New Siamese Kitten Is So Scared!!... Help


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 18, 2018
Last week, we purchased a male Siamese kitten (9 weeks old) who is honestly the sweetest kitten I have ever met. From the first second we brought him into our home, you could tell he was comfortable. He didn't want to stay in one room, he wanted to explore and we haven't had a single issue. Fast forward to yesterday and we decided to go pick him out a friend (another Siamese kitten, also 9 weeks old but from a different breeder). We brought the little girl home last night and she instantly went into hiding. We have had her home for approximately 24 hours now and she still is in hiding. She is constantly meowing and I feel so horrible. Is there something I can do to help her? Some things I've read say to pick her up and cuddle her, let her know it's safe. But other things I've read say not to touch her and to let her come to me in her own time. Does anyone here have experience with this? we have gotten her to come out from under the couch to eat briefly but only for a second or two while we were very still. She just cries under the couch and I feel so bad for her. What can I do to help?? I've tried enticing her with toys, treats, wet food, music, smooth talking, but nothing seems to be working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I attached a picture of both of them. Our male (Marco) is a seal point and the one where my hand is wrapped around him. Our female (Callie) is a tortie point Siamese, unfortunately it won't let me upload her picture.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
Others will be by to help. Hiding is normal, being afraid of a new house is normal, being suddenly taken from her litter mates and mom is terrifying. It's all so strange and different. She doesn't know what's going to happen to her.

No, do not feel guilty, You got this little girl and you care enough to help her through this. That makes your adopting her a good thing.

She's found a nice safe place. Is it chilly where she's hiding? She's used to sleeping in the kitten pile with mom and sibs so she maybe chilly. If you have a microwave, fill a sock or two with rice and heat them until warm. Put the socks in or near the kit's hiding place. If you don't have a microwave, use a hot water bottle.

Put some towels and maybe a blanket near the hiding place, remember making forts as a kid? That's what you're building for her.
Put her food, water and litter box close to the hiding place.

You can lie on the floor and just be there. You might sleep there. Don't look into her eyes, that's a challenge. Be there for her to come to you. Let her check you out - this may take awhile - before you try to scoop her up.

If you can't bare her despair Scoop her up, hold her against your chest, inside your sweater. Let her feel the beat of your heart. You may get scratched, tiny claws it won't hurt much. She's very young. This is the method I'd use first and build the fort for the long term - rest of the night and tomorrow.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 18, 2018
I'm going to try scooping her up and putting her inside my sweater. Her meowing is breaking my heart. She snuggled with me the whole drive home (about 45 min to an hr) but as soon as we brought her into the house and she was able to get away from us, she wanted to. Hopefully snuggling her will help a little and I will definitely be making the fort. Thanks so much! I will keep everyone updated on the process


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
That's the way to do it. You can't spoil her by comforting her. I don't believe in letting any baby cry itself to sleep. You can make a little bed by your pallet on the floor near her safe place so you won't roll over on her during the night.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Also, along with the great advice you've received already--especially the warm rice filled socks, or a heating pad set on low and covered with a couple towels, --try giving your baby meezer a ticking clock. (If it's too loud muffle it with a towel.)
Hang in there:)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 10, 2017
When I foster afraid kitties I often take a book into the safe room and just sit and read. Sometimes, if they are food motivated, I'll throw a treat randomly. While never looking up from my book. Cats dont really want to be the center of attention until they are ready, but it helps to just BE there. Your little guy is scared to death. Imagine being taken from your family and dumped in a whole other world. That is what your little one is going through. Just being quiet, calm, and present will go far. BtW I dont believe he is crying for attention, but crying so his mother can find him. Lost kittens regularly do this. Good luck. I'm sure he will feel better about his new family once he has determined that the house and the inhabitants are safe.