Teaching a Cat to Talk


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
This is Tabitha and I've had her ever since she was a kitten. I found her in a county shelter and immediately noticed her because she bravely came to the front of her cage and stuck a paw through in an attempt to touch me. While the other kittens in her cage huddled in the back, Tabitha made a point of trying to connect with me. 

A red dot above her cage indicated that she (and her two brothers and sister) were on the shelter's "red alert" list which meant that she and her litter mates were due to be put down at the end of the week simply because no one wanted them.

I couldn't bear the thought of such a brave and friendly kitten being put down for no fault of her own. Since I already had three cats, I didn't have the room to adopt four more. To be candid, I hadn't even come to the shelter in search of another cat. I had come as emotional support for a colleague who had suffered the loss of one of her dogs some six months earlier.

Since I'm not interested in dogs, I wandered over to the cat section where I met Tabitha.

Unable to accept the pending death of this cat, I adopted her. I wound up going home with a cat. My colleague went home in tears because she was not yet emotionally ready to accept a new dog into her life.

This is what Tabitha looked like as a kitten.

Tabitha's full name is Princess Tabitha Panda Kitty Toe Biter which admittedly was a very big name for what used to be a very small cat. She was a princess because she was adopted into a home of older bachelors. In addition to yours truly, I had three male cats ... Bobby Cat (so named because he's a Manx mix with a bob-tail, Jasper Baby (Bob's brother), and Scraps. 

These were my boys. From left to right, Scraps, Jasper Baby (now deceased), and Bob.

The "panda kitty" part of Tabitha's name came from her coloring ... and this name was given to her before I realized that she was a Tuxedo cat. I actually like "panda kitty" better. The "toe biter" designation came from the fact that she enjoyed playing pouncy pounce on my feet whenever I was in bed. 

She'd look at my feet which were under the covers and if I shifted a foot, she'd POUNCE, clawing at a toe and tried to bite it through a comforter. I thought this was pretty funny when she was a kitten but one day after she had grown up, she actually managed to BITE ME through a comforter. Thereafter I began keeping a lure by the bed and have long since managed to distract her from further attacks on my foot.  I also sacrificed a slipper "for the greater good" and have allowed Tabitha to wrestle with it when she was feeling frisky.

Until recently, Tabitha did not talk. 

Bob is a talker. In fact it's sometimes hard to get him to stop talking particularly when i'ts 3 AM and he's YOWLING in the hopes that I'll get up to feed him an early breakfast.

Bob actually has a handful of different sounds he makes. There's a curious warbling sound that he makes when he's about to throw up. When he's hungry, he makes a sound that suspiciously sounds like the word, "Now!"

It's currently 3:05 PM and in about 30 minutes or so, I full expect him to start telling me, "NOW! NOW! NOW!" because it's getting close to his dinner time. I typically feed the cats at 4 PM.

Jasper Baby, Bob's brother, did not know how to say, "Now." Instead of saying, "Now," JB would say, "Wow!"

At 3:30 no matter what I was doing, the boys would find me and I'd hear ....



Scraps has not been much for talking. I've only heard him make two different sounds (other than a rumbling purr). When he's unhappy (because he's going to see the vet or because we're in the process of moving," he will scream, 'EEEEEOOOOWWWWW!  EEEEEOOOOWWWWW! '

EEEEEOOOOWWWWW!" as though I was committing murder and mayhem.

When he's feeling lonely, he'll work me over with his eyes and will emit a mournful, "Ohhhhhhhhh" prior to scrambling onto my lap.

So out of all of my cats, the only cat I have who hasn't talked has been Tabitha. 

Since I'm a teacher, I decided to see if I could teach her to talk. One of our evening routines is that I keep a 1 lb. container of Temptation brand kitty treats on the bed stand. When I turn in for the night, the cats gather around me on the bed. Tabitha always sits on the bed stand. As the alpha cat, Bob has pride of place beside me. As the junior status kitty, Scraps has been relegated to the foot of the bed.

Starting two weeks ago, I tried to associate the act of receiving treats with talking. 

"What time is it?" I asked the cats.

"Now!" said Bob. 

Scraps gave me a mournful look.

Tabitha gave me an expectant look.

"Tabitha, could you say, 'please give me some kitty treats?'" I asked. 

She batted her eyes at me and head butted my hand. I love you David. I love you so much.

"NOW!" insisted Bob who began tapping my arm for attention. "NOW!"

"I know YOU KNOW  how to talk Bob, but I'm try to get Tabitha to talk."

"NOW! NOW! NOW!" insisted Bob.

Scraps remained silent.

Tabitha continued to blink at me ... secure in the knowledge that she has me wrapped around her paw and sure enough, I gave in and began passing out their nightly treats.

I kept up with this every night for  two weeks and was about to give up and go back to our old routine when last night, Tabitha hopped up on the bed stand. Nudging the container of kitty treats, she looked at me and said, "Merr?" 

I broke into a smile. "TABITHA! You can talk!"

"Merr!" she insisted, batting the kitty treats with a paw. "MERR!"

"NOW!" added Bob ... and Scraps remained silent ... but we're making progress. 


Here is a picture of Tabitha, curled up in her kitty bed on the living room floor after having received her evening treats. 

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TCS Member
Feb 27, 2015
The kitty playground
:clap: What a lovely story :D I needed a smile tonight, and Tabitha definitely gave me one :heart3: SUCH a beautiful girl too :love: (and two very handsome boys for that matter :heart3: :heart2: ). Who says you can't train cats?! :lol3:
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louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I am so glad she started talking for you. I taught my Lil Bit to sit with treats. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
I am so glad she started talking for you. I taught my Lil Bit to sit with treats. 
How did you teach her to sit? Did you have to gently push her bohunkus down while saying, "Sit"?

louann jude

TCS Member
Super Cat
Nov 6, 2015
I just kept saying sit and when she would sit down I would give her a treat. After about a week she knew what it was. I am using treats now to show her where her kittening box is. I hope I started in time she is 61 days along now. I just read about it a few days ago. 


TCS Member
Mar 26, 2016
I have to laugh at this..... all of my cats have talked to some degree, however Oliver (my most recent cat) never shuts up!! He has several different meows depending on what he wants. I have no idea why he likes to talk so much, he didn't until a few days after I brought him home from the shelter. I love it though! It's nice to have a greeting at the door when I come in even if it's accompanied by a dirty look.  
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
I have to laugh at this..... all of my cats have talked to some degree, however Oliver (my most recent cat) never shuts up!! He has several different meows depending on what he wants. I have no idea why he likes to talk so much, he didn't until a few days after I brought him home from the shelter. I love it though! It's nice to have a greeting at the door when I come in even if it's accompanied by a dirty look.  
Hah-hah ... oh yes ... anyone who lives with a cat is probably familiar with their dirty looks or even worse, their outright stares. 

I understand that staring can also be a dominance issue. Bob stares at me all the time and if I'm in bed, he seems to get visibly annoyed if I erect a pillow between us so as to shield myself from his stare. 

I wonder how much of what we say is understood by cats. Sometimes when all three cats are staring at me in concert, usually because they're expecting breakfast or dinner, I'll ask them why they're staring at me and if it's because I'm the most incredibly handsome guy they've ever seen.

The cats will look at each other as if to say, "Who is he kidding? Is he serious?"



TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 3, 2014
Reminds me a bit of Lila, my husband's grandmother's old cat. We took her in when hubby's grandmother broke her hip and was in the hospital for 6 months. After she was released and we returned Lila, she said: What did you do to my cat?!? SHE TALKS NOW!!!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Tabitha is adorable. 

Both of my cats talk. Carrot didn't meow even once in the adoption room, but once we got him in a going home box he started talking and hasn't stopped since. He always approaches us meowing when he wants attention. When we brought home our second cat, Angua, she didn't talk at all. A few weeks around Carrot and now she sings with a beautiful soprano that complements his baritone voice. That is until feeding time, when her meow becomes much harsher. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Hekitty talks with me constantly.  Sometimes I think there must be a Siamese lurking on one branch of her family tree.  The funniest, and most pitiful, conversations we had was during that horrible time when I was waiting for her to go out of heat so I could get her to the vet (she didn't have her first heat till she was 15 months old, I thought she was sterile).  Any way, she would go to the front door and say, plain as day, "Let ME OOOOWWWT...let MEEEE OOOOOOOWWWWWWWT!  NEOW, NEOW, NEOW!!!"  I would take her in my lap and say, "Darlin, you don't want to get messed up with those old tomcats.  They will promise you the moon and the stars, and all you'll get from them is kittens.  And they won't be there to help feed and litter train them.  They'll be off with some new kitty."  And she would look at me with big, sad eyes and say, I know Mama,but....LET MEEEEOOOOWWWT!"


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 15, 2015
Orange County New York
 I had a seal point Siamese that talked all day long. She would say whah,whah, all the time. Now I have a Tuxedo male who talks all the time, and even louder when he is hungry. I love cats that talk.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I've had different things to teach them to talk. One way is meowing on slow quiet tones. Because they have different sounds of meows I usually meow at them in different ways until I get a reaction. Some like high pitched meows..some are deeper throat sounding. My honeybee never talked until I started meowing at her. The other two are pretty quiet unless it is dinner time or treat time.

My eldest floey talks all the time if I talk first. She has a quiet throaty meow but the funny thing is when I got her from the shelter she was screaming at the top of her lungs hanging on the cage shaking the door like crazy. It honestly sounds like a baby wailing. I've only heard this a couple times when a stray wandered in the door checking out the house.

She was telling him in no uncertain terms to get lost!

You can experiment with different meows. Some cats like it. Some don't.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jul 15, 2013
Your Princess is darling and so fortunate that you rescued her Thank you for starting out my morning with laughter. . I have a toe biter, too, any time I walk around barefoot my toes are bait. Punky also has quite a vocabulary, so different from our Siamese, whose vocalization sounded like babies crying.  Punky only talks when he wants something, or to answer me when I ask him a question. He alters volume to get his point across. When I ask him if he wants to be fed, he will tell me with a definite 'Yow' and then contine to mew softly and wrap around my feet (which I have learned to keep sandals on!)  until I put down his food and if he's not in the mood I get a very loud NO! that is almost  a bark. He also understands many vocal commands and my hubby and I often joke that we need to start spelling words because he is such a smarty pants.....particuarly the word for T R E A T!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016
Hekitty talks with me constantly.  Sometimes I think there must be a Siamese lurking on one branch of her family tree.  The funniest, and most pitiful, conversations we had was during that horrible time when I was waiting for her to go out of heat so I could get her to the vet (she didn't have her first heat till she was 15 months old, I thought she was sterile).  Any way, she would go to the front door and say, plain as day, "Let ME OOOOWWWT...let MEEEE OOOOOOOWWWWWWWT!  NEOW, NEOW, NEOW!!!"  I would take her in my lap and say, "Darlin, you don't want to get messed up with those old tomcats.  They will promise you the moon and the stars, and all you'll get from them is kittens.  And they won't be there to help feed and litter train them.  They'll be off with some new kitty."  And she would look at me with big, sad eyes and say, I know Mama,but....LET MEEEEOOOOWWWT!"
That was HILARIOUS. Thank you. It was a long day at work today and I needed a good laugh.



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
It's much, MUCH funnier in retrospect.  Living with a cat in heat will drive a saint to both drink and blasphemy.