weight as well.

I'd also try maybe a probiotic powder or chew as well? That may help her stomach settle and digest foods so she doesn't throw up. Just some less expensive options to try.
I was feeding her Blue Buffalo Basic for sensitive stomach, and that was turkey and potato. But we did go to the vets and kidney failure, diabetes, hyperthyroidism is out. I had extra blood work done for the hyperthyroidism because her numbers are a little high but she said the blood work says no on that again. So I am wondering is it really that. I was all ready to get the radioactive therapy done. That would of cost $1500 but at least I knew the problem and it was cured. Now I am back to square one. So the vet is thinking a food allergy. We had blood work, a steroid shot for inflammation, and a change of food to royal canine ultamino. But she is throwing up this food. So I am calling the vet to try something different. I would forget the dry altogether but she wants it. If she hears me taking any kind of dry food out she runs and would gobble it up and then vomit sometime after that. She went from 9 pounds to 7.70 and I can't let her get any thinner. So I have a supplement from Honest Kitchen for gastrointestinal problems, so I am starting to use that again. She doesn't mind it. I made her chicken last night, and she is eating some of it today, plus her soft food. So far today she hasn't vomited. I'm putting off the biopsy because it is $2000 and I don't know if I can afford that especially if I don't get a positive answer on what is wrong. One thing I don't like is to put alot of money out and not get a positive answer. I do like this vet and she is trying, but she said this IBS and chronic GI inflammation is a hard problem to solve if it is that. I am assuming they sound about the same. My thoughts are if I can get her to not throw up, she will gain her weight back. Will this IBS or GI inflammation correct itself? I just can't let my cat waste away.
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  • #11


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Yes, because she wasn't keeping her food down. I can't say for sure if this is what is wrong with your cat, but I thought I would mention it. Do you treat her for hairballs at all? The paste I use has good oils in it like Salmon Oil and Coconut Oil. I can't get my cats to eat oil in their food, but they love this paste, they lick it right off a plate.
This cat is so picky and I do feel bad forcing medicine down her. She just had medicine for her ear and we are done with that, now I am putting that supplement in her. But in the long run she doesn't have to many hair balls.


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
I have a cat with kidney issues who was starting to vomit. We've changed her food and she's doing much better, but the vet suggested I get generic Pepcid to have on hand in case she starts again. You might ask your vet if it's okay to give Pepcid to your cat.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 22, 2017
Well, food for sensitive stomachs isn't much good if shes allergic/sensitive to the protein in it. Thats why I was saying maybe try a food trial instead of just the sensitive stomach foods. Especially since the vet seems to be thinking food allergy as well.

Thats a simpler problem than ibs or gi inflammation so thats just where I'd start personally.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Feb 7, 2014
Well, food for sensitive stomachs isn't much good if shes allergic/sensitive to the protein in it. Thats why I was saying maybe try a food trial instead of just the sensitive stomach foods. Especially since the vet seems to be thinking food allergy as well.

Thats a simpler problem than ibs or gi inflammation so thats just where I'd start personally.
Went to the vet today to take the food back she had recommended. My cat was vomiting on this food. She had recommended another food, so I paid for it and was talking to a few of the staff. One person asked me why I was even trying to feed her dry when she throws it up. My thought all along was to just forget the dry and feed soft to her. I really wasn't sure why the vet thought to do this. But anyhow I was thinking more GI then food allergy. So another girl mentioned this other food for weight gain, and I told her to mention it to the vet and see what her thoughts are. So the vet canned that idea. She also told me I should not of been feeding my cat soft food at this time. I should of only been feeding her this dry. The cat was throwing it up. She would of only eaten it because there was nothing else to eat but it didn't agree with her. How was I suppose to let her go on this dry food for 12 weeks to see if it was an allergy problem. The cat would of never made it this long at all. I would of been watching her die, right in front of my eyes. Well another girl said she had the same problem with her cat and is only feeding it soft food. She had given me the names of the food so I went to get some of that and try it out. I returned the new dry right then and there. So as of right now I am only feeding my cat soft food and also from honest kitchen they sell a supplement for gastrointestinal problems and I am giving her some of that to calm her stomach area. I am hoping for the best and hope she starts to gain some weight back. I have a calendar and I am keeping track of her days. I think I made the vet mad but really how was I suppose to not let this cat eat anything but the stuff she is vomiting up. I couldn't let her suffer anymore.


TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
I'm sorry you're having issues with your vet :( Maybe it's time to consider a second opinion? I've done that in the past when I've been unhappy with a vet's approach, and it never does any harm.

As far as IBD goes, my understanding is that it's managed through a combination of diet and medications. The exact diet will vary from cat to cat, according to any food allergies and sensitivities, and what they can tolerate. There is no one clear answer, and there's usually a bit of trial an error in the beginning.

It sounds like your vet is trying an elimination diet approach with your girl, hence wanting her to eat only the (I'm guessing prescription) kibble. The concept is sound, as an elimination diet is the best start point for identifying food allergies, but it makes no sense at all (as far as I can see) to have your girl on a food that she can't keep down. In your position, I'd probably have one last attempt at explaining WHY you need to be feeding a different food (assuming you've previously had a good relationship and positive experiences with your current vet), and if that got me nowhere I'd definitely seek a second opinion.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help. Mega :vibes:that you get to the bottom of your girl's digestive issues soon :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Aug 11, 2017
You are such a good meowmy. I know you are doing everything you can but i would rule out the idea of adding a hairball remedy to her diet. They are on the vitamin isle. They taste good and the kitty should lick it right off your finger. I also read pumpkin puree in a can is good for hairballs. I am assuming she had her fecal and ruled out a tapeworm or other worm. Both cause weightloss and vomiting. Im sure you know that. Smart of you to switch to grain free food. Maybe if you take the hard food and wet you would for a kitten it will help her. I did this with a horse that could not eat hard food and it kept him from starving. Lots of water in the food to help any throat or stomach issue. I wish you all the best to you and your baby.


TCS Member
Aug 11, 2017
Sorry meant to say -i would NOT rule out adding a hairball remedy to her diet- all the best.

Yunchan Park

TCS Member
Aug 15, 2017
Have you trying proplan optistart? Somtimes ago my cat have problem with her stomach and have Diarrhea. And i try thay df and her poop comeback normal again. Maybe mya issue its not the same with you, but maybe that nothing bad trying. Or you can feed her some honey. When my cat sick i always feed her honey using spuit. And this is from the official website

PRO PLAN Kitten with OPTISTART is specifically formulated for the healthy development of kittens from 6 weeks to 1 year.

Did you know that during their first year of life, kittens are more prone to infections, diarrhoea and digestive upsets? That’s why PRO PLAN Kitten with OPTISTART combines all the essentials key nutrients that kittens need, plus colostrum proven to help them develop a stronger and faster immune response. OPTISTART also helps strengthen a kitten’s intestinal health and help reduce risk of stomach upsets so they can get the best start to life.

Recommended for pregnant and nursing queens. Also suitable for neutered/sterilised kittens."


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 17, 2017
My Jasmine does the same thing, but we have found she reacts to chicken, turkey, some fish, and grains. She was throwing up almost daily and lost 3 lbs before we narrowed it down. She seems to do fine if we don't have those ingredients in it, but will still throw up if she eats too fast or has a hair ball. She also does much much better on all wet food but still needs to avoid those ingredients. I try to keep her on an all wet diet but right now finances are getting in the way of that. You can also try adding a daily fish oil supplement, as that will help hairballs.


TCS Member
May 31, 2018
I hope your fur angel is doing well, and I know this was last replied about half a year ago.

I used to only feed my cat dry food. I later switched to wet food - that's all he will eat w/ vomiting and he will also vomit wet food if it has any rice in it - so it needs to be grain free and he does good w/ nice poops and all - however, even one piece of dry food may equal vomiting.

Also, maintaining hairballs is important and not expensive : Tomlyn Hairball Remedy Gel seems to work very well.

Rather than $2000 that you were going to spend anyways, perhaps immediately switch to good wet food - some good ones (in my and my cats opinions) are :
1. Castor and Pollux - ORGANIX Grain Free Organic Turkey Recipe (canned pate)

2. Koha : kohapet

3. Daves : davespetfood can for cats

4. Country Naturals grandmamaes canned cat-food

those are more expensive - but, I would argue less-so in the long run.

Cheaper alternatives to mix in once in a while :

* Sheba also seems mostly ok if you need to,
* and sometimes Fancy Feast

* pate' style is best and to avoid rice in the food.

Some probiotics might be a good idea too - Genesis Bifidobacterium Complex :

and there is many more + many more articles out there.

I would say let the dry food dry up someplace and from now on get the wet. I would at least try this for a month or so; if that doesn't work perhaps get a second opinion w/ ultrrasound.

Best Wishes