New partially blind kitten


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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
so we had 5 cats to begin with. (I swear they are all taken care of and get fed a good qulity food and get medical care) some people would think we are crazy but we do take care of them. I own three of the five, my sister owns one, and the old one is the family cat. when my fiance and I move out we are taking my three and my sister is only taking the one.

we decided we didn't want my sister's getting depressed and lonely so we adopted a kitten today about 5-6 months old. he's the same age as her kitten and two of my cats. we wanted them to grow up together.

we were told he was partially blind but he was so lovable! And he could still see so we got him. when we got him home he growled a little bit when he saw one of the other kittens. so we took him in the bathroom with his litter box and he's been in there since so he doesn't get overwhelmed. they sniff each other under the door now and he doesokay but now he bites and scratches us when we go to pet him. I'm hoping it's just because he is still getting used to his sight and that he is stressed. do you think his behavior is permanent? or am I worrying too much? I really want him to workout so my sister can take him with her so her kitten isn't lonely. and I want to save him too. I really do like him. he can be lovable when he wants to be. my fiance is convinced it's because he's not used to his new sight yet and he thinks I'm worrying too much. I hope I am!! :)


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Why would we think you are crazy for owning 5 cats ? I've got 9 cats so am I past crazy LOL

Anyway your new kitten. Do you speak/talk to him before you approach him so he knows you are there and you don't scare him. Think how you feel when someone sneaks up on you. It scares the life out of you doesn't it. Same for your kitten. :D
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
Why would we think you are crazy for owning 5 cats ? I've got 9 cats so am I past crazy LOL

Anyway your new kitten. Do you speak/talk to him before you approach him so he knows you are there and you don't scare him. Think how you feel when someone sneaks up on you. It scares the life out of you doesn't it. Same for your kitten.
Hahaha I'm glad you dont think so! Actually the new kitten makes it 6 cats. When I tell people how many I have most of the time they assume they arent taken care of. :( I'd probably have more if I could haha.

We do talk to him and take things slow. I usually only pet him on the side with his good eye. I walk in the bathroom and when he seems me he comes over purring, and he will let me pet him but them sometimes he just turns on me and scratches, growls, or hisses. I did start noticing when he does this it's either when he hears a weird noise, or when my other kittens are on the other side of the door. Which make me think maybe he is just nervous with the new cats and he is getting used to his new sight at the same time. 

But now my worry is will he get used to my other cats? He is only 5-6 months old so I do think it will be easier then introducing an adult cat. He also was stuck in a cage since he was only 8 weeks old, but he was with siblings for a couple of those months.


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
I think from what you describe it does sound like redirected aggression. When he hears the other cats he is getting defensive and taking it out on you.

Have you tried the feliway spays and diffusers. These contain special cat pheromones that only cats can smell. It makes cats feel more happy and contented. I think this would really help with your situation.

Here's the link
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
I think from what you describe it does sound like redirected aggression. When he hears the other cats he is getting defensive and taking it out on you.

Have you tried the feliway spays and diffusers. These contain special cat pheromones that only cats can smell. It makes cats feel more happy and contented. I think this would really help with your situation.

Here's the link
Ohhh yeah! I forgot about those. I actually am a dog groomer at petsmart and when I pick up stuff for my cats I remember seeing them for sale.

Do they actually work? I wasn't sure if they really worked or not.


Staff Member
Dec 4, 2013
Lol I'm a dog groomer too. :lol3:

I've never had to use them myself. But I know other people who have and they swear by them.

Got to be worth a try though right ! ;)

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
It is way too early to tell when he will calm down, most cats are very nervous for weeks when they are new. You are doing fine, just be gentle and be with him a lot, he will eventually calm down. ( and bring tasty treats! 
) I'm sure all the new cat smells are overwhelming right now, and I agree it is redirected aggression that is causing him to turn on you. You may want to exchange towels with him and the other cats to get him used to their smells and them to his, and since there are so many other cats you may want to introduce him to them in a cat carrier or put some kind of 'fence ' across the doorway. Good luck and keep us posted!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 27, 2014
Washington State
Well, if 5 or 9 cats makes you crazy or worse, I must be certifiable.  We have lucky 13!  As for your kitten's behavior, I have a blind cat named Ziggy, and even though she is 18 years old, she still doesn't like other cats in her "space".  If they get just a little too close she will wave her paw out at them and hiss.  Blind cats, or even vision impaired, are very defensive of their personal space.  Usually they will become accustomed to humans, but other cats might always be a no-no.  In fact, my blind cat Ziggy actually has no problem with our dogs at all.  ONLY the other cats.  And - amazingly - she CAN tell the difference!  I guess it might be that she instinctively considers the cats as competition, but not the dogs.

Always let your kitty know you are approaching him.  The most comforting and least threatening sounds is to make are soft purring or trilling noises.  If he is really upset by being picked up or even petted I wouldn't attempt it.  Our Ziggy has never liked being picked up.  A blind cat feels VERY vulnerable when it is lifted up and has no sense of how far off the ground it is, and can't even orient himself in relation to any other objects.  (This is the same reason tiny kittens become terrified when lifted off the ground)  I would make sounds to him and just let him know you are in the room with him.  Talk gently, take care of whatever business you need to, and then quietly leave him alone. 

One other thing.  If he is seriously vision impaired, you have to realize that everything is sound to him - it's how he understands his world.  After only entering the bathroom a few times, he will know exactly where the door is, and use sound to form a picture of his world.  It's almost like echo-location in a bat, but not nearly as sensitive.  But it's similar.  We leave a radio on low volume in the house 24/7 so Ziggy can use it as a homing beacon.  She knows where everything is, in relation to that sound.  And she will recognize and place any other sound in the house as well.

Will your kitty's behavior every change, or improve?  Probably.  But give him a chance to learn his world by sound.  If his vision is very impaired, he may use sound as much as sight to navigate.  And don't try to pick him up if he really objects to it.  Respect his limitations, and one day you will barely remember he has any!  Good luck!

Here is Ziggy.  You can see she is always in listening mode, with her head tipped slightly back.  Sometimes she even turns her head to the side to listen and home in on a sound.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
Awww! I'm so jealous of the kitties you have! I will eventually have a decent amount, and one of my goals in life is to start a kitty rescue. Almost like a kitty house rescue. So I will no doubt end up keeping quite a few :)

And I'm so glad you saw this! I have never had a partially blind kitten and the thing is he wasn't always like this so he is still getting used to it too. Now I kinda have an idea of how they act, and it put my mind to ease that how he is acting is normal. I have been spending a lot of time with him trying to feel him out and get to know how exactly to handle him. Today was his second day and he has calmed down a lot. He likes when I hold him but ONLY when he says so. And he likes curling up on my lap but ONLY when he is in the mood. Other than that I dont push him. I want everything to go as smoothly as possible and I know if something goes wrong it can permanently affect the way things go with him and my other kittens and cats.

He actually had an appointment to have his eye removed but then they were able to save it. His bad eye doesnt dilate much, if even at all. 

He has sniffed my kittens under the door. I walk over and all my kittens are looking under the door and they stick their paws under the door after him because they want to play. The new kitten is VERY playful and runs in circles around the bathroom. So he sticks his paws under the door after them, and he looks to be playing, but then he growls sometimes. Like he has mood swings. Is this normal? and do you think because of how young he is he will get used to the other kittens and cats?

You can see that his left eye (which is his bad eye) isnt as dilated as his right. And he has a white spot right where the glare on his eye is.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
It is way too early to tell when he will calm down, most cats are very nervous for weeks when they are new. You are doing fine, just be gentle and be with him a lot, he will eventually calm down. ( and bring tasty treats! 
) I'm sure all the new cat smells are overwhelming right now, and I agree it is redirected aggression that is causing him to turn on you. You may want to exchange towels with him and the other cats to get him used to their smells and them to his, and since there are so many other cats you may want to introduce him to them in a cat carrier or put some kind of 'fence ' across the doorway. Good luck and keep us posted!
I hope he calms down soon! I am hoping because of how young he is he will adjust faster than an adult cat. My older cat took about 4 months to even come out of hiding!

He was way more lovable to me today too, curled up on my lap, purring, rubbing against my legs. He even climbed on my sisters shoulders and was purring in her ear.

I definitely want to do the towel thing. And they do sniff each other under the door and bat at each other. My kittens just want to play and I think the new one does too but then he will randomly growl. I am hoping things go well!!

I'll keep everyone posted though!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 27, 2014
Washington State
Awww! I'm so jealous of the kitties you have! I will eventually have a decent amount, and one of my goals in life is to start a kitty rescue. Almost like a kitty house rescue. So I will no doubt end up keeping quite a few :)

And I'm so glad you saw this! I have never had a partially blind kitten and the thing is he wasn't always like this so he is still getting used to it too. Now I kinda have an idea of how they act, and it put my mind to ease that how he is acting is normal. I have been spending a lot of time with him trying to feel him out and get to know how exactly to handle him. Today was his second day and he has calmed down a lot. He likes when I hold him but ONLY when he says so. And he likes curling up on my lap but ONLY when he is in the mood. Other than that I dont push him. I want everything to go as smoothly as possible and I know if something goes wrong it can permanently affect the way things go with him and my other kittens and cats.

He actually had an appointment to have his eye removed but then they were able to save it. His bad eye doesnt dilate much, if even at all. 

He has sniffed my kittens under the door. I walk over and all my kittens are looking under the door and they stick their paws under the door after him because they want to play. The new kitten is VERY playful and runs in circles around the bathroom. So he sticks his paws under the door after them, and he looks to be playing, but then he growls sometimes. Like he has mood swings. Is this normal? and do you think because of how young he is he will get used to the other kittens and cats?

You can see that his left eye (which is his bad eye) isnt as dilated as his right. And he has a white spot right where the glare on his eye is.
I think he does want to play, but he will still be a little shy for awhile.  He still is getting used to not only a new home but a new health situation, with his eye.  It actually sounds like he's doing pretty well, all things considered!  We had another old cat we rescued who had to have one eye removed, and he did fantastic.  I've had a couple one-eyed kitties and they did just great with only one eye.

Did your vet give you any drops or ointment for his bad eye?  Did he give you any kind of diagnosis as to why his eye is like it is?  I'm hoping he doesn't have a condition that might eventually affect his other eye as well. 

By the way, he is really pretty!  He looks happy, too!  I think everything will be okay.  He just needs a little more time to adapt.  Good luck! 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
I think he does want to play, but he will still be a little shy for awhile.  He still is getting used to not only a new home but a new health situation, with his eye.  It actually sounds like he's doing pretty well, all things considered!  We had another old cat we rescued who had to have one eye removed, and he did fantastic.  I've had a couple one-eyed kitties and they did just great with only one eye.

Did your vet give you any drops or ointment for his bad eye?  Did he give you any kind of diagnosis as to why his eye is like it is?  I'm hoping he doesn't have a condition that might eventually affect his other eye as well. 

By the way, he is really pretty!  He looks happy, too!  I think everything will be okay.  He just needs a little more time to adapt.  Good luck! 
We actually didnt have him to OUR vet. We got his health records and everything though when we adopted him. Although I would like to take him to our vet for a check-up because I trust our vet more than any other vet we have gone to. 

The papers and the staff at the shelter said it was an eye ulcer. He got it from being scratched in the eye and it got infected. It is actually the same thing my horse had a couple years ago and he almost lost his eye. They both actually have the same white mark in their eye. It's not something that can spread, thank goodness! And I also asked the staff at the shelter just to be sure :)

Thank you for all your input! It was helpful and put my mind as ease :)
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  • #13


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Jun 25, 2013
Newport News VA
Good news! We have him out with the other kittens right now and all is well! He is wrestling with my other little male and the girls are unsure but I noticed some playing here and there from them too.

The only thing I noticed is the new kitten plays ROUGH. I read that it could be because he was separated from his family at a young age and doesnt know manners and exactly how to play right. So I'm hoping he gets better with that after being with the group for a while. I'm still gonna be keeping him in the bathroom for now though just because I want to take things slow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 27, 2014
Washington State
Good news! We have him out with the other kittens right now and all is well! He is wrestling with my other little male and the girls are unsure but I noticed some playing here and there from them too.

The only thing I noticed is the new kitten plays ROUGH. I read that it could be because he was separated from his family at a young age and doesnt know manners and exactly how to play right. So I'm hoping he gets better with that after being with the group for a while. I'm still gonna be keeping him in the bathroom for now though just because I want to take things slow.
That's great!  So happy to hear he's starting to fit in!  He might always play a little rough, but the other cats will learn to expect that and they'll know when they just don't want to play with him.