Sunday's Question of the Day - Jan 18, 2015


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 24, 2014
oh Canada~
Good morning/evening all!

An easy one today - do your cats play a lot by themselves? How do they like to entertain themselves when you're busy or not around?

Mo seldom plays on his own. If he does, it's between 11:30pm and 6am doing the loudest, most obnoxious thing he can find to do - running full force batting around a piece of licorice, bashing it into walls, claws scrambling and sliding across the floors. Either that or finding some paper or a piece of tape he can touch over and over again because the super loud crinkly noises are fun, but only in the middle of the night. Even with a cardboard tube or a kicker, he won't play with it until we initiate with him. He relies a lot on people, but is mostly a lap cat and if he thinks he's alone, he'll just yowl and yowl.

Kismet plays REALLY well on her own, I think because the other cats she's lived with have always been rougher than she prefers so she just plays alone (I know that feeling, kitten). When I come into the bird room or am getting ready to leave for school work, she'll follow me towards the door, but when she realizes I'm leaving/shutting the door, she goes over to one of the track ball toys and just gets right into chasing and batting it around. It makes me feel way less guilty about leaving.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 29, 2014
Methuen, MA
Ebony is a loner, wants NOTHING to do with the other cats.  So she plays on her own, tosses a toy around now and again.  Mainly, she has a full inner life, and just lies about.  She is a petite little lady at barely 7 pounds.

Mandy and Cuddles stay in a bedroom by themselves, their choice.  The door is always open, they can come out if they desire.  I k now the toys move all over the room, never see or hear them.  I regularly swap out the toys in there.  They also protect 'their' room, howling if any of the other cats dare to enter.  Which Tommy does regularly, mostly as he knows it will get me out of bed FAST!


Tommy's biggest thing is . . . being a bully.  As a muscular lanky boy of almost 15 pounds, he is a terror.  I do have to run when he starts something as the rest of my clowder are quite a bit smaller than him; he could do some real damage if he decided to really fight.  Mostly he does this as boredom, to get my attention.  I've tried playing with him with a toy, he is not interested.  He wants to sit in my lap and cuddle; unfortunately with 2 dogs usually in my lap, he is not interested in joining us.

Crystal, Bobby and Tuppence regularly move toys all over the house and cellar, though again I never see or hear it.  Crystal leaves a catnip mouse on my bed regularly, and Bobby likes to walk around the house and up and down the cellar stairs with one in his mouth . . . and meowing all the while.  Weird!  He is also the one who regularly drops them in the water dish -- I guess he wants them washed.  LOL


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Amber loves to chase after other cats; unfortunately they have to be in the mood to play. Muffin and Tabby will "fight" with each other quite a bit. Mollipop will play with Tabby and Amber at times, mostly Tabby. The ears go back and the tails swish and they pounce on each other til one starts yelling. It usually ends with one running back the hallway with the other one hot on her heels, with both of them screaming bloody murder.  

BooBoo and Ms. Pepe, who will be 19 years old in February, don't play that often. They spend a lot of their time sleeping. But when we get the laser light out, they will join in, even if it's just for 5-10 minutes. That's pretty much it for them, though.

Tabby loves the little meeces that we have strewn about the house for her. Right now, her favorite is a little black meece (called "Blackie", of course). She'll spend hours playing with that thing and we find Blackie all over the place, most often on the steps going down to the basement. If Tabby starts yelling and yeowling, it's usually because she's playing with Blackie and throwing him around. It's really cute, until they decide to play at midnight. Then....not so much. Blackie's fur has worn off and he's not in the best of shape. But she still loves him, so he's still hanging around. 
 Tabby is pretty good at playing by herself.

Mollipop has a large red "thing". Honestly, I have no idea what it is. But she loves to play with it and we often come home from work and find it in the bed, so she must take it to bed with her. 

I was lying on the couch yesterday, reading my Nook. Tabby was on the arm of the couch and she was watching something, so I figured that one of the cats was walking out to the living room and was getting close to the couch. Sure enough, I heard Tabby yell and jump on Mollipop. Molli screeched and they started to tumble throughout the living room. I swear that when Tabby leaped onto Molli, she yelled, "Cowabunga!" And whoosh, there they went! 

Living with these younger guys is interesting, to say the least, sometimes. We never know what's going to happen next. And whatever it is, it will be more interesting than any tv program!


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
 Either that or finding some paper or a piece of tape he can touch over and over again because the super loud crinkly noises are fun, but only in the middle of the night. 
 He is also the one who regularly drops them in the water dish -- I guess he wants them washed.  LOL
 I swear that when Tabby leaped onto Molli, she yelled, "Cowabunga!" And whoosh, there they went! 

Living with these younger guys is interesting, to say the least, sometimes. We never know what's going to happen next. And whatever it is, it will be more interesting than any tv program!
These are great stories!  

Our Three Amigos love to play with their catnip toys and their crinkle tunnel on their own, but they like playing together even more.  One of them is always hiding behind a corner, waiting to ambush one of their unsuspecting compatriots as he/she comes down the hall.  The wrestle around and chase each other, and run in and out of their crinkle tunnel.  Endless entertainment for us.

Hannah is older and doesn't play much, though sometimes I find her toys in different places, so she must be batting them around.  She prefers to sit out in the catio and watch the world go by.  


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
Lilith and Sophie do play together, usually when Mommy is sleeping. They chase each other full throttle through the house, stopping every now and then to wrestle and then chase each other the other way. They do play by themselves a little. Usually with one of their toys. No idea what Henry's play type is yet. Hopefully he will join in their play sessions. I think he will. He interacted very well with the cats he was with at the shelter. He just needs to relax and get to know everyone. Time will bring that. 


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Mogli is an "only cat" who definitely plays by himself, judging by how his toys (especially his little furry mice) end up strewn all over the house just hours after I've picked them all up. He likes to turn things like guitar picks into toys, too, and we find them in all sorts of places.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
Mine sound like kat0121'a a herd of elephants running past my room and back.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Good morning/evening all!

An easy one today - do your cats play a lot by themselves? How do they like to entertain themselves when you're busy or not around?

I'm not sure
I imagine Leroy spends a fair amount of time running around while Emma naps. Neither cat actually plays with each other unless you count Leroy chasing after Emma just to annoy her
I do find toys scattered by the front door and in the ktichen when I return home so at some point during the day the cats at least pull toys out of their box.