This is going to be one for the books! Transitioning Lucky, Bugsy and Hope to Raw.... Challenges Gal


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Come on, Lucky :please: just give in and end this battle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sigh: We don't want a Round 2 for today :nono:!!!!!! I feel your pain here Carolina - there is not really a worse feeling when they just refuse everything you put in front of them. So exacerbating to say the least :nervous: LOADS of vibes for the :princess: to get back on track with the raw - AND she will! But not before she gives momma a hard time :sigh: :nothappy: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

EXCELLENT for Hope and Bugsy :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
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  • #743


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Come on, Lucky :please: just give in and end this battle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :sigh: We don't want a Round 2 for today :nono:!!!!!! I feel your pain here Carolina - there is not really a worse feeling when they just refuse everything you put in front of them. So exacerbating to say the least :nervous: LOADS of vibes for the :princess: to get back on track with the raw - AND she will! But not before she gives momma a hard time :sigh: :nothappy: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:
EXCELLENT for Hope and Bugsy :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Day 57 Breakfast

This is not going to be easy :thud:

The clock is ticking, and the tick-tack sound keeps getting louder and louder in my head
For breakfast, I underfed her 0.6oz of chicken, and tried feeding her some raw - no go. Then I did it again - no go for the raw again. In the end, she had 1oz of chicken, 0of raw :(

Bugsy and Hope had Rad Cat Lamb and Strips of fresh chicken this morning. They started with the lamb, and just took one little sprinkle to polish all clean :nod:
Hope immediately proceeded to eat her chicken, and finished it all up without any help :clap::clap::clap:
Bugsy started without help, but needed a little sprinkle to finish it off.
I am not sure what it is, but whenever I feed the strips Bugsy and hope don't seem as satisfied as when I feed a complete ground meal - they still look for food afterwards..... Maybe it is not as filling :dk: They still look hungry, even though ounce per ounce the QTY is exactly the same. :confused:

Lucky is hanging out by the kitchen.... I will feed her another meal close to 1pm - I will have to leave for a while, and will be back only at dinner time.... she will be hungry for a while. poor little girl.... I feel bad for my princess :princess:
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  • #745


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Oh Carolina... :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm assuming you're doing a small dollop with WL sprinkles? :sigh:
Just mega :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep - your assumption is right - back to the plan that worked with kibbles....... and hoping for the best :cross:


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Oh dear, such a worry on momma. It is hard to have to go away for the afternoon when you know she is hungry too :sigh: Here's hoping that by dinnertime she will be ready to give in to the raw once again. GOSH - she is a tough one - I thought she would take right back up with the raw. Then again, I should know from a few of my cat's :frusty: MAN - they can be very tough to crack and they know just how to play on our sympathies :nothappy: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: LUCKY - I want to hear the good news later :cross:
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  • #748


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 57 Dinner - Still Nothing

I got home late for their dinner - everyone was staaaaarving!!
I forgot to add that Lucky had 0.75oz for Lunch, so when I left her intake was 1.75oz of WL chicken - no raw.

Tonight I tried raw again....... for no avail. She ate 1.10ozof WL chicken for a total of 2.85 oz so far. I will feed her a couple of meals before we go to bed.
I will also defrost some Turkey - just a bit..... and see if offering that makes a difference :nod:

Hope and Bugsy had Rad Cat Lamb mixed with Rad Cat Chicken - They took an extra sprinkle to finish, but that was it. I am going to follow Laurie's advice and see how we do on the weight loss this week: I will let them "Self-Regulate" from now on.......... Meaning..... One sprinkle to start, and whatever they don't eat, that's it. No more sprinkles. If they don't finish their meals, I will assume they are full :nod:
Let's see what happens...... maybe Bugsy and Hope will finally stop gaining and will naturally start losing weight - this was in the plans..... at least for Bugsy :nod:

For Lucky, I decided that the clock will tick as long as she needs - I will just supplement the chicken so she is getting the taurine, calcium and the vitamins she would be getting otherwise :nod: This way I am not stressed out, neither is she. It is what is it....... She has to come back at her own pace..... and unfortunately her pace doesn't match my plans
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  • #749


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 57 Late Night Dinner

Brother...... Will she ever come back? Oh boy oh boy :frusty:
She :princess: had 0.8oz of WL chicken for dinner tonight. I offered her Rad Cat Turkey to see if it would make any difference.... nah - not a bit. She rejected it all the same. Total intake for the day: 3.65 oz - I will offer her another meal before going to bed :nod:
At the very least I need to bring her back to a schedule - these little meals are no longer working...... Will be forcing larger meals to get her going on a schedule beginning tomorrow.

Hope and Bugsy had Rabbit (Hare Today) One sprinkle was all it took for Hope to clean her plate...... Not for Bugsy though. The self regulate idea would not go well today..... well.... not completely anyways.... He stopped eating when 1/2 of his food was left - I could not let that happen - it was too much. I gave him 2 extra sprinkles, and didn't insist. I think he left about 0.4oz.... at that point he was full..... I am VERY happy with HT rabbit - awesome meat, and the kids LOVE it :bigthumb:
Another 0.7oz for the princess..... 4.35oz today
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TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Yeah, I understand why the HT rabbit seems so different than the pork! It is EXTRA fine ground! :nod:

Now.... come on Lucky..... :cross: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: :vibes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • #751


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 58 Breakfast

Hope an Bugsy had a great meal - Hare Today Rabbit and Pieces of fresh chicken to chew. They are loving their meals this way! :clap::clap::clap: I have no doubt they would have no problem going frankerprey - aside liking the organs....... gotta pass the kidney test :barf: As I said before, I will let Laurie do first, then I will follow suit :hide: :lol3:

Miss Lucky is giving me a run for my money..... She had 1oz of WL chicken this morning and licked a bit of the WL powder from the top of the raw dollop - but that's as far as she got - no farther than that. The raw was turkey. Today was her first day off of Cerenia :cross: that she will hold her own and not throw up......

:vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes: to come back to balanced meals soon!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
Double :anon: :anon: :flail: because I too, am seeing how it goes with Laurie's kitties first - letting Laurie pave the way!!!!!!!!! :lol3: LOVE YA LAURIE :heart3: :heart3:

GEEZ - :princess: Lucky is certainly holding out....... OH Carolina - I feel your pain :eek:hno: I was really hoping to read that Lucky is getting back on track. COME ON LITTLE DARLIN'...... we are waiting for you to see the light !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cross: :vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
Well, my kitties are loving the fresh meat, that's for sure. :nod: Organs... I'll pick up chicken livers if they have some in date, but I already know they love the dehydrated ones. The rest will be shipped Monday. We'll see! :cross: :lol3:

BABY STEPS!!!!!! OK - licking the WL chicken off the top of the raw is a step in the right direction! And it happened a lot faster than in the kibble transition. :nod: So hopefully it won't be long before she takes that dive in!

:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for NO NAUSEA or vomiting for :princess: Lucky!
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  • #754


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for NO NAUSEA or vomiting for :princess: Lucky!
First day off Cerenia is making her REALLY hungry - she is begging for food like there is no tomorrow - driving me crazy! :smshfrk:
Fed her 0.8oz of WL chicken for lunch - total intake 1.8oz
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  • #755


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Well, my kitties are loving the fresh meat, that's for sure. :nod: Organs... I'll pick up chicken livers if they have some in date, but I already know they love the dehydrated ones. The rest will be shipped Monday. We'll see! :cross: :lol3:
BABY STEPS!!!!!! OK - licking the WL chicken off the top of the raw is a step in the right direction! And it happened a lot faster than in the kibble transition. :nod: So hopefully it won't be long before she takes that dive in!
:vibes: :vibes: :vibes: for NO NAUSEA or vomiting for :princess: Lucky!
You go sistah!!! :clap::clap::clap::clap: Tomorrow is our day to load up - I think I will be ordering some organs too :think: or some tougher meats to chew - I can try to get it from the market too, as Hare Today only sell 2lbs packages......... and that will last FOREVER..... But...... I am thinking hearts.... gizzards..... :think: This is exciting :hyper:

Day 58 Dinner

Dinner today was Chicken for all - Only for the reminder that yep - BORING :disa: :lol3:
I know kids, but you HAVE to eat your chicken, momma says :nono:! It took quite a few sprinkles for Bugsy to finish..... but he did..... Hope , on the other hand, did NOT want to eat it! Well, she ate what she wanted, and what she didn't, she didn't. She can afford to loose, that little piglet :lol3:

Lucky has been REALLY close to me ALL day - I have been pushing her towards a schedule - and now that she is on stimulants and no Cerenia..... boy is she hungry or what? And the annoyance is directly proportional :nod: :flail: The girl is LOUD, OBNOXIOUS, a total spoiled rotten :princess: Love her to death :lol3: She had a conference call with a colleague of mine from LA that lasted over 40 minutes - I put them on the speaker and they went to town - funniest thing ever!
She ate 1oz of WL chicken...... and I put the plate with the raw dollops under the bed with her........... and she took a few licks! About 0.15oz :woohoo:
Not much, but mommy will do a woohoo for any raw right now!! :woohoo:

Total consumption for Lucky:


TCS Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fighting for ferals in NW NJ!
I'll join you! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Yep, she's coming around MUCH faster this time! KNOCK WOOD!!!!

So... should we start a pool on how long it takes Lucky to eat a full meal of raw?
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  • #757


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 58 Late Night Dinner - WTH-ECK?

Ohhhh.... that liver backfired BIG time! Lucky went Where the last letter was not necessarily a "G" :lol3: The little tiny liver I re-hydrated and mixed in with the chicken threw off the entire meal - she HATE it :barf:
She also HATED the liver as a topper :barf:

I had to make another meal for her, and by then she was already stressed out..... It was pretty bad.....

All I could get into her was 0.75oz of chicken - no raw whatsoever..... Total intake for today 3.7oz.

Bugsy and Hope had Rabbit (HT) - Bugsy is tired of it..... Hope had the whole thing pretty fast though. Bugsy left some, but ate Lucky's turkey dollop, so he got a full meal :nod:

I guess I got the message for tomorrow's meal - Turkey :nod:

Edit: Another 0.5oz of Chicken for miss Lucky - tried to get her some raw........ nothing..... oh my..... come on baby girl!
Total for the day - 4.2oz
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TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
I'll join you! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Yep, she's coming around MUCH faster this time! KNOCK WOOD!!!!

So... should we start a pool on how long it takes Lucky to eat a full meal of raw?
I will also join in on the hopefuls for the :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: COME ON, LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't keep us in suspense any longer :frown2: We can't take it..... I guess we should start the countdown of the days to raw for the :princess:

:vibes::hugs::vibes::rub::vibes::hugs::rub::vibes::hugs::rub::vibes: FOR TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cross:


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Whew, I've been back from vacation for a little over a week now, and it's taken me this long to catch on on this thread
.  My, my my...can't believe all that's happened while I was away. Lucky completed went raw
, then turned around 360 degrees 
.  One thing I don't understand is...she IS eating WL rehydrated chicken, right?  Well, technically, that's raw, right?  So, technically, she's still eating raw then?  Also, how to you know how many oz. of that WL she is eating?  I am supplementing my guys with the DEhydrated chicken right now as I am trying to get them on scheduled feeding, and since it's like styrofoam, it doesn't weigh anything
.  (I wonder how many calories are in one of those 3/4 " ish pieces

Well, so glad things are going so well with Bugsy and Hope (after that plastic episode), and hopefully Lucky will get back on schedule now.  How will you know when the bones are out of her system?  Will she just poop them out?  Are they big enough you can find them in her poop (and are you looking
...I know...we all do it!!)
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  • #760


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Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Day 59 Breakfast - Come on Lucky........ Come on!!!

I just don't know what to do..... Lucky has been on pure chicken for a week as of today...... and it doesn't look any better today than a week ago..... Dr. Escobedo wanted her eating raw today....... and simply, it won't happen..... The only good part of this thing is that she is not having nausea - that is good..... but raw? forget it. She isn't having any :bawling:

She had 0.90oz of WL chicken this morning, and not a lick of raw.

Bugsy and Hope had Fresh Chicken cuts and Rad Cat turkery for Breakfast. Hope's future is definitely frankerprey - she likes fresh cut meats WAY better than ground raw, that is for sure. She goes straight to it, and is starting to reject her ground - not only that, but goes to Bugsy's plate, and hisses at him trying to scare him off :nono:
Bugsy wouldn't have an issue going frankerprey either :nod:
I will buy different things for them now - organs and such to see if we can do this - if we take it, we will go all the way..... My checking account will surely appreciate it..... :nod: As well as their teeth

Lauren........ thank you SO much for the amazingly hopeful thoughts of her coming back to raw today...... I SO wish that would happen....... :hugs: