Freeze dried food

Barbara kehr vernazza

TCS Member
Thread starter
May 16, 2024
Hi, my cat likes to have freeze dried food mixed in with her wet food… But she’s a grazer. And I read on the package not to leave it out for more than two or three hours but when I feed her in the morning, she barely touches her food. When I come home in the evening it’s gone. Is it safe to do that, I have a feeling you’re gonna tell me no because the package directions but I don’t know what to do. I can’t get her to eat it all at once.
I know they say if you take it away, she’ll get used to that and realize she has to eat it when it’s there. I’m afraid to do that because right now she hasn’t issue and she lost a little bit of weight according to the vet she’s fine but we’re monitoring her so I don’t want her to lose any more weight, any thoughts?
If I don’t reconstitute the freeze dried food and just sprinkle it on top. Would that be OK cause she likes that too


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
The reason why it says that is because of food safety laws. Food safety laws say that meat can only be left out for a maximum of 2 hours.

I leave mine out in the morning as well. Ive never had any issues. You can put a little freezer pack under it to keep it food safe longer. My boys dont like cold foor but they are happy to have the cold pack under it.

People with feral colonies sometimes even leave it outside for more than a few hours!

Whether you rehydrate or not, since it's atop thr wet food, there is a risk as its partially rehydratd. But if your cat's been fine, then shes eating it in good time.

The most important thing is yo ensure youre washing the bowl with hoat soapy water between each use.