I lost my kitty today.


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 12, 2013
I can still remember the first time I saw the little guy. He was small.  He had a very large head with deep green eyes. 

A tabby, and on his paws were extra thumbs.  A poly.  I have never seen one before and he was exactly what I was waiting for.

I lost a cat to FIP a year earlier and although I grew much closer to our female cat I missed the connection I shared with the male.  Even if it was all in my head.  It was rough watching a cat so young succumb to quickly to such a deadly disease.  After my wife and made the hardest decision we've made I sat in the room and watched as he was put to sleep.  I had horrible dreams and went back and forth wondering if we did the right thing.  Time passed, I got a tattoo to remember him and it was time to find myself another little buddy.  

So, here I was with this little poly and i knew right away he was coming home with us..that is, of course if he passed my final test.  I have a soft spot for cats who lick my face.  I picked him up brought him in and he began to wildly lick my nose.  Success.

Leo and I grew close and we shared a bond that my wife would often seem a tad jealous of.  Obviously in good nature.  I would say, LEO!? and he would chirp to me from the other room.  We would watch TV and he would lick my nose.  He loved making bread on my arms as he fell asleep.  

2 years after we brought him home, in this past two weeks he started showing signs of sickness.  He stopped eating.  He stopped drinking and became wildly dehydrated.  A vet visit showed he has a blockage.  After IVs and an overnight he came home to us seemingly in better spirits.  Shortly after he started a steady and rapid decline.  No longer eating he weighed only 7 pounds.  Gums were pale, eyes were jaundiced.  Stomach bloated with fluid.  Head wobbly as he tried to hold it up.  His eyes still beautiful, yet now so sad.  

The vet said he had Panleuk, and I didnt believe him and wanted a second opinion.  We had an ELISA test done and a complete blood makeup.

ELISA test is still out.  It takes three weeks for a definitive answer on FIP.

My second opinion was harsher than the first.  The vet walked into the room with a syringe filled with yellow liquid pulled from Leo's abdomen.  FIP.

My wife and I sat with him for a while petting his cold body and kissing his nose like I always did.  Nibbling on his ear and letting him know I really did love him.  The nurse came in and I had to leave.  memories flashing back to me, I couldnt watch another cat be put to sleep.  I wanted my last memory of Leo to be alive even if it was in such a bad condition.

They say only 5-10% of cats with coronavirus develop FIP.  I lost two in a 3 year period.  I am terrified because I still have two cats, one a 8 month old little boy and one a 3 year old girl.  I worry that since my 3 year old girl was a kitten while my previous FIP cat passed away that she was infected and is a carrier.  Leaving me to fear that my 8 month old might suffer the same fate.  

People greatly misunderstand me when I say that my cats are my children, or that Leo was my best friend.  He was.  I love him a great deal and its hard to open the door and not see him standing there.  I wont feel him make bread on me again.  Or hear him chirping at me from the other room.    It destroys me, really.  

For Leo.


TCS Member
Jan 14, 2013
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that no words can help with the pain right now, but please know that we are here for you.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago burbs
I am very sorry to hear that this happened to your kitty too!! Yes FIP is communicable but as you said, not all cats get it. My boy cat tested positive for exposure to FIP but never got it. He did get lymphoma and recently passed away but it was not FIP. 

I think you only need to worry in cases where your kitties may be immune compromised, i.e. little kittens or very old kitties, or just recently spayed/neutered, or if they were in some kind of other high stress environment, i.e. if they were shy but had lots of children or dogs or things that they feared, constantly around them. The fact that your cat got FIP two years after coming to your house would make me question if there was any particular event that compromised his immune system, OR, if somehow he discovered a toy or an area that your first cat frequented, and he became exposed to the FIP for the first time that way, two years after being in your house(?). I am just guessing here (?)

Also sometimes a vaccination can trigger something that is dormant in a kitty- I have never, ever, heard of a vaccination triggering FIP but I would not rule it out. I don't know if your kitty had been recently vaccinated, but if so, that is something to consider. Vaccinations that are 3 year vaccines and any others that are not Merial Purevax brand, contain a serum i.e. adjuvant that is designed to jump start the efficacy of the vaccine. The adjuvant can have an idiocyncratic reaction in cats. 
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 12, 2013
Leo was brought home as a kitten. Could have contracted the virus or had it already from the SPCA. He suffered a blockage and his white blood cell count dropped. Maybe letting the virus work. Or his WBC count was low due to the virus. It's tough. I wish he was here.

I'm sorry for your recent loss as well. It's hard when they are so amazing.

night wing

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Apr 22, 2012
Sorry for your loss. Putting a cat to sleep is difficult no matter the causes. We had to put our first cat to sleep because of severe arthritis. She stopped eating and drinking because of the arthritic pain. But, she was with us for 19 years, 6 months and 6 days and she's still remembered by us. She'll always live in our memories and our hearts.


TCS Member
Apr 9, 2013
those who dont understand how cats can be like your children have never felt the unconditional and unending love those little furry babies give us! i fully know. and you do too!

you did all the right things and gave Leo an amazing life - even if only for a few short years.

I"m dealing with the rapid decline of my 16 year old Rex who has lymphoma. i know the pain you and anxiety you are feeling. its hard to see them slipping and not be able to help. but who better to help Leo than someone who has been through this once already? he's lucky to have had you!!

can you get your other babies tested for FIP and perhaps do some preventive measures?


TCS Member
Young Cat
Dec 2, 2011
I'm sorry about your loss. I cried as I read your post.

It is hard to lose a pet. You did the right thing, not just about putting him to sleep, but also that you gave him such a loving home; his life may have been short but he was loved so much.

My thoughts are with you all.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm so sorry you have had two such terrible tragedies so close together. I have heard of cats living together with FIP and never contracting it from the infected one. You may want to do some research to see exactly what it takes to have a cat get infected. I know it hurt you terribly to be at the vets when Leo crossed the bridge, but think what a comfort it was for him for you to comfort him like you did, and to say goodbye. Bless you for caring so much and for giving him such a good life. It ended way too soon but he knew happiness and love. He wouldn't want you to be so sad, try to think of the good times and eventually, in time, you'll smile again and not cry when you think of him. It takes a big part of our soul when we lose our furbabies, but he'll live on in your heart. He'll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge, RIP beautiful Leo!


TCS Member
Dec 30, 2010
Northwest Indiana
So sorry of you losing your two kitties that way. It is so very painful to lose our kitties when we love them so dearly. I know what you mean about the cat's being like our children. I feel the same and I am certain many other's here on TCS as well. I don't even like to leave my cat's to go away for a few days. Some family/friends don't seem to understand.

I can feel your pain and may your :rbheart: Leo be with you in spirit helping you through your grief. My heart goes out to you. :heart3: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 19, 2012
Lincoln, Nebraska
I am so sorry for your loss. He sounds like a wonderful friend. Thank you for giving him a life full of love the short time he was here. {{{Hugs}}}


TCS Member
Apr 16, 2013
I am so sorry for your loss. I wish there was something I could do for you. Having recently lost my beloved cockatiel, Gwen, I know how hard it is. All us animal lovers know how hard it is. Leo was lucky to have you and your wife who  loved him and treasured him for the special kitty he was.




TCS Member
Apr 23, 2013
Dear Sweet Leo, how your owners loved you. You were such a good kitty to bring such joy to them. Now they hurt terribly with grief. To not see you, feel you, touch you. What an empty feeling. So hard to make it through these tough days.

I know because I lost my Little Girl just 4 weeks ago. She was only 5. I still can't wrap my brain around the fact that she was healthy when she left my house for a simple procedure and never returned. I am angry, sad, frustrated, longing for her, needing her. She is at the Bridge. Believe in the Bridge - it does exist and you will see Leo again. The Bridge will give you hope and help you through the darkest of days. My pets are my "children". I don't know what I would do without them. Cherish the memories of your dear Leo. You can't bring him back but you can remember the wonderful days with him. Many wonderful days. God Bless all cats. God Bless you and I hope you can deal with this more easily as time passes. Hang in there. I know right where you are with this.
