My Boyfriend is constantly Chasing and teasing my cats, what should I do.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
This is a massive red flag. The first time someone treated my cats this would be the last time because they would never see them again. He does not respect your family members, your home or you. How someone treats animals is huge indicator of their character.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
When I got one of my cats who was feral, my bf was less than pleased. His house. One day he mentioned that the cat was “useless”.Instead of fighting with him I asked him why he felt that way. He explained that the cat would run from him and she wouldn’t go near him. He never chased her. He did look at her when she entered a room and she would run. I explained that he had to stop looking at her and act like she wasn’t there.

He spent about 3 weeks working hard to look the other way if she entered a room. He was so happy when she sat next to him on the couch. Within another week he called her his cat. He loves her as much as I do.

The above story is how a man should act. The behavior you are describing in this boy is very alarming and I am shocked you didn’t dump him the first time he did it. I don’t care what he may have, looks,$, anything, nothing is more important than you and your cats well being.

I also want to mention that people like this are cruel and can do cruel things to cats after a breakup. Please keep your cats safe and get rid of this threat to them and you. The fact that he is doing this is very concerning. There are many horror stories out there of people like this when they don’t get their way.

Respect yourself and protect your cats and end this now. There are so many good people out there, this isn’t one of them.

I have to be blunt because I have seen this escalate to very bad outcomes for the cats and the person involved.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I lost a beautiful little girl named Precious because of a warped man child who I was once married to- she was a tiny little timid cream color kitty ,Cheechs( rip my boy)mate.I came home to find my Cheech sitting outside and Precious was nowhere to be found-Cheech &I combed the neighborhood to look for Precious to no avail

The psychopath put my babies outside simply becsuse he was a sick,,demented person on steroids .... needless to say,he was put out and the story doesn't end there but as far as him ever be allowed into my home was over the moment I saw my baby run to me from OUTSIDE my front door

I'll add one more thing,I moved later thst year,he tracked me down,I sent him to prison because he attacked me - abusing animals is no small thing,nobody " outgrows" it,they graduate to become even worse and instead of redirecting their anger onto defenseless animals they are ready for bigger challenges




TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 27, 2023
My boyfriend chases, teased, and "plays" rough with my cats. Roscow and Jack, he likes to chase them around the house and belittle them saying what are you gonna do about it your in my house when he doesn't even live there. Then wonders why they won't come downstairs and then he wants to go up in there space to bring them down. I finally had enough when he chased them last week Jack has always been shy and and he came down from upstairs when he was getting ready to leave and he saw him and of course he can't just leave them alone. He scared Jack so much he ran into the refrigerator trying to run away, and he thought it was funny. He chased Roscow the other day also, he acts so childish and doesn't respect my pets, and says i baby them too much. Then proceeds to say there just cats I don't need them to like me. Yesterday I sent him a message saying can you please not chase the cats anymore. He said yeah I can. I'll believe it when I see it.
Get a new boyfriend. And make sure to not pick an immature sh!+ head next time. I would go so far as to say have a zero-tolerance rule for any person who gives you or your pets a hard time. You're not going to change the person. You are just wasting your time.
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