Brush up on the facts: your feline's pearly whites need just as much care as yours do!
A survey on our site revealed a startling statistic: a mere twelve percent of cat owners commit to brushing their cat's teeth daily.
Even more surprising, over twenty percent have never even tried.
But here's the kicker: any vet dentist will vouch that a simple daily brush can drastically transform your cat's dental health.
So, why is this vital grooming routine often overlooked? Read on to learn about the importance of maintaining your cat's oral hygiene and the steps to make it a breeze.
Why Daily Cat Toothbrushing Matters
Brushing the teeth of an adult cat that is not used to the process can be difficult. Yet, brushing regularly once a day can make a major difference to your cat's dental health.

Good quality dry or canned food may provide a cat with all the required nutrients, but it doesn't fight the accumulation of plaque and tartar on teeth as well as a natural diet would.
In the wild, tearing through skin and bone removes these deposits much better than any dry food kibbles.
Feeding raw could help in that respect, but even then, no studies show the long-term effect of feeding homemade or commercial raw on dental health.
The Dangers of Plaque and Tartar in Cats
Without brushing, the cat's teeth get covered in a thin film of plaque. Plaque is simply a mix of food residue, saliva proteins, and bacteria.
Plaque is soft so brushing can effectively remove this unwholesome layer.

Left to its own devices, the layer of plaque solidifies into tartar, a hard calcified layer that sticks to the teeth.
Once formed, tartar can only be removed during professional scaling and teeth polishing.
Brushing your cat's teeth daily helps fight off plaque and bacteria.
This significantly decreases the frequency of professional teeth cleaning by the vet and keeps your cat's teeth and gums clean and healthy.
Choosing the Right Brush and Paste for Your Cat's Teeth
You should never use a toothbrush or toothpaste designed for people. The brush would be too tough for the cat's delicate gums, and the paste can be toxic for cats.
Click here to see these cat toothbrushes on Amazon.
There are several toothpastes designed especially for pets available on the market. They also taste much better (at least if you're a cat).
Click here to see this cat toothpaste on Amazon.
You may want to try a finger brush that fits onto your finger and gives you better control of your movements.
Click here to see this finger brush on Amazon.
Many cat owners simply use a piece of clean gauze wrapped around their finger. It provides just enough friction to remove plaque, without being too hard on the teeth and gums.
Vital Veterinary Dental Check-Up Before Home Brushing
Please don't try to brush your cat's teeth until you get the all-clear from the vet. A full veterinary dental check-up can reveal Gingivitis or other dental issues.

Their teeth may look all right to you, but trying to brush them will cause pain and perhaps even bleeding.
This in itself may be enough to turn your cat off dental care for good, so it's best to consult a vet first.
Once the vet gives the all-clear, you can train your cat to have her teeth brushed or cleaned. Even kittens can suffer from Gingivitis, Stomatitis, or just loose teeth.
Don't skip the veterinary dental check-up. It's a vital step before establishing a home-care dental routine.
Starting a Cat Toothbrushing Routine: Tips and Tricks
Introducing a toothbrushing routine to your feline friend might seem challenging, but with the right approach and patience, it can become a seamless part of your cat's daily care.
Whether you have a playful kitten or a reserved older cat, these tips and tricks will guide you in establishing a successful and stress-free brushing routine.
1. Begin Early
Start the brushing routine when the cat is young, as kittens typically adjust best to brush their teeth.

2. Stay Calm and Patient
Approach each brushing session with patience and calmness. Remember, handling their teeth isn't a natural experience for many cats.
It's important not to lose your temper, even if your kitty is hesitant or reluctant.
3. Create Positive Associations
Initiate gently massaging the cat's gums and teeth using your fingers.
Opt for short, repeated sessions over several days, ideally when your cat is most relaxed.
After each session, praise your cat and consider offering a treat. The goal is to foster a positive association with the toothbrushing process.
4. Introduce the Brush Gradually
Slowly introduce a toothbrush once your cat is comfortable with the gum massages. Always use a brush designed specifically for cats or something gentle like gauze.

Ending the session just before your cat shows signs of discomfort is crucial.
5. Choose the Right Toothpaste
After your cat has acclimated to the brush, introduce a cat-friendly toothpaste. Ensure the flavor appeals to your feline to make the process smoother.
6. Training Older Cats
The approach remains similar for older cats but anticipates a longer adjustment period. Adult cats often require additional patience and a more gradual introduction to the brushing routine.
Final Thoughts on Embracing Feline Dental Health
As cat owners, our journey in understanding and implementing dental care for our feline companions is crucial.
While the initial steps may seem daunting, the learning and adaptation process is rewarding.
Prioritizing your cat's oral health not only ensures their well-being but also strengthens the bond you share. Remember, every brush stroke contributes to a happier, healthier kitty.
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Learn more about cats' teeth by checking out the articles below.
Can Cats Manage Without Their Teeth?
Does Dry Food Actually Clean Your Cat’s Teeth?
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