Cats in Thailand !!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi everyone,

We are a British couple who moved to Pattaya Thailand 7 years ago, when we arrived here it was soon obvious to us that help was needed for the local stray cats in our community, to cut a long story short we started a shelter for abandoned and stray cats.

We have 44 cats and kittens here at our home all available for FREE adoption, this year we have managed to re-home 55 cats and kittens so far and hope to get more into new homes before the end of the year.

We also have a few "Permanent" residents Toby the cat with no eyes, Flip & Flop 2 disabled young cats, Charlie who is both deaf and partially sighted to name just a few.
We have not yet managed to re-home a cat outside of Thailand but are keen to try, and now the quarantine rules have been lifted in the UK and some other EU countries it is not too hard to acheive.

We rely on our savings to run our shelter but do get a few donations now and again, if anyone is interested they can look on our website :--   on this site you can see photos of the lovely cats and kittens that we have here available for FREE adoption and also some of the cats that we have re-homed with their new owners.

If you would like to help us in our never-ending task helping the cats in Pattaya and the surrounding area then you can  using the DONATE link on the site too.

Kind regards

Paul and Sandra


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Please note that this message from the mods is posted in every thread that is asking for donations and is not directed at anyone in particular.

From the Mod Team Regarding Pleas for money:

Cats are a huge responsibility. Anyone who thinks otherwise, should not have one in their life. They are dependent on us for everything from providing a place to eat, to also providing vet care.

Anyone who has cats knows that they can and do get ill. Your best defense is to plan for that to happen before it does, and store monies away in preparation.

If you read about a plight of an animal on the internet and your heart is drawn to help. Check out the story thoroughly. Google the vet's name or call Directory Assistance in the city and be sure this is a legitimate claim.

Do not blindly send money into a paypal account no matter how heart-wrenching the story. Instead reach out to the member and ask for the vet's name and phone number, and arrange to send the money there for the specific needs of the cat in question.

If that information cannot be provided- you have your answer. Report the post to a moderator so that it can be removed for not being on the level.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi everyone,

We would encourage anyone who is thinking about helping us by either adopting a cat or kitten or making a donation please "Google" cats4youinpattaya , we usually come up at the top of the list , you can see dozens of pages showing the work we are doing here in Pattaya Thailand.

We are lucky to have the support of the local media here especially from Barry kenyon who until a few years ago was the Honourary British Consulate here in Pattaya and who now works part time for the  "Pattaya Today" newspaper, they publish a bi-weekly edition with a page containing photos of 4 of our cats that are available for free adoption.

Also here is a link to a short 10 minute YouTube video that was recorded by the "Pattaya Plus" TV crew a few years ago on it you can see us and some of the cats that we have here including our amazing cat with no eyes "Toby" who was the star of the show !!

Thanks again for your interest,

Paul and Sandra
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Paul and Sandra - want to send out a heartfelt thanks to you both for your deep love, compassion and tireless care of homeless, sick and injured cats in Thailand. You made my day so much better watching your incredible video. I hope and pray that you get all the funding you need to be able to continue your much needed and vital shelter for these kitties. TOBY :thud:, what an incredible and enlightening story of a completely blind cat and how they can and do live quite a normal life when loved so dearly. :heart3: God bless you. Your both so captivating and endearing !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart2: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
This is awesome you are doing this! Many foreign countries don't even know what TNR is or help strays so this is a great teaching experience as well as helping the cats and dogs.

So sad seeing the ones starving and abused hopefully more people will care.
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  • #7


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Thanks for all of your lovely comments and sorry to the TCS staff for starting anew thread yesterday when I should have added it to this one !!

Just a quick update on poor "Lucky one" she is doing well and is at home with us until Sunday when she should be strong enough to undergo her leg pinning operation.

Yesterday she tested negative for Fiv and Felv (Thank goodness) but her red blood cell count is low so she is now on blood support medicine.

We will keep you all posted on her progress,

Thanks for your interest

Paul, Sandra and the Cats !!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Poor, dear Lucky. I even have to wonder if she is strong enough to make it through these surgeries. She is quite thin in that last picture. I am glad those tourists saved her from those dogs. I hope that you and the vets make the right decision by her. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi Everyone, just a quick update for you on little "lucky one" she went through her surgery on Sunday and has now had her leg pinned, she was able to come home the same evening and is now on strict bed rest in her cage !!
We would like to thank Yana the Russian lady who rescued her in the first instance for raising 3700 Baht to help towards the cost of her operation .
Thanks for your interest,
Paul, Sandra & the Cats !!



TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
I just have a question. You say you give the cats away for free, do you screen adopters to make sure they aren't bad people that may hurt the cats, some people are cruel and like to torture and hurt cats and I hope you guys make sure people are suitable to adopt cats, mabye check living conditions first to make sure they are safe.
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  • #12


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi There,

Yes we always give our cats away for free something that Thai people cannot seem to get a grasp of,  they always ask "why you give me for free" ?

Here in Thailand most people if they want a cat or dog they either go to the market and buy a fancy one that is usually very sick or they go to one of the many temples that are packed to the rafters with stray cats and dogs and get one there for free.

We have enough trouble finding homes for cats when they are free , if we started demanding donations then we would have even more trouble.

So when people call us and arrange for an appointment to come and see the cats we already know that they are better than your average person looking for a cat, when they arrive on time and make lots of cooing noises when they enter our "house of cats" you can tell when people are genuine.

Sandra and I work as a team when interviewing people we ask lots of questions but in an innocent way and can usually get a feel for the person after an hour of chatting.

When they arrive the first thing that most people do is proudly show you photos of the cat that they already have now or of the one that they may have lost due to one reason or another and once again you know that they have looked after their cats previously too.

We don't let our cats go to anybody though, we have invested lots of time and money in saving these little ones from the brink and would rather they stayed here with us than put them into a bad home.

We do home visits sometimes too, we try not to let cats go to owners who live on the 23rd floor of a condo for obvious reasons.

If we havn't done a home visit then we offer to deliver the chosen cat to their new home and check that way, we had a lady one time ask for a cat to go to a bar close to here, we went to see her and found the door to the bar was right on the road far too dangerous for cats there for sure.

You would be amazed at some people, we had an Italian guy come once , he told us that he had three cats in as many weeks all of which had gone missing, he said that he thought that he had a big snake in his garden that was eating them and then he wanted us to let him have one of ours too !!

Then people tell you that their previous cat was poisoned by their neighbour so again that is another no no.

Also things like FIP which claims the lives of many cats here and can take years to disperse in your home is a problem,  so if someone has lost a cat to either that or FELV then we always say no.

One of the biggest problems we have in Pattaya  is that people arrive here expecting to stay for life they take a cat or two and then 18 months down the line ask us to have the cats back because they have to go back home.

We always offer to take any of our cats back if things don't work out for one reason or another and sadly we have had quite a few of them over the years.

All in all we try our best to find nice safe and suitable homes for our cats.

Most people are happy to send us photos of their new cats now settled in their new homes and we quite often visit some of them when we can find the time.

Hope this answers your questions,


Paul,Sandra & the cats !!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I just have a question. You say you give the cats away for free, do you screen adopters to make sure they aren't bad people that may hurt the cats, some people are cruel and like to torture and hurt cats and I hope you guys make sure people are suitable to adopt cats, mabye check living conditions first to make sure they are safe.
Good question and one that crossed my mind too. :)

Hi There,

Yes we always give our cats away for free something that Thai people cannot seem to get a grasp of,  they always ask "why you give me for free" ?

Here in Thailand most people if they want a cat or dog they either go to the market and buy a fancy one that is usually very sick or they go to one of the many temples that are packed to the rafters with stray cats and dogs and get one there for free.

We have enough trouble finding homes for cats when they are free , if we started demanding donations then we would have even more trouble.

So when people call us and arrange for an appointment to come and see the cats we already know that they are better than your average person looking for a cat, when they arrive on time and make lots of cooing noises when they enter our "house of cats" you can tell when people are genuine.

Sandra and I work as a team when interviewing people we ask lots of questions but in an innocent way and can usually get a feel for the person after an hour of chatting.

When they arrive the first thing that most people do is proudly show you photos of the cat that they already have now or of the one that they may have lost due to one reason or another and once again you know that they have looked after their cats previously too.

We don't let our cats go to anybody though, we have invested lots of time and money in saving these little ones from the brink and would rather they stayed here with us than put them into a bad home.

We do home visits sometimes too, we try not to let cats go to owners who live on the 23rd floor of a condo for obvious reasons.

If we havn't done a home visit then we offer to deliver the chosen cat to their new home and check that way, we had a lady one time ask for a cat to go to a bar close to here, we went to see her and found the door to the bar was right on the road far too dangerous for cats there for sure.

You would be amazed at some people, we had an Italian guy come once , he told us that he had three cats in as many weeks all of which had gone missing, he said that he thought that he had a big snake in his garden that was eating them and then he wanted us to let him have one of ours too !!

Then people tell you that their previous cat was poisoned by their neighbour so again that is another no no.

Also things like FIP which claims the lives of many cats here and can take years to disperse in your home is a problem,  so if someone has lost a cat to either that or FELV then we always say no.

One of the biggest problems we have in Pattaya  is that people arrive here expecting to stay for life they take a cat or two and then 18 months down the line ask us to have the cats back because they have to go back home.

We always offer to take any of our cats back if things don't work out for one reason or another and sadly we have had quite a few of them over the years.

All in all we try our best to find nice safe and suitable homes for our cats.

Most people are happy to send us photos of their new cats now settled in their new homes and we quite often visit some of them when we can find the time.

Hope this answers your questions,


Paul,Sandra & the cats !!
Excellent answer and thank you for the details. :heart2: WOW :heart2:, that is all I have to say about you two. What you say about good people coming to you for cats makes sense when you describe how they could easily get one for free elsewhere if their intentions were bad. You have it all under control from start to finish even offering to take the cats back. BLESS YOUR HEARTS :heart3:

Glad Lucky made it through the surgery. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: for a full recovery and a new loving home. Also, how incredible about the Russian lady offering up the money for his surgery. How kind. I like to use the Greek Proverb: Kindness begets kindness. It may be immediate, the return of your kindness, or it may be years, but it will be!!!!!!!!!!!!! :heart2:
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  • #14


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi everyone, just a few lines to thank everyone again for their support.

Little "Lucky one" finally had her stitches out yesterday, we allow her out of her cage for short periods to get some exercise, of course being kept in a cage for long periods makes cats even more crazy when they are allowed out, so we have to keep a good eye on her to make sure she doesn't do too much just yet.

Here are a couple of photos of her playing with the "Cheese Chase" one of her favourite toys !!

Also a photo of little "Midge & Buster" with their new mum and dad.

Thanks again,

Paul,Sandra & the Cats !!

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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 31, 2013
Hi everyone,

Here is a quick update on one of our little ones "Lucky one" , This week she had her final Xray which showed that her broken leg is finally healed.

She is delighted not to have any more horrible calcium tablets !!

Sadly I can't seem to load her latest photo here but she is now on our "Cats for re-homing list".

We have had a good start to the year and have re-homed 3 cats and kittens so far but of course we have had a few new arrivals too.

Thanks to everyone who has given a positive response to our posts.

Thanks, Paul, Sandra and the Cats !!
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 27, 2013
The hills of Santa Clarita, California
You are angels to these poor kitties, nursing them back to health and helping them find furrever homes. Thank you SO much for doing what you do- it touches my heart seeing that you care so much about these kitties, each and every one of them.
 Lucky One's story was amazing. She and you most definitely deserved the miracle.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2012
I tried getting someone I know who lives in Thailand who had a cat to spread the word about your rescue, but its apparent peoples beliefs are different there than the US where I live. This guy is fully against spaying his cat in heat even though he knows it will get pregnant, and it went from a house cat to him getting rid of it giving it because of the excessive meowing while in heat, gave it to someone to fend for itself by eating numerous geckos outside and he said if its inside it can hide in the closet to sleep because the person owns Rottweilers and they chase the cat if it tries to go inside.

I really give you credit trying to make a difference, I would of lost my patience dealing with people acting so cold hearted.

Here was the discussion might be helpful to you
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