Stray Cat just had kittens. Questions

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  • #81


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Today the kittens are one week old. They are thriving with the great care their mamma is giving them. I enjoy just sitting and watching them and seeing  hints of their personalities emerging even at this young age. The little calico is very vocal and if she is the least bit displeased about anything you will hear about. The orange boy is much more laid back and I have not heard him much at all. Both kittens like the same nipple and they fight over it almost every time I have observed a feeding the past 3 days. They are both gaining good amounts of weight so I am not concerned that anyone isn't getting enough to eat. I want to get their one week weights today and then I will probably go to weighing them every couple of days or so unless I see a problem.

Claire has become very protective as she should be so I am learning to pay attention to her and the signs that she is uncomfortable with something I am doing. Bringing anything new into the room such as brooms or scrub brushes is a big no no. I think we have a success on the litter box issue as there have not been anymore accidents. She seems to like the covered litter box and has stopped using the other since I placed it int the room for her. The littler deodorant is working well and I don't even smell the box anymore. I scoop every morning and evening and this seems to keep the room smelling fresh. I have been reading a lot on this site and I am so glad I found this community of cat lovers.

This mornings photo shoot:

Mamma Claire cleaning up from breakfast and guarding her little ones.

Next up bath the little ones.

Nothing more precious than a kitten sleeping.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Aww! Great report and awesome pictures!

So glad the litter box issue is resolved. Claire seems to enjoy being a mom. Happy one-week birthday, Miss Calico and Master Orange! :)

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
I can't believe it's only been a week.  Your life has changed so much.  Thank you for taking this cat in and  caring for her.

The pictures are great.  Is the name Claire from Outlander?  That would make Master Orange Jamie.

old possum

TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Toronto, Ontario
Hi Jeapa507, I just got a look at your fantastic photos and they are melting my heart. So glad to hear that everyone is doing so well after overcoming a few rough patches. It is truly amazing how relationships develop between ferals and humans. Even though they have never really known kindness they seem to come around with time.  You have done a great job with Claire----you can clearly see her contentment. 

I have been very fortunate also, because yesterday "The Queen of Sheba", actually let me get closer to her nest and I was able to see six little kittens! She must have been birthing all night because she had two early on in the day and obviously no others when I checked in on her around 11:00 p.m. She seemed content to nurse and care for them so I assumed she was finished (although she still looked a bit bloated to me).

We now have one tabby, one black and white, and  4 orange/white kittens. There is no way that I will get to weigh them as she hisses when I try to get closer than 3 feet, but all look to be a good size, especially the red/white ones---they are feisty over the nipples and push everyone out of their way. I wonder if colour can indicate a certain personality type? The best of all is seeing her content and happy with her babies.

She is an excellent mother ---I think the litter she lost a few months ago was due starvation and cold.  This time around she has unlimited food and drink, a cosy fleece lined basket which lays  upon a comforter on top of a heated floor all tented with an old chenille housecoat. She purrs and snuggles all of  her babies  day and night ---you can sense her relief and that certain cat-happiness that we have all come to know. The only thing  that I'm a bit concerned with is that she is not eating as much as she was before giving  birth. She is eating only two little cans of food per day instead of 4 plus kibble. I can see no evidence of after-birth, so maybe she is a bit full after ingesting 6 placentas.

Sorry for being so wordy---your photos say it all so well. I am going to learn how to use the phone camera and upload some pictures (which will be quite a learning curve considering the challenges I face just trying to figure out the "smart" T.V.). I want to document this miracle just as you and many others have done.

I'm off to get one of those plastic wading pools as this brood is going to outgrow their nest in no time at all. I thought I'd set it up in the room a few weeks before it becomes necessary so she can get used to it, but perhaps it is too soon as your Claire let it be known in no uncertain terms that not All good intentions are welcome at this time.

I hope the bite is healing and you are  o.K

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  • #85


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Aww! Great report and awesome pictures!

So glad the litter box issue is resolved. Claire seems to enjoy being a mom. Happy one-week birthday, Miss Calico and Master Orange!
Thank you @sarthur2  Your advice and guidance has been a lifesaver!!
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  • #86


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I can't believe it's only been a week.  Your life has changed so much.  Thank you for taking this cat in and  caring for her.

The pictures are great.  Is the name Claire from Outlander?  That would make Master Orange Jamie.
My 26 year old son named her and I think you may be right @Handsome Kitty  . He told me and I am sure it was from a television show or movie, but I can't remember. The funny thing is my sons name is Jaime pronounced Himay  ,(long i and long a), in spanish, and Jamie in English. He is named after his dad who is from Peru.

You are so right about life changing. I am happy to be able to be a part of Claire's world. She has helped me even more than I have her, because she has opened my eyes and made me see that I can make a difference. I won't be able to look at a stray cat without helping now.
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  • #88


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Hi Jeapa507, I just got a look at your fantastic photos and they are melting my heart. So glad to hear that everyone is doing so well after overcoming a few rough patches. It is truly amazing how relationships develop between ferals and humans. Even though they have never really known kindness they seem to come around with time.  You have done a great job with Claire----you can clearly see her contentment. 

I have been very fortunate also, because yesterday "The Queen of Sheba", actually let me get closer to her nest and I was able to see six little kittens! She must have been birthing all night because she had two early on in the day and obviously no others when I checked in on her around 11:00 p.m. She seemed content to nurse and care for them so I assumed she was finished (although she still looked a bit bloated to me).

We now have one tabby, one black and white, and  4 orange/white kittens. There is no way that I will get to weigh them as she hisses when I try to get closer than 3 feet, but all look to be a good size, especially the red/white ones---they are feisty over the nipples and push everyone out of their way. I wonder if colour can indicate a certain personality type? The best of all is seeing her content and happy with her babies.

She is an excellent mother ---I think the litter she lost a few months ago was due starvation and cold.  This time around she has unlimited food and drink, a cosy fleece lined basket which lays  upon a comforter on top of a heated floor all tented with an old chenille housecoat. She purrs and snuggles all of  her babies  day and night ---you can sense her relief and that certain cat-happiness that we have all come to know. The only thing  that I'm a bit concerned with is that she is not eating as much as she was before giving  birth. She is eating only two little cans of food per day instead of 4 plus kibble. I can see no evidence of after-birth, so maybe she is a bit full after ingesting 6 placentas.

Sorry for being so wordy---your photos say it all so well. I am going to learn how to use the phone camera and upload some pictures (which will be quite a learning curve considering the challenges I face just trying to figure out the "smart" T.V.). I want to document this miracle just as you and many others have done.

I'm off to get one of those plastic wading pools as this brood is going to outgrow their nest in no time at all. I thought I'd set it up in the room a few weeks before it becomes necessary so she can get used to it, but perhaps it is too soon as your Claire let it be known in no uncertain terms that not All good intentions are welcome at this time.

I hope the bite is healing and you are  o.K

Thank you so much @old possum  You can be as wordy as you like. I so enjoy reading about your adventures and journey in helping your feral mamma. Before long she will be your spoiled indoor cat. 

Wow, she had 6 kittens!! That is going to be so much fun for you. I don't know if certain colors have their own personalities, but I have a small sample size N=2 My Claire is more tame than your girl and she still got very defensive of me bringing cleaning supplies into the room. I would use caution when doing this with your girl. I will let those with more experience advise you though as this is my first time too! I can't wait to see the photos of your cat family, and the name Queen of Sheba is perfect!!! My guess is that you are correct in thinking that Sheba was full from consuming all of those placentas. Her appetite should pick up. Claire is eating 3 cans of food and some kitten chow everyday. She doesn't eat much of the dry food, but uses it as a snack during the night.

I am so happy that your Sheba is able to be a mamma in the security of your home! I can't wait to hear more about her antics as she grows to love you!

The way I have posted photos was to save them on my computers desktop, then when you are replying or posting click on the picture button which is on the top menu then a box pops up and you can upload the photo and it will insert it in your post where the cursor is. I am not very good at explaining things, but I hope this helps a little.
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  • #89


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I just got their one week weights:

Calico- 6.9oz = .5 oz gain

Orange- 7.7oz = .6 oz gain

So they are still gaining good, I do wish that the fighting over the one favorite nipple would stop. I do not want to intervene because I do not want Claire to get upset. She did seem to shift around a bit  to expose more nipples when calico girl was screaming bloody murder at her brother to move. I didn't see her latch on any other nipples and I wonder if they are both only eating from that nipple now? I did see the orange boy on another yesterday for a short time so maybe not. I am only observing them about 4-5 times a day so I am sure I am missing the full picture. I think for my peace of mind as long as Claire allows it I will continue weighing for a bit longer just to be sure.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
They need to gain more weight. They should have gained close to double their birth weight the first week. They were calico 5.4 (now 6.9) and orange 6 (now 7.7).

They need to gain half an ounce per day, or about 3.5 ounces per week. They should weigh about one pound apiece at one month old.

You need to try to redirect the kittens to their own nipples. She is getting milk in several nipples, right?

I suspect the nipple fighting is the problem. They both insist on using the same nipple and are not nursing enough. You may have to sit there and hold one to another nipple. Kittens like to "claim" a nipple and stick with it. So now we have a problem.

You may need to begin supplementing if the weight gain does not pick up.

So now you need to weigh them daily. If you can't get one to latch to a new nipple in the next 24 hours, and there isn't a .5 ounce gain per day, you'll need to supplement.

So give it a shot and let me know how the re-directing goes.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I just realized that you weighed them the first time three days ago, is that right?
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  • #92


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
They need to gain more weight. They should have gained close to double their birth weight the first week. They were calico 5.4 (now 6.9) and orange 6 (now 7.7).

They need to gain half an ounce per day, or about 3.5 ounces per week. They should weigh about one pound apiece at one month old.

You need to try to redirect the kittens to their own nipples. She is getting milk in several nipples, right?

I suspect the nipple fighting is the problem. They both insist on using the same nipple and are not nursing enough. You may have to sit there and hold one to another nipple. Kittens like to "claim" a nipple and stick with it. So now we have a problem.

You may need to begin supplementing if the weight gain does not pick up.

So now you need to weigh them daily. If you can't get one to latch to a new nipple in the next 24 hours, and there isn't a .5 ounce gain per day, you'll need to supplement.

So give it a shot and let me know how the re-directing goes.
Ok @sarthur2  I am a little confused. I didn't start weighing them until Wednesday and they were already 4 days old.

Calico starting weight: 5.4 oz and today's weight 6.9 oz = a 1.5 oz gain or .5 oz per day over the 3 days

Orange starting weight: 6.0 oz and today's weight 7.7 oz = a 1.7 oz gain or .6 oz per day

I think you said .4 oz per day was good? please clarify for me as I thought they were gaining nicely. Thanks.
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  • #93


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I just realized that you weighed them the first time three days ago, is that right?
Yes I must have been posting when you replied. I started weighing them on Wednesday.
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  • #94


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
I didn't have a scale and couldn't purchase one until Wednesday. Thank you.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
We are crossing each other here - lol. So yes, they ARE gaining well. It should be .5 per day, or more.

When I first read your weights I assumed those were birth weights that I used. But when I looked back, you did not get your scale until three days ago.

So they are doing fine! Sorry for the confusion!
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  • #96


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
We are crossing each other here - lol. So yes, they ARE gaining well. It should be .5 per day, or more.

When I first read your weights I assumed those were birth weights that I used. But when I looked back, you did not get your scale until three days ago.

So they are doing fine! Sorry for the confusion!
Thank you @sarthur2  . LOL... yes we were crossing each other. I will keep an eye on them though as I think it won't hurt to be sure they keep gaining well.

It baffles me as to why they both want only that nipple????
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  • #98


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Maybe it smells the best.  Isn't that the only sense the kittens have at birth?
Maybe your right handsome kitty handsome kitty I would sure like to know. There does seem to be plenty of milk in her other nipples, but I haven't squeezed them. I don't want to push my luck to far with Claire trust of me.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 21, 2015
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
@Jeapa507, I've just caught up on the developments after being offline for a couple of days.  The photos are just gorgeous.  I love the colours of all three - especially the mother.

I'm glad the litter deodorizer made a difference. (Yes, it's harmless to kittens, but I'd check the label just in case there's a warning. Mine was fine.)

I'm so sorry to hear you were bitten. I always used Betadine on my cuts and bites, and none became infected.  Yours looks very clean, thank goodness.  I'll bet it hurt.

Your set-up with the bed and the litter trays looks great. Your tray with the lid is much higher than the one I had, and looks more comfortable and workable.  The kittens, as you mentioned, would be good with smaller trays initially, but I reckon they'll climb their way into Claire's tray too when they're up and about.

I hope you get the nipple dilemma resolved soon.

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  • #100


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jul 5, 2015
Todays update. Claire seems to be reacting more to the nipple fighting and will get up and completely reposition herself when the calico starts fussing. She seems to not like to hear her fussing. I am hoping this will help correct the situation.

Calico- 7.3oz = .4 oz gain

Orange- 8.2 oz = .5 oz gain

Both kittens gained .1 less than the previous day, but I did weigh them a couple of hours early just because it was convenient for me to do so. I will keep a close eye on things. For the first time today Claire was laying outside of the nest when I entered the room. Her kittens were sleeping peacefully so I am guessing she just wanted a break.

Photos for today:
