My Cat Kitten was blinded because of a bad veternarian overdosing her with Baytril

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TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 14, 2016
How awful 
 I know baytril from rehabbing squirrels. It's one of the few antibiotics that work for them. Interestingly, I have been refused it by vets ( told it is strong and can be dangerous) so some vets are more cautious than yours was. ' Is there any hope of your kitty regaining her sight? 

About living with a blind cat: I have a little experience here - with a cat, with a dog and with myself. Cats and dogs do remarkably well without sight, and not just because they have no expectation that they will always see, the way humans do, but Im sure that plays a part. . Fully half the brain is devoted to vision, and when the eyes stop working, the brain accomodates beautifully and makes us - humans and animas - continue to "see" whatever is familiar to us.It does this  by using the vast catalog of visual data recorded over the animal's lifetime, and by virtue of the fact that our brain measures everything we do repetitively that is why you don't trip while running up your own stteps but might with unfamiliar ones, and why you can go up them faster.. If that sounds impossible, let me assure you - I've "seen" it with my own eyes. I had an event called a macular pucker that caused sudden vision distortion as well as loss in one eye. It happened in a matter of seconds. For a year, I saw map lines on a wavy pebbled surface - similar to a textured shower door if a map was printed over it, though not quite as thick. Everything I looked at  had this film laid over it. Gradually it went away, as my brain succeeded in erasing the perception of the lines and film.  The wavyness is still a problem, but it really only affects reading - something we evolved to be able to do, so our brains designed to overcome.  However, mine tried. My spelling became atrocious until I figured out that my brain was accomodating for the war in my vision by shifting everything slightly to the left, so I'd type e instead of r and j instead of k,. etc. Once I realised that was happening. my brain noted that and stopped. Aside from trying to read, these are the kinds of things your cat is experiencing - it is not just a black hole in the world of the blind - at least not in my experience nor that of sight impaired people I've known.. 

I had a cat that had an eye and brain injury ( climbed in a great dane's dish as a kitten). As she got older she had a lot of floaters, which startled her and caused seizures. I took her to a veterinarian opthomologist, who taught me a TON about vision, including the part about measuring I wrote above - my own opthomologists told me nothing, and so far as I could tell they did not to know themselves how the brain steps in for the eye!.That is the difference between vets and human doctors  - doctors get a narrower training. the vet told me that if an animal loses their eyesight, it takes only a couple weeks for them to get their bearing and then they behave as if they can see. Well, a friend's dog spontaniously went blind one day, and it only took him ONE WEEK to be running around as he always had - never missing doorways or furniture, and running staight to the human when he was called. He had a best friend dog thathe also followed ( could have been why it was only one week), but dogs and cats use their sense of smell and  hearing  far bettermore than humans, and their vision far less, so it is much less of a loss for them. For further proof of this, do some serious reading on what indoor cats do if they get lost outdoors - it completely disorients them to have unfamiliar scents and sounds, to the point where they don't recognize familiar faces. My cat had more trouble than a blind cat, because she didn;t lose her sight - it became  unpredictable . Who would have guessed?  Also, the loss of viison in one eye takes about 6 weeks for the brain to remeasure everything so that vision seems normal again. So, far longer to adapt than with no vision at all. 

It is tragic for anyone to lose their sight and I am so sad this happened to you and your cat, but I expect you will find that your cat does just fine and has a full and rewarding life - equal to what would happen to you if you lost your sense of smell - the sense we use the least.

There used to be a wonderful fb group for sightless cats. I'm sure the people there would be a good resource for you - especially those who have cats who were born sightless, because they've had no trauma to add to the loss - often it is a head injury or abuse that animals lose their sight to.

FWIW, my neighbor rescued a great dane ( not the one that snapped at my kitten) who was born deaf and with only half of an eye. Panda could see shadows with that one eye, but otherwiase lived in a world without sight or sound. She lived to a ripe old age and the only real problems she had was if she got loose. There was no way to call herr or her to see or hear familar people or dangerous cars. Luckily she was a laid back dog who liked to mosey around instead of romping, and after two puppyhood incidents it didn;t happen again. To give you an idea of what she was like to live with, if I walked across the street to visit on the curb with her owner my cats sometimes followed. Panda never knew when our gray tabby cat did this, because she was camoflauged by the tree trunks around her. But when our white cat did, Panda would become aleert and bark! The funny hting was that Panda, being albino, was all white herself, and our white cat was named Pansy, They would have made a good pair. If your cat is able to see shadows, you will want to buy toys in a different color value than your floor and furniture. the color won;t matter - how dark or light it is will, because you're looking for contrast. 

Best of luck!
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  • #362

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
How awful 
 I know baytril from rehabbing squirrels. It's one of the few antibiotics that work for them. Interestingly, I have been refused it by vets ( told it is strong and can be dangerous) so some vets are more cautious than yours was. ' Is there any hope of your kitty regaining her sight? 

About living with a blind cat: I have a little experience here - with a cat, with a dog and with myself. Cats and dogs do remarkably well without sight, and not just because they have no expectation that they will always see, the way humans do, but Im sure that plays a part. . Fully half the brain is devoted to vision, and when the eyes stop working, the brain accomodates beautifully and makes us - humans and animas - continue to "see" whatever is familiar to us.It does this  by using the vast catalog of visual data recorded over the animal's lifetime, and by virtue of the fact that our brain measures everything we do repetitively that is why you don't trip while running up your own stteps but might with unfamiliar ones, and why you can go up them faster.. If that sounds impossible, let me assure you - I've "seen" it with my own eyes. I had an event called a macular pucker that caused sudden vision distortion as well as loss in one eye. It happened in a matter of seconds. For a year, I saw map lines on a wavy pebbled surface - similar to a textured shower door if a map was printed over it, though not quite as thick. Everything I looked at  had this film laid over it. Gradually it went away, as my brain succeeded in erasing the perception of the lines and film.  The wavyness is still a problem, but it really only affects reading - something we evolved to be able to do, so our brains designed to overcome.  However, mine tried. My spelling became atrocious until I figured out that my brain was accomodating for the war in my vision by shifting everything slightly to the left, so I'd type e instead of r and j instead of k,. etc. Once I realised that was happening. my brain noted that and stopped. Aside from trying to read, these are the kinds of things your cat is experiencing - it is not just a black hole in the world of the blind - at least not in my experience nor that of sight impaired people I've known.. 

I had a cat that had an eye and brain injury ( climbed in a great dane's dish as a kitten). As she got older she had a lot of floaters, which startled her and caused seizures. I took her to a veterinarian opthomologist, who taught me a TON about vision, including the part about measuring I wrote above - my own opthomologists told me nothing, and so far as I could tell they did not to know themselves how the brain steps in for the eye!.That is the difference between vets and human doctors  - doctors get a narrower training. the vet told me that if an animal loses their eyesight, it takes only a couple weeks for them to get their bearing and then they behave as if they can see. Well, a friend's dog spontaniously went blind one day, and it only took him ONE WEEK to be running around as he always had - never missing doorways or furniture, and running staight to the human when he was called. He had a best friend dog thathe also followed ( could have been why it was only one week), but dogs and cats use their sense of smell and  hearing  far bettermore than humans, and their vision far less, so it is much less of a loss for them. For further proof of this, do some serious reading on what indoor cats do if they get lost outdoors - it completely disorients them to have unfamiliar scents and sounds, to the point where they don't recognize familiar faces. My cat had more trouble than a blind cat, because she didn;t lose her sight - it became  unpredictable . Who would have guessed?  Also, the loss of viison in one eye takes about 6 weeks for the brain to remeasure everything so that vision seems normal again. So, far longer to adapt than with no vision at all. 

It is tragic for anyone to lose their sight and I am so sad this happened to you and your cat, but I expect you will find that your cat does just fine and has a full and rewarding life - equal to what would happen to you if you lost your sense of smell - the sense we use the least.

There used to be a wonderful fb group for sightless cats. I'm sure the people there would be a good resource for you - especially those who have cats who were born sightless, because they've had no trauma to add to the loss - often it is a head injury or abuse that animals lose their sight to.

FWIW, my neighbor rescued a great dane ( not the one that snapped at my kitten) who was born deaf and with only half of an eye. Panda could see shadows with that one eye, but otherwiase lived in a world without sight or sound. She lived to a ripe old age and the only real problems she had was if she got loose. There was no way to call herr or her to see or hear familar people or dangerous cars. Luckily she was a laid back dog who liked to mosey around instead of romping, and after two puppyhood incidents it didn;t happen again. To give you an idea of what she was like to live with, if I walked across the street to visit on the curb with her owner my cats sometimes followed. Panda never knew when our gray tabby cat did this, because she was camoflauged by the tree trunks around her. But when our white cat did, Panda would become aleert and bark! The funny hting was that Panda, being albino, was all white herself, and our white cat was named Pansy, They would have made a good pair. If your cat is able to see shadows, you will want to buy toys in a different color value than your floor and furniture. the color won;t matter - how dark or light it is will, because you're looking for contrast. 

Best of luck!
Kitten was lost to liver failure less than three months later. Doing a six months worth of research on this class of drugs has led us to believe it was a side effect of the overdose. Most likely set in motion by the overdose by injection that to this day we do not have a satisfactory answer to the amount she was exposed to.  

Yes this class of antibiotic is very dangerous and should be used only when necessary.

I learned a lot about an animals ability to adapt in those few months we had left together and while I would never tell someone to adopt a cat with special needs nor would I tell the not to. If the cat is a fit all the rest falls into place.

Thank you for sharing about your cat.  And welcome to the Catsite. Please stick around and enjoy the best cat community around.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 14, 2016
Kitten was lost to liver failure less than three months later. Doing a six months worth of research on this class of drugs has led us to believe it was a side effect of the overdose. Most likely set in motion by the overdose by injection that to this day we do not have a satisfactory answer to the amount she was exposed to.  

Yes this class of antibiotic is very dangerous and should be used only when necessary.

I learned a lot about an animals ability to adapt in those few months we had left together and while I would never tell someone to adopt a cat with special needs nor would I tell the not to. If the cat is a fit all the rest falls into place.

Thank you for sharing about your cat.  And welcome to the Catsite. Please stick around and enjoy the best cat community around.
Oh no! I am so sorry. And I'm sorry yout legal outcome wasn't better. 

I agree with you about special needs animals. It's not for everyone, but for those who have the will, they seem to know and appreciate more than animals who have it easier. 
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  • #364

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Oh no! I am so sorry. And I'm sorry yout legal outcome wasn't better. 

I agree with you about special needs animals. It's not for everyone, but for those who have the will, they seem to know and appreciate more than animals who have it easier. 
She lost with the NMBVM and through discovery for the trial we got evidence that we can share with anyone. It's simply perspective as to who lost and who won. If this fool of a vet had paid us on the first request when we still believed it was a simple case of a medication being miscalculated most of her grief would have been avoided. Instead she was arrogant , and oh so wrong. The truth is sickening and she deserves the exposure she's getting now. The pubic has a right to know when a business operates in the way she does.

As to pets with needs. No one should adopt a special needs pet simply because they are and equally a pet with some defect that you might think was beyond you might yield the companion of a lifetime. It's about being open minded not noble and picking a pet just because they have a special need.
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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Well,, drat and darn.  The link works fine, but the shirt will not be available when my check comes in next week.  Just one more day.  Because I would SO buy that shirt!
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  • #366

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
One year ago today the owner of ACVC used a 15 year old reference book and as a result overdosed our cat Kitten with a powerful antibiotic that caused her to go blind.   This adverse reaction is well documented it’s not just one of those hundred possible side-effects you hear rattled off on TV commercials for new drugs. This one is known and specific to cats. It’s in every pharmaceutical book, coincidently, after the 1999 Plumb’s third edition. There are endless peer reviewed papers.   Bayer the original patent holder for enrofloxacin sent out warning letters over 15 years ago along with a study that set the dose at no more than 5mg/kg/per day for cats.  

Each of her employees bloviate about their love for animals on their FB pages and yet stood in silent consent rather than come forward and expose this veterinarian.

I have no idea how any of them mention animal welfare without feeling shame. Kitten suffered a needless injury at the hands of this clinic. I guess when push came to shove it was easier to just placate yourselves with the idiom that cats adjust well to blindness. Is that how you live with it, minimize your own wrongdoing to by making it seem like what happened wasn’t so bad.


The vet that caused all this grief represents the very bottom of the barrel of veterinarians. I could at this point count on my fingers and toes and still have room for more the number of locals who have said they had an odd experience there or had heard weird things about this vet.   I wish one of them would have written a review. Or filed with the NMBVM we might have caught it before entrusting our Kitten to this butcher. I certainly looked online. 5 star reviews with no substance.

Everyone can sign petitions and kvetch about lousy things a veterinarian or vet tech has done. It is the victims who have the loudest voices.   The cost of filing a complaint with a SVB is the cost of postage.   Don’t get stuck on giving our pets real rights under the law.   Look for any way possible to make these bad veterinarians and other professionals that we trust without pets pay when they fail to provide an acceptable standard of care.   As anyone who has followed it the sociopathic veterinarian in Texas who shot Tiger through the head and then laughed about it on FB can see how difficult it is to take away the license of these dysfunctional veterinarians.

BTW there is no such thing as a real country vet. There are vets that practice in rural areas. They have the same training as any vet running a GP in the city or urban area. They didn’t get less training because they were hicks. It’s simply a choice of where they want to practice and the type of practice they want Livestock vs. small animal or exotics.    Bad veterinarians can hide anywhere. We have what must be a hermit with her head permanently inserted up her backside and an aversion to that thing called the internet and continuing education. They really need to monitor that more closely.  Operating in a poverty stricken county she has a ready stream of victims that are likely easily manipulated when she screws up. She tried that with me at 7AM the morning we got home from the ER.  I guess she thought we were stupid hicks that would go away too with her lame explanations.

Sorry to prattle on. Sometimes her loss is still so profound and survival depends on taking an emotional dump.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
It's hard to believe it's been a year already.   As horrible an experience this was for you, I'm glad you shared it with us - I know I learned a lot from it.  Actually, I changed my vet with Kitten's experience in mind.  I wish there was something I could do to help with the pain.   My heart goes out to you.  
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  • #368

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
It's hard to believe it's been a year already.   As horrible an experience this was for you, I'm glad you shared it with us - I know I learned a lot from it.  Actually, I changed my vet with Kitten's experience in mind.  I wish there was something I could do to help with the pain.   My heart goes out to you.  
If all this helps someone else avoid a situation that leads to this kind of grief then it eases the pain. Thank you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
Gosh I hate these bad anniversaries.  And I don't blame you one bit for not forgiving someone who is not sorry.  You can vent any time you want or need to.  Hugs.  
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  • #372

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Professional Negligence and the testimony of my Bad Vet or a really bad case of foot in mouth.

Often you don’t see things clearly until after the fact and time has allowed your brain to digest the facts and then spit them out at you.

Testimony given by my Bad Vet has Kitten so debilitated and ill that she not only had an URI and then pneumonia but was in her professional judgment ready to fall over dead.   But not just fall over dead but ready to fall over dead at any moment.  

Most interestingly the word pneumonia was never used in our office visit. It was on the medical records that I had to fight to get and finally did months later after my Bad Vet had time to possibly alter them.   I’m not even convinced now I was given the entire record. You would think such a diagnosis would be noted that the cat was so ill she was in danger of dying, possibly followed by advising hospitalization or taking her to an ER clinic.   You would think she would have insisted on x-rays, a tracheal wash to determine the best antibiotic.   The need for oxygen or sent us home with instructions on how to help loosen the congestion in her lungs. Nah. She sent us home with a bottle of pills and her only verbal instructions or cautions were to call in a few days if she wasn’t feeling better.

So in reality she admitted to being negligent in the lies she told.   Had Kitten really been as ill as she claimed and Bad Vet failed to advise us that her life was in peril and she needed ER treatment she would again be guilty of gross negligence and professional incompetence.

I haven’t put Bad Vets medical records for Kitten or the ones from the VCA 3 days later where her lungs were CLEAR. I just needed to take time out to get this out of my system.  

A veterinarian has a lot of flexibility on what drug(s) and how much to prescribe. They rely on not only CURRENT pharmacology books but other veterinarians and peer reviewed papers. If there is one thing that is consistent no matter where you look on how much enrofloxacin to give a cat it’s always with the warning of the 5mg/kg/per day limit.  Many papers recommend using a drug in that class with a higher dose tolerance that does not have the adverse effect of blindness.

My Bad Vet could have shut me down forever by bringing in one of her vet buddies to testify that it’s just fine to use as much enrofloxacin as you want. Or any peer reviewed paper showing it’s an acceptable treatment. Instead she brought in one of the most vapid woman I have ever had to listen to. Her buddy in a USDA licensed puppy mill go off on how well she treats her own dogs before gushing over Bad Vet being her personal kennel vet.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You would think. At least you know that you've done everything you can do. 
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  • #374

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
You would think. At least you know that you've done everything you can do. 
I think it simply amazed me that in her made up scenario she still came out looking like a bad vet.  And I filed a consumer complaint last Friday based on fraud and misrepresentation I'll likely have it kicked back. The last thing I can do is try and file an animal cruelty charge. But those almost never stick on veterinarians.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Although, considering her own words about Kitten's condition, and her lack of any real care, it might stick.  HOWEVER...this throws you into another legal battle.  Is that what you want?  If it is, I'm right here with you.  If not...well...I'm still right here with you.  But you knew that.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 21, 2012
I think it simply amazed me that in her made up scenario she still came out looking like a bad vet.  And I filed a consumer complaint last Friday based on fraud and misrepresentation I'll likely have it kicked back. The last thing I can do is try and file an animal cruelty charge. But those almost never stick on veterinarians.
Well it should! Especially considering that vet in Texas. One of these days there will be a new precedence set where those charges will stick.  I read somewhere that dogs are now considered sentient beings? (Shouldn't that have been obvious?)  So how long before CATS are considered the same?
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  • #377

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Well it should! Especially considering that vet in Texas. One of these days there will be a new precedence set where those charges will stick.  I read somewhere that dogs are now considered sentient beings? (Shouldn't that have been obvious?)  So how long before CATS are considered the same?
I am hopeful the State of Texas will reconsider animal cruelty charges now that it has been officially decided the cat was Tiger.

A dog was found to be a  sentient being in on specific court case to my knowledge it hasn't been trotted back into court in a separate case citing that ruling. Most states list pets specifically as personal property.

Johnny's Journey on FB is asking for court cases where veterinarians were cited with animal cruelty. Most veterinarians facing that charge are tied to physical abuse not their negligence in treatment during surgical or medication errors.

I consider cats and dogs on equal footing in how owners feel and treat them. I don't care who gets over the finish line first. The other will follow.
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  • #378

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
The Attorney General Office called me yesterday and explained that there was not much they could do since we had already sued the veterinarian. I thought the way the AG prosecuted was different than civil but I guess not.

He said he wanted to call and talk to me rather than just send a letter. I deeply appreciate the time he took from his busy day to talk to me.   I guess the AG office is looking into other agencies that might be able to help and now my bad vet has a file at the AG office and any complaints filed will flag their office.   And this is why it’s important to use the system we have now no matter how imperfect it is.   She now has a record with the NMBVM and in the AG office.  

Imagine if everyone that had bad dealings with a vet like the one that blinded Kitten and is in our opinion the reason she lost her life reported and pursued every option available. Maybe the problem of veterinary negligence would stop looking like a small problem and be revealed for the nightmare it has become for way to many pets and their owners.

The NMBVM and the AG office were filed for the cost of postage and the forms are online. Check your state and I bet you find the same.

It’s easy to be angry at the current legal view of pets. It’s easy to feel discouraged when you see the uphill battle.   I may not have won the war but I got some bites of the sandwich along the way.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
The thing about battling uphill is that you don't really have a chance to step back and see how far up the hill you are. Sometimes you need to pause and look back to see just how far you've come--and you've come very far. You might not have paved the road for other pet owners in your position, but you've laid down the markers on where the road should  be, and that is an accomplishment few people can boast. Take a breather and take comfort from it. And, as always, our thoughts are with you. 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
The thing about battling uphill is that you don't really have a chance to step back and see how far up the hill you are. Sometimes you need to pause and look back to see just how far you've come--and you've come very far. You might not have paved the road for other pet owners in your position, but you've laid down the markers on where the road should  be, and that is an accomplishment few people can boast. Take a breather and take comfort from it. And, as always, our thoughts are with you. 
I agree with all this 100% but we cannot forget to mention the fact that everything you've done has been in honor of Kitten and her memory and she knows this. She is watching you fight for her with a great deal of pride and gratitude. She did not die in vain because of all of your efforts even if things didn't work out the way they should have and she knows it. She knows how much you care and she loves you so much. She always will.  @Kittens Mom  you are a warrior. 
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