when is my cat due


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 27, 2012
i dont know when my cat is due im pretty sure its soon but not sure she was in heat for the first time november 19 2011 was in heat for a week then went back into heat about a week later was in heat it seemed like 5 more days. for about 2 weeks now i have been felling kittens kick it just feels like little taps kinda like pop corn popping lol cant think of any other way to exsplan it. its getting a little more faint to feel them now. she is very restless always walking around and playing with r puppy. we do also have 5 children so it is never quiet. her nipples r big and red with white tips and some of them have a little white crust on them kinda like dryed milk. can anyone tell me how far along she is or when about she will have her kittens


TCS Member
Jan 27, 2012
Ok, so if I figured out your dates correctly, ur cat should've have becom pregnant around Dec. 8th.  Most cat pregnancies las anywhere from 57-67 days.  Average being 63 days.   If your cat did become pregnant at this time, then she should be due around Feb. 9th (just an estimate)

  Also, if your house is noisy and busy, you should try to find a quiet, warm room that you can place her in and keep her away from children and pets.  if you have a spare bedroom or a large closet this would be best. Closet would need to be big enough to keep a litter box, food and water, and a nesting box in. 

Most likely the dry crust you are seeing on her nipples is just skin. Her nipples become swollen and your cat will lick them almost raw and remove the hair around the nipple.  Because her tongue is so rough it causes the nipple to dry and flake.  Any milk production is usually noticed wet and will begin to produce typically the day before giving birth. 

Your cat is in late stages of her pregnancy and should be secluded from noise, animals and children.  Also, if you haven't already, you should start mixing a high quality kitten food with her regular food, and closer to the 9th of Feb you should begin feeding her only this kitten food, and continue until she has finished nursing her kittens, 8-12 weeks after birth.  I recommend IAMS Pro-active kitten food. It is specially formulated for pregnant and nursing mothers.

I hope this helps.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Welcome to us, Livie and JennieGurl!

I do second Jennies advices, (great first post!) ie  a calm and undisturbed milieu for the mom to be.

If she is very friendly with this puppy, the dog may be allowed as company for the time being.

Visits by children only supervised and if they are calm.

Same will be when the kittens are born, at least the first 3 weeks. More if necessary - many moms are touchy. But on the other hand is is only good if the kittens are handled by different persons, including kind kids.

The second advice is this with better food.  Kitten food is the easiest.

If it seems like she will get a big litter, give also some extra calcium.

The only Im not entirely agreeing with, is these times.  I wouldnt not recommend my queen to deliver earlier than 60 days... Human babies makes early deliveries better than cats do.

So I would write 63-67 days, with some variations.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 27, 2012
thank you guys very much. this helped very much i just want to make sure that I'm here when she does have them. she is not a big cat. her stomach is getting really big. and her nipples are very swollen and red. she is a very fluffy cat so u cant really see her nipples u got to look for them. and they are twice the size they where when i first looked at them in December and she has found a spot in are laundry room in a cabinet. which is where her litter box and food is already. i made her a bed in it too cleaned it out and put a blanket in there for her. i just hope i am here when she has them cause she is so small and her stomach is so big i am a little worried i did have to cut her hair around her but last night though cause she seems to be having her poop stick to her hair and she cant really clean her self to well right now. so thank you very much so she has about a week and a half left. i kinda excited i love babies all kinds lol


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Cutting of some of the hairs is not any bad idea. As long as she isnt not stressed by the haircut - its even recomendable, esp as she is longhaired.

Many females are rather petite, and yet - usually they do manage both delivery and everything else.

But of course good if you are observant and watchful, and most home cats appreciate if their Mama is near when their time arrives.

Good luck!    *vibes*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 23, 2012
Cats nearly always give birth easily without needing any help.  Some want their paw held, and I like to keep an eye on things as I've seen a queen turning around in circles with a baby dangling by it's cord - when that happens I break it as far away from the kitten as I can, with my nails.  Never, ever cut the cord - it must be crushed.l

It also lets me check all the placentas have arrived, though sometimes the only indication is the queen being busy at her tail end making a horrible slurping sound...

I've also seen queens forget the existing babies while they get on with producing more, and it's important they don't get cold - my friend and I both pop them on a heat pad in a nest if that happens.  They are especially vulnerable to cold while still wet or damp.

However, just occasionally - not very often at all with moggies - they need the vet.  When you are worried isn't the time to be trying to find the vet's phone number, what their out-of-hours policy is or where to go if it's somewhere different to usual.  Last time I fostered I asked the receptionists at my vet (I was fostering for someone a long way away) and was delighted to discover I would have seen one of the vets I knew at the usual place.  However you need to know what the situation with your vets is - where to ring for advice, where to go if the advice is to bring her in.  I say again, it almost certainly won't happen, but not having this information to hand would make it into a nightmare.

Don't use old towels for bedding - kittens can catch on it.  Washable deep fleece (vetbed and similar) is best by far, and you will need to change it after the birth so you need at least two bits.

Unless it distresses the queen, I like to weigh the kittens at about the same time each day as well, and keep a record.  I started the day after they were born and used cheap electronic kitchen scales (you can get them at Argos if you are in the UK) that weigh to the nearest gram.  Kittens often lose a little weigh in the first day or two, but should gain steadily after that and stopping gaining weight in the first 3 weeks or so it often the first sign of a problem - weight gain tends to slow down once they are crawling around and weaning.  It can help to tell otherwise similar kittens apart though it's very much easier if each one has different markings to the others!

Thankfully all went well with the last queen I fostered - she had five adorable kittens, they grew beautifully, and are all now in homes making their new slaves very happy.  The queen herself is in a new home as well and neutered. 

BTW I've never done anything to wean kittens other than make sure they have access to their mothers food.  They seem to start by playing with it - just like babies!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 27, 2012
no she has not had them yet she must of went in heat another time after that and i did know but she is very big and the kittens are moving around she has been going in and out of rooms alot so i think she is very close