Sometimes things DO work out for the best......


Sylvester's daddy
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Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
I had posted on here months ago about how after we lost Sebastian and two years earlier Simon I had seen a young cat at a local rescue shelter who looked like a 50/50 blend of the two boys put together, and I thought "how cool would that be to have one who reminds us of them both but is himself?". Well, when I told them we had 9 indoor cats they didn't let us take this little fella, but did say something that was very profound and came true, "perhaps one will come around that needs help more than this one" and one did as we got "Sylvester" who was being kept in a small bathroom because he and one of the other cats fought, he was taken in by a lady who wanted to get him off the streets but doesn't have the money or room to care for these cats properly but has a good heart; had she not done that we wouldn't have gotten him, and he is turning out to be really great, and while he does resemble the two boys combined he most definitely is Sylvester first! But I had been keeping tabs on the little fella at the rescue place, and was so thrilled yesterday to see that he too was finally adopted, so it worked out for the both of them! I called the rescue place to verify that he was adopted, and told them of this story and they said "that's wonderful" and it is, had we taken the little guy instead, Sylvester would have either been kept there and he was very flea bitten and thin or put back outside, now he is just looking so good and happy as can be and I just love him and can't wait to get home everyday to see him, he really means something special to me, he represents the two boys and the other day when I held him and he was purring I realized that he was starting to feel like Simon because he is gaining weight like me ha but his furry body felt like Sebastian (who died in my arms 11/23/15) and I thought to myself "it's like I'm holding all 3" which was a really good feeling. But now they BOTH have good homes and should have wonderful lives, I wish ALL  could experience that!

Sometimes things DO work out for the best.....
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Sylvester's daddy
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
so happy for you!

sometimes its hard to see in front of your face when your heart is broken then you start to see you have options and open up to possibility of changing life events.
Yes very true! I really wanted the little fella at the rescue place not only because he looked like the two boys together, but since he was so young it would've been easier to introduce him to the others as Sylvester is a bit older approx. 3 now, but after they denied me of him I thought "he can't be the ONLY cat around that looks like that", so I put into Google "long haired tuxedo cats allentown pa" and I saw other options and Sylvester looks the most like the two boys did,  even more so than the little fella!

But yes, coming home and having Sebastian pass away in my arms after being sick for 3 weeks REALLY messed me up emotionally, you have such a strong, loving bond with these little creatures that it is like losing a family member; it has been 6 months and I still am not fully over it, maybe never will be. But while I see Sylvester every time I look at him, if I stop and study him and think about it I DO see the other boys and get a sense that they are still here at home with us!