Please Help! Kitten is Destroying Carpet!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 19, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
I have a 4 1/2 month old kitten. About three weeks ago, he started shredding the carpet. The first time he did it, it was when he was shut out of my bedroom. He pulled up the carpet in the corner by the door and ripped about 4 inches to shreds. I have a brand new home and I was understandably upset. I covered the spot with a patch of extra carpet and sprayed some vinegar on it. Since that point, I have also kept all doors open so he is not locked out of anywhere ever.

However, now he is randomly pulling up the carpet in all rooms of the house, and picks random corners to dig up. He has ruined three more corners (two in the bedroom, one in my office) in the past week. I have tried covering those corners with towels and furniture, and then he just picks a new corner to dig up. He is also ripping the carpet off of the stairs.

It's extremely upsetting, since I have never had a kitten be so destructive. He has lots of toys and we (my husband and I) play with him tons so that is not the issue. I don't have a clue why he is doing this, but it's getting to the point where I'm going to have to make a choice to get rid of him because he is too destructive and it's going to cost too much to replace the brand new carpet in all of those rooms and the hallway. Please help! I am at my wits' end.

P.S. - He does this when we are asleep or not looking, because I haven't been able to catch him in the act...


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
Do you have scratching posts available? 

Is it feasible for you to consider another kitten? Destructive kittens are usually out of boredom, and while you may be playing with him a lot, it may not be enough for him. They're tiny balls of overflowing energy.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 19, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Do you have scratching posts available? 

Is it feasible for you to consider another kitten? Destructive kittens are usually out of boredom, and while you may be playing with him a lot, it may not be enough for him. They're tiny balls of overflowing energy.
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have two scratching posts and he uses those regularly. I think he's tearing the carpet because it's fun to him, and I don't know how to make him stop! I can't take on another kitten because I already have an older cat that he plays with and two cats is enough! :)
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 19, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Also, if I didn't say it above, we do love the little bugger and we do not want to get rid of him, but we also can't afford $100's of dollars of carpet repair... especially to brand new carpet! Declawing is not an option, and he tears the fibers off with his mouth anyway once he gets it up off the tacks.


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have two scratching posts and he uses those regularly. I think he's tearing the carpet because it's fun to him, and I don't know how to make him stop! I can't take on another kitten because I already have an older cat that he plays with and two cats is enough! :)
Yikes. You have another cat and he's still destroying your carpet? Probably not a boredom issue then. 

Hm, have you tried one of that fake paw covers? You put it on their claws, so that they can still scratch but won't actually damage your carpet. I don't know if there are kitten sized ones.

If you can catch him in the act, you can discourage him. I am not a big fan of squirt bottles, but you may have to use that. Use it very sparingly (if and only if you catch him scratching - not a moment before and not a moment after), and make sure he never knows that it was from you - don't say anything or look at him for too long. Maybe keep him in the same room as you so you can keep an eye and act quickly. 

And yeah, don't declaw.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 19, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yikes. You have another cat and he's still destroying your carpet? Probably not a boredom issue then. 

Hm, have you tried one of that fake paw covers? You put it on their claws, so that they can still scratch but won't actually damage your carpet. I don't know if there are kitten sized ones.
I have thought of trying the soft claws but my kitten is such a little brat that even clipping his nails is a huge ordeal so I'm not sure if I could get them on him. I might try it anyway if I get desperate enough. 

Part of the problem I'm discovering is that the company that put in the carpet (I didn't have a choice since it was a new home and the builders chose the carpet) did a very poor job. In many places it just wasn't attached well and it makes it easy for the kitten to pull it up. Ugh. I'm just going to have to put towels and chairs in every corner of every room. It's going to be ugly as crap but I have to do something! He's only doing it in corners of rooms, specifically.


TCS Member
Sep 21, 2013
Orange party
I have thought of trying the soft claws but my kitten is such a little brat that even clipping his nails is a huge ordeal so I'm not sure if I could get them on him. I might try it anyway if I get desperate enough. 
Vets can do it for you with less fuss. Or there may be a groomer in your area who can do it too, for something like $10.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Yes, if it was poorly installed, a cat will find a way to pull it up. I am also wondering if the carpet is a cheap one that has lots of yummy-smelling additives to the basic nylon mixture (such as soy, ground up grain hulls, straw or plant fibre) Most builders will go for the cheapest thing they can find that barely meets code.

You might try putting a dish in each corner and putting a split orange on it. The citrus scent may cover the paw scent he has put on the carpet there. Also, I would try spraying it with Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer. If it will get rid of urine smell, maybe it will cover the scent of whatever is making him want to tear up the carpet.

The soft paws are a good idea, too. Getting him used to having his claws trimmed is a good thing.

To reattach the carpet, try using a 4 inch wide putty knife to push the edges back down into the space that has opened up between the carpet and the wall. You should talk to a carpet expert on how much it would cost to have the carpet re-stretched and reattached.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Aug 19, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
Yes, if it was poorly installed, a cat will find a way to pull it up. I am also wondering if the carpet is a cheap one that has lots of yummy-smelling additives to the basic nylon mixture (such as soy, ground up grain hulls, straw or plant fibre) Most builders will go for the cheapest thing they can find that barely meets code.

You might try putting a dish in each corner and putting a split orange on it. The citrus scent may cover the paw scent he has put on the carpet there. Also, I would try spraying it with Nature's Miracle Urine Destroyer. If it will get rid of urine smell, maybe it will cover the scent of whatever is making him want to tear up the carpet.

The soft paws are a good idea, too. Getting him used to having his claws trimmed is a good thing.

To reattach the carpet, try using a 4 inch wide putty knife to push the edges back down into the space that has opened up between the carpet and the wall. You should talk to a carpet expert on how much it would cost to have the carpet re-stretched and reattached.
Thank you so much for your detailed suggestions! I never thought of the fact that there may be particles of stuff in the carpet itself that is attracting the cat. I'll try the orange thing and the urine destroyer as well. Once the kitten gets older and we know for sure he isn't going to rip it up anymore, I am definitely going to get the spots repaired. The only positive is that I do have a lot of extra carpet pieces, so it's just a matter of having someone come and repair the spots. 
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 31, 2013
Washington state
I don't have any advice because my cat has destroyed the carpet in all the rooms of my place and the bad thing is I rent. She will not use scratching posts at all, they sit around collecting dust. She actually started to spray them so had to toss them. I have bought the ones that lay on the floor but she just scratches under it still ruining the carpet. I wish you the best of luck and hope your kitten stops because mine is now 6 years old and I was never able to get her to stop this behavior. If and when I have to move I will have to do something because I will not be able to keep paying for the carpets of places I rent from.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 5, 2012
I know what you are goin thru. My cat did the same when he was younger. Not only he ripped the carpet but also he eat it:( he still does it at night but you know why? Because he wants attention. Also, in the middle of the living room, again for attention. As soon as I scream NO to him he stops and he runs away. What I did is put some towels on the corners he likes to scratch. Of course, he went back for more but it wasn't as easy. Also, I went to petco and bought Grannick's bitter apple, that is only good for a couple of hours and then you have to spray again. But the best way to make him stop, or to make it better is to tell him NO. Alot of NO, until he learns the word. I also go to him and I say NO with my finger. My cat is one and a half now, as I said, he still does it in the middle of the night to wake me up, but he learned the NO word and that helps alot.
You have to have alot of patience:) good luck.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 14, 2013
Stamford, CT USA
From my experience cats are 2 type of scratchers - vertical or horizontal.   The vertical scratchers are the ones that will tear up your furniture - they need scratching posts - the taller the better.   Horizontal scratchers are the ones who tear up carpets - they need the flat type scratchers - I like the corrugated cardboard type.  Rubbing catnip on the item helps attract the cat to it initially.

Scratching posts are not a 100% cure but they help.  A 100% cure is the soft claws.  Do not declaw your cat.   If you are thinking of declawing it is better to give up the cat and get a dog or a gerble.   I cant think of anything that is much crueler.   The other thing I have used with great results is the double-sided sticky tape.   It works - even on carpet.  


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 7, 2013
Alberta, Canada
SOFT PAWS!!! Nothing works as good. My boys about had the end of my couch shredded. I bought soft paws and its an instant cure. And if you cant get them on him yourself just about any vet or groomer worth his salt should be able to do it for you for a small fee. And definitely cheaper than fixing Capet! Lol.

PS..You can get soft paws on eBay in just about any color and MUCH cheaper($1+ shipping) than at your vet or pet stores. Best of luck to you. Keep us posted.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I agree about the corrugated cardboard scratchers, my cats were destroying my carpet too until I laid a few of those around. They went nuts! They have not touched my carpet since!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
One of my cats used to use my armchair to scratch and wasn't interested in all the scratching posts I had around. Then after many many years I bought a corrugated cardboard box with cat nip. My poor torn armchair was safe. She loved it. Soft claws are the answer and there's a video about how to put them on but I don't know where. You can Google it. Also you might want to see an animal psychologist. They may be able to work out what the problem is and how to fix it. The 2 side sticky tape is also a good idea. They hate sticky surfaces. I'm lucky. My cats aren't perfect but I don't have carpets. Large marble tiles. Must easier and the country is more hot than cold.
Good luck. I didn't know Americans use the word bugger. I thought only us Brits.
Good luck and keep in touch.