The Official TCS Babbling Games - Contest Now Open!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
sigh my cat is so sneaky. I fix a plate and turn my back for a few minutes to get something next thing i know i start hearing excessive licking i look to see what she is doing and she took a piece of my chicken out of my plate. she didnt eat the boiled chicken i tried before... apparently she likes her meats seasoned
They indeed are sneaky, it took me few times to learn that if I put onion to my pasta and meat mess, then I need to guard that or someone surely will grab that at once and it does not help to put chili or red pepper in it, if anything they get more interested!

Onion is also bad for them :(

During Christmas our tradition is no a turkey, but pig cooked in oven, usually cut to slices and put on top of bread with mustard, but that is really problematic for me as cooking takes hours at low heat, all the fumes will get to cats so much that they are rather agitated and there is no hope for me to grab first bit, they surely will come and force me to give first taste to them, after that it is all battle to get even little bits and left overs as they are climbing on leg to get on lap, jumping to table and acting like it would be filming of Stephen King's movie!

So, I did not make that tradition this year at all, not so sure that salty meat is too good for their health either, I know it is not good for my health :D

Cat Nap, I find speaking English being more difficult, but that is only as I was not born to speak English, also I have had no chance to speak English much at all, but I find it is often more logical to write than Finnish, which must be complete gibberish for the most.

For me Arabic is completely incomprehensible, can't tell words from another, but so used to be Chinese and Japanese too until I studied them a bit, so now I can have vague idea of subject from those, Arabic I have not been able to figure out yet, it bothers me not be able to tell anything at all from writing and spoken language, I might miss some information :D

I have studied Swedish, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, English, but have forgotten most of those.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2013
^^^^ wow lmao. is it bad that she also looked at me licking her lips after i caught her?


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
^^^^ wow lmao. is it bad that she also looked at me licking her lips after i caught her?
No, that's just 'cat'. 

Sundar just finished off the rice milk in my breakfast bowl.  I kept saying 'no grains, Sundar' but he couldn't care less 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
^^^^ wow lmao. is it bad that she also looked at me licking her lips after i caught her? :lol3:
At least she has healthy self esteem for doing that, "meow, mine, is there more?" :D

Oh, I just realized I said this year, but what I meant was 2013 Christmas, somehow I always think Christmas already being part of next year, that is this year from last Christmas, must be some fault in brain wiring ;)

Here one bullying is also a girl, very tiny girl that is, she never did grew up, but she has some spirit and loves to bully more than twice bigger boys. She is also one that will jump into water without hesitating, like if she would have just much brighter spark in her to compensate for lack of size :D


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 25, 2013
^ Eh dont worry about it we are still at the beginning of the year a lot of people dont start getting the year right til around april lol. 3 weeks left until i move cant wait. i want a cat tree for her but im gonna wait til all the furniture is put in place so i can see where i can fit one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 31, 2005
queens, new york
  I had a massive meltdown Friday night! The stress of so many different things going wrong the past couple months has made me a ticking time bomb! I freaked out and was screaming and slamming things, broke a couple of things, all in pure frustration.........I kept telling myself calm down, don't break stuff...................I feel the worst about upsetting Maia. She was really worried about me, she kept mewing, and she has had loosy poopy the past couple of days. My little girl is the most important thing in my life, I hate that I freaked in front of her.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2012
Long Beach, CA
Tomorrow is Presidents' Day, so take a break. There won't be any places open to do business with outside of retailers, so wake up, sit back and read a book in bed.


TCS Member
Feb 16, 2014
  I had a massive meltdown Friday night! The stress of so many different things going wrong the past couple months has made me a ticking time bomb! I freaked out and was screaming and slamming things, broke a couple of things, all in pure frustration.........I kept telling myself calm down, don't break stuff...................I feel the worst about upsetting Maia. She was really worried about me, she kept mewing, and she has had loosy poopy the past couple of days. My little girl is the most important thing in my life, I hate that I freaked in front of her.

 We all need to express ourselves and let the stress go sometimes. I'm sure that Maia will understand. Just relax for the next couple days, get some rest with Maia, and enjoy it. 
 Hope that everything starts to get fixed.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
  I had a massive meltdown Friday night! The stress of so many different things going wrong the past couple months has made me a ticking time bomb! I freaked out and was screaming and slamming things, broke a couple of things, all in pure frustration.........I kept telling myself calm down, don't break stuff...................I feel the worst about upsetting Maia. She was really worried about me, she kept mewing, and she has had loosy poopy the past couple of days. My little girl is the most important thing in my life, I hate that I freaked in front of her.
Don't worry, sometimes these things just happen, there is limit one human can take and sometimes things around are more than the limit, but as you have now let it out, soon it will be much better and I'm sure that Maia will get better too as she will process things her own way.

I used to freak out a lot, especially when younger, odd thing is that cats, despite being quite a terminators at times, have caused me not to freak out, somehow I have learned process things differently, things are, things come, things go, I do what I can and for the rest, not my problem, bit like cats, they don't bother too much with things, they just are and do and see if they can get few treats and petting in the process :D

Well, still, at the times, I go away from cats and let it all out to wood blocks with axe, most relaxing, but if there would be others living near they might call someplace as there is a big guy with an axe who is cursing and yelling like a sailor, but better let it out than keep it in they say.

Good bit is that I get really some progress to my firewood chopping project that way :D

Hmm, cat trees, I have been learning woodworking recently, just from some 100-120 year old books, US congress library has some great stuff available online for free. I have been building summer shelter box for cats, also I have some plans for making outdoor cat tree also, but before that I need to finish my woodworking shop I'm also very slowly making to garage, best bit is that I can find new use for so many waste bits of wood, no need to buy when you get something designed as scrap and use that to make chisel holders and all of such.

If just would not run out of steam so fast, but even at slow pace some day that is enough good state so that I can start really planning on my play and relaxation area for the cats.

I had in mind something like colonial era style fortresses in US, but not sure, such needs quite lot of wood, I am working with very thin resources and that puts bit of limits for my imagination.

Most of stuff I'm doing with just do and learn method, like table for workshop, I just started building something I had seen in those books and got table where my back will not get hurt so quickly if at all, usually my back start to ache as tables tend to be bit low for me.
If it had not been successful, then I would had to just do it again, I try to give up that avoiding failure approach and I'm finding that allows me to make things I have never imagined to be making, just loving it :)


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Just a quick babble before kid's yoga class.  Today we're doing to do Surya Namaskara with bijas, some bhastrika with mahabandha and a bit of japa...


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2012
Long Beach, CA
Which reminds me, tomorrow would also be a good day to do some crafts in order to keep your mind off things. I think I may finally get around to making some Japanese food candy. I heard the stuff doesn't take so great, but it's fun to make.



TCS Member
Feb 16, 2014
 they don't bother too much with things, they just are and do and see if they can get few treats and petting in the process
 This is so true. Kimmi does things completely her own way, sometimes getting into all sorts of strange trouble (from opening locked cabinets to hiding my glasses
), but she always ends up getting pets, cuddles, and kisses in the end. I don’t know how it happens, but she certainly does.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 25, 2011
:lol3:  This is so true. Kimmi does things completely her own way, sometimes getting into all sorts of strange trouble (from opening locked cabinets to hiding my glasses:rolleyes: ), but she always ends up getting pets, cuddles, and kisses in the end. I don’t know how it happens, but she certainly does.:D
Ah, Kimmi is there similar to my Mouku, he also likes to hide things and especially he likes to pick up my glasses, I'm not too fond of him chewing my glasses though, that bit of glasses that goes behind the ears is completely gone and rest has bite marks in them!

Also how clever they are finding things one attempts to hide from them, back when I still used phone, I had hands free bluetooth device, I did hid it under the laptop as I found out Mouku loves to pick that up and attempts to chew it.

Once I did go to bathroom he managed to get it from under the laptop and what I found was several pieces of that handsfree device on floor and one very happy looking cat, which soon was hiding cat as he did sense I was not quite happy with it. Also how he could sense those things, I did not move, I did not say anything, I only glimpsed him after staring broken hands free and his eyes got wide, tail went between legs and he did run into his favorite place to be alone.

Somehow they read us better than we do :D

My boss had once difficulties to believe me that cat hid my work phone, but phone being someone had managed to grab it and as it was summertime they had access to storage area of the upstairs, where is only partial flooring, there I found phone tucked under the flooring plank into insulation material, maybe that was tip from them to me that I was paying attention too much to that noisy small box instead of them? Who knows, but they are so clever at times that those not living with them have difficulties to believe.

Oh yes, my boss said when I rescued cats that I should kill them, she hates cats, I prefer not to hate anyone, but some make it so hard not to hate!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
I am jealous that your kids have hair. 
 Aimee is 17 months and just finally starting to get some hair. I hope the new baby has hair.
My friend's son is a lot like that.  He has a mullet...curls right at the nape of his neck and nearly nothing else! 
  It's amazing how different they can be in that department.  DD had enough hair at birth to have a little bow put in it by the nurses in the NICU.  It was so sweet!  Purple too!  My favorite color!  Then she had every hair color imaginable.  It was a darker golden brown/auburn at birth. Then by her first birthday she was blond.  Now she is a light brown with a tinge of red here and there.  Who knows where its going!  DS was born with the same dark hair. Then he suffered a case of baby pattern baldness and it came back a medium golden brown with more tinges of red than DD got.  Both seem to get their coloring from me or at least my side of the family.  I also passed on a tendency to get "beauty marks."  They can thank their Great-Grandma for that one.

Gosh I forgot where I was going with that babble!  I was trying to say that even though DS was the one who had the "baby pattern baldness"; today his hair is actually thicker than DD's.  She never lost her hair like he did. 
Don't give up on the veggie garden!  I've had years that were just disastrous (one year I lost all my seedlings, one year we had so much rain, everything got all moldy), but I just went back to square one, and started again.  The thing I love about the veggie garden is that when it's time to harvest, I can make dinner straight from the garden!  Except the green beans.  Somehow they never make it back to the kitchen. 
Peas never make it to the kitchen around here. That was my favorite past time as a kid.  My Grandparents were big gardeners.  At 92 my Grandpa still keeps one!  It's just on a big raised bed at table height my cousin made for him. He really enjoys it and he gets a good bit out of it too!  When I was a little girl my job was to help plant the peas.  We all loved going to the garden to pick some peas an eating them right there.  Even the great-grandkids have been able to do that thanks to the raised table.  Grandpa and I love to chat about gardening.  He is full of useful information too.  He also has given me a subscription to Organic Gardening the last few years. 

I wont give up on my garden completely.  But I am thinking I will remove a good bit of the soil and replace it.  My mother's friend always has excess compost because of her animals and she has said that i am welcome to what i need.  (My garden is only 2 4x8' raised beds anyway.)  Gardening was so soothing to me the first year I tried.  I would go out in the late afternoon while DD napped and water, weed, etc.  Just listening to the birds and having that quiet time helped me de-stress so much!  Last year it was so hard it got to feel like the opposite.  I'm praying for a better year this year! 
Isn't that the truth?  Fruit and veggies from the garden taste way better than what we buy in the stores!

So Eopie has curled up next to me and fallen asleep (or at least I think she's sleep), and she's purring like crazy.  In her sleep.  Soooooo precious.
Oh they taste 1000 times better!  DH didn't fully get that till the first year we had our garden.  Tomatoes especially are the best fresh picked.  Our routine the last few years has become DH coming home from work and heading straight to the garden to pick some for our dinner salad.  Our kiddos love it when we just cut it up and put them in a bowl.  Sometimes I'll drizzle a little balsamic vinegar on it with a couple dots of olive oil.  Simply delicious!!

Everyone in the house is asleep but me.  I didn't sleep so well last night so it's catching up to me now.  I'm going to go curl up with a kitty or two on the couch and read my Bible for a bit.  Tomrrow I will share a picture of my MIL's new puppy.  I've been waiting for her to post a better one.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2012
Long Beach, CA
I really don't have that much experience eating fresh grown veggies. How do they taste different? More flavorful? Sweeter? I need to get more veggies in the diet, and if growing them will help, I'd consider it, much as I hate gardening!

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
I just love this to be fair, Mr. Sniff, on the left, is allowing his friend to have first pick.  Just because his friend cannot make up his mind, is no concern of his.  So of course, he has to show him how its done.   This is a great photo.


TCS Member
Feb 17, 2014
I really don't have that much experience eating fresh grown veggies. How do they taste different? More flavorful? Sweeter? I need to get more veggies in the diet, and if growing them will help, I'd consider it, much as I hate gardening!
I love fresh grown veggies.  They defiantly have a better taste than store bought veggies.  You do not have the taste of all of the preservatives (like in caned veggies) or the chemicals from fresh or frozen veggies from the store.  I would most certainly recommend growing your own veggies.  You may hate gardening but trust me when you taste your fresh veggie salad that you watched grow in your yard you will think it was worth it.  My husband and I aren't allowed to plant a garden where we live other wise we would have a veggie garden every year.  Also there are many other healthy advantages to growing your own veggies, it is a great heart exercise and they say you live longer when you garden.  Hope that answers your questions.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Feb 1, 2014
I just love this to be fair, Mr. Sniff, on the left, is allowing his friend to have first pick.  Just because his friend cannot make up his mind, is no concern of his.  So of course, he has to show him how its done.   This is a great photo.
Sniffy! BIG,ol lovable Sniffy. Heck I have a hard enough time keeping the cats out of the dogs water bowl,I can't imagine a HUGE fountain. 


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Just a quick babble before kid's yoga class.  Today we're doing to do Surya Namaskara with bijas, some bhastrika with mahabandha and a bit of japa...
Erm, is this post within the rules Mani?
   ..... with bijas etc? 
    Food?  Contortions?  Martian speek?    Kids yoga should be fun anyway. :-D  I hope they were all suitably bendy and were nice and relaxed and happy by the end of the session. 
I really don't have that much experience eating fresh grown veggies. How do they taste different? More flavorful? Sweeter? I need to get more veggies in the diet, and if growing them will help, I'd consider it, much as I hate gardening!
I hate gardening but I loved being able to access fresh vegetables and used to juice a lot of them:  I've got a juicer but it costs a fortune to make stuff with vegetables if you have to buy them..  Beetroot mixed with other things like carrot and celery was one of my favourites.  I ate tonnes of spinach too as that grew quite easily here.  Maybe you could get a little allotment or community patch close to where you live like we get here in cities in the UK?


At Abby's beck and call
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
It looks like we are slowly creeping towards our next babbling prize! Keep up the babbling! :clap: