Stressed 8mos old kitten,doesn't eat by his own,intestines problems


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
hello,I want to ask another "possibly intestines obstruction ",
But in my kitten "Fi"'s case,he is stressed out by repeated vet visits

He was neutued on Jan.19,vet suspected hemophilia cause his bleeding didn't stop for a while.He was hospitalized pne day and exam cleared him from hemophilia.It was his first vet stay.

He was taking antibiotics for one week and wearing cone also one week.He threw up once in the week.

After he was free from cone,he began threw up once or twice in a day,and having loose stools.
I took him a vet yesterday again,They took ultrasound and said he has sone liquid in his intestines.They said there are possibilities of blockage.

And today,he doesn't eat and didn't poop,I was told to take him to vet again.They did ultrasound again and x-ray.
saying barium x-ray takes very long time.

So they tried assisted feeding him,and gave him a medication help intestines and stomach movements.and Sub-Q including anti-nausea meds.

Saying if he throws up,they'll run x-ray using barium.

He doesn't throw up for now,but also doesn't eat by his own.
Looks like depressed,also stressed out.

If he throws up,I'll take him to vet tomorrow.
But,if he just doesn't eat,I mean one more day,what I should do? (I'm trying to give him treat,he just pour them "sand")

He is otherwise healthy,3.8kg (lost 300g weight)
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Did they also give him an appetite stimulant?  That might help him. 

If he doesn't eat on his own, you can try finding the stinkiest wet food possible and warming it and see if you can tempt him with that.  By warming it that will really bring out the odor of it.  Of course, fish cat food will probably be the stinkiest
  You can even poor a little tuna juice on top to try to tempt him.  Or some dried bonito flakes sprinkled on top of his food.  Or even stage 1 baby food (plain meat, no seasonings or spices)  Most cats like that when they don't feel well, but it's not 100% nutritionally complete, so you can't feed that by itself for too long, just a few days. 

Worse case scenario, you will need to force feed him using a needleless syringe because he cannot go too long without eating.  36 hours at the most or he could have other healthy issues. 

Do you have any Mobile Vets who will come to your home there in Tokyo?  That might be an option if he needs continuing Vet care to avoid stress.  They can do some basic Vet care, although not sure just how much can be done. out of a mobile unit.  You can also try using some Calming Aids,  They make Calming Chews, Calming Sprays, etc. they are sometimes helpful just to take the edge off. 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Some antibiotics cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.  I wonder if that is the cause since this happened after his neuter and round of antibiotics.  Have you tried offering plain boiled chicken, pureed with some water added so it's like baby food?  That might help. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Did they also give him an appetite stimulant?  That might help him. 

If he doesn't eat on his own, you can try finding the stinkiest wet food possible and warming it and see if you can tempt him with that.  By warming it that will really bring out the odor of it.  Of course, fish cat food will probably be the stinkiest
  You can even poor a little tuna juice on top to try to tempt him.  Or some dried bonito flakes sprinkled on top of his food.  Or even stage 1 baby food (plain meat, no seasonings or spices)  Most cats like that when they don't feel well, but it's not 100% nutritionally complete, so you can't feed that by itself for too long, just a few days. 

Worse case scenario, you will need to force feed him using a needleless syringe because he cannot go too long without eating.  36 hours at the most or he could have other healthy issues. 

Do you have any Mobile Vets who will come to your home there in Tokyo?  That might be an option if he needs continuing Vet care to avoid stress.  They can do some basic Vet care, although not sure just how much can be done. out of a mobile unit.  You can also try using some Calming Aids,  They make Calming Chews, Calming Sprays, etc. they are sometimes helpful just to take the edge off. 
Thank you,It's 11 AM here and "Fi" didn't throw up.

here we don't have plain meat baby food.(I heard about it when I lost my 19 yrs old cat to CKD,searched,and couldn't find it)but we have cat treat paste made by fish,Thank you for giving "36 hours"number! I have to try assist feed or whatever tempt him.

they didn't give him appetite stimulant yesterday,I'll ask it if I have to take him vet tomorrow.

I just talked with my main vet(It's big animal hospital,so main vet,who is head of hospital is not always available.Another vet I know saw "Fi" yesterday.)

She told me if there's complete obstruction,anti-nausea meds will not work.But there's also possibility of part obstruction.(and also stress)

She told me we don't have to go to see her today,(because It's not complete obstruction)and told me try to feed him.

(she also told me Fi was really scared while staying vet,)

I have Valerian caps I bought for my 1st cat,to calm nerves,I try to give him.I also have FELIWAY I had to use because Fi had humping problem before he had neutued.

We have Mobile vets here,but it means I had to see vets I really don't know.I try it if things goes real emergency..

I try to feed and relax Fi for today,and If he doesn't eat today,I think I take him vet tomorrow.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Some antibiotics cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.  I wonder if that is the cause since this happened after his neuter and round of antibiotics.  Have you tried offering plain boiled chicken, pureed with some water added so it's like baby food?  That might help. 
Fi ate normally a few days after out of antibiotics..So I wonder what causes this.

I have never tried boiled chicken,I might try If this continue.Thank you :)


TCS Member
Jan 31, 2017
In this case I would suggest to get him PET scanned, and then locate where the blockade has occurred. Then give him oil to see if he can surpass the object, if it is non lethal nor sharp. If it is a sharp object that are blocking, it could cut threw his intestines down which a surgery is required to remove the blockage. However it sounds more like your cat are reacting towards the antibiotics due to loose stools and puking. Have you checked if he is allergic to this form of antibiotics? However a PET scan will reveal on image if his intestines are blocked by something he ate, It may require a surgery to remove the object. If there are no blockage to then your cat is most likely reacting towards the drugs or the antibiotics. However giving your pet a xray scan is already fail as it don't reveal as much data as a PET scan. I think you should switch pet doctor at once and bring your kitten to a real health clinic at once so it can get help and treatment.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
In this case I would suggest to get him PET scanned, and then locate where the blockade has occurred. Then give him oil to see if he can surpass the object, if it is non lethal nor sharp. If it is a sharp object that are blocking, it could cut threw his intestines down which a surgery is required to remove the blockage. However it sounds more like your cat are reacting towards the antibiotics due to loose stools and puking. Have you checked if he is allergic to this form of antibiotics? However a PET scan will reveal on image if his intestines are blocked by something he ate, It may require a surgery to remove the object. If there are no blockage to then your cat is most likely reacting towards the drugs or the antibiotics. However giving your pet a xray scan is already fail as it don't reveal as much data as a PET scan. I think you should switch pet doctor at once and bring your kitten to a real health clinic at once so it can get help and treatment.
They have PET scan equipments.I looked around other Japanese blockage case,it looks like x-ray with barium is used..Main vet will suggest it PET scan it have to be used.

I didn't checked whether he is allergic to the antibiotics.He once get it when he got wounded his eyelid accidentally.It's unlikely to test is available here in this country.
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  • #8


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
There's update for Fi.

16:30 here,he had diarrhea,I called vet and asked what to do.

She told me(sorry for repeatedly call even unlikely reading here)take him to vet if he keep having diarrhea or threw up something he ate.

17:30 here,He ate all tuna-cat food(100%fish)almost 2 table spoon and ate by his own a little bit.

It's 18:19 here(sorry for confusing time rag)and he didn't throw up,Main Vet is there tomorrow and I'll take him there tomorrow.Vet closes at 18:30.

There are ER vet if I need to see.

It's bit late to edit my reply to `@peterjan but thank you for considering!
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Update :)

Last night (It's noon here)I gave Fi pureed Tuna 100% food,which I found irresistible for Fi,each time he had a little soft stool after that,but anyway ate it.

This morning,Fi began to eat by himself,and drinking.

I took to vet to be checked by Main vet,

She checked his poop and told me there's imbalance of bacteria.Maybe from anti-biotic,or maybe from stress.

Also she ruled out blockage from prior ultrasound and touching Fi's belly,

She prescribed  "Flagyl" for diarrhea.And told me to see improvement.

One bad thing is,Fi is now 3.5kg,(sorry cannot convert on the spot)lost 300g in too days:( I have to watch weight.

Name of medication he was given

Amoxicillin (after surgery)<Maybe this one caused upset

--later when I took him to vet for throwing up

Ranitidine (for stomach)

Pronamide (to help stomach and intestine movement)

Flagyl (to stop diarrhea)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Yes, antibiotics can often cause imbalance of the flora in the intestines.

Glad to hear he's eating on his own again, and that there's no blockage.  Hopefully he'll be back to normal in no time
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 17, 2016
Yes, antibiotics can often cause imbalance of the flora in the intestines.

Glad to hear he's eating on his own again, and that there's no blockage.  Hopefully he'll be back to normal in no time
Thank you :)

My 1st cat used to throw up after antibiotics but didn't have loose stool.Thinking about physical is different each of cats.

Fi still have loose stool but eating on his own,a lot.and his weight is back to 3.9kg.(scaled at home,maybe not exact)

Otherwise he is doing fine.Peeing normal.
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