Will this ever get easier?


TCS Member
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May 17, 2024
North Carolina
Hey. I've had al kinds, breeds, and species of fur babies my whole life. I love animals. All of them. But cats and dogs are what I've had the most of. Each was special, different, unique, with their own personality. I loved them all. But if we are being honest here cat lovers, we all know and expect similar things from our feline's that own us. Being cats are the reason we love them like only cat people understand. Recently I had the honor of having the most special, unique, different from all the rest I've ever had or seen. My Squirrels. I've had animals that meant more than my own life to me but he has left the biggest wound that hasn't healed a bit since the day I lost him to death last year. I wanted to go with him that day and everyday since. I miss him more than anything. I still cry everyday for him. I'm so heart broken, lost, depressed and in pain he's gone. I miss my baby Squirrels.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Mar 6, 2023
What was Squirrels like? Do you have support around you? People who understand your loss?
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TCS Member
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May 17, 2024
North Carolina
He was the sweetest, loving, caring baby. He was 4 or 5 months old before his feet ever touched the floor. He was my constant. Always in my lap, arms, chest, or neck. I had to put food and water on the edge of my bed so he would eat and a liter box on a table beside the bed. He was nothing but love. He went everywhere with me because he would get scared and cry without me or my husband. He was there every minute.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Rest you gentle, Squirrels, dream you deep. Your purrs echo in someone's heart forever.

I am so, so sorry for your loss. There are those rare animals who reach so deeply into our souls that they become, in some way, a part of us. I have had that relationship, and 50 years later, I STILL cry for the loss...not daily anymore, but it hits me out of nowhere on occasion. That said, this is the Deepest Truth I know. Love never dies, it is translated and purified into Love, and continues on. Now, from his home in That Place Where All Things Are Known, Squirrels sends his Love back to you, to walk with you down through all of your days. You will miss his physical presence, but his Love is with you. Because Love abides. Always, forever, Love abides.


Cat mom, cat foster mom
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Mar 6, 2023
The absence of a constant companion like that can be like losing an appendage. It's a lot to miss. I hope that in time (it always takes time) that you find other things to help fill the void. Until then, there are a lot of people out there (and here) who are familiar with this loss. Keep searching out joy!

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
We tend to dwell and live with the loss rather than celebrating the time we spent with them. It's so hard to lose a soulmate from our lives but it is enevitable. I can say I was just like you when I lost my Chrissy, I lost all joy in life. I really eblieved I didn't deserve to have happiness if my little one was dead. It took me years to work through it, and though I can say I can relive the pain immediately when I delve into it, it DOES get easier as the years go by. It is post traumatic stress that keeps it fresh in yoru life. My little one died almost 12 years ago.
It's something that does not happen without your input. You have to purposely put the grief and pain aside for a while and focus on seeking to bring happiness once more into yoru life. It will ALWAYS be there, but you find ways to compartmentalize it, and work to find ways to manage it. This can start with keeping busy, take long walks, purposely look for and do things you enjoyed. You will find a new life's order for yourself.
For me, to be pushed into caring for teh cats I had left helped. Oh, believe me, I resented them fro a while because they amde me focus on something besides my pain. But they are completely innocent and they work hard to make a person get back into the world of the living. Once you start feeling again, it is the first step to living once more.
You'll find people that will tell you to get over it, it is too long. etc. and at first it brings anger and more pain. But they are to be pitied that they have never experienced the love and devotion a love like that can bring, and the pain with the loss. They cannot empathize at all. The love you shared is unique, it is YOUR love and yours alone. No one in the whole world can feel what you feel. Can know what that boy meant to you. So don't listen to them until you feel stronger.
One day that intense grief morphs into gratitude for having them share your life. Some have this happen in the first year or two, for people like us it may take several years. One day you will realize that your boy has never left you, he will always be a part of you. Love is spiritual, so eternal. What you shared, the bond you created can never be taken from you. It is hard not to have their physical presence, but as you learn to hold on to the love inside of you you can eventually accept that they are near and always will be. He will hear your thoughts and prayers, because the love you share will never be gone......RIP precious Squirrels. You will never be forgotten, you will always have a secure place in a loving heart. May the good Lord bless and keep you, until you meet again!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Oh, goodness. I am so sorry. I firmly believe it will get better eventually, but everyone heals differently. Somehow, I always end up with a new challenge when one of my pets Crosses the RB. Something that needs my help and forces me to concentrate on meeting those needs. My prayers are with you to find whatever you need for comfort, so that you can look back on fond memories without pain.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I'm so sorry for your loss of Squirrels :hugs: It feels weird to welcome you to TCS, considering the circumstances, but maybe being around other people who love cats will help ease your heart break a bit. If you have pictures of Squirrels you would like to share, you can post them here too. RIP sweet kitty. :angel:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 4, 2023
I'm so so sorry for your loss. I've also had several pets, but I also had a cat who was a huge baby and sounds a lot like Squirrels. He was so full of love and affection and wanted to be with me at all times, and my love for him was very special. I still cry over his death last year all the time. RIP Squirrels, and I wish you peace and love.