Is it normal for a cat to be in "heat" after being spayed?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I just returned from the vet. 

Because both of us processed the news, it was a nice conversation. The owner told me that he learnt about this incident yesterday when my friend asked about Sakız to him (My friend told me that he genuinely learnt that while they were there). He offered to pay for the operation since he is not specialized in pets. He'll call someone from the municipality who does this kind of operations.

I did not have any sleep last night. So I asked if the operation can be done earlier than 2 months. Again, he told me he's not specialized in pets so he called a friend of him, who is specialized birth and a published author. I do not remember his friend's name. He told us that the operation can be done 20 days from today. He said the parts that the 'vet' removed held ovaries in place, so it would be hard to find them, so the operation might involve more anesthesia than usual and her kidneys would not compensate for that these days. That sounded logical to me. So we'll wait for 20 days.

I asked him about how I could make Sakız shut up. He told me about cervix stimulation. Basically you make her think that she actually mated. How do I do that? By a cotton swab. I'll stimulate her for one minute and she'll calm down for at least 15 days. Normally that would be longer but we're in March, so... 

Do you think I should stimulate her using a cotton swab? 
Since the vet is the one who told you about cervix stimulation, maybe you could ask him to do it?  Based on reading the posts above, this is probably something you don't want to attempt yourself.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 12, 2014
This vet is not specialized in pets. He called one of his classmates who happens to be a doctor of birth in animals. He won't do it. 

I have a big house. It is so big that I only use two rooms and if a family were to live in the other side, I would not know. So I put her to the other side. I was still hearing her, but voice was down. Not for my neighbors though. They asked me to do something about my cat. So she's on my lap now.

A couple of things I tried:

- Oddly enough, jazz music could stop her for a while. Spotify Jazz For Sleep playlist to be exact. I was just slipping into sleep and she decided to sing along. With her non-cute meow. 

- She likes hair bands. I have tons of them because she steals them and then loses them. So I played with her using one of those. That tired us both, but she recovers quickly.

- She loves, I mean LOVES to sit on my lap nowadays. That calms her down. But I am not allowed to move. If I  move, she jumps off my lap and starts screaming. Actually I fell asleep on the sofa while she was on my lap. But I tend to move in my sleep.

- If I was an engineer, this would be the time that I invented the "petting machine". Petting calms her down. But as soon as you stop petting, she stops being calm. 

- I tried to find catnip and similar stuff but they can't be found in my town. 

- Today, I decided to go to sleep whenever she did. I'd stop any work I do and just go to sleep. I slept 2 hours. She woke me up by slapping me. "Human, my petting time has come" she meant to say. 

- Two rolls of paper towel are ruined. Why? Because Sakız likes to destroy them. I have to clean.

- She's getting tired of herself lol.

- I am a smoker. She hates cigarettes. So she goes to other room and scream from there. I stopped smoking for a while. 

This is the first day. She still had her cute meow. On the left side, you see a portion of the roll that she will ruin later.

This is yesterday, or today. I don't know. Lost track of time. She's tired and she wants to go back to normal again :)

That's the only time she is calm. She won't sit on my lap if I lie down. So that's not a solution unfortunately.

Her eyes are always like this during the heat. The light, her mood and all other factors are irrelevant. 

I know I know, all she wants undivided 7/24 attention (besides the obvious, of course). But come on... 

I tried to keep her awake all the time so we were going to bed the same time. Her voice was so high, I had to let her sleep. So she's always the one who's full of energy. 

I actually tried to talk to her. I held her, and said "Sakız, I know this is tough for you, but please consider me too. I am dying here. So let's just not make sound for a while, and you get to sit on my chest when I am sleeping." Her response was very loud meowing. It's like she did not understand me :))

But she's a cutie, isn't she? 


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
What a frustrating situation in regards to Sakız's spay surgery.  Do you have an actual date booked for her re-spay?  

Meanwhile, I guess enjoy her over-the-top affection.  And maybe you could get some earplugs for yourself so you can sleep at night.   

Good luck to you both.  

She's a beautiful kitty, btw.


Site Owner
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Oct 23, 2000
Ear plugs sound like the thing to do for the next 20 days... Maybe a few sets for the neighbors as well 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 12, 2014
Hi. Another sleepless night, but that's because I am studying 

Did her heat period end? Hell no. Unfortunately no. But it feels like she faked it today. 

She'd walk around with her cute meow and suddenly "Uh I forgot, I'm in heat" and then that weird sound that I would not call meowing. 

I really like her overly attached state except the voice. That's why we haven't played Russian roulette yet. I was wondering that if it is possible that she now pretends to be in heat just to get her 7/24 attention going. Because it really felt like she sometimes forgot that she was in heat lol. "Meow. Meow? Why did he not rush this time? Oh... Heat voice. Wooowoaaaaaaaooooow. There he is."


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Hi. Another sleepless night, but that's because I am studying 

Did her heat period end? Hell no. Unfortunately no. But it feels like she faked it today. 

She'd walk around with her cute meow and suddenly "Uh I forgot, I'm in heat" and then that weird sound that I would not call meowing. 

I really like her overly attached state except the voice. That's why we haven't played Russian roulette yet. I was wondering that if it is possible that she now pretends to be in heat just to get her 7/24 attention going. Because it really felt like she sometimes forgot that she was in heat lol. "Meow. Meow? Why did he not rush this time? Oh... Heat voice. Wooowoaaaaaaaooooow. There he is."
HOPEFULLY it means she is nearing the end of it.

Fingers crossed.

No, she wouldn't fake it. Cats aren't capable of thinking that way as humans are :)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 12, 2014
The heat period was over a while ago. 

But I think it might be starting again. Sooner than I expected. I want to be prepared for this one. If she's really going into heat again, this will be her last before the surgery.

I read about catnip. It is said that it calms the cats down. Do you recommend it? 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Some kitties cycle in and out of heat very quickly especially this time of year.  You could try catnip, it will probably increase the behavior though.  Not all cats react to it but both of mine do and it they really spaz out with it.
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  • #30


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 12, 2014
I went to the veterinary a while ago. We agreed on a date to perform the second operation, by a more experienced vet this time. He took Sakız to the operation and after about 1 hour, he said her ovaries are nowhere to be found and she'll going to keep getting into heat often. 

So, now I can't neuter her, I can't find a male cat to mate, and she just wouldn't go outside to find one for herself. What can I do?

Hormone therapy is one answer, but nobody recommends it. 

I can stimulate her, but that's not something I want to do, also it has its own risks. 

Any recommendations?
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Sep 12, 2014
Nothing? She's driving me crazy. 


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry to see that Sakız is still having heat cycles.  I can't offer any advice, but wonder if it is possible that there is a tiny bit of ovarian tissue still inside her that is causing her to continue to go into heat.

There was a thread on this forum a couple years ago about a cat that had to have 4  (yes four) surgeries before they found all the ovarian tissue. Hopefully that won't be the case for Sakız, but meanwhile, you might want to read the thread for information.

Here's the link:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 10, 2016
Nothing? She's driving me crazy. 
Without ovaries how on earth is she still having heat cycles? She must either have part of some in their or its another medical condition (or I really misunderstand heat cycles and spraying).

But make sure you take care of yourself as well, it doesn't help you, your cat, or the people who rely on you if you aren't getting any sleep. Maybe you could put her in a kennel for a few days?


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Sometimes a tiny bit of the ovarian tissue is left behind.  It only takes a very small amount to produce the hormone that causes heat cycles.  It doesn't happen often but it does happen.  It has also happened to very good vets, it's just one of those things.  Most of the vets in the U.S. will do a re-spay which is the only treatment, free of charge.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2015
Oh, wow, I am so sorry this happened to you, especially because you seem to be in an area with so many unknowledgeable vets!

My Nenya had a botched spay surgery -- the vet thinks she had an ectopic pregnancy before I found her and there was so much strange, mummified fetal tissue that they had no idea what they were looking at. They took out what they could and biopsied it and it turned out they only successfully removed one ovary.

Not long after, she started her heats again. I talked to the vet and although they said they'd try to find the ovary, they were not confident that they'd be successful. To try to better her chances, I went to a specialist about an hour away who was familiar with doing exploratory surgeries. Apparently it was overkill because they were able to find the ovary much easier this time, and she was spayed after the second time.

I think the best option, if it is at all possible, is try to find an experienced vet who can find the tissue and remove it properly.

Another option is to see if there are any vets who can perform a suprelorin implant, which is an implant that slow-releases hormones that should prevent heats/pregnancy for 1 to 2 years.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
My cat was spayed when I got her. A few months later she was in frequent heat. Turns out a remnant of her left ovary had been left behind. Cost me $700 to rectify the situation.


TCS Member
Jul 23, 2017
Hi there, I know it has been over a year now but I am curious as to how you and Sakiz are doing.

Have you tried the acupressure stimulation method? No cotton swabs or invasion needed. It is a temporary solution but you may find a few minutes or hours of relief from it.

While petting her, as she lifts her rear end to you, feel the area next to her tail. She will move the tail to one side, you may wish to scruff her if she moves around a lot. The male cat would do this in nature anyways. As you put pressure on the "sweet spot" beside her tail, she may back up to you and move her hind legs a lot. Keep applying firm pressure with one finger down and towards you, in a sort of hook or "j" shape. If it is successful you will hear a loud yowl and she will probably hiss and try to swat you. This is the cat orgasm and you will want to release her right away to avoid being hit. She'll probably run off and begin rolling on the floor, this is what she would normally do if a Tom cat had mated with her. After she is done rubbing and grooming herself she will calm down for a little while and might even sleep.

I hope you are handling well, my boyfriend's cat goes into heat about once a month and I've tried to convince him it's bad for her but he is firm on his stance that she must be natural he would feel guilty messing with her nature. She is 6 years old now and never had kittens so it is possible she has a reproductive problem. Either way, dealing with a cats heat cycles can be challenging, you are not alone. Especially when you have no say or all options are exhausted. I looked up the accupressure method online and watched a video on YouTube about it.