My kidney cat won't stop gaining weight


Queen of the Crazy
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Apr 9, 2016
No you didn't read that wrong. I have a cat that was diagnosed with early stage 1 kidney failure last summer. 1.5mo later he was doing worse and diagnosed (tests both times) late 2/early 3. At that point I was told fluids 3x a week, he was losing weight, looking bad, having to take Ondanesetron 2x a day.
After being told that, he started wanting to eat what I feed the other cats, which is a kibble. He was earring Fancy Feast separated into 4 meals a day. Partially to miss miss water into it after heated. I measured it once and the total liquid (not food) equaled 4cups a day!
So he started eating the kibble and no longer wanted the wet. And he started changing. I brought him on because he'd gained a lot of weight and started fighting me with fluids.
His tests showed he was back to early Stage 1, had gained 4lbs, and no longer need fluids. I was so happy! But he won't stop gaining weight now. His lasts tests showed no problems including thyroid or diabetes, etc.
Last month he was up to 19lbs! And he's probably gained another by now.
We'recutting back how much he's given. But fear lord those little sticks of his are going to give way at the this rate and I'm so worried. The vet said just don't changehis did after he's done so well in this, she's afraid he might go back downhill. And to not drastically cut him back. He's eating Essence Ranch & Meadow dry and had only been getting 1/3cup twice a day.
This on top of my other cat problem. When it rains it pours.
Any thoughts or ideas? They have a wet food, but would that actually make any difference? He's won hydrated at this point. But his girth has me so worried.
Thanks in advance for any ideas or thoughts


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I really have no ideas at all. Frankly, none of it makes sense if one just looks at all of this at face value. I could only suggest that your cat be checked for heart issues. Perhaps, he is retaining fluids in his system related to that. Although rare in cats, there are endocrine/hormonal conditions that can cause weight gain - something I would think your vet might have mentioned. .

He might also be eating more food that you realize, as in 'stealing' some of the other cats' food. Aging, arthritis, lack of exercise are other things that could be contributing to his weight gain as well.

I hope others will come along soon and offer their ideas.