cat & pregnancy/new baby... help...


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2005
Central Connecticut
hi, can anyone point me to any existing posts about how to adjust cats to a baby arrival?  i am 6 months pregnant and my (only) cat is very attached to me right now (and isn't too fond of kids as far as I can tell).  I want to do my best to try to adjust her to this new baby that's coming.  Thanks in advance for any/all suggestions, since this is my first cat (had her for about 7 years, she is about 8 yo).



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2001
Right here! :)
I don't know of any posts about this subject, but I thought I´d share my experience.

When I was pregnant with my first child, I was very worried about the cat/baby "issue".  I had 2 cats and one of them was especially attached to me.  Neither of them had ever met kids or babies. Both cats slept in our bed if they wanted, but after the baby would be born I didn't want them in our bed just yet, while the baby would start develloping its immune system. I was also afraid that the cats would jump into the baby's crib while it was too small to be able to move it's head away. I was also afraid that the cats would get jelous and hurt the baby.  Well...I had all sorts of worries, especially as the cats where my babies, especially one of them.  When I was preparing the baby clothes and baby stuff, one of the cats would jump into the boxes and bite me if I took her out, which was very unlike her, so I was even more worried that they would hurt the baby.

Once my son was born, it was as if the kitties understood.  They both held back, they watched him all the time, but from a safe distance, like they were his guardians!  They never did anything to him, they never even got close to him for months. They didn´t get into our bed untill much later when I actually got one of them and put her in our bed and told her it was ok. After that the other one started coming to our bed as well.

I was so happy to find out that I didn't need to worry and so grateful to my kitties for understanding! :)

Good luck! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 6, 2006
I've heard of cats helping each other with their kittens, especially female sibling cats. Your cat might very well sniff out that your baby is your "kitten" and act accordingly. The baby will smell like you, which should be enough to tell the cat that the baby is family. Not that you shouldn't supervise until you're sure the baby knows how to be kind to an animal... even a newborn can grab fur rather tightly. My littlest sister used to cut off circulation in my fingertip when she grabbed my finger.

BTW, Pollyanna, re. infants' immune systems, as far as I can tell, it's actually beneficial for a baby to be exposed to things like animals when they're young--it reduces the chance that they develop allergies later on.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2001
Right here! :)
BTW, Pollyanna, re. infants' immune systems, as far as I can tell, it's actually beneficial for a baby to be exposed to things like animals when they're young--it reduces the chance that they develop allergies later on.
Yes, I know that. I found it actually very important to have a cat in the home while my children were very young,  for that reason. I even got another cat when I was last pregnant to make sure that the new baby would be exposed to cats while very young! (We had only one cat at that time, and she had been very ill and the vet didn't think she would have much time left. 3 years later she is still with us, has bad periods with her illness, but is fine in between :)  )

However, one of  my sisters  was the  only one of  us sisters who was born into a cat home and she is the only one of  us who has severe cat allergy.  A very good friend of mine has the same story, only with her son.  When her son was a newborn, her cat and the baby would often snug close together right from the start. A few years later he develloped very severe allergies for cats.  That was  so sad, not just for my friend's son, but also for my friend, as she is such a catlover and finds it terrible, not to be  able to have cats now.  Knowing these 2 stories in my very close circle and of  course wanting the very best for my own baby, I  decited to try to keep a little  distance  between the baby and the cats for the very beginning, as having 2 cats in a one bedroom flat would be enought for the immune system of a newborn, without them being  in our bed and cuddling with the  baby right from the start.  

Also, knowing that being exposed to animals is good for children, I have heard that limiting the exposure for the very beginning is also important.  Of course I try to ballance what I hear and read and  take my decicions that I believe that will help my children not get an allergy for cats and make it more likely for me to be able to continue to have cats, as I wouldn't be able to if my children develloped a bad allergy!

When my second child was born I was not nearly as concerned about keeping the distance between the cats and the baby, but  still didn't want the cats in the bed or snuggling with the baby right at the beginning. (Still a lot of exposure, as we are still living in the  one bedroom apartment).   :)
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TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Hi there!  Welcome to TCS!

I have a 2 year old and a 6 week old myself.  I really didn't do much to prepare my kitties before DD came home.  I've heard of doing things like sending a blanket the baby has slept in home the day before you bring baby home and letting the cat smell it and sleep on it.  Also of playing recordings (search youtube) of babies crying so they get used to the sound of it.  I didn't do any of those things; but I dont think it would hurt either.

Our kitties dont come in our bedroom unsupervised because DH is allergic.  So keeping the bedroom doors shut has been a normal thing for us.  But on the occasion (when DD got a bit older) that one did get in her room and get shut in; they never went in her crib.  Its pretty much the last place they want to be when she is in it!  I've found them asleep in the pack-n-play when it was at the bassinet level; but never with her in it.  I think one time one cat checked out the bassinet; but we were just careful to keep them out of our room after that.  She must have snuck in as it was.

When I came home with DD I came in first and had DH carry DD in.  I greeted the cats and let them sniff me.  Then we put DD down so they could check her out in her infant seat.  They both sniffed her and that was about it.  They did pretty much keep their distance.  After a while the one that normally is on top of me if I'm sitting on the couch would sit in my lap while I bottle fed DD.  It was sweet because DD would reach her little chubby hand down and touch her fur.  I honestly think the biggest problem we had was just because my time was divided.  Mooch (the one who loves to be on top of me) had to get used to me not laying on the couch with her every evening.  Noodles is still Noodles.  When we brought DS home I got a few looks like "another one? really?"
  But that was it.  They sniff him every now and then but otherwise they dont seem to mind him.  Our vet suggested getting a Feliway diffuser but so far I've not had to.  That might be something for you to look into too.  Our kitties also have a nice, tall cat tree to escape to.  Having a safe place for them is deffinitely helpful when its crazy around here.  I also had to make a point of playing with the kitties regularly.  They got in the habit of racing me to the kitchen to be fed any time I went in that direction at all.  They'd trip me on the way there.  Someone here suggested playing with them like that and it did help!

After DD got mobile she got swatted by Noodles a few times.  Not hurt; just scared.  She was big enough to listen when I told her to leave the kitty alone.  Which I had over and over and over.  And she didn't this one time and Noodles let her know it was not ok.  No biting or anything; just a good warning!  DD knows to leave Noodles alone now.  She still tries to chase Mooch here and there.  Sometimes it's cute because she is just trying to give her a treat or a toy.  Poor Mooch isn't sure she can trust her sometimes!  But the treat thing is something else you might be able to start early; give treats with the baby nearby.  Like in a bouncy seat on the floor.  I want them to associate DD with something other than loud shrieks and being chased.  DD loves them and she is learning.  Kitty was actually her first word.

Good luck with your new baby and your kitties!  And congratulations!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 23, 2001
Right here! :)
After a while the one that normally is on top of me if I'm sitting on the couch would sit in my lap while I bottle fed DD.  It was sweet because DD would reach her little chubby hand down and touch her fur. 
My younger son did that too when I was breastfeeding him, after he had "discovered" the cats and the kitty (Feykirófa) who likes to sit and sleep on top of me would sit behind him on my lap.  That was so cute, he would be drinking, but at the same time slowly stroking the cat and burying his fingers in her fur. I  think they both liked that!  :)
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Oct 20, 2005
Central Connecticut
thanks... i'm scheduled for a c-sec in 2 days, and i havent done much to adjust her... she goes in the baby room and sits on the rocker.  i think i will try the blanket thing, like have my husband or mom give her a blanket with the baby's scent on it when they come in to feed her while i'm in the hospital... but otherwise i've heard playing to get the energy out will help and doing things like petting her with baby lotion scent on my hands will help with good association... i tried that already but she seemed to want to lick my hand to death.  we'll just have to see how it goes i guess and go from there. my fear is that she's aggressive toward her or the baby's allergic, but i have to try not to worry.  hard to do these days :/

thanks for your help!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 2, 2007
How did it go?  My cat adjusted great, crying isn't a bother to her, loves to rub all over baby and be around baby as much as possible.  What I didn't anticipate was the amount of scratching the heck out of EVERYTHING baby she would do, pack and play, quilts people special made for baby, bassinet, rugs, blankets, just everything new.  She has lots of vertical space, toys, and scratch pads/trees.
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