Professional Grooming Questions


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I'm posting this here instead of other places because it pertains to a specific breed and I know that there are breeders who are frequent posters at this area of the site. You are my audience and who I need advice from.

Our Maine Coon kitten, Luna, is really awful as far as grooming is concerned. This has become worse as she's gotten older as now she's the size of a toddler and very difficult to control. I have yet to find a tool which she will tolerate being touched with. Aside from the fact that she battles all of them, it's almost like she can't even stand having them touch her at all. She seems to get over stimulated by the process, hyper and becomes combative.

The only way I can manage to get to the areas which need attention lately, is by holding her down firmly, and scruffing her neck. Her belly fur is starting to get dense, and it's kind of curly and now starting to form mats. I managed to work them out about a month or so ago when at the vet because she tends to get a bit shut down there and I can take advantage of that state but since then, a few have cropped up again under her "pits" and I can not get to them. To make matters worse, yesterday I came home and omg she stunk of poo. Found a couple of pieces tangled in her britches, thankfully was able to cut those out with the help of my husband holding her up and then cleaned her up with pet wipes. Also, trimmed the area with a small scissor.

Anyway...this led me to start looking for a professional groomer in my area but there are NONE for cats. Or none that look trustworthy. The only one I found that seemed ok I called but got a weird vibe off of and then looked at the Google reviews and was like, umm pass.

So, it seems I may have to learn to do this myself. I'm pretty good at this with my other cats. Cocoabean has been a dream about being groomed, never had any problems with her at all, even with mat removal. And our old boy Casper, short hair, also didn't have any issues with the process either. But my oh my, I do not know how to get around this kitten. Is it just her age or is there really maybe some other issue going on with her? Can anyone direct me to some websites that have information on how to groom properly? Correct tools? Methods on calming the cat? I've tried everything I've found thus far and nothing has worked - not even treats and she's really food motivated. My husband isn't much help either, any time I ask for help it turns into an argument with him claiming he's helping best as he can (he isn't) which only stressed the cat out more.

So professional breeders and those who may know how to groom properly, please do help! Thanks!


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
My big Poppycat hated everything about grooming when he first came to us, and yeah, those armpitty first I was able to have him trimmed at his vets who'd known him since kittenhood, but then we moved.

I did eventually obtain a clippers, but initially with him, I started with one area, maybe under one front leg only with blunt end scissors, while he was asleep. When he'd wake up I'd stop. And repeat later when he was asleep, and again later...

He's finally to the point that he almost doesn't care about the scissors, and if he's in the mood I can brush him for quite a while :)
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
My big Poppycat hated everything about grooming when he first came to us, and yeah, those armpitty first I was able to have him trimmed at his vets who'd known him since kittenhood, but then we moved.

I did eventually obtain a clippers, but initially with him, I started with one area, maybe under one front leg only with blunt end scissors, while he was asleep. When he'd wake up I'd stop. And repeat later when he was asleep, and again later...

He's finally to the point that he almost doesn't care about the scissors, and if he's in the mood I can brush him for quite a while :)
She never sleeps! Well I mean she does obviously but a) I work out of the house long hours so I miss most of the time she is snoozing or, I'm asleep myself when she is or b) when I do see her asleep as soon as I walk in she is up like a shot!

I've managed to get some mats out myself when she was younger, smaller and a wee bit more cooperative but gosh now? She's just way too large and has gotten too good at the bunny kick. I can even pin point when the change occurred; it was right after she was spayed. She was fine up until then and right after it was like a personality change. I know she was somewhat traumatized by the experience; our vet told us that when they went to put the IV into her she turned into a banshee which surprised them all because they knew her at that point to be a very sweet kitten.

Her whole demenour at the vet changed after that, she gets pretty shut down now when there and now at home any time I have to do anything that has to do with maintaining her is difficult. Of course it could be her age too, almost 10 months now, just wanting not to be fussed with. All I know is I need to get this done, nobody around here to do it and our vet will only do shaves, which will require at minimum she be sedated which I'm not keen on. And that kind of doesn't solve anything because I'm still going to have to get her used to being groomed as we start from scratch. I don't want to have to periodically be dragging her there for that procedure due to the stress for all of us lol.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
when I do see her asleep as soon as I walk in she is up like a shot!
oh, drat.

What about taking an approach I read about here, where you place the scissors on the floor next to her a few times, then pick them up, and move away without doing anything or even really looking at her, like it's no big deal. Then touch her with them but don't do anything and just walk away, a few times. Then a snip, and just walk away...
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
oh, drat.

What about taking an approach I read about here, where you place the scissors on the floor next to her a few times, then pick them up, and move away without doing anything or even really looking at her, like it's no big deal. Then touch her with them but don't do anything and just walk away, a few times. Then a snip, and just walk away...
oh, drat.

What about taking an approach I read about here, where you place the scissors on the floor next to her a few times, then pick them up, and move away without doing anything or even really looking at her, like it's no big deal. Then touch her with them but don't do anything and just walk away, a few times. Then a snip, and just walk away...
Been there done that. With every implement we have, brushes, combs, nail clippers etc.
She immediately grabs them in her mouth or runs off. I'm telling you she's impossible.
This morning I had to clip her nails because last night when I got home the back door was open with the screen in it, and she got excited when she saw me, and started climbing up it. Had to wrap her in a blanket and she WAILED like I was killing her. Barely even took the tippy tips off her claws :p


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
Just doing a quick search for cat certified groomers I only found one in New Jersey. I am not sure if this is the one you checked out or not: Cat Naps Cattery, 2750 Quakerbridge Road, Hamilton Township, NJ (2020)
You could try checking out the National Cat Groomers Institute. I believe they have a searchable map on their site: National Cat Groomers Institute
I feel your pain. I have a couple of Persians that I shave down because it is just easier than me losing blood when trying to groom. It is my fault with them though because I wasn't really consistent with the grooming. I have found with most of my cats if I get into a routine and stick with it, grooming is MUCH easier.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Just doing a quick search for cat certified groomers I only found one in New Jersey. I am not sure if this is the one you checked out or not: Cat Naps Cattery, 2750 Quakerbridge Road, Hamilton Township, NJ (2020)
You could try checking out the National Cat Groomers Institute. I believe they have a searchable map on their site: National Cat Groomers Institute
I feel your pain. I have a couple of Persians that I shave down because it is just easier than me losing blood when trying to groom. It is my fault with them though because I wasn't really consistent with the grooming. I have found with most of my cats if I get into a routine and stick with it, grooming is MUCH easier.
Hi Lynda. Unfortunately, that business is an hour (or more) from my home. It isn't the one I called though. The one I spoke to I got a bad feeling from the person, she didn't even want to book me formally, preferring for me to come in Saturday and "see what happens" when I told her Luna had never been professional groomed previously. I mean, don't all cats start out not having been groomed at some point? If one is professional, I'd think you should be able to handle this kind of situation. And when I asked if I could stay there and watch, she said no, that many cats get anxious and combative if the owner is seen but I could watch from a windowed area. IDK about that. I know Luna really well and how she responds with strangers; she tends to get shut down not aggressive and if anything I think she'd do better if I was there with her.

Regardless, I agreed that I'd be ok to watch from a far. But as the conversation kept going I just really felt this was not going to be a good match for us. I then read the Google reviews and the one thing that stuck out to me was a lot of people mentioned that even though they said they do not use a cage to dry off cats - they did. Many said they were told to come back in "2 hours" only to come back and be told the cat wasn't yet ready, came back again and found their cats huddled in the corners of these cages with extremely hot air being aimed at them. I am NOT ok with this. When I have bathed cats myself at home, I gently blow dry them with my own dryer set to low.

Anyway, that was that I made up my mind I'm not bringing her over there. Not going to risk traumatizing her.

I do wish I'd been more routine with her as she was growing up. Her coat really was slow coming in, and I didn't see the need for it until recently but now that it's filling out, gosh, she certainly needs maintenance on it for sure. The top, not so much as MC's have a silky top coat but that underside really IS rather poofy, curly and thicker than I thought it would be.

I think I may just have to have the vet shave her belly at this point and start fresh with her. The hard part will be acclimating her to the grooming routine though. I noticed there was a link on the website you gave me for professional grooming seminars which were pricey but from there, I started to look at other people that person follows on Instagram and there seems to be some people in NYC where I work that hold classes so perhaps, somehow, I can find some time to take some of those and learn myself since there isn't anyone close by me.

I'd pay anything to have someone else do it, money isn't the issue, but if I'm not able to find someone guess I'm going to have to learn myself. Better stock up on some heavy gloves while I'm at it


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 11, 2015
Western Massachusetts, USA
How far are you from Franklin Ct? I have a friend there who is a cat groomer- that is all she does besides being a cat show judge. I don’t know if she is taking new clients but I could find out.
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
How far are you from Franklin Ct? I have a friend there who is a cat groomer- that is all she does besides being a cat show judge. I don’t know if she is taking new clients but I could find out.
Really far lol. I'm in New Jersey. Luna would freak out entirely on a trip like that.
As it turns out, I called our vet and I'm going to have her belly shaved this weekend along with a sanitary too. At least that will get rid of those small mats under her arms that I can't get to. Then I'm going to have to start working hard on getting her used to being groomed. No ifs ands or buts (or butts as the case apparently is). Tips appreciated!

Edit: May give her a bath while I'm at it this weekend too. Going for broke her!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Feb 28, 2019
Connecticut U.S.A.
Just a suggestion,have you tried calling dog groomers to see if they or someone they know groom cats? I worked at a groomer in Florida where one of the groomers would groom cats early before dogs were dropped off for their appointments.
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Just a suggestion,have you tried calling dog groomers to see if they or someone they know groom cats? I worked at a groomer in Florida where one of the groomers would groom cats early before dogs were dropped off for their appointments.
I did look up a bunch near here but all of those say "we don't accept cats, sorry"
There used to be a mobile groomer but alas, she went out of business.
I'm still going to keep asking around. I have to go into my local small pet shop this weekend to p/u some items so maybe they know of someone.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
I don't know if you found a groomer yet but thought I would put in my 2 cents. Contrary to what a lot of people say MC's do mat. Everyone I've had has. The last one I had I tried to groom myself and he just wouldn't have it. I had taken him to one groomer when he was 2 or 3 years and she didn't normally do cats but she agreed to do it and she said he was no problem at all. I moved from that area and then I just started letting the vet groom him when I took him in to have his shots updated. I dropped him off in the morning and picked him up after work. They had several different groomers over the years and they all loved him to death and said that they wish all their animals was like him. I had him cut into a Lion's cut once a year around June and it pretty much took care of the matting. Tama was an exceptional cat as far as temperament. If Luna has a typical MC temperament I think she will do well with probably most any groomer but you may have to try a few.

Manny, the cat I have now is a little different. He was a rescue and very shy. He's a Siberian lookalike and fairly laid back when he's around me and people he's use to but, he doesn't like strangers. The first time I had him groomed was at my old vet where I had Tama groomed and they said he done great. I switched vets because the old owners retired and sold the practice and I just wasn't impressed with the new staff and, they increased prices in some cases double.

Found a new vet but they don't seem to be able to groom him without putting him to sleep. The first time I had his teeth cleaned and they shaved him while he was still sedated. The second time they called me and said they couldn't finish without sedation. The groomer there comes across as, let's say, not the nicest person. So, I'm going to try another vet a friend down the street recommended. I can't put him to sleep every time I have him shaved and there has been other things with this vet I haven't been happy about. I may wind up taking him back to my original vet if for no other reason than to have him shaved, depending on what happens at this other vet.

Some times cats will let a complete stranger do something to them they won't let you do. Go figure, right! That was the case with Tama. So I'm kinda in the same boat at the moment with Manny. Most vets will groom cats. There's also PetSmart and Petco if you have those near you.

I know Manny CAN be groomed without sedation. It's been done before but, I think it's going to have to be someone he likes and I don't think he likes the current groomer. I pulled into a convenience store one day and there was a mobile groomer getting gas next to me and it said on the side of the trailer " Cat's Too ". I talked to him but he didn't work my area. I explained my situation and he had some great advice. He said it sounded like the groomer I was using now was ruff housing him. He said a cat knows in the first 5 seconds of meeting someone if they like them. So you may just have to shop around until you find the right one if, you can't get her to let you start doing it yourself. I will say this though. If your going to shave her...invest in professional grade shears. Cheap ones won't cut it and that may have had something to do with why Tama didn't like me doing it. The shears groomers use will cut through a mat like it's not even there.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I don't know if you found a groomer yet but thought I would put in my 2 cents. Contrary to what a lot of people say MC's do mat. Everyone I've had has. The last one I had I tried to groom myself and he just wouldn't have it. I had taken him to one groomer when he was 2 or 3 years and she didn't normally do cats but she agreed to do it and she said he was no problem at all. I moved from that area and then I just started letting the vet groom him when I took him in to have his shots updated. I dropped him off in the morning and picked him up after work. They had several different groomers over the years and they all loved him to death and said that they wish all their animals was like him. I had him cut into a Lion's cut once a year around June and it pretty much took care of the matting. Tama was an exceptional cat as far as temperament. If Luna has a typical MC temperament I think she will do well with probably most any groomer but you may have to try a few.

Manny, the cat I have now is a little different. He was a rescue and very shy. He's a Siberian lookalike and fairly laid back when he's around me and people he's use to but, he doesn't like strangers. The first time I had him groomed was at my old vet where I had Tama groomed and they said he done great. I switched vets because the old owners retired and sold the practice and I just wasn't impressed with the new staff and, they increased prices in some cases double.

Found a new vet but they don't seem to be able to groom him without putting him to sleep. The first time I had his teeth cleaned and they shaved him while he was still sedated. The second time they called me and said they couldn't finish without sedation. The groomer there comes across as, let's say, not the nicest person. So, I'm going to try another vet a friend down the street recommended. I can't put him to sleep every time I have him shaved and there has been other things with this vet I haven't been happy about. I may wind up taking him back to my original vet if for no other reason than to have him shaved, depending on what happens at this other vet.

Some times cats will let a complete stranger do something to them they won't let you do. Go figure, right! That was the case with Tama. So I'm kinda in the same boat at the moment with Manny. Most vets will groom cats. There's also PetSmart and Petco if you have those near you.

I know Manny CAN be groomed without sedation. It's been done before but, I think it's going to have to be someone he likes and I don't think he likes the current groomer. I pulled into a convenience store one day and there was a mobile groomer getting gas next to me and it said on the side of the trailer " Cat's Too ". I talked to him but he didn't work my area. I explained my situation and he had some great advice. He said it sounded like the groomer I was using now was ruff housing him. He said a cat knows in the first 5 seconds of meeting someone if they like them. So you may just have to shop around until you find the right one if, you can't get her to let you start doing it yourself. I will say this though. If your going to shave her...invest in professional grade shears. Cheap ones won't cut it and that may have had something to do with why Tama didn't like me doing it. The shears groomers use will cut through a mat like it's not even there.
Thanks for all this. This will be long because it's impossible to make it short. I'd written this on another thread so apologies to anyone who read this in the other one.

In the end, I wound up bringing her to our vet, for the vet techs to deal with. Couldn't find not one single reputable cat groomer anywhere near me. The one I found refused to let me stay in the room with her, and I later read some things about her which I wasn't happy about so glad I decided not to use her.

Anyway, all the vet tech know and adore Luna and she's been fine with them to date although always a bit cautious. Unfortunately, on our way I noticed she seemed more stressed than normal in the car. I should have just taken that as a sign to turn around but didn't. Got there and she was panting rather hard already. It's almost like she knew what was coming.

Anyway, left her w/the techs and they said they'd call me when they were done with her. I went grocery shopping. Half hour later I got a call to come get her. OMG she got completely fractious with them. They could not handle her. So that was that. When I got there I asked what my options were and we decided that medicating her would be the solution. Was given a 'script for Gabapentin and told to give her 1mil next time about 2 hours before bringing her in.

I decided, once home, to ask if I could give it a shot myself at home and the vet was fine with that. I first tried doing 1/2 dose and she was calm, but not quite sedated enough. Managed to be able to groom her, get a couple of smaller knots out of her but she really needed more medication to get the job done right. A week later, gave her the full dose and well that, was the way to go! Spent nearly 2 hours working out mats from her belly. Awful job, was like doing surgery. I got almost all of it done without clippers, working slow with mat cutters, tiny blunt end scissors, my fingers, a comb and other various tools. Even clipped her claws before she started waking up.

Unfortunately I missed a few under her hind legs which I didn't noticed until a week later. Decided to giver her 3/4 dose that time because the full does did kind of make me a bit nervous seeing her so out of it. I should have stayed with the full dose though. I did manage to get more out of her, but she wasn't quite deep enough into sleep and would occasionally open her eyes and whimper a bit (not that I think I was hurting her, I think it's because she's fearful of the tools). At least I got more off her that time also but there still are a few more I need to get off so, I really need to get another go at it. I have enough of the medication for another 2 times I think and the vet was ok with refilling if necessary.

Unfortunately, I do think this is going to be the only way I'm going to be able to finish the job. If you have a recommendation for good clippers please do send that along.

On the plus side, I've been working with her to acclimate her to being groomed on a daily basis. I'm able to manage to comb her head, neck, and back now without too much fuss if I catch her when she's calm and a bit sleepy. Sometimes, I even can get her sides and upper belly, under her front leg pits if she's really sleepy and feeling lovey. But, as soon as I go near her back area well, that's that. And that's the part she needs the most of course so shaving it off is what needs to be done so that we can just start from scratch. But there is progress, she still battles me and bites the tools most of the time but I do seem some light at the end of that tunnel if I keep at it with her.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I've been working with her to acclimate her to being groomed on a daily basis. I'm able to manage to comb her head, neck, and back now without too much fuss if I catch her when she's calm and a bit sleepy. Sometimes, I even can get her sides and upper belly, under her front leg pits if she's really sleepy and feeling lovey.
Wow, you're such a champ to do this for her!! No matter how much she hates it, she feels better afterwards. You are simply marvelous!!

If you have a recommendation for good clippers please do send that along.
Wahl clippers are pretty good.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
Wow, you're such a champ to do this for her!! No matter how much she hates it, she feels better afterwards. You are simply marvelous!!

Wahl clippers are pretty good.
The Wahls are the one's I keep hearing about. One of my guy friends has used them for years on himself and swears by it!
I just don't know which is the best one for a cat LOL
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TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
I'm sorry, I should have specified - you could take a look at the Wahl U-clip Deluxe, that's what I got for my longhaired boy :)
Not available anywhere right now but I'll keep an eye out for it.

Interestingly, I found a professional groomer on Instagram who does FaceTime meetings for free. I didn't realize though that the app is only for iPhone :( I had set up an appointment for tonight with her, hoping she's open to another app so we can meet up. She was going to have me go into the bathroom w/Luna, all the tools I use so she could see what's triggering her and I guess how I utilize them (?). She also told me to wear jeans and gloves and have lots of towels handy LOL. I actually do hope we can find another way of making this happen because her account is really great and she seems like she's compassionate and smart about how she handles kitties.
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  • #19


TCS Member
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Dec 16, 2011
New Jersey
...maybe zoom, or something?
...maybe zoom, or something?
We both agreed we dislike Zoom - too many hacks lately. We tried Houseparty, but it kept dropping out on us. However, at least we connected, we're going to try again tomorrow. She was very nice and friendly and we did manage to get into one good hold for grooming Luna's hindquarter area which is the worst place she mats. She had me try it out on her - easy peasy, except that the mats she still has are too big to comb out so I didn't wan't to even try. She said I should try gently pulling them apart with my fingers - which is exactly how I was tackling them when I sedated her as my starting point since they are so darn close to her skin.

The hold was so simple I can't believe I didn't think of it myself. Turn her around, so her butt is facing forward! Comb the britches as fast as possible before she even knows what happening! Pretty much one can get to the fur around the tail, back legs, under the back of the belly too if positioned right and for Luna this is exactly where those bad mats are collecting.

She started saying I should also try gently working them out with her relaxing on the couch with me but I didn't get a chance to tell her that Luna, is GO GO GO pretty much all the time now that she's a teenager. Not that she doesn't nap - she sure does but she's always a wink away from high alert. The only time she's truly in deep REM sleep is when I am at night too. So I'm not about to wake myself up to start working out knots on her belly at 2:00am :lol:

Anyway, the groomer sounded surprised that I was able to grasp the hold right away, and knew about how to tackle the mats. I didn't have time to fully go into my entire cat history with her or she'd realize I'm no newbie when it comes to dealing with them LOL. I guess she's more used to clients that truly do not know how to deal with their cats at all, are fearful of their responses, have the wrong tools and aren't as adept at taking control over a situation. I'm the total opposite of all of that.

I'm looking forward to hooking up with her again. She isn't all that far away actually - she's in NYC and I'm in NJ. Not that I'd bring Luna to her, too stressful for her, but I'm going to ask if she ever would consider making a house call to a neighboring state, for the right price of course. I'd be more than happy to pay her to come out here a few times a year to make sure Luna was properly groomed and I'd be able to fill in between.