Kitten bites me at night??


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Okay so Miss Kitty basically always gets into bed with me at night, as soon as I'm in bed sure enough she comes crawling in with me and right onto my chest. She's purring the entire time, obviously happy, but then comes the biting.
She goes for my arms, my hands, anything bare, and she just bites me. I can be holding completely still, not making a noise and she bites. She does it if I pet her, she does it if I don't touch her. So I don't know if it has anything to do with overstimulation.
I've been taking it, but to be blunt it hurts really bad even though she doesn't puncture skin.
Tonight I squealed every time she bit me and it took about 4 times before she finally quit and settled down. Up until now I've just been having to put her off the bed, even though later on in the night she gets right back up.
Any suggestions on what could possibly be her motive for the random biting??
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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
It sounds like it might be 'love bites'. Basically, she's just getting a little TOO affection with you. Squealing at the first bite is a great move - you're mimicking the way one kitten would tell another that they're getting too rough. If you can, try to push into the bite too. It sounds counter intuitive, but pulling away is likely to make her bite harder. Pushing into the bite is often the quickest way to get the cat to release.

Stay consistent. I might also try putting her off the bed when she bites (though you'd have to act fast for her to associate being but down with the biting). Another option would be to have a suitable toy to hand that you can substitute for your body. Sometimes a little redirection is all it takes.

Good luck. I hope you're able to break Miss Kitty of this behaviour soon :vibes: [article="32827"][/article]


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2016
Connecticut USA
Hello! I am very new to this site so I hope I'm okay with just making a comment here. I have no suggestions, but I'm writing because I have the exact same issue with my li'l guy... he is about a year and a half old and very little, usually sweet as pie. But at night it's like the ritual you have described ... to a tea! Mine likes to lick about two or three times first, my chin or shoulder - as you said, anything bare... then suddenly comes the biting. I sure hope you do get a reply or suggestion about this dilemma... he never does this during the daytime, even if he's cuddling next to me as I sit on the couch. Only at night. Wishing us both luck! 
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TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Thank you Columbine Columbine I had been reading and assumed it was love bites, she was the only kitten in her litter so I feel like she didn't get much "education" on the whole biting thing.
Definitely gonna continue the squeal technique.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 12, 2015
Hello! I am very new to this site so I hope I'm okay with just making a comment here. I have no suggestions, but I'm writing because I have the exact same issue with my li'l guy... he is about a year and a half old and very little, usually sweet as pie. But at night it's like the ritual you have described ... to a tea! Mine likes to lick about two or three times first, my chin or shoulder - as you said, anything bare... then suddenly comes the biting. I sure hope you do get a reply or suggestion about this dilemma... he never does this during the daytime, even if he's cuddling next to me as I sit on the couch. Only at night. Wishing us both luck! 
How old is your boy? Is he neutered?


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2016
Connecticut USA
In reply to "talking peanut" ... My little guy is one and a half years old. He is neutered and up to date on everything. He's a darling in every other way and gets along with the other boys extremely well too... we have six cats - none from the same litter and none the same age. In the past I've said "OUCH" or "NO" very loudly but I like the idea that "haleyds" does the kitty-squeal for her li'l biter. Thank you for any other suggestions!

Caspers Human

TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 23, 2016
Originally Posted by Columbine  
... Basically, she's just getting a little TOO affection with you....

...Squealing at the first bite is a great move - you're mimicking the way one kitten would tell another that they're getting too rough....

Stay consistent. I might also try putting her off the bed when she bites (though you'd have to act fast for her to associate being but down with the biting)....
I agree.  Biting is how kittens play with each other.  They don't have hands so they have to use their mouths.  I think your kitten is just trying to play with you as she would play with another cat.  I don't believe there is any mal-intent on kitty's part.

Yes, tell Kitty, "Ouch!" then put her down, off the bed.  You are the human...or the Alpha Cat, if you will.  Be the boss and set the rules...gently, of course, but, still, the human sets the rules.  If Kitty obeys rules, she gets loving, petting, play time and treats.  If she doesn't obey rules, she doesn't get punished, per se.  She just doesn't get attention and rewards.  Believe it or not, that kind of reward/non-reward system can be quite powerful with cats.

I also agree that immediacy and consistency are key.  You've got 30 seconds to react with the right reward or lack thereof or else the cat won't be able to make the connection between the action and the response.  Kitty will simply think, "Why did my human put me off the bed?" but she won't remember why.  Since her misbehavior is biting, it should be easy to react and reward or correct right on the spot.  The other thing is that you have to give the same behavior the same reward or correction, the same way, every time.  If you "punish" Kitty for something one time but not the other, she won't be able to make the connection between the two events.

Luckily, your Kitty is young and impressionable so your training should take fairly quickly and it should stick pretty well.  I bet she's a smart kitty, too.  :)  Hopefully, if you stick with it, she'll learn even quicker.  :)