Cat Chaos After Bringing Home 2 Special Needs Cats


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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
Hello, I recently adopted two new cats on 6/4, we now have a total of 5. One of our current cats, Walter, is blind, docile and not a mean defensive bone in his body. One of our new ones , Matilda, had a leg amputated on 5/4. She is very defensive and doesn't like her space invaded, understandably. The other one Snake Plissken, had an eye removed recently and is FIV+, he is very confident and not much phases him. We kept them apart for 5 days, I know a little soon, but SP, wanted out so bad and it was making things worse for him being locked up. The introductions actually didn't go that bad. But now that everyone has gotten comfortable things are quite chaotic. Matilda wants to be involved and social but doesn't want anyone near her, even when she places herself right next to them she hisses and swats at them, we still keep her in a room whenever we are not available to supervise. SP has so much energy and wants to chase everyone, which is terrifying especially to my blind cat, as he's much bigger than the rest. There has been no fighting just hissing, growling and swatting, mostly just from the three girls. I know it's still soon and time will probably work it out, I just need encouragement and advice because right now we feel like we have a house full of toddlers. We have 4 feliway plugs, using l theanine and cbd, have regular group play time, which gets very chaotic, have lots of places for cats to hide and feel safe, they all eat together at the same time everyday. Also, my natural instinct is to intervene when they are hissing and swatting or SP is playing rough and they are resisting, but I am guessing the best thing is just to let them be unless a fight breaks out? Thank you for any encouragement and advice!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
All very common and normal. Hissing,swatting, and growling are what females do, they try to keep everyone in line and rule with an iron paw. I wouldn't intervene unless there is a real tussle, fur flying, etc. A loud, firm NO usually backs them up in my house. Matilda wants to be accepted, but she is still very unsure of what is going on. She will gain confidence and calm down. SP has to learn his limits and that will happen with time. A few well chosen 10 minute time outs in a small room should help him learn, no longer or it is too great a punishment because he will have forgotten why he is being banished. Walter is the one to be protected. He needs you to intervene because many of the cat's social clues are visual and he can't see them. The other cats and him will adjust but it will take time and maybe some help from you so he doesn't blunder into a fight. He needs a place he can feel safe in and protected, like a box with a blanket or a shelf on a cat tree. It will take several months to a year for everyone to learn where they are in the hierarchy, but it sounds like you have a very good start. Thank you for opening your heart to these special needs cats, you are giving them something that so many wouldn't, a home and the love that goes with it, bless your heartt!


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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Welcome to TCS MrsLFlanagan MrsLFlanagan :wave3:

It does sound very chaotic and I'm sure the cats are experiencing at least the same level of stress as you are - probably more. They're very lucky to have such understanding owners though :hugs:

You mentioned that they have enough space and places around your home. I wonder if maybe since you nearly doubled the feline population it feels crowded to the resident cats now. Maybe more space is needed after all. You can find some ideas here -
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

Like di and bob di and bob said, it's going to take time. Possibly a long time. You're in the right direction and I think you're doing things right by trying to stay out of their clashes when possible. What to do exactly when the fur is flying is difficult to say because these are situations where not only do you have to be there, you also need to know the cats quite well. Generally speaking, they need to decide on a new hierarchy and there's not a lot you can do to help with that other than let them be and not interfere. But again, I would look into adding more space. The more space they have the more relaxed and everyone becomes.

Let us know how it's going and do share some photos too :camera:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 31, 2015
I'm right there with the rest, but beg you to give Walter the protect he needs.When things get chaotic, is there a room Walter could be away from it?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 7, 2016
I'm going to agree with the rest. You're off to a great start! I introduced a new cat to our other 3 a year ago , and Naomi sometimes still acts up. (she smacks and hisses at the rest) but MOST of the time, they all get along. Just be sure your sweet blind boy has a safe place to be.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
I'm right there with the rest, but beg you to give Walter the protect he needs.When things get chaotic, is there a room Walter could be away from it?
Yes! Walter has lots of places to hide!! He is my biggest concern, he's such a sweet cat, so I take extra precaution and protect him ❤
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
Welcome to TCS MrsLFlanagan MrsLFlanagan :wave3:

It does sound very chaotic and I'm sure the cats are experiencing at least the same level of stress as you are - probably more. They're very lucky to have such understanding owners though :hugs:

You mentioned that they have enough space and places around your home. I wonder if maybe since you nearly doubled the feline population it feels crowded to the resident cats now. Maybe more space is needed after all. You can find some ideas here -
How To Make Your Home Bigger (at Least For Your Cats)

Like di and bob di and bob said, it's going to take time. Possibly a long time. You're in the right direction and I think you're doing things right by trying to stay out of their clashes when possible. What to do exactly when the fur is flying is difficult to say because these are situations where not only do you have to be there, you also need to know the cats quite well. Generally speaking, they need to decide on a new hierarchy and there's not a lot you can do to help with that other than let them be and not interfere. But again, I would look into adding more space. The more space they have the more relaxed and everyone becomes.

Let us know how it's going and do share some photos too :camera:
Thank you! Yes! The hardest part is seeing my current cats stressed and uncomfortable! We are definitely working on catifying our house. We have two cat trees, tunnels, a big screened porch that is set up specifically for them and 2 spare rooms. We want to add ledges on the walls and empty shelves. Thank you for the link it feels crowded to me so I'm sure it does to them as well!! I will post pics now that I figured out how too
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
All very common and normal. Hissing,swatting, and growling are what females do, they try to keep everyone in line and rule with an iron paw. I wouldn't intervene unless there is a real tussle, fur flying, etc. A loud, firm NO usually backs them up in my house. Matilda wants to be accepted, but she is still very unsure of what is going on. She will gain confidence and calm down. SP has to learn his limits and that will happen with time. A few well chosen 10 minute time outs in a small room should help him learn, no longer or it is too great a punishment because he will have forgotten why he is being banished. Walter is the one to be protected. He needs you to intervene because many of the cat's social clues are visual and he can't see them. The other cats and him will adjust but it will take time and maybe some help from you so he doesn't blunder into a fight. He needs a place he can feel safe in and protected, like a box with a blanket or a shelf on a cat tree. It will take several months to a year for everyone to learn where they are in the hierarchy, but it sounds like you have a very good start. Thank you for opening your heart to these special needs cats, you are giving them something that so many wouldn't, a home and the love that goes with it, bless your heartt!
Thank you so much for this great advice. It was beyond helpful! When I came home from work today Walter initiated play with SP! That made me so happy! Walter has definitely been my greatest concern. It breaks my heart to see him scared. He does seem himself, only stressed when he's getting chased, but does approach SP and even groomed him the other day. He's actually a little obsessed with him and always curious what he's doing ❤


Site Owner
Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Thank you so much for sharing these photos! They're all so adorable! Especially Walt but I'm biased because I'm currently fostering a blind kitten. :lovecat:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
If all blind cats are like Walter than they are special little critters. He is such a sweetie ❤


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 7, 2016
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I commend you on trying to take on 3 females in one household! We have one 7lbs female and she rules the four 12-15lbs males like you wouldn't believe. She backs them down into a corner then sits, meowing and tail swishing until she's satisfied they've learned their lesson.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
I commend you on trying to take on 3 females in one household! We have one 7lbs female and she rules the four 12-15lbs males like you wouldn't believe. She backs them down into a corner then sits, meowing and tail swishing until she's satisfied they've learned their lesson.
Lol!! That certainly wasn't our intentions, I didn't want anymore girls! My 7 pound girl is the smallest and definitely the scrappiest! It'll be interesting to see how the other two respond to her when everyone is comfortable


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
OK I know bells are evil especially with cat's super hearing... however in your case your blind cat might feel more confident if the hyper one (and maybe the others) had bells on so he could hear them. I know that the show "my cat from hell" has done a number of special needs cats episodes. I don't have special needs cats so this is out of my depth. Please tell us how it goes?
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
OK I know bells are evil especially with cat's super hearing... however in your case your blind cat might feel more confident if the hyper one (and maybe the others) had bells on so he could hear them. I know that the show "my cat from hell" has done a number of special needs cats episodes. I don't have special needs cats so this is out of my depth. Please tell us how it goes?[/QUOTE
Yes! We did put a bell on SP per an episode of My Cat From Hell involving a blind cat.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jun 24, 2017
Northeast Montana
I would put some kind of noise generator on each of them but each one with a different sound so each could be identified from a distance. Right now scent is the best identifier your blind cat has but from a distance that can be confusing. A distinctive sound on each cat will go a long way to making things more normal for a blind animal. You can crimp bells to alter the tones. A couple of metal washers on a wire would produce a different sound also. Doesn't have to be loud, just distinctive.

2 years ago my daughter got married and her new place didn't allow pets so her 2 cats got merged with my group. It didn't go to good at first. One of them is a 16 year old female who just likes to be left alone. And screams at any of the others she runs into. But she has a bell on her and the others have learned to avoid the bell. If I take her collar off and carry it around the others hear that bell and are instantly warned and are looking for her. The end result is that peace has ensued, mostly.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
How beautiful your family is! And I'm another Walter fan :lovecat4: Yes, that isn't a lot of time to integrate, but I also agree with the other posters -- 'peace will break out eventually'. It took about a year for our Sammi angel, who had been an "only cat" all of his 14 years until he joined our multicat family, to fully adapt (and come to the conclusion that he COULD and must co-exist with Calo, our resident alpha male), but adapt he did.

Keep us informed, won't you? and we do love pix here at TCS!:kneading:
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 21, 2017
Florida, USA
Thank you all for the great advice!! Things are going sooooo much better already! The best breakthrough is Walter LOVES playing with SP! He is no longer scared of him and that ,ales my heart so happy! He was the most of my concerns ❤ It's also great because SP leaves the girls alone now, who really have no interest in playing with him. Matilda is still adjusting and we are just getting used to her normal hissing and so are the other cats. Walter is now a bit obsessed with her and follows her around, but he is not scared of her. She is most tolerant of him and I think she senses he has a disability just like her. Things really are going great and I feel so much more hope that've will get there sooner rather than later ❤


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Thank you all for the great advice!! Things are going sooooo much better already! The best breakthrough is Walter LOVES playing with SP! He is no longer scared of him and that ,ales my heart so happy! He was the most of my concerns ❤ It's also great because SP leaves the girls alone now, who really have no interest in playing with him. Matilda is still adjusting and we are just getting used to her normal hissing and so are the other cats. Walter is now a bit obsessed with her and follows her around, but he is not scared of her. She is most tolerant of him and I think she senses he has a disability just like her. Things really are going great and I feel so much more hope that've will get there sooner rather than later ❤
*SO GLAD* to read this wonderful report! Cat social life, like ours, is fluid and changing, so they'll undoubtedly form bonds over time, and also probably have spats from time to time. But it sounds like good progress is being made, so soon! Very inspiring news :cutecat::kneading::lovecat3::zzzcat::lovecat4: