Elevated Liver Enzymes In Cats – Should You Be Worried? [Complete Guide]

When faced with the reality of elevated liver enzymes in your feline friend, it's natural to feel a surge of concern.

Every cat owner wants the best for their beloved pet, and a healthy liver is crucial to their overall well-being. But knowledge is a powerful ally.

This article offers a clear and concise look at feline liver health, guided by the expertise of the renowned Dr. Letrisa Miller.

From the vital function of liver enzymes to potential health implications for your cat, we present everything you need to know to stay informed and proactive.

Significance Of The Liver In Cats

The liver, the largest internal organ in both cats and humans, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health.

It performs numerous crucial functions, which you can explore in detail in our comprehensive article on Liver Disease In Cats.

This extraordinary organ can be susceptible to various health problems such as liver cancer, gallbladder inflammation, and even poisoning.

When something goes wrong with your cat's liver, this can be a serious problem. So, if Kitty's blood tests show elevated liver enzymes, how alarmed should you be?

We talked to veterinary expert Dr. Letrisa Miller - an award-winning veterinarian and a feline-only practitioner - and have some answers for you!

Understanding the Power of Enzymes

Let's refresh our knowledge of enzymes.

In simple terms, enzymes are proteins that can break down large molecules into smaller ones or create new compounds by combining smaller molecules.

They serve as essential tools within the body to regulate its intricate biochemistry.

The Liver: A Biochemical Marvel

Picture the liver as a fascinating factory right inside your cat's body. It has a remarkable ability to break down specific molecules, making them smaller and easier to handle.

At the same time, it puts together larger structures that are vital for storing energy and performing essential functions.

The liver takes on such complex tasks that it relies on a vast array of enzymes to keep this intricate factory running smoothly. It's truly awe-inspiring how the liver manages it all!

Liver Problems In Cats: What Your Vet Will Do

Your veterinarian has several methods to assess the health of your cat's liver, and blood tests are just one of them. Other diagnostic procedures include:

Vet listening fluffy cat using stethoscope during appointment in veterinary clinic

  • Palpation: By gently touching your cat's abdomen, your vet can feel the liver and determine its size.
  • Visual Examination: Your vet will inspect your cat's gums, eye membranes, and other tissues for signs of jaundice, which may indicate liver issues.
  • Ultrasound: This non-invasive imaging technique allows your vet to examine the liver's internal structure for any abnormalities.
  • Biopsy: Your vet may take a sample of liver tissue for further analysis under a microscope.

Considering The Big Picture

In addition to these tests, your vet takes into account your cat's age, overall health condition, and any changes in appetite, eating and drinking habits, as well as behavioral changes.

They may also inquire about your cat's diet. I

It's important to note that while blood tests provide valuable information about liver function, they are just one piece of the puzzle. Results alone may not provide a definitive diagnosis.

Liver Enzymes Commonly Tested In Cats

Liver function blood tests typically cover specific enzymes that indicate liver health.

A veterinary professional conducting a thorough examination of a cat's health, specifically focusing on its liver enzyme levels.

Although not all in-house analyzers include every enzyme, they offer faster results within 10-15 minutes compared to the 24-hour wait for other tests.

According to Dr. Miller, a liver functions blood test typically includes the following enzymes:

1. Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT)

GGT is often elevated in any liver disease but is markedly elevated in hepatic lipidosis.

2. Alanine Transferase (ALT)

ALT is particular to leaking, damaged liver cells, but is otherwise pretty non-specific.

3. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

ALP is fairly specific for biliary (bile ducts and gallbladder) damage in the cat, but it can come from the tiny bile ducts in the liver or the gallbladder and large ducts outside the liver.

4. Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)

AST can be more sensitive in cats for some types of liver disease, such as the granulomatous inflammation found in FIP, but it is also produced by muscle damage.

Additionally, the blood test includes bilirubin, a product of hemoglobin breakdown that becomes part of bile. Increased bilirubin levels cause jaundice in cats.

However, Dr. Miller advises against assuming that jaundice indicates liver disease alone, as it may have other causes, such as red blood cell disease.

A Broad Spectrum Of Possible Causes

According to Dr. Miller, the results can be indicative of many conditions.

It's important to look not just at the separate figures, but at the ratios between them and the overall pattern they create.

A domestic striped kitten with a sad face lies on the trail. Sick pet.

The range of potential health conditions leading to increased liver enzyme counts is extensive. Here are some common culprits:

  • Hepatic lipidosis
  • Cholangiohepatitis
  • Biliary obstruction
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (triaditis)
  • Pancreatitis
  • Lymphoma
  • Endotoxin producing infections
  • Hepatitis (there are different types of hepatitis)
  • Biliary stasis
  • Septicemia
  • E. coli enteritis
  • Hyperthyroidism

Interestingly, the source of the problem may not always be the liver itself. At times, enzymes originate from other organs that produce the same enzyme.

Considering Less Troublesome Scenarios

Benign elevation of enzymes is uncommon in cats, as highlighted by Dr. Miller. However, there is an exception in the case of elevated levels of ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) in kittens.

This benign finding can occur due to rapid bone growth since osteoblasts, cells involved in bone formation, also produce ALP.

Medications And Enzyme Elevation

Certain drugs have the potential to increase enzyme levels. If this occurs, your vet may recommend discontinuing the medication.

Veterinarian examining maine coon with stethoscope in clinic

However, it's crucial to consult your vet before making any changes to a prescribed treatment, as the benefits of the drug may still outweigh potential risks in certain situations.

Prognosis For Elevated Liver Enzymes In Cats

The prognosis -- or expected outcome -- depends on the actual diagnosis, which is based on your vet's overall assessment of the cat. Dr. Miller has encouraging words for you:

"The liver is an amazing organ with a lot of different functions, and it is remarkably good at repairing itself when damaged.

While cats that have liver disease can look like they are dying (or want to die), given enough supportive care and specific treatment, most survive and become healthy again."

The diseased liver brings about a loss of appetite, but things will only worsen without food. That's why helping the liver to heal may include tube feeding, a procedure that scares many owners.

Dr. Miller cautions against opting for force-feeding instead of tube feeding, saying it could lead to long-term food aversion.

an elderly Siamese cat, visibly unwell, has a feeding tube extending from its nose to its stomach for nourishment, while a collar is visible in the background.

"Feeding tubes are quickly and easily placed and allow all food and medications to be given without stress to the cat," she says.

What You Should Do

Elevated liver enzymes in cats are not the end of the world but are an indication that something is wrong.

The results of the blood tests require expertise and experience to decipher, as the overall pattern and ratio between the various enzymes need to be taken into account.

You have to work with your veterinarian on getting a proper diagnosis. It may take further testing and some time, but it is the key to getting your cat better.

As always, if you don't feel comfortable with the medical care given to your cat, it's perfectly ok to seek a second opinion, preferably from a feline specialist.

Countless cats have endured and triumphed over liver disease. To find support and connect with fellow cat lovers, share your experience in our cat health forum.

Together, we can navigate this challenging path and provide the best care for our feline companions. So share this article with others by pinning the image below on your social media accounts.

elevated liver enzymes in cats; the complete guide

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35 comments on “Elevated Liver Enzymes In Cats – Should You Be Worried? [Complete Guide]

Patrice August 18, 2023
Took our 1yo boy to the vet as he was sneezing and his eyes were runny and red. He has a fever and they took an xray and found he had fluid in front of his heart and said he was pretty sick, wanted to keep him overnight and do blood work and give fluids. They called to say his ALT is 210 (s/b 10-100) and want to keep him the weekend. He's been eating like normal and didn't really notice any changes in behavior, other than the sneezing. Any thoughts?
Cleo August 7, 2023
My cat is 14 years old and had some kind of "seizure" where she was left weak and hardly able to walk or eat. I took her to the vet who did and ultrasound which showed an enlarged liver and blood tests which showed her ALT and ALP were high indicating liver problems. They prescribed antibiotics and within a week she was back to normal. However when they did blood tests after 2 weeks the ALT and ALP levels were still going up although my cat isn't showing any signs of ill health. She is still on antibiotics and the vet is saying this could be why she seems healthy. Her latest ALT is 750 and ALP 463 and seems to be rising. They have suggested a more extensive Ultrasound and a biopsy to see what is causing the rising liver enzyme levels however I am reluctant to put my 14 year old cat through more trauma especially as she seems so healthy and happy. However I am concerned she may have another sudden episode like the last one if the enzyme levels carry on going up' Has anyone else had a similar experience and should I put my cat through more tests if she seems healthy. I would appreciate some advice from anyone who can help as I don't know what to do!!
DARLENEc March 5, 2023
Not sure how to use this site. I hope I can get some input. My 10 year old cat was diagnosed with elevated liver enzymes. The vet says she has jaundice. She isnt eating or drinking. She had an xray that shows a mass near the liver. The vet can't tell where it is actually, the liver, the gallbladder. The vet did give her fluids and something for nausea. She still wont eat or drink. Although she is still moving around I know she cant keep up like this. I am thinking of putting her to sleep. I am worried the treatments might be too much on her and lack of nutrition is going to cause more problems . Can someone give me their thoughts.
    Fran April 24, 2023
    I’m going through the same thing with my 16 yr old cat. Vet put her on amoxicillins but it’s a fight getting her to take it. I’m. Stressed out wondering the same thing she now was 7 lbs
Michele March 4, 2023
My cat is 4 years old. Her alt is 1759, ast 569, and alp 302. What is the best way to figure out what is wrong?
Wendy January 18, 2022
Our 13 yr old DSH has lost 4# since his checkup in June. He had appt yesterday (Jan 17, 2022). He has UTI and ALP is 95. ALT 341, which is quite high. She put him on antibiotic and liver protectant. Of course we are worried. Will reck urine in 2 weeks. Vet will reck in 1 month. He had elevated kidney enzymes in June 2021, but they were in normal range yesterday.
    Robin September 19, 2022
    Hi, my cats ALT is 193 when his blood work came back at his annual vet visit. The vet put him on a 3 week antibiotic and in 4 weeks will do repeat of BW and see results. I am glad I asked for BW since he is only 7 years old and I wanted to catch something early, so happy I asked. Wendy how did the results turn out for your kitty after treatment? Is this something I should be really worried about? I love my kitty so much and I want him around for a long time to come, thank you Robin
    Linda Bellefleur Polich November 17, 2022
    Hi Wendy, My cat has elevated liver enzymes. She's 14. Has your cat's water intake greatly increased? In the past few weeks GG is always at the water bowl. How is your cat doing? Linda and GG
shea8 July 13, 2021
We took our 6 year old cat to the vet after he had a seizure last night. His blood work came back with only slightly raised ATL (103) but the vet doesn’t think that’s what cause the seizure. He’s starting a 2 week medication for the ATL levels, but does anyone have diet change tips? He’s a picky 9 pound kitty. He has dry food out all day and got wet food at night and the vet only said to stop feeding him the wet food.
    MomoKumo September 13, 2021
    Hi, Cats are obligate carnivores and dry foods should not be given to any cats at all cause. My cat got diabetes because of this. Dry food causes a lot of sickness both in cats and dogs, as they are not healthy foods, no moisture, and highly processed. After switching her to a balanced gently cooked chicken (organic, human grade), she is now in remission. Please visit Youtube- Jackson Galaxy, the food, the bad and the ugly for better, healthier cat nutrition.
    Kate January 20, 2022
    Hi! I hope your cat is doing better! Did you find the reason behind his seizure? I have exactly the same problem with my cat and she has exactly the same ALT number and vet said they don’t know what’s causing seizures.
Marcia Shorter June 23, 2021
Don't think I've seen what normal cat liver levels should range. My 8 year old was just diagnosed with slightly high levels.
Kim April 24, 2021
We have a 6 month old British Shorthair Kitten which came out with High ALP level, 132. Normal range is 10 to 90. Blood test was done because I will need him to get castrated soon. Is this because of rapid bone growth development? British Shorthairs are large breeds and he is gaining 1kg every month. Is this causing ALP level to be slightly higher? I don't think that it's liver problem.
    Whitney May 17, 2021
    We are in the middle of the same experience with out Main Coon kitten (high numbers before her spay surgery). We have an ultrasound scheduled tomorrow to just to make sure. I hope it works out to be much ado about nothing for us both.
      AP August 27, 2021
      Yes, I too am experiencing this very same thing. Took my Exotic Shorthair kitten for her spay yesterday and her ALT is high at 166. Last month it was 190, so it has come down a bit. Any ideas?
      John October 19, 2021
      Whitney, I came across your comment and we too are in a very similar situation. Our Maine Coon kitten had bloodwork done prior to being spayed and her liver enzymes came back elevated. We've scheduled additional bloodwork for this week. I'm curious what you kittens final diagnosis was? Best, John
    Jess October 19, 2021
    Our 6 month old British Shorthair just got spayed today and the vet called to let us know that it went well but her liver values were high. I came across this page because i was trying to get more information. I was thinking the same thing since they are large breed of cat. We are going to get her blood drawn again in a month to compare.
Lesley Mackie January 15, 2021
I found article very interesting as my 17 year old has liver problems.
    rasbeary March 17, 2021
    Hi Lesley.. I so hope you and your kitty are doing well .. and wishing you both lots of love and wellness! May I ask how you moved forward with caring for your kitty with a liver disease diagnosis. I too found the article informative, but there is so much more that we need to hear to be there for our little guys. Any positive results with any changes you may have made after the diagnosis in supplements and or dietary changes as these can sometimes regenerate the liver. My Mr. Wiggles 14yrs young, his bloodwork came back high. I'm at a loss of how I can help his liver to regenerate.. because I know the liver has the ability to do that. He was dehydrated and weak. I've been giving him RX Liquid Immuno for about a week or so, also ordered RX Vitamins Liquid Hepato I hear it might work to promote optimal liver function. I've been feeding him mainly chicken breast and salmon, as there is very little in terms of dietary changes specific to liver disease in cats available in Canada.. and already he presents more alert and stronger, not hiding from us anymore, more socially interactive with my other cats, and eating much more throughout the day. Follows me around everywhere and looks to me like I'm his saviour. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
    Linda Bellefleur Polich November 17, 2022
    Hi Lesley, What type of symptoms are you seeing with your cat? The most bothersome one here is excessive thirst. Have you had that happen too? How is your cat doing?
Paula June 23, 2020
My cat had a blood test liver cams back at 118 Dr says it should be 109. The cat is 23 months old What us causing this? How worried should I be ? Dr says stop treAts. I was giving him temptations I live him so much I am so worried. I go back in a month for a recheck. Any ideas?
    Furballsmom November 28, 2020
    Hi Paula - hopefully your cat is doing better. If you come back to the site, please consider registering with us :)
    Jami Lee Greenville June 18, 2021
    My cat's just came back high too. He is 12 and have been feeding him temptations for a while.. How did this resolve?
      Lisa Cunningham December 22, 2021
      I took our cats off temptations. They are only should have them as a treat. I believe my husband gave them way to many. We started having trouble with uti and stones in our male cats bladder. I’m not saying this was the problem, but they no longer get them at all. So far health issues seem to be doing well. They got to the point if they heard the container open it was like a drug to them.
Daniel L Sloop March 11, 2020
My cat vet said liver was off the charts. Results came back at 1800
    rasbeary March 17, 2021
    Hi Daniel.. I so hope you and your kitty are still hanging in there.. and wishing you both lots of love and wellness! May I ask how you moved forward with caring for your kitty after you got the results with supplements and dietary changes as these can sometimes regenerate the liver. My Mr. Wiggles 14yrs young, his bloodwork also came back high. He was dehydrated and weak. I've been giving him RX Liquid Immuno for about a week or so, feeding him chicken breast and salmon and he presents more alert, more socially interactive with my other cats, and eating much more throughout the day. He looks to me like I'm his saviour. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
    Cheri July 7, 2022
    how did this resolve for you? Mycats numbers are higher than they have charts for !!
      Dani July 19, 2022
      My cat is 12 years old and just got blood-tests yesterday and it came back with levels over a 1000. I noticed she wasn't eating her dry food so I switched her to wet and she has been eating that no problem. But she has not deficated in days. The vet says she isn't constipated but there are no signs of her going #2 anywhere. She is an indoor only cat. She is on a liver supplement now, but the vet said she may need a 24/7 clinic. I am just so unsure what to do for her. She is also having thyroid issues but they said they cant treat that until they get the liver under control.
      Linda Bellefleur Polich November 17, 2022
      Hi Cheri How is your cat doing? What is the treatment for your cat's high enzymes? Does he/she drink a lot of water?
Kathy Davidson January 19, 2020
My cat Suzie is FIV positive. She is 6 years old and over the last couple months she has been on antibiotics twice due to conjunctivitis. I also had to put terramycin ointment in her left eye. They did bloodwork twice because because her liver readings were off the first time. The second reading Her ALP and bilirubin improved but her ALT enzyme didn’t. The vet said as long as she is acting okay we won’t do anything else at this time. He thinks it might improve over time. Lately though after she eats she’s been vomiting. Not all the time but I’m worried. She’s acting ok though I have been trying other foods as she’s been being very picky. I don’t know if the change in food is upsetting her stomach or if something else is going on. The vet did say if she does start acting not her normal self he would do an abdominal ultrasound.
Rosie and Thomas January 22, 2019
I brought both Rosie (Himalayan) and Thomas (Orange Tabby) in for dental cleaning, but after blood work was done, they called & said Rosie's liver enzymes are too high to do dental work/anesthesia. "They" are a Spay & Neuter clinic, so they said go to regular Vet. Would antibiotics work? How about natural care medicines? Please let me know before I spend hundreds of dollars again at my Vet. KB
    Furballsmom February 13, 2020
    Hello @Rosie and Thomas and welcome to The Cat Site! As mentioned at the end of the article, a better place to ask questions and receive replies will be the forum titled Cat Health https://thecatsite.com/forums/cat-health.4/. That is where more members will see your post and will offer advice and support. If you aren't familiar with forums, this will get you started :) https://thecatsite.com/c/how-to-create-a-new-thread/
    Linda August 18, 2022
    My cat has lost a lot of weight,is was only tiny to start with I took to the vet and she did blood work . My cat is 14 yrs old and her liver function was 1000.
ccc3249 October 20, 2016
Thank you so much for this article!
leen and alice October 15, 2016
love this!!! this cute cat looks just like ALICE !!!!!!

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