Hello Everyone!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2013
Hey everyone,
I just got my first "real" pet ever Monday. I grew up having pet chickens but never any cats or dogs. I went into a shelter looking for a dog and somehow ended up in the cat room. I was drawn to a playful little tabby kitten but ended up leaving without him still thinking I'm more of a "dog person." About a week later I got my fiance to go to a local shelter with me and once again I somehow ended up in the cat room and my fiance and I found ourselves spending most of our time in there playing with the cat that caught his attention: the same tabby that I already liked. Once we got someone to let us into the dog room we went to have a look around. That is when I realized I'm not a dog person... at all. The larger dogs were making me really anxious but I wanted to stay and let my fiance play with some of the dogs but once they started running up to us trying to play I had a panic attack and had to leave. My fiance wanted to take me somewhere I would be comfortable and feel safe to let me calm down so we ended uo back in the cat room. The shelter was going to be closed the next day so we agreed to take a day to think and re-think the whole issue of adopting a cat or dog. Monday morning my fiance woke me up asking me what time I would be going by the shelter to fill out paperwork on "our kitty." I offically adopted the tabby kitten later that day and became a first time cat owner! The lady at the shelter who adopted him to me told me he had been at the shelter over a month when all animals are put down after about 7 days, 13 max. She was amazed he had somehow fallen through the cracks in the system and been allowed to live that long. I guess he was just meant to be my kitty!
I've only had him since I brought him home from his neuter Tuesday afternoon and I already love the little guy so much it just breaks my heart to think they would have put him down and he wouldn't have gotten to have a life because no one would give him a chance. He is such an adorable, sweet and playful kitty. The shelter said he is 4 months old but the vey that did his neuter said he is only 8 weeks. It is so sad to know over half of of his little life has been spent in a tiny, dirty cage with no one to love him.
Kitty still needs a name: I just haven't been able to think of anything yet that really fits him. Hopefully soon so he can start learning his name.
So that is about all I know about kitty right now. About me I'm 25 and engaged to a wonderful guy. We don't have a date yet for the wedding. I'm 3 classes from finishing my Bachlor's degree and taking some time off from school to deal with life. So yeah! My life isn't that exciting or interesting right now.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hello NamelessAria and welcome to TCS!

What a wonderful story... I'm so glad you were able to save this little guy.

Any luck with a name yet?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 17, 2013
Kitty's favorite thing to do it lie in wait somewhere to pounce on you when you walk by or silently stalk you so I'm thinking Dexter is a good fit for him, name wise.


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Kitty's favorite thing to do it lie in wait somewhere to pounce on you when you walk by or silently stalk you so I'm thinking Dexter is a good fit for him, name wise.
Great name!