The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2017

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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
It can be really nice to know you aren't crazy. I'm paranoid delusional, and that's not a joke. I'm on an anti-psychotic to keep the delusions in check, and even with that my paranoia level is higher than most people's.

I don't work as a cashier very often, since the person holding the phone doesn't get called up when they need additional cashiers. Lately though they've been putting me on the sales floor more often, so I'm starting to do more cashier work. I hate it. First, I'm an extreme introvert. Working on the sales floor, I can take mental breaks between customers by focusing on the merchandise. Working as a cashier, you always have to be in people mode, there are no mental breaks. Second, while everyone on the sales floor is trained as a cashier, that's about an hour's worth of training on your orientation day. Then they push you into the shallow end by letting you work for an hour or two under supervision and then you're in over your head. But when you do it a lot you learn all the little things that can go wrong and how to fix them. When you are like me and go months between being called up to run a register during a busy time, you don't learn the hows and whats that happen. And if you are like me and never called up, you've forgotten half the cashier orientation that took place 10 months ago.

So today two women were in line, they had three transactions between them, and the first woman gave me an employee discount card that was issued by another store. I scanned it (remember, 10 months ago) and then she pulled out a state sales tax exemption card. I told her I had no clue how to do that and told her I'd call a manager over. Nope, no need to do that, it's only a few bucks, she's not going to worry about that.

Then before I ended the transaction I remembered something I heard at some point and asked for the employee discount card back and her ID. She spent forever looking through her bag, quite some time and then she said I could just remove it. That triggered my paranoia, the bag was like a cosmetic bag size and she was taking her sweet time and she didn't seem to want to deal with a manager. I told her I didn't know how to do that (which was the truth) and I'd have to get a manager to do it. Right after I said that she found both the card and her ID and the names didn't match. So I told her that I would have to get a manager to approve it and she was still insisting there was no need for a manager, I could just remove the discount. That heightened my paranoia, three times now she's told me there's no need for a manager, she'll take a financial hit instead.

She also said she had a Target red card but she wasn't going to be using it today (which I've heard more than once) but she was paying with cash. Hit #3 on my paranoia problem, no financial paper trail to follow her. By itself I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but added on top of her seeming stalling and not wanting to deal with a manager, yeah. The manager looked carefully at both cards and the woman said that the card actually came from a friend that helps with camp supplies, yada yada. He very politely handed the card back to her and helped me remove it, went on his way. The other two transactions were also cash transactions.

I didn't have a chance to talk to him privately, but I was released from the register shortly after and while heading back to my area I ran into a different manager. He said that if I was that bothered by the whole thing I could just either call for AP on the radio or knock on the door to their office. He really, really downplayed it though. Still, I was bothered, knowing it could be just my imagination -or- it could be something like a stolen card, so I went and knocked on AP's door.

And it turned out that the manager who had been helping me at the register had also stopped by AP's office and told them what happened and given the name that was on the employee discount card. I confirmed that was the name I saw and I remembered one item that was bought. It was in the third transaction and it was a plushie doll and it didn't have a tag, just a clearance sticker affixed to the actual item. With my paranoia at the level it was, I read the description that popped up when I punched in the clearance number to make sure it matched what was in my hand, that's why it was memorable. The two AP guys scrambled for note paper when I said that I remembered one of the items and told them what it was and which transaction had it.

So between their scramble to grab note paper and that the manager went there before I did, my paranoia wasn't a delusion and was seemingly justified. Makes me feel a lot better about my current mental state.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Wow, that is some trailer! I had no idea that movable homes could look like this. It looks like it would need a big truck to move it. I've seen things like this rolling down the express ways that had bicycles strapped on the back and big trunks on top. Those seem to be people who do not have a permanent base but travel all over the country. Must be older folk with plenty of money who have decided to see the whole country in their "golden years" but like to be surrounded by their own things and want something better and bigger than an RV or a motor home. I can see why you would go for something like this since you have a place to park it without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. Question: what does one do with waste water etc? I assume there is a storage tank under the trailer but that needs to be emptied. How and by whom is that done? Is there a company that provides that service?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
Wow, that is some trailer! I had no idea that movable homes could look like this. It looks like it would need a big truck to move it. I've seen things like this rolling down the express ways that had bicycles strapped on the back and big trunks on top. Those seem to be people who do not have a permanent base but travel all over the country. Must be older folk with plenty of money who have decided to see the whole country in their "golden years" but like to be surrounded by their own things and want something better and bigger than an RV or a motor home. I can see why you would go for something like this since you have a place to park it without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. Question: what does one do with waste water etc? I assume there is a storage tank under the trailer but that needs to be emptied. How and by whom is that done? Is there a company that provides that service?
segelkatt segelkatt

Thank you! I love the way it looks inside. Pictures don't do it justice. There was no electricity in the trailer when we went to look at it so there wasn't much lighting other than the sun creeping through the windows. And having the flash on just made everything look so much harsher. The tile And cabinetry are absolutely gorgeous in proper lighting though! :D

And yeah we will have a powerful truck to tow it. The dealership does deliver for a cost of $3.50 per mile but that isn't that bad considering we only live 8 miles from the dealership.

As for the waste water:

We have a septic system that is accessible from above ground. We plan to drill a hole in the cover and insert a piece of pvc tubing with a garden hose connector connected to the end that is above ground. We will have a cover/plug to put over the pvc pipe so that it doesn't constantly stink when not in use.

There are pumps that hook onto the waste water (black/grey water) spout at the back of the RV that will (as disgusting as this sounds) grind up the waste into tiny bits and pump it out through a garden hose and into the septic tank. We will obviously only be using that hose for dumping the black and grey water tanks and we will be using our regular garden hose to fill the fresh water (clean water) tank. The black and grey water tanks are both 35 gallons so we definitely won't have to dump them every day- maybe every week or two.
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Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Make sure you kink the waste tubing. When the things in dirty water decay they release a gas that is harmful. A kink (a section that makes a right turn up and then U's back down) will stop the gas. If you look at the base of your toilet you will see the same thing, and a maintenance worker said that all dwellings have tubes emerging from the ceiling to vent the waste water that goes down your drains.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Of course. But I've always loved dogs and cats and have had them together most of my life. Dogs bond with their owners in a way that cats don't. They can be trained and they can come on vacation or hikes with you a lot more easily than a cat can.

Most corgis are excellent with cats, especially if raised with them from when they are little, if that's what you mean.
I don't know a lot about cats and dogs living together, other than what I've heard. (I've had dogs before, but that was long before I had cats, and I'm still relatively new to cats.) So, yes, that is what I meant.


So have I. In fact, I just bought some today, to put on the new external hard drive I'm getting (after losing the old one, drat it!) to make it harder to lose.

That's one of the things I like about computer people. I've missed theological arguments since I became an atheist, but I can still get them just by putting people who swear by (at?) different operating systems together. ;)


The bad: I'm having boyfriend troubles today :( I'm not used to that, so I'm extremely stressed out.

The good: I had an excellent 90-day review at my new job this morning, AND my new weighted blanket is being delivered this afternoon!!
:alright: :woohoo:

Yep, I survived. :)

Yesterday I stopped before the usual place, so I didn't push myself into near exhaustion. Took a breather, drank a lot of water. I planned on a second stop but I didn't need it when I got to the expected stopping point.

I posted in a bike forum asking for advice on how to ride safely. It was a mixed bag. Some people were helpful, some people were nasty and holier than thou about how I couldn't manage a simple and short 3 mile ride. Before I responded some other people did, pointing out how I said I had a bike for nearly 2 weeks and their miserable failures at distance when they were starting out. I had said in my initial post that one of my medicines does make me dehydrated. After my post I kinda remembered a warning to stay out of the sun years ago by one doctor, sandwiched between "Don't drive - ever" and "Don't take aspirin, ibuprofen or Aleve - ever", you know the usual stuff where basically they tell you life is over (not life as you know it, life period is over), and then you leave the office and get in your car, pop a couple of ibuprofen for your headache and drive off. Turns out that not only does the Lamictal dehydrate me, desipramine reduces my ability to sweat and makes me far more likely to sunburn, and Seroquel makes it harder for me to get rid of excess body heat. No wonder I feel like I'm dying after a mile and a half. Posted that and how I'm on my feet for up to 8 hours, walk about 6-8 miles during work, immediately jump on my bike and ride home, barely winded when I arrive, no breaks, and the difference is the temp is 75-80, not 90+. Which means it's clearly the heat making me need to stop, not my lack of being in shape. I've gotten one "Oops, sorry" so far, and a lot of recommendations to call my doctor. I see him in a week and a half, so I'm not going to bother to call, I'll talk to him then.

The walking to the bus stop and after getting off, and now the bike riding has resulted in me getting a nice tan. It's not that obvious until I take off my watch, since I've always had very pale skin, but wow what a contrast when I do.

I'm reworking my resume. First I'm taking off the short three month job. I'll explain the time gap as "assisting a family member" or something like that. Second, I'm downplaying the current job, listing things that are applicable to office environments instead of everything I do. Taking all that off, I have extra room so I'll take a bit of a risk and list the job previous to the timeshare. I know the rule of thumb is stop at 10 years to avoid ageism, but listing it will beef up my qualifications.

I have a work issue and a work rant. Work issue first. They're starting a new process at work called "End to End". Basically instead of having other departments managing the initial placement of inventory and pricing checks and laying out planograms and ordering more of things like socks and underwear, we're expected to do it all. Well, they are assigning enough staff, so the start seems to be working out. But we are also supposed to become "experts" in our areas. Clothes? No problem. Baby supplies? My baby is 23 years old and i never used formula or reusable diapers and I know safety standards have changed by a lot. I don't have a clue. How am I supposed to talk about things intelligently? I asked the big boss if she knew of any mothers of young children that could teach me, and she didn't, but she did mention that maybe she should come up with some kind of training tools, so she's at least clued into the problem.

Now for the work rant. Feel free to skip, feel free to answer the not-rhetorical questions.

First, I've said it before, I work at Target. Target dumped their pharmacy years ago and invited CVS to come in and fill the area. It's like this at all Targets. When you get to the area where the pharmacist and techs are and the prescription medications are stored, there's a big CVS over top of that on the wall. Target's voice prompt system that answers the calls offers an option for the pharmacy before it offers an option for the operator, an employee at another Target clued me in that when you press the number for the pharmacy it immediately transfers you to CVS' voice prompt system. I tried it, sure enough it works. Sometimes though I get a call where the person requests that I transfer them to the pharmacy. Since it's now a separate business with a separate phone number I can't transfer them, so I say that. "The pharmacy is a separate business, it's CVS now, you have to call them directly." Why those calls come to me instead of them pressing the prompt for the pharmacy, I don't know. But most people say okay, thanks, hang up. Sometimes though, like yesterday, I get the special person who gets upset and says "How am I supposed to get the number?!?" There's no mandate that I memorize the number, and I'm often on the floor with the cordless. We did have a sticky with the number where the corded phone is, my boss threw it away. And even if I did memorize the number, people get mean, say "Hold on" and start pressing buttons in your ear. So yeah, I'm not memorizing it.

- But here's the question. Since I say the pharmacy is CVS, why do people get upset and ask how they are supposed to get the number? Um, CVS's website? Google? Do I really have to tell you to look things up on Google or the business' website?

At the fitting room, there are 10 stalls. #1 is clearly marked family and disabled. #2 is clearly marked family. (It's not marked as disabled since you have to make a turn to get into it while #1 is a straight shot forward, better for mobility problems.) Then you have 3-10. I would think that since the two larger rooms are marked as family and disabled, decent social behavior would be to treat it like the handicap stall in restrooms and you stay out unless it's the last one left. Nope, people by themselves without mobility issues take it all the time.

- So here's the question. Why don't people give a crap about the mom with two babies in a stroller or the guy needing to ride the motor cart and stay the heck out of those rooms? Yeah, I can see wanting the bigger stall, but it's a matter of "need" vs "want", and I'd wish people were decent and nice enough to let someone else's need take over their want.

When I'm actually at the fitting room, everyone brings their clothes out. All the time. When I walk away, I come back to rooms full of clothing. Sometimes (like last night) I'm pulling 13 dresses hanging up in a single room. Sometimes I walk into a pile of swimsuits on the floor with the empty hangers hanging up. It's blip blip annoying that I'm pulling a lot of clothes out of the fitting room, half of it just piled on the floor, because people are too lazy to bring it back out and put it either on the bar or on the desk.

- Question time. Why don't people bring out clothes unless there's someone standing guard? And why do they have to treat them like crap and pile them on the floor? I'm assuming they don't want someone else doing that to the clothes they want to buy, so why are they feeling it's okay?

We used to have a huge double rack for unwanted clothing at the fitting room, they replaced it with two smaller double racks. I actually like that, since I can load one up with hanging clothing and take off with it, instead of sorting it on the bar then transferring it to a cart, filling up the handle, sides and any perch places, which takes extra time for the transfer, and the carts don't hold nearly as much hanging items. Sometimes though, both with the old bar and the new bars, I need to leave some stuff behind. Maybe it's stuff without tags, maybe it's clearance items, maybe it's stuff that another person is in charge of, but it exists. I push it all to one side, as much force as I can so it's compacted pretty tight. That also leaves a ton of room for people to hang their unwanted clothes. But nearly all the time when I come back, people have separated the squished stuff and put their stuff in the middle of it instead of utilizing the large bare areas of the bar. And I'm not talking scoot the squished stuff way over, they've separated it just enough to fit their clothes. Or they scoot over the entire squished stuff and stick their clothes on the end....instead of the large bare areas.

So interrogative. Why do people feel the need to place their clothes in the obvious "don't touch" squished areas? Why don't they like using the bare bar clearly left for them?
Some people think that all the clothes are supposed to be squished like that. Do you have a sign you could put on them, to clarify for the misguided?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Tallyollyopia, just a word of caution. Whenever you type parts of your book, you're giving the site unlimited irrevocable permission to publish that part of your book.


See this? This is money running down the drain.
View attachment 188591
I've gained a couple of pounds over the last few days, despaired in my lack of weight loss, and then wondered if the bike is causing muscle gain to the point of weight gain. Measured myself again and while the girls have maintained their size, nothing else did. So I tried on everything in my closet. This is the Goodwill bag. Nine of these items have never been worn. For office apparel, I have one skirt left that I haven't hemmed yet. For my never-worn dresses, two of the four are in this stack.

Nearly all of my shirts are still wearable, I think because the girls are the same, but the shirts are getting looser. The test shirt I bought a while back that is one size too small is also getting looser, just still a tad too tight for my tastes under the arms but fits well everywhere else. Luckily the three blazers I own still fit great. I would have cried if I had to add those to the stack as well.

Not all my bras fit so I'll be adding those to the stack. Didn't think anyone wanted to see those though, lol.

I'm really, really happy I'm losing weight and losing inches. But sometimes the money cost hurts.....a lot.
I'm not looking to sell this particular book--it's just for fun. It's not nearly finished.

I have been doing phone service for well over a decade. There are three types of people. The nice ones, the ones that are a pleasure talking to, the ones that you will go above and beyond because they deserve it. The jerks, the ones that will be upset and unreasonable no matter what you do because they want the impossible and they want YOU to do it, even if you don't have the power or ability. And the frustrated ones, they come off very similar to the jerks at first but hearing them out and making them feel validated turns them into the nice ones.

There is no need for a person doing customer service over the phone to accept being treated badly. We're not whipping posts. One can insist on being treated well and even ending the call if the jerk is too extreme.

So yeah, when I have someone who calls and gets what I feel is unreasonable about having to *gasp* call another business at their phone number instead of a different business' phone number, I'm going to do what is called yes them away. I'm going to be polite but their reaction means I'm not going above and beyond. I have already given them the name of the business, they have the information at hand. They are unreasonable in tone, and they are basically expecting to call Foot Locker in the mall and asking to be transferred to the Verizon store next door (different businesses under one roof) and they want to be upset. No matter how nicely I were to ask that they call back, they are not going to accept it and they are going to throw a fit and I have no idea how much of a fit they are going to throw so I'm not risking an escalation.

The customer is not always right. The customer can be wrong and mean and unreasonable. When you run across one of those, you be polite, you give them no reason to complain, but you stick to your job description. I had someone call and basically wanted the same thing, she wanted the number to a different business, and when I was telling the manager she even responded by saying the woman should call 411.

And even with your scenarios, doctors' offices are absolutely no problem about looking up a phone number. If they are already on the phone calling you, they are already breaking the no cell phone rule, and can break that same rule again to look up and call a different business. Far more disruptive than someone sitting right next to them quietly playing Angry Birds. If they are driving they can wait until the next red light or pull over if it's urgent. Those ones are the ones that tick me off the most as they start punching buttons in your ear, and that's loud enough to hurt your ears. (And since everyone has had a button pusher and knows how loud and hurtful it is, I gotta wonder about the people who are callous enough to feel free to hurt the speaker's ears.) And like the manager said, they can call 411 if they absolutely must keep moving.

So yeah, I'll move heaven and earth for the ones that are pleasant to deal with. I'll hear out the ones that are frustrated and direct the conversation to a) what got them frustrated, b) tell them that it's understandable that they are frustrated, c) figure out what it is they are actually wanting, not what they initially say they want, since that difference can lead to the frustration, and d) either solve it or direct them to the person who can solve it (giving the person a synopsis of what's going on whenever possible before the transfer). But the ones who get nasty for no reason, such as the woman who was all mad about CVS' phone number not being on and taking it out on me, they get politeness, and they get talked about after the phone call is over.

And since most of the people who call for the pharmacy are happy with the explanation and end the call on a positive note, I think my expectations are not unreasonable. If most people were unhappy, that's one thing, and I would clearly be doing something wrong. If most people are happy, then it's the customer, not me.

I'm here but I have the terminal sleepies. I think I just dozed off unless I really am 5'10", blonde, and rich, riding around in my Bugatti Veyron.

I think Arouetta and I will have to agree to disagree about dealing with customers. It seems she may have received different training than what I had and taught my students. Of course, I worked in Consumer Affairs for 23 years for what at the time was the world's largest civilian employer. For the last 17 years of that my primary job was to work with members of congress and their staffs. Some were very nice and some were unspeakably puffed up about themselves and rude to match. No matter what, I was trained on how to keep them happy and if necessary, tell them and their constituents to take a long walk off a short pier and make them look forward to the trip. Sometimes it was very hard, but it was required.

When I worked with regular customers, things were said about my ancestors and progeny and some things were suggested that were interesting but anatomically impossible. I regarded the difficult ones as a challenge and I usually won.

And on that, I'm going to end this discussion for good and perhaps grab a nap. Maybe I'll dream up what I'll cook tonight. Right now I'm thinking of Tex-Mex.

As for what's on my mind right now, I'm thinking of how doctors make up for what Medicare pays them by ordering a lot of tests and unnecessary return visits. I have insurance and Medicare, but it's still my money they're taking. What ever happened to "Take this and call me if you don't feel better when you're through."?

Maybe I better not get started on doctors or I'll get kicked off the site!
So, what did you cook? (Avoiding doctors, for the moment.)

Thanks to my husband, Shadow has been thoroughly corrupted. My daughter made a cake this afternoon, yellow cake with green colored vanilla frosting. My husband was in the kitchen, cut himself a piece and sat down in his chair. Shadow practically lives on the arm of his chair when he's home and when he sat down she looked at his plate and gave the most demanding of meows. Yeah, I knew what she wanted. I told the husband "No", he looked at me and she immediately reached out and clawed at his hand that was holding the fork. So yeah, he fed her cake (no frosting). I have never seen her so demanding of people food before though. She has a calmer reaction to a can of tuna or grilled chicken breast.
Yeah, I came across this thing online that said cats can't taste sweet. I think it lied.

So update on the living situation: we found a travel trailer and we are going to sign for it tomorrow!!! I'm really excited! It is a 2016 Starcraft AR-One Maxx 30BHU. It's 36 feet long and has 2 slide-out rooms so we will have a lot more living space than a lot of travel trailers!

Me standing in front of it (I look awful. It was over 90° when this was taken so I was all sweaty):

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Floor plan:
View attachment 188904
Living room/kitchen:
View attachment 188902
Kitchen cabinetry: (lots of storage!! Even more storage cabinets to the right too, justg couldn't fit them in the picture)
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And if we do end up getting a cat to live in the trailer with us, I found a cat enclosure that I really like online that I can order and assemble (might have to get one for our current cats in the house too so they Don't get jealous lol ;) ). The door part fits into any window so the cat would be able to go outside whenever he chooses :). In the picture it is just free-standing though. And it also has a larger access door for us humans too. Maybe it would be a good place to keep the litter box? I will probably put a large sheet of plexiglass over the top of it so that rain wouldn't be much of an issue.

View attachment 188899
Be careful to use tinted plexiglass--otherwise you might turn your catio into an oven by accident.

It can be really nice to know you aren't crazy. I'm paranoid delusional, and that's not a joke. I'm on an anti-psychotic to keep the delusions in check, and even with that my paranoia level is higher than most people's.

I don't work as a cashier very often, since the person holding the phone doesn't get called up when they need additional cashiers. Lately though they've been putting me on the sales floor more often, so I'm starting to do more cashier work. I hate it. First, I'm an extreme introvert. Working on the sales floor, I can take mental breaks between customers by focusing on the merchandise. Working as a cashier, you always have to be in people mode, there are no mental breaks. Second, while everyone on the sales floor is trained as a cashier, that's about an hour's worth of training on your orientation day. Then they push you into the shallow end by letting you work for an hour or two under supervision and then you're in over your head. But when you do it a lot you learn all the little things that can go wrong and how to fix them. When you are like me and go months between being called up to run a register during a busy time, you don't learn the hows and whats that happen. And if you are like me and never called up, you've forgotten half the cashier orientation that took place 10 months ago.

So today two women were in line, they had three transactions between them, and the first woman gave me an employee discount card that was issued by another store. I scanned it (remember, 10 months ago) and then she pulled out a state sales tax exemption card. I told her I had no clue how to do that and told her I'd call a manager over. Nope, no need to do that, it's only a few bucks, she's not going to worry about that.

Then before I ended the transaction I remembered something I heard at some point and asked for the employee discount card back and her ID. She spent forever looking through her bag, quite some time and then she said I could just remove it. That triggered my paranoia, the bag was like a cosmetic bag size and she was taking her sweet time and she didn't seem to want to deal with a manager. I told her I didn't know how to do that (which was the truth) and I'd have to get a manager to do it. Right after I said that she found both the card and her ID and the names didn't match. So I told her that I would have to get a manager to approve it and she was still insisting there was no need for a manager, I could just remove the discount. That heightened my paranoia, three times now she's told me there's no need for a manager, she'll take a financial hit instead.

She also said she had a Target red card but she wasn't going to be using it today (which I've heard more than once) but she was paying with cash. Hit #3 on my paranoia problem, no financial paper trail to follow her. By itself I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but added on top of her seeming stalling and not wanting to deal with a manager, yeah. The manager looked carefully at both cards and the woman said that the card actually came from a friend that helps with camp supplies, yada yada. He very politely handed the card back to her and helped me remove it, went on his way. The other two transactions were also cash transactions.

I didn't have a chance to talk to him privately, but I was released from the register shortly after and while heading back to my area I ran into a different manager. He said that if I was that bothered by the whole thing I could just either call for AP on the radio or knock on the door to their office. He really, really downplayed it though. Still, I was bothered, knowing it could be just my imagination -or- it could be something like a stolen card, so I went and knocked on AP's door.

And it turned out that the manager who had been helping me at the register had also stopped by AP's office and told them what happened and given the name that was on the employee discount card. I confirmed that was the name I saw and I remembered one item that was bought. It was in the third transaction and it was a plushie doll and it didn't have a tag, just a clearance sticker affixed to the actual item. With my paranoia at the level it was, I read the description that popped up when I punched in the clearance number to make sure it matched what was in my hand, that's why it was memorable. The two AP guys scrambled for note paper when I said that I remembered one of the items and told them what it was and which transaction had it.

So between their scramble to grab note paper and that the manager went there before I did, my paranoia wasn't a delusion and was seemingly justified. Makes me feel a lot better about my current mental state.
Good! :)


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Some people think that all the clothes are supposed to be squished like that. Do you have a sign you could put on them, to clarify for the misguided?
We usually have a shopping cart that holds torn underwear and sock packages, loose underwear and socks, things without tags that can't be hanged, things like that. Every now and then one person gets assigned to fixing all that, we empty the cart, we cheer, and the next person neatening up where socks and underwear are comes right on back with more torn packages. We've always had problems with the customers dropping whatever they've tried on into that too. One time one of the managers wrote in big letters on a piece of paper "Do Not Put Clothes In Here" and taped it onto the shopping cart and it did not slow down the flow of clothes being dropped in there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Well, Grandma is being bounced between the hospital and rehab center. At rehab her blood pressure drops, and they send her to the hospital. The hospital gives a quick fix, and sends her back to rehab. :sigh: It's exhausting for me, and I'm not even the patient!

Also: got a letter from my insurance saying that my entire claim for the emergency doctor has been paid, in full, right before I got a bill from doctor saying I still owed money. (Someone in the doctor's office hit a wrong key and the bill got sent twice to the insurance company, which is why I got a bill saying it had been paid in full.) I like the doctor's office much better than the hospital; they were willing to work with me.

Hospital: We can put you on a payment plan of sixty dollars a month, but you have to agree to pay the entire bill in six months.

Doctor's Billing Office: We understand that several of our clients are experiencing financial difficulties. We can set you up on a payment plan of twenty-five dollars a month. Also, if it would be easier on you, we can set it up so that we automatically pull from your account on a day of the month of your choice.

It's been hectic at work too. Met the maintenance man in charge of the cappuccino machines (several of the parts are breaking and need replaced) and he told me I'm cleaning it too often and that it only needs cleaned once a month. :fuming: Once a month? For something with as high sugar as cappuccino? I told him I'm cleaning it the right amount and he needs to figure out how get pieces that will withstand that kind of cleaning. (It's not like I'm using a super abrasive cleaner--I'm using Dawn and hot water.) Had a customer come in and try to start a fight with another customer; had to kick him out of the store. He looked at me and said, "You wouldn't dare throw me out!" and I told him he was right, but I had no problem getting the police to do it for me. (If this sounds familiar--it should. I had an almost exact same conversation with another customer a few months ago.

Getting sleepy and need to go back to bed (why can't these people be 24/7 like my store? Things would be so much easier.) Anyway, posting will be irregular while Grandma is going through the merry-go-round of rehab-hospital-rehab-etc. I hope everyone has a good day.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
We usually have a shopping cart that holds torn underwear and sock packages, loose underwear and socks, things without tags that can't be hanged, things like that. Every now and then one person gets assigned to fixing all that, we empty the cart, we cheer, and the next person neatening up where socks and underwear are comes right on back with more torn packages. We've always had problems with the customers dropping whatever they've tried on into that too. One time one of the managers wrote in big letters on a piece of paper "Do Not Put Clothes In Here" and taped it onto the shopping cart and it did not slow down the flow of clothes being dropped in there.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I'm dreading starting my second year of college this September. Last semester did not end on a high note. I've been bullied, used, and picked on for literally my entire life. Middle school were some of the worst years. I was left with a dark view of how people should treat other people they care about.

I thought high school would be better but I was wrong. From the very start, a girl started rumors about me and everyone believed her. Especially a girl who I considered to be my best friend. She stopped talking to me for an entire year and some months. Everyone else followed her lead except for a few people. Because of all the rumors which were obviously not true, I was left isolated and my depression and anxiety only got worse.

I spoke to the guidance counsellors at my school but they didn't do much to help me. People eventually started being friends with me again when they discovered that the rumors weren't true but it was never the same after that. I never left like I truly fit in. Then, there was one incident where a guy started being really nice to me. He was running for school president. He won the election and soon after, he pretended like he had no idea who I was. That's just some stories. I could write a whole book if I put them all together.

Anyway, I thought college would be different since I was doing what I love, art. It started out great but slowly got worse as the weeks progressed. I had a friend, a very close friend. We were almost the same in how similar we were and we shared a lot of the same values so we got along very well. But she was very depressed and stressed out so she dropped out of the program. I haven't heard from her since.

I've hardly made any friends the first semester so when the second one came around, the anxiety took over. I didn't talk to anyone and I could see them staring and talking which made my anxiety worse. I eventually became friends with those people through mutual friends but it was short lived. I never really "belonged" in their group. Most of their conversations surrounded drinking and smoking. I did go out with them once but there was too much alcohol. I felt very uncomfortable because I neither drink nor smoke and I have no interest whatsoever in doing so.

Right before the end of the second semester, I left the group chat. I had a bestfriend but she disappeared around the same time. Without explanation. She just stopped reading my messages. I felt broken.

One girl messaged me promptly and asked why I had done so (left the group chat). I told her the truth, she read my message, and never responded. I have so much fear about starting my third semester. I'm afraid it will be worse. I love the school and the professors. It's the college I dreamed about going to but the people make me nervous. I keep replying what happened over and over again in my mind. I keep thinking about whether or not I made the right choice by leaving them. The friendships just felt too forced and I have always had a fear of people leaving me whether through death or fighting.

I saw them one time after and as soon as I walked into the room, all the talking stopped. I got nothing but dirty looks. I get anxious just typing this out now. I spent most of the summer depressed and crying. I almost didn't pay my registration fee because I feared going back.

I always viewed college as my safe space where I could let go and be myself but that reality is slowing but surely fading away.

*If you read all of this. Thank you so much. It means a lot.
Last edited:


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
We officially made a deal on the trailer today! We bought it for $3,000 less than the asking price! I'm glad my dad is good at making deals like this because I wouldn't have been able to get that good of a price without his help!

I made a little video of the inside of the trailer. It is pretty nice! And it is very big for a travel trailer!



TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I'm dreading starting my second year of college this September. Last semester did not end on a high note. I've been bullied, used, and picked on for literally my entire life. Middle school were some of the worst years. I was left with a dark view of how people should treat other people they care about.

I thought high school would be better but I was wrong. From the very start, a girl started rumors about me and everyone believed her. Especially a girl who I considered to be my best friend. She stopped talking to me for an entire year and some months. Everyone else followed her lead except for a few people. Because of all the rumors which were obviously not true, I was left isolated and my depression and anxiety only got worse.

I spoke to the guidance counsellors at my school but they didn't do much to help me. People eventually started being friends with me again when they discovered that the rumors weren't true but it was never the same after that. I never left like I truly fit in. Then, there was one incident where a guy started being really nice to me. He was running for school president. He won the election and soon after, he pretended like he had no idea who I was. That's just some stories. I could write a whole book if I put them all together.

Anyway, I thought college would be different since I was doing what I love, art. It started out great but slowly got worse as the weeks progressed. I had a friend, a very close friend. We were almost the same in how similar we were and we shared a lot of the same values so we got along very well. But she was very depressed and stressed out so she dropped out of the program. I haven't heard from her since.

I've hardly made any friends the first semester so when the second one came around, the anxiety took over. I didn't talk to anyone and I could see them staring and talking which made my anxiety worse. I eventually became friends with those people through mutual friends but it was short lived. I never really "belonged" in their group. Most of their conversations surrounded drinking and smoking. I did go out with them once but there was too much alcohol. I felt very uncomfortable because I neither drink nor smoke and I have no interest whatsoever in doing so.

Right before the end of the second semester, I left the group chat. I had a bestfriend but she disappeared around the same time. Without explanation. She just stopped reading my messages. I felt broken.

One girl messaged me promptly and asked why I had done so (left the group chat). I told her the truth, she read my message, and never responded. I have so much fear about starting my third semester. I'm afraid it will be worse. I love the school and the professors. It's the college I dreamed about going to but the people make me nervous. I keep replying what happened over and over again in my mind. I keep thinking about whether or not I made the right choice by leaving them. The friendships just felt too forced and I have always had a fear of people leaving me whether through death or fighting.

I saw them one time after and as soon as I walked into the room, all the talking stopped. I got nothing but dirty looks. I get anxious just typing this out now. I spent most of the summer depressed and crying. I almost didn't pay my registration fee because I feared going back.

I always viewed college as my safe space where I could let go and be myself but that reality is slowing but surely fading away.

*If you read all of this. Thank you so much. It means a lot.

Your story sounds uncannily similar to mine... except I actually dropped out of art school because my depression was so severe. Part of me wishes I hadn't but I knew I couldn't handle going back.

I am seeing a counselor now but it's not really helping all that much.

If nothing else, know that you are not alone in this feeling.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
Your story sounds uncannily similar to mine... except I actually dropped out of art school because my depression was so severe. Part of me wishes I hadn't but I knew I couldn't handle going back.

I am seeing a counselor now but it's not really helping all that much.

If nothing else, know that you are not alone in this feeling.
I'm sorry your counselling isn't helping. Thank you for your kind words. I know I'm not alone as I've seen many drop out of the program due to their own personal issues and also mental health issues. It's sad. Almost everyone there questions why exactly they decided to join in the first place. And it's for that reason that I know that many will not return. 4 months of summer break gives one way too much time to think while having nothing else to do.

I was actually saving up money to see a psychologist but it was more expensive than I thought. I called so many places but all were too much. It's unfortunate that I have to sit here and let my mental health issues consume me just because I can't afford treatment.

The trailer looks very nice by the way. I imagined myself living in it as I watched the video. :lol:


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I know there are free and low-cost options. If you are religious or don't mind receiving secular counseling from a religious counselor, some of the moderate churches offer counseling services. I believe the county health departments also either offer or put you in touch with some low-cost or no-cost options.

I read your post twice and I don't think dropping out is going to help. Basically you'd be trying to run away from you, and that never works. I also experienced extreme bullying in public school and to this day I still feel like people who are talking quietly are talking about me and that people want to hurt me or set me up for failure. My brain just twists all spoken words into the most hurtful of connotations, I don't even realize it, and that just feeds into the wanting to hurt me belief. Now that I've made all the connections I can consciously rationalize things, but it's still tough. And I'm 43, 25 years after leaving the bullying behind, that's how long the mental scars can linger.

First, you need to get the anxiety under control. It sounds like you have social anxiety, where social situations and other people are what triggers you. I definitely recommend looking into free/low-cost counseling, but beyond that see what else helps. I swear by valerian root, I know other people swear by chamomile, and there's probably other non-prescription ways to take the edge off. Note that these options can't make it all go away, if they were that strong they would be prescription medication, but it might help a tad.

Second, don't throw yourself into a huge group. It sounds like doing so in the past just set you up for failure because the anxiety and a bit of paranoia took over. Don't look at the "trendy" people that don't seem to be a good fit. You like art. What type of art? Where can you meet other people who like the same thing? But....of course there's always a but. The stereotype is that a lot of artists like drama in their lives and are emotionally touchy. I don't know if that's true, but if there is a kernel of truth to that, you might want to look at your other likes. Right now baby steps, you don't need people who will be drawn to an emotional roller-coaster.

Look for unusual interests. Geeks are pretty forgiving of social clumsiness since they tend to be socially clumsy. Cooking is another good way to meet others with similar interests. Animal lovers. Find a niche where you fit well. That way you won't end up with the wrong crowd, the crowd that practically lives in bars. Then just reach out to a few people, not a lot. With anxiety, you don't want to trigger it by doing too much too fast. Expand your circle slowly.

Good luck.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
I know there are free and low-cost options. If you are religious or don't mind receiving secular counseling from a religious counselor, some of the moderate churches offer counseling services. I believe the county health departments also either offer or put you in touch with some low-cost or no-cost options.

I read your post twice and I don't think dropping out is going to help. Basically you'd be trying to run away from you, and that never works. I also experienced extreme bullying in public school and to this day I still feel like people who are talking quietly are talking about me and that people want to hurt me or set me up for failure. My brain just twists all spoken words into the most hurtful of connotations, I don't even realize it, and that just feeds into the wanting to hurt me belief. Now that I've made all the connections I can consciously rationalize things, but it's still tough. And I'm 43, 25 years after leaving the bullying behind, that's how long the mental scars can linger.

First, you need to get the anxiety under control. It sounds like you have social anxiety, where social situations and other people are what triggers you. I definitely recommend looking into free/low-cost counseling, but beyond that see what else helps. I swear by valerian root, I know other people swear by chamomile, and there's probably other non-prescription ways to take the edge off. Note that these options can't make it all go away, if they were that strong they would be prescription medication, but it might help a tad.

Second, don't throw yourself into a huge group. It sounds like doing so in the past just set you up for failure because the anxiety and a bit of paranoia took over. Don't look at the "trendy" people that don't seem to be a good fit. You like art. What type of art? Where can you meet other people who like the same thing? But....of course there's always a but. The stereotype is that a lot of artists like drama in their lives and are emotionally touchy. I don't know if that's true, but if there is a kernel of truth to that, you might want to look at your other likes. Right now baby steps, you don't need people who will be drawn to an emotional roller-coaster.

Look for unusual interests. Geeks are pretty forgiving of social clumsiness since they tend to be socially clumsy. Cooking is another good way to meet others with similar interests. Animal lovers. Find a niche where you fit well. That way you won't end up with the wrong crowd, the crowd that practically lives in bars. Then just reach out to a few people, not a lot. With anxiety, you don't want to trigger it by doing too much too fast. Expand your circle slowly.

Good luck.
I don't really consider myself to be "religious". Therefore, I'd be uncomfortable with that kind of counselling. Some therapy sessions are paid through OHIP but there is a huge waiting list and I haven't found much information about it online that makes sense to me. But I'm really trying to control the anxiety. Having Daisy helps some. She's very active so she keeps me distracted for a couple hours until she falls asleep. Especially when we play fetch in the yard. Felix also loves to chase me around the house which can be fun... until he gets violent. Smokey is also a great lap cat. She'll sleep and drool on my lap for hours. I forget that sometimes when I curl up by myself. I do mostly digital art. I'll see if I can post an example.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Well I am steaming mad. Went to reorder honeybee's med and I can no longer get it at the price I was. It's now marked up to $130 an inhaler. some bloody company making tons of cash off of our illness. The same meds in the states are $380~! Who the H can afford that? The price used to be $60 an it's $130. I have to order 6 at a time due to how long it takes to get here. I will have to now order every 8 weeks since I won't be able to afford $720 at a whack. I am so sick of the pharmaceutical field racking in BIG BUCKS and don't have reasonable priced meds. There is no generic for flixotide 220 mcg. I am going to now start doing only 1 puff am/pm instead of 2 puffs am/pm. This P me OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
check into kava if you have anxiety. Yes Valerian root helps too. I reread your post=and I think every single one of us here has dealt with some form of bullying. This is going to be hard=but you have to FIGHT BACK. If you show them tears and fear=they will keep targeting you. I wish I knew then what I know now-you have to stand up stare those B in the eye and don't back down. They are just trying to push you around. DONT LET THEM.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Just watch the movie Bad Moms. Watch them learn to fight back. So sad to hear you feel unsure of yourself-don't let them run your life=it will only get worse wherever you go-sadly the world is not like it used to's still the strongest survive. At home break down and cry and scream-but don't show it to those girls. Don't let them see it-smile at them-even when you want to punch them. I will write more in a bit=but hang tight-I am sending you hugs and kisses. I know how hard this is-I know.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
St. Johnswort is good for depression, as well, but it can interact with some prescription meds, so it should be checked against anything you might be taking for other issues. AND it can take up to six months before you get the full effects. I know that's a long old time when you are depressed, but once it kicks in, it can really do a good job.

They're mowing outside and I'm having a sneezing fit! I'll be glad when my very long allergy season is finally over. It runs from early/mid March through mid October.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I don't really consider myself to be "religious". Therefore, I'd be uncomfortable with that kind of counselling..
Unless you are a raving atheist, look into it. The more evangelical denominations, I'd stay far away from. But the moderate denominations do secular counseling, not just religious counseling. Those denominations promote social good and part of that mindset is offering help to those who need it without cramming religion down their throats. Same reason they will help with past-due utility bills for people not in the congregation, it's promoting social good.

And if there's a strong non-Christian presence where you are at, there might be non-Christian religious gatherings that can also offer secular counseling.

St. Johnswort is good for depression, as well, but it can interact with some prescription meds, so it should be checked against anything you might be taking for other issues. AND it can take up to six months before you get the full effects. I know that's a long old time when you are depressed, but once it kicks in, it can really do a good job.
St Johns Wort is scarily good. It is an SSRI. Not like them, not similar effects, it is one. It cannot be combined with another SSRI or anything else that raises serotonin levels unless you're wanting to try and kill yourself by causing Serotonin Syndrome. It's a prescription medication in Germany. Your reaction to it is going to be similar to medicines like Prozac. It's a bit milder, not for major depression, but it will do well for the mild and moderate categories. The only problem with it in the US is the same as any other herbal remedy - there is no guarantee that you are actually getting what you think you are buying. You get the advertised stuff at the advertised strength without any non-advertised additives, all you need to worry about is proper dosing and drug-drug interactions that would be a problem for all SSRIs and discontinuation syndrome when you stop it.
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