Trouble in Raw Paradise - Clostridium perfringens and my cats


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
It started towards the end the week of the 05/20, not sure what day.
One cat came down with severe diarrhea, then another, then all of them had it.

This wasn't just the seldom diarrhea they get when eating a different meat - this was water-like diarrhea, several times a day, with a lot of gas.
Diagel didn't work, doubling the probiotics, didn't work either.....
Hope was the one who got in worst shape. She was feeling pretty bad...... And when she feels bad her appetite is the first thing to go. She also hides and wants nothing to do with anyone.
Hope and Lucky had already gone to the vet, and when things didn't improve, I took Hope back on the 28th.
Since I couldn't get a sample of her poop, I got a fresh sample of Mac's poop and took it with me to get tested.

Dr. E said she felt really gassy....... Ordered a bunch of Diagel to give until the results of the PCR test was back, gave her a shot for nausea, and we came home after the exam - she hadn't lost weight, and had no fever (all the while I had her on an appetite stimulant, of course). He said he did not think that was Salmonella - he had never seen a case of Salmonella in cats from raw meat - only in dogs....... He mentioned Clostridium, but wanted to wait for the results to start treatment.

Came home and remembered a probiotic I had taken in Brazil..... It is called Saccharomices Boulardii. In there it is sold as a drug - it is incredibly effective against Clostridium Difficile, and it has been studied successfully against Clostridium perfringens as well. It just so happened that I had it at home as I searched here for my IBD, and after talking and researching it with Laurie (LDG), I decided to give it a try.

The dosage for cats is 250mg 2x a day, or translating for the on I had - 5 billion CFU, 1/2 capsule 2 x a day.

By this time Hope's diarrhea had reached an all time low - it was too often, green, completely liquid and smelling like ammonia - not good.

I gave them the first dose on the night of the 28th and hoped for the best.

Well, it worked! After only one dose, the very next morning Bugsy had solid poop, and Mac had Cow's pie poop. From the second dose on, all of them had solid poop. I also gave all of them 3 doses of diagel, every 12 hours.
Hope recovered her appetite and they are all doing well.

Meanwhile the results of the PRC test came back a few days later - Clostridium perfringens was confirmed, and the toxin was found.
Dr. E was not there, so they called me from the clinic saying they had the antibiotic ready to go, and for me to pick it up - I refused it (metronidazole). I let them know all of them were ok, and I was going to chat with Dr. E on Monday before doing anything.

On Monday, when he called he explained to me the results of the tests, the problems with Clostridium, and followed up on how they are doing. He already knew they were taking S. Boulardii - he was very happy they are all doing ok and no longer have diarrhea and agreed to forego the antibiotics. We will treat them with S. Boulardii for a month and re-test them.

They got Clostridium from a bad batch of Turkey I bought - I had a bad feeling about that meat, and should not bought it...... It was late at night and the last packages in the shelves. The packages were "sweaty" kind of wet....... As though they were left on a warm environment for a while...... I don't know if the refrigerator wasn't cold enough, or if someone got it and walked the store shopping around and put it back on the shelves.... :dk:
But truth is, I should have followed my instincts :doh3: I have no doubt that' where it came from - it is most commonly found in poultry and decaying meat, but specially poultry that's starting to go bad.

Anyways - to wrap it up...... if anyone is interested, this is the brand I am using to treat them: Saccharomyces Boulardii
They HATE it, so I hide it inside the meat - I use the meat to make pill pockets, if you will. Chances are, a cat won't eat this easily..... But since this is used as medicine and Clostridium is no joke, I would say pill them if you must.

Since Clostridium can become chronic and has a high rate of recurrence, I am contemplating either finding a new probiotic with this strain in it, or mixing my own capsules with it. We will see - I think I want to keep them on it.

Well.... That's it..... Sorry I didn't open a thread before - I was posting on tammyp's clostridium page. :wavey:
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Thank you for posting this, Carolina. It's very helpful information, not only for raw feeders, but for rescuers. C. perf or C. difficile are not uncommon in rescue cats and kittens, and with this information, there is now another tool in the arsenal.

I'm so glad they're all doing well! :rub:

I hope you'll remember to post the results of the PCR follow up after the month. I expect, like you do, that the bacteria will have cleared their systems. :cross: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes:

I think finding a probiotic with this strain - or mixing your own - is a good idea. We know acidophilus helps with salmonella, and it's been shown to help with E. coli - but clearly it doesn't help with the clostridium strains.
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TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Re. the incidence in rescued cats/kittens, I expect that to be true, since Clostridium is found in decaying meat. Dr. E said it is often seen in strays that eat dead animals/prey, etc, or inside-outside cats.

Another note about Saccharomyces Boulardii - since it is an yeast, and not a bacteria, it is a probiotic that can be taken WITH an antibiotic (not only after) without losing its effectiveness. That is one of the reasons why it is used in hospitals against C. Difficile in humans so successfully (C. Difficille often hits during an antibiotic course).

So, when giving an antibiotic for a kitty (or taking yourself), this is an excellent probiotic to keep their flora in good shape during the antibiotic treatment ;)

Yes, I will post the PCR results for sure :bigthumb:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2007
Houston, Tx
That's great information Carolina! I'm glad you got your kids squared a way so quickly.

Don't be too hard on yourself for buying questionable meat. It's *so* *so* easy to drop our guard our guard for just long enough to do something we regret!

A question, why are you so sure it was the Saccharomices Boulardii that did the trick and not the Diagel? You gave them at the same time right? Or did you try the Diagel first and only went to the SB when the Diagel didn't help?
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
That's great information Carolina! I'm glad you got your kids squared a way so quickly.

Don't be too hard on yourself for buying questionable meat. It's *so* *so* easy to drop our guard our guard for just long enough to do something we regret!

A question, why are you so sure it was the Saccharomices Boulardii that did the trick and not the Diagel? You gave them at the same time right? Or did you try the Diagel first and only went to the SB when the Diagel didn't help?
Yes, I did use Diagel by itself before I went in for the consult - it didn't help. I gave to Lucky, Bugsy and Hope, and it was the same as water.
Also, The (extra) diagel arrived in the Vet's office on the afternoon of the 29th (he had to place an order) - by that time I had already given them the first dose of S. Boulardii and Bugsy had his Solid poop, Mac also had much improved poop..... No Diagel was given until that night.

That made me pretty sure of what worked and what didn't :D

Since we wouldn't have the results of the PCR test, and Diagel is a great option for Salmonella, E. Coli and it helps to slow down the digestive tract, Dr. E wanted to use it until the results were in since we were not sure what we were dealing with at that point.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
A couple more things that comes to mind about S. Boulardii.
Unlike other probiotics, S. Boulardii doesn't multiply or populate the gut - reason why it has to be given twice a day while treating Clostridium. It is very effective, however the mechanisms of how it works are not known for sure - there are theories that works by preventing the Clostridium bacteria from attaching to the intestinal wall, or if it actually kills it by destroying the bacterial walls, or attacking the toxins A & B directly.
However, unlike antibiotics, because of this, it is used longer term. When used on cats, the treatments on record are for 30 days.

Studies also show that when S Boulardii is used, the possibility of recurrence is much lower than when antibiotics are used, which is a nice bonus... If the person prefers to treat clostridium with antibiotics, adding S. boulardii has shown to both reduce the recurrence of clostridium and work on Metronidazole resistant strains. It is a safety net, I guess :nod:

S. Boulardi can be found in natural food stores on the refrigerated session - (this brand is stable in room temperature, but that's where I found here in Dallas), Vitamin/supplement shops, etc. My shipment from Amazon got delayed this weekend and I bought mine from my local farmer's market - it was in the fridge with all other probiotics.
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TCS Member
Super Cat
Dec 28, 2012
 Thanks and Hi Carolina!

Good to have the info in one spot.

One more thing to add is to check the ingredients carefully on the packet...Not sure if it is an issue over there, but here in Australia, any that I found in health stores had added things you don't want cats to have - lactose in one brand, Fructo-oliogosacharides in another (makes cats gassie and bloated).   I had to get mine online. (And it's cheaper!).


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
A couple more things that comes to mind about S. Boulardii.
Unlike other probiotics, S. Boulardii doesn't multiply or populate the gut - reason why it has to be given twice a day while treating Clostridium. It is very effective, however the mechanisms of how it works are not known for sure - there are theories that works by preventing the Clostridium bacteria from attaching to the intestinal wall, or if it actually kills it by destroying the bacterial walls, or attacking the toxins A & B directly.
However, unlike antibiotics, because of this, it is used longer term. When used on cats, the treatments on record are for 30 days.

Studies also show that when S Boulardii is used, the possibility of recurrence is much lower than when antibiotics are used, which is a nice bonus... If the person prefers to treat clostridium with antibiotics, adding S. boulardii has shown to both reduce the recurrence of clostridium and work on Metronidazole resistant strains. It is a safety net, I guess :nod:

S. Boulardi can be found in natural food stores on the refrigerated session - (this brand is stable in room temperature, but that's where I found here in Dallas), Vitamin/supplement shops, etc. My shipment from Amazon got delayed this weekend and I bought mine from my local farmer's market - it was in the fridge with all other probiotics.
This thread is really interesting! A lot of what you're saying rings a bell. This stuff sounds somewhat similar to the Spanish nutraceutical Mogli is taking (Entero-Chronic) for IBD. It also contains MOS, and yeast is listed as an ingredient, at least on the box. A vet describes how it works here:

Entero-Chronic restores and supports healthy bowel function in a number of ways. First, it modulates intestinal immune function and contains substances that exert a substantial localized anti-inflammatory effect. According to the manufacturer, a 60% reduction in bowel inflammation is to be expected.

Second, Entero-Chronic actually helps to repair and strengthen the bowel epithelium and mucosal barrier. This is in sharp contrast to many anti-inflammatory drugs that are known to damage the stomach and intestinal linings.

And third, Entero-Chronic contains potent prebiotics that not only stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria populations, but suppress and bind to pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their adherence to the intestinal lining where they can damage cells and cause inflammation.
It also is supposed to be taken from 30 days to 3 months. We saw a big improvement after 30 days, so we're going to do the whole 3-month course. Luckily, it appears to taste a lot better than the S. Boulardi!

:vibes::vibes::vibes: for the kitties!
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TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Just a quick update :wavey:

Today is day 21 of their treatment with S Boulardii. All of them are doing Fantastic :clap::clap::clap::clap:
There have been no Diarrhea, everyone has consistently formed/solid poop, great appetites and completely normal energy levels/behaviors.

I will be taking a poop sample for a PCR test after 30 days of treatment to see if they are clear :cross:
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Quick update: today is supposed to be the last day of their treatment. They are still doing great, and have no diarrhea :bigthumb:
I was supposed to take a poop sample for a PCR test in, but I am having a big national meeting for my Company in town so that will not happen today. Tomorrow I am having the roof replaced in my house and I am not comfortable in leaving the house with the cats and the contractors either. So I will most likely drop it off on Saturday.
I am pretty confident this issue has been take care of though; the kitties have been as healthy as ever.
On another note, I found a probiotic that will fit my needs for their maintenance. It is a 30 billion CFU probiotic, of which 5 billion is Saccharomyces Boulardii. It has 20 strains of benef. Bacteria. I will give each cat 1/4 capsule in the am and pm, which will total 7.5billion cfu daily, and 1/4 dose of what they are currently taking for saccharomyces.
Their regular probiotic is 10 billion cfu so it will not be a significant decrease. And I want the S. Boulardii for maintenance and I like it's properties against salmonella and e. Coli. Hopefully they will like it, since it is only 1/4 capsule per meal and it is a mixed probiotic. :cross:
I will update once I receive it. The link is below :)
I will post another update once I switch for the maintenance dose, and with the results of the PCR test. :wavey:

Nexabiotic 20 Strain probiotic
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Quick update.....
Have not dropped the sample yet :anon:
I need to take Bugsy to his physical and now I think I will take Busy + poop.
Meanwhile, I have put the kids on the new probiotic - for now they are getting each 1/2 capsule in the am, 1/2 capsule in the pm. This gives them 1/2 the daily dosage they were getting of Saccharomyces Boulardii.
They love the probiotic and have no problems eating whatsoever - it goes right on the top of the food :bigthumb:

They are all still doing fine, and have no diarrhea........................................ aside from a couple times I tried introducing egg yolks to them and got a little poop fest in return. But that's another (poop) story :lol:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I know you've been crazy busy - did you ever get the chance to drop the stool sample for the follow-up?

And an FYI: I bought the Nexabiotic 20 strain probiotic (that has S. boulardii and acidophilus, bifidus, and other strains). They eat it the same as the Natural Factors. :)
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
I know you've been crazy busy - did you ever get the chance to drop the stool sample for the follow-up?

And an FYI: I bought the Nexabiotic 20 strain probiotic (that has S. boulardii and acidophilus, bifidus, and other strains). They eat it the same as the Natural Factors. :)
Crazy busy is right :thud:
I finally had a day off this weekend, but still have some work to do tonight before going out of town tomorrow - it seems it never ends.......
Anyways - nope, haven't taken yet, but I will tomorrow :clap::clap::clap:

We have appointments with Dr. E - Bugsy, Mac and Hope's poop :lol3:

The probiotic is great!! The only one who is sort of finicky here is Lucky :rolleyes:

I decided to leave them on it - I like the safety net, especially since clostidium can reoccur.
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  • #17


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Just got back from the vet - Dr. E took one look at the poop and said we don't need to test it. He said if the poop has been consistently like that - formed, solid, and looking good, it will be a total waste of $$. He said there is really no reason to test and that they are fine :nod:

Well..... so that's that.


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
:lol: Yes, the PCR test is expensive.

:clap: That's great, Carolina! So you're going to keep them on the 1/4 pill of Nexabiotic? Once a day or twice a day?
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
:lol: Yes, the PCR test is expensive.

:clap: That's great, Carolina! So you're going to keep them on the 1/4 pill of Nexabiotic? Once a day or twice a day?
I am just going to keep them on 1/2 capsule 2x a day - if it was me only feeding I would do 1/4 capsule 2x a day..... but the capsules are tiny and you need to be precise.....
With so many feeding.......... :dk: easier to do 1/2

I has to be fed 2x a day - s. boulardii doesn't populate the gut like the other strands. :nod:

It isn't necessary, but......... I want to be on the safe side :nod:

I sent you a pm on FB about Mac.
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  • #20


TCS Member
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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Wow, it's been a year!
Just a quick update.... They are still healthy and never relapsed. They still take Nexabiotic, 1/2 capsule in the morning and 1/2 at night.
