Hi.. I'm caring for 18-20+ cats every day...

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  • #21


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2021
Hi there guys

Sorry for my delay guys...
Wow I'm literally overwhelmed and there just is not enough time in a day!

Bear with me... there's A LOT going on. Sorry for the long message

Maybe two days ago a lady in the neighborhood approached me. She saw me helping the cats everyday. She's an exchange student and she told me she has to leave for a month. My first response was well... what about the cats that are here? Who's caring for them while your going to be gone for that month...? So she smiled and looked at me and goes can you help me? I have some food for them that I will leave with you. I felt so bad because there are two kittens and 2 or 3 adult cats (of course none of them are fixed) she told me there were three kittens but one of them met with an accident and died.
Jesus christ... It's just horrific. The need and demand is SO high it's insane and most definitely outweighs any and all avaliable help.

If I didn't step up I know they WOULD starve. There is nobody to help. Where are they, who are they? I've been on the LONG hunt for help and have yet to find someone to assist.

So now we're feeding 5 to 6 more cats.
Or we will be very soon when her half of a bag of 9 lives hard runs out. Which won't be long. Maybe 3 or 4 days tops. Actually, I've been adding in wet food cans of my own because all she provided was hard. I saw one of the kittens, the CUTEST tiny little black kitten run over to the bowl of wet food that I put out for the cats and he was soo happy and intrigued. He literally RAN over to It and just stared at the bowl and then looked at me. God bless protect and watch over these fur babies.
I will do my best to continue pressing on for these helpless cats.

Also.. I thought the Lisa lady was going to help us but she abruptly stopped answering me, my calls.
SO SO Strange! How the hell are you going to have the complete phone conversation the whole time acting like you're going to help us.. tell me "okay I'm going to ask my people to line up 10-
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  • #22


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2021
Hi there guys

Sorry for my delay guys...
Wow I'm literally overwhelmed and there just is not enough time in a day!

Bear with me... there's A LOT going on. Sorry for the long message

Maybe two days ago a lady in the neighborhood approached me. She saw me helping the cats everyday. She's an exchange student and she told me she has to leave for a month. My first response was well... what about the cats that are here? Who's caring for them while your going to be gone for that month...? So she smiled and looked at me and goes can you help me? I have some food for them that I will leave with you. I felt so bad because there are two kittens and 2 or 3 adult cats (of course none of them are fixed) she told me there were three kittens but one of them met with an accident and died.
Jesus christ... It's just horrific. The need and demand is SO high it's insane and most definitely outweighs any and all avaliable help.

If I didn't step up I know they WOULD starve. There is nobody to help. Where are they, who are they? I've been on the LONG hunt for help and have yet to find someone to assist.

So now we're feeding 5 to 6 more cats.
Or we will be very soon when her half of a bag of 9 lives hard runs out. Which won't be long. Maybe 3 or 4 days tops. Actually, I've been adding in wet food cans of my own because all she provided was hard. I saw one of the kittens, the CUTEST tiny little black kitten run over to the bowl of wet food that I put out for the cats and he was soo happy and intrigued. He literally RAN over to It and just stared at the bowl and then looked at me. God bless protect and watch over these fur babies.
I will do my best to continue pressing on for these helpless cats.

Also.. I thought the Lisa lady was going to help us but she abruptly stopped answering me, my calls.
SO SO Strange! How the hell are you going to have the complete phone conversation the whole time acting like you're going to help us.. tell me "okay I'm going to ask my people to line up 10-

Hi guys, SO sorry

Somehow the message that I wrote before got cut off
I don't know how

I copy &pasted what was here from my first msg that was cut off and added to it. I'm sure I forgot to add in some things as well.. Oh, please disregard if I end up repeating some of the things I may have said earlier.

Sorry for my delay guys...
Wow I'm literally overwhelmed and there just is not enough time in a day!

Bear with me... there's A LOT going on. Sorry for the long message

Maybe two days ago a lady in the neighborhood approached me. She saw me helping the cats everyday. She's an exchange student and she told me she has to leave for a month. My first response was :well... what about the cats that are here? (Because I saw them there in the alley way behind her when speaking with her)
I went on with; Who's caring for them while your going to be gone for a month...?
Sshe smiled and looked at me and goes
: can you help me? I have some food for them that I will leave with you.

Now I felt so bad because there are two kittens and 2 or 3 adult cats (of course none of them are fixed) she told me there were three kittens but one of them met with an accident and died.
Jesus christ... It's just horrific. The need and demand is SO high it's insane and most definitely outweighs any and all avaliable help.

If I didn't step up I know they WOULD starve. There is nobody to help. Where are they, who are they? I've been on the LONG hunt for help and have yet to find someone to assist.

So now we're feeding 5 to 6 more cats.
Or we will be very soon when her half of a bag of 9 lives hard runs out. Which won't be long. Maybe 3 or 4 days tops. Actually, I've been adding in wet food cans of my own because all she provided was hard. I saw one of the kittens, the CUTEST tiny little black kitten run over to the bowl of wet food that I put out for the cats and he was soo happy and intrigued. He literally RAN over to It and just stared at the bowl and then looked at me. God bless protect and watch over these fur babies.
I will do my best to continue pressing on for these helpless cats. I can only do so much.

Also.. I thought the Lisa lady was going to help us but she abruptly stopped answering me, my calls.
SO SO Strange! How the hell are you going to have the complete phone conversation the whole time acting like you're going to help us.. tell me "okay I'm going to ask my people to line up 10-15 traps and I'll get back to you within 2 to 3 days". And then DISAPPEAR.
After that I texted her twice within a 5 day period and I have not received a return response.

For any of you wondering too..
She was FULLY aware of the fact that I could not help with paying out of pocket. I brought that up three minutes into our conversation. With the amounts of furs I am caring for and B3cause of the costs on their food and supplies I am strapped in EVERY way possible.
It's very difficult and very discouraging that I cannot find a rescue, establishment or anyone for that fact to help me help the cats and assist with the spay neuter.
If I had the money I would have fixed them long long ago.

We have kittens galore.. why wouldn't we!? It's kitten season and none of the cats are fixed just like the rest of them in Bridgeport.
So I wanted to trap them and Lisa told me she would take them in after I did it
However...again.... she is no where to be found.

Very discouraging.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Here's my suggestion. Register for nextdoor, it is free.
You can use a version of your name, maiden name, middle name etc.
Check to see if there is a cat people group, my area has one with several hundred.

Even if there isn't a cat people group, watch to see what people are posting, what they say etc. Do a search for cat posts.

The colony caretakers local to me, as with everywhere, have to be extremely careful. That isn't specific to you, it's the nature of things.

What is the benefit? As I mentioned in my earlier post, at least one caretaker is receiving donations from other Nextdoor members. You can get Information about vet care, other colony caretakers, who is doing TNR where to obtain low-no cost food etc.

I apologize if I missed it, but did you talk to your veterinarian about organizations in your area that are doing TNR, if there's a cat food pantry etc? What about the Humane Society?

It's obviously up to you how, or whether, you utilize social media. I just suggested Nextdoor as a source of information since I'm seeing posts by the colony caretakers here.
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  • #24


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2021
Here's my suggestion. Register for nextdoor, it is free.
You can use a version of your name, maiden name, middle name etc.
Check to see if there is a cat people group, my area has one with several hundred.

Even if there isn't a cat people group, watch to see what people are posting, what they say etc. Do a search for cat posts.

The colony caretakers local to me, as with everywhere, have to be extremely careful. That isn't specific to you, it's the nature of things.

What is the benefit? As I mentioned in my earlier post, at least one caretaker is receiving donations from other Nextdoor members. You can get Information about vet care, other colony caretakers, who is doing TNR where to obtain low-no cost food etc.

I apologize if I missed it, but did you talk to your veterinarian about organizations in your area that are doing TNR, if there's a cat food pantry etc? What about the Humane Society?

It's obviously up to you how, or whether, you utilize social media. I just suggested Nextdoor as a source of information since I'm seeing posts by the colony caretakers here.
I created the nextdoor thing. I went to go type in cats or help cat or things like that I couldn't find anything pop up. There may be more folks in your area who are utilizing the nextdoor.

I don't have a vet.
Yes I've tried the food pantry for food. They're always out. Also the CT Humane Society and the ct humane society told me a long while ago that they don't help with that and I was to try rescues. I've been doing that ever since.

Thanks for taking time out to try and help. Ill try going back on nextdoor to look again. Maybe I missed something.
Oh, is there a certain couple of words that I should type in the nextdoor search bar?


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Can you talk to the pantry people and try to find out when might be the best times that they would have something available?

Talk to any/all of the veterinarians or vet techs in your area. You're going to need one sooner or later and you might as well find out about them while looking for info.

One of the members here who saved countless cats over and over, has said that communication was key, and her lifeline. Talk to cat food companies, see if they'd have anything, even if it's just information or discount coupons.

I'm in a metropolitan city so probably yes, there are more people. Nextdoor's search is very wonky but keep trying, the keywords you used were appropriate, but when you're able and have a moment scroll through the news feed and see what people are talking about. You might find safe people to reach out to, and if not this time around maybe next time.
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  • #26


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 22, 2021
Man I am wiped the hell out, completely.

I've been having many nights where I am staying up late to search for assistance and for folks who may be able to help the cats and I but I keep striking out.
It seems no one will move to fix without any cash flow following close behind. God damn..
I help these cats with my own money, time because I Want to. I don't expect anything in return EVER. That's what your supposed to do when you help. You help because you want to help and nothing else.

I called paws tails again and wrote to them too. I also phoned others and the Stratford animal control. I can't even leave a voice-mail because .......
""the mailbox is full and not accepting any messages at this time please try your call again later, goodbye."""

wow, haha.. I think that I have actually near memorized that message.

Now I'm OUT Again on the kitten food for the babies. I THINK I can sq u e e z eeee one more day out for tomorrow's meal and then we're fresh out.
Oh my my.. One of the babies..A stinking cute little thing, You want to see it!!
A little black kitten with a white spot on his face peeked out at me after I put their wet and dry food and the fresh water out for them
Oh my goodness >>>..just SO SO damn cute! I INSTANTLY melt 🫢🫠🙃🤩🥰
God please continue to watch over bless and protect these cats and babies -Amen ...I constantly worry about them getting mauled by raccoons, hit by cars or abused by scumbags Etc +
God forbid *

Also one of the neighbors called me this morning telling me that he heard another batch of kittens crying out today... I told him to please tell me the general area they are in that way I may be able to locate them.
I don't know what for though..I don't have anyone who will assist.
I guess it's just so that I am aware of where they are.
Oh, I scored a dog crate today.. used good price!!
For when or if I can get some help for these poor kittens.

I'll do my best to keep you guys posted.

Have a good evening


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
I understand how frustrating and exhausting that must be for you. Keep in mind also the economy is falling apart.. many people may not be able to help that being said it isn't right to just ignore phone calls or lie about helping.
Maybe the lady who said she will try to get them spayed/neutered had something come up?? Some kind of emergency? Who knows I try to see the good out of every situation but this would be a hard one for me. I would be doing anything and everything I could for them as well.

Try to get some rest I know you are put late taking care of them but they need you at your best (health/mental wise) so you can continue helping them. Try to keep that in mind.

Can you try local food pantries? And for any kind of assistance with spay and neuter and things like that can you check in like the next county or state over. Maybe you will be able to find some help like 2 hours away or something like that but hey that would be better than no help.
I hope it all works out. Thank you for all you're doing for them. They appreciate everything you do for them more than you could ever know.