Savannah cats

cat person

TCS Member
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Oct 31, 2010
Hi All,

If any of you have a Savannah cat please post stories about your cat. Please let me know what generation your cat is. Mine is an F3 and I have had him three weeks and one day and boy is he a rascal.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
Originally Posted by Cat Person

Hi All,

If any of you have a Savannah cat please post stories about your cat. Please let me know what generation your cat is. Mine is an F3 and I have had him three weeks and one day and boy is he a rascal.
And what's you cat's story? When did you get him, her? Where did your kitty come from? How old is your kitty? but more importantly....... I am sure we all would love to see pictures!


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
Hi, I don't have a Savannah, but I think they are beautiful. That will probably be my first purchase if I ever win the lottery. I don't think I've talked to you before, so a belated welcome to TCS from me and mine.
Angie (me)
Blackie (neighbors' cat)
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  • #4

cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
Hi Carolina,

Picture's of him can be seen on Under the exotic cats section. The name of that thread is My nonstandard Savannah.

Hi NursesAngel,

Thank you for the hello. He is only and F3 and he is orange. So he cost only 1,000. Plus he is what breeders call "extreme hybrid". What is meant by that is he is only 12.5% serval his behavior is like an F1 or a true serval. He does use a litter box. However his behavior/energy level is extreme. He can not be in my home alone. He is very rough with the domestics as well. He has destroyed many items via jumping and chewing. Most F3 are much calmer then he is. I love him a lot though.

I have worked with pure exotics and rescues of domestics. But living with my Loki is an experience. He is NOT for the faint of heart.

kai bengals

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Sep 5, 2005
North Carolina
I couldn't find the link for the pics of your Savannah on your site until I went to the message boards. Then I saw them. He is very orange isn't he? I wonder if some of his wound up behavior is also because he's just a kitten. I bet he'll simmer down some as an adult.

Below are a few new pics of our F1. He is a handful to be sure, but I've figured him out and have been successful (so far) in burning off his energy by letting him romp with the bengals which keeps him out of most of the mischief he'd be prone to getting into. He's an adult though, so his energy level is bound to be lower than your kitten's level.

The purple collar he has on is some new thing that is supposed to have a calming affect on hyper or aggressive cats and dogs. I'm not sure it's doing a bit of good, but I'm going to leave it on for a few weeks , then take it off and see if it was the collar that helped, or just time with us that has got him settling in.

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cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
Hi Kai Bengals,

Yes he is orange
. I love all the nonstandard colors. I have seen the F1's with white and I have seen one calico F1 female. I loved seeing photo's of them. But my most favorite color are marbles. I do hope to get a marble F2 soon. I am looking for a male. So that way Loki will have a playmate of his own caliber.

I do hope Loki calms down some. But the breeder said he was extreme and he would most likely stay that way. I was screened quite a bit before I got him. She even tried to sell me a "more family friendly F3". But I got my Loki.
I do hope he simmers down a bit. But we will see.

I love him to bits. But I would bet he is like your F1. Not in size but in hyperactivity. I LOVE your F1 Loki. He is an awesome looking boy. Thank you for the photo's. I believe you said he was a rescue. How did you get lucky enough to rescue him? Do you do rescue/rehoming of Savannah's? If so if you ever get a marble male I would love him

Lastly here is the message board link: . Sorry for the mix up.

Thank you again
. Maybe you want to join the other message board I am on

kai bengals

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
North Carolina
Originally Posted by Cat Person

I LOVE your F1 Loki. He is an awesome looking boy. Thank you for the photo's. I believe you said he was a rescue. How did you get lucky enough to rescue him? Do you do rescue/rehoming of Savannah's? If so if you ever get a marble male I would love him
Thank-you. We did rescue him. He was going to be put down, because he bit his previous owner bad enough to send him to the ER. Not sure what provoked him to bite like that. I haven't seen that behavior here, although he has put his teeth on both of us more than a few times. He has not done more than that, and even when he's acting up, I can pick him up and get him calmed down.
Who knows exactly what his first 2.5 years were like. It may take him quite awhile to stop his mood swings, but we're working with him, giving him his space and showering him with affection, kind words and giving him as many positive new experiences as we can.

We are bengal breeders so do not do rescue on any regular basis, although we have rescued a few during our years of breeding. We just couldn't see any good reason for this beautiful cat to be euthanized. To be honest I'm not a fan of Bengals being bred to Servals to create Savannahs, which is how our Loki came to be. But he was born, what's done is done and he's a good cat and we knew we could work with him and gain his trust.

jim graham

TCS Member
Jan 17, 2012
I've got an F1 male and a F2 female... What do you want to know?


TCS Member
Super Cat
Sep 11, 2011
Chattanooga, TN
Hi Jim :wavey: Welcome to TCS!

This thread is over a year old, but if you want to talk to Cat Person, who is still active on this board, just click on her name and send her a Personal Message.

Please wander on over to New Cats on the Block if you'd like and introduce yourself and your Savannahs. We all love to see pictures!! :D
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  • #11

cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
Does your f1 have any aggressive issues?
Is yours definitely an F1? If so, it might truly be NOT aggressive. Servals hiss. They have between ten (10) and twenty (20) different hisses. They also growl, when, happy and excited. Servals will "slap you" when they are very excited. Yes, it still hurts. Basically, just watch the cats ears. Normally, unless, the cats ears are laid, against its head, the cat is not being aggressive. Also, just like the Serval, an F1, will not want to be held/restrained. Most F1's are not lap cats. They are very active and love to play with toys (dog and child strength toys) and some play fetch. Many do not like to be petted/stroked as much as, a normal domestic. Lastly, if, the cat is making odd noises, and "ramming" its head into you, that is Serval and Savannah for "hi and Iove you", This behavior is called "head butting".
Hi Jim
Welcome to TCS!
This thread is over a year old, but if you want to talk to Cat Person, who is still active on this board, just click on her name and send her a Personal Message.
Please wander on over to New Cats on the Block if you'd like and introduce yourself and your Savannahs. We all love to see pictures!!
I've got an F1 male and a F2 female... What do you want to know?
Whatever, you care to share
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TCS Member
Aug 28, 2012
Oh i know all about the different hisses and growls they make and all about that being their way of communicating . I feel that his problem with children and other animals stems from where she was raised with no stimulation. So when my four year old passes and she hisses at him it is just her way of communicating "do not touch me", "stay away" . She gets her point across and then quits so that might not be an agressive issue but rather her warning sign to stay away.  But not all f1 are this way.Some sleep with children and become best friends with dogs so im not taking that as she it what she is and will never change. she use to growl and hiss and very bad with the dog even spray in her cage when she seen him, and now she can be in the same room as he as long as he is not in her personal space so that is progress as well. one day i do hope to see them closer.  i introduce her to lots of animals and people as well even if its just a look from across the room.   i fell when i got her she had never seen sunlight, touched grass, seen animals, never seen children, so she is learning lots of new things. if she is arround the dog while eating there is some snarling and she munches it down fast. she also has an issue with nursing on herself.  After she wraps herself arroud your legs dont want me to walk forward looks at my feet alot she acts as if she does know what to do then starts nursing herself.  i done some research on that about using a mans t shirt to wrap arround her to stop her to see if that helps but any suggestions are always welcome. i am playing with her more thinking maybe she is not getting those hunting instints out so that is one thing e are doing.  but i have seen a vidoe on you tube where a cat is constantly wrapping himself in and out arround the ownwers legs and it says crazy cat,  what is wrong with this cat?  please excuse my grammer and writing  on the pc, not the best the best!  But this behavior makes me wonder if one day this is how cats attack for no reason....
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  • #13

cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
I need to start off, by saying, you seem like a VERY VERY well educated owner. I am VERY impressed
Oh i know all about the different hisses and growls they make and all about that being their way of communicating .

I am glad, you know, about, the cats mood of commutation

I feel that his problem with children and other animals stems from where she was raised with no stimulation.

I agree

So when my four year old passes and she hisses at him it is just her way of communicating "do not touch me", "stay away" . She gets her point across and then quits so that might not be an agressive issue but rather her warning sign to stay away. 

How are the cats ears, when, giving that "warning"? How old is your child? Can your child, play, with a toy with her? Like, a fishing pole toy?

But not all f1 are this way.


Some sleep with children and become best friends with dogs so im not taking that as she it what she is and will never change.

Never change no. But, change for her, will BE VERY SLOW. F1's like Servals, do NOT change fast. They also do not handle change well. How long have you had the cat? Under what conditions, do you have her? Is she in a room, in a basement with human amenities, or a cage?

she use to growl and hiss and very bad with the dog even spray in her cage when she seen him,

Is your F1, in a cage 24/7? Can you make a "Serval safe" room for your F1? In other words, a room, that is free of small objects, has cat tree's, toys, a large litter box and easy clean surfaces? Lastly, is the cat spayed?

and now she can be in the same room as he as long as he is not in her personal space so that is progress as well.

That is incredibly good. I am not just saying that. Has the cat ever become a "queen"? Meaning, has she ever had her own litter?

one day i do hope to see them closer.

I am sure it will happen. But, you want to try and have the Savannah bond with YOU. Unless, you are okay with her, forming, a close bond with your dog.

i introduce her to lots of animals and people as well even if its just a look from across the room.

That is a FINE way, to start introductions!!!!!!!!!

i fell when i got her she had never seen sunlight, touched grass, seen animals, never seen children, so she is learning lots of new things.

From your previous descriptions and how she is reacting it might be VERY true. BUT, F1's like Servals do not like change. So, it could be both, but, I really don't know. How old is she? Has she bred? Why did the breeder, rehome her? Are you still in contact, with, the breeder, you got her from? I am guessing, she was a former queen cat. I could be wrong. Was she, someones, personal pet?

if she is arround the dog while eating there is some snarling and she munches it down fast.

That is VERY VERY normal. F1's tend to do that. My, high percentage F3, is still very food aggressive, around animals. But now, not people. However, that took me, a year of work. That may never go away, with an F1. It is NOTHING to worry about. What are you feeding her? Raw, wet food/canned food/, dry, or a mixture of all three? 

she also has an issue with nursing on herself.

How do you mean? Like, she will suckle on her own leg, tail, etc? Can you post a photo?

After she wraps herself arroud your legs dont want me to walk forward looks at my feet alot she acts as if she does know what to do then starts nursing herself. 

This, is just my two cents, but, this is her own "calming/self reassuring" behavior, Unless, she is causing herself physical harm, I would not worry about. In fact, I would try and use that, as, a way to "bond" with her.

i done some research on that about using a mans t shirt to wrap arround her to stop her to see if that helps

Again, if, she is not causing herself physical harm, I would NOT stop the behavior. It seems completely harmless. But, without photo's or a YouTube clip, I am just GUESSING.

but any suggestions are always welcome.

On what?

i am playing with her more thinking maybe she is not getting those hunting instints outso that is one thing e are doing.

Savannahs in general, F1's most of all, can't be played with enough. You can't get those instincts out enough. Try and have everyone play with her. That will help her, bond, with everyone. Plus, tire her out faster.

but i have seen a vidoe on you tube where a cat is constantly wrapping himself in and out arround the ownwers legs and it says crazy cat,  what is wrong with this cat? 

I suspect nothing. Again, without seeing the video, I have no idea. A Savannah, is, very very off putting at times. They are NOT as manageable, as other foundation cats, when, acquired under "less then perfect circumstances" Also, in many ways, they are different then, other foundation cat breeds/types.. But, once, you have won there trust and love, they are, the BEST foundation cat.

please excuse my grammer and writing  on the pc, not the best the best!  But this behavior makes me wonder if one day this is how cats attack for no reason....

It is fine


TCS Member
Aug 28, 2012
First off let me say you seem to be well educated on f1's and sanannahs.  There is only so much info out there before you start re-reading all the same stuff.  So let me answer your questions on her living space first.  Geisha had her own room but that just became way to small for a cat of her size and she decided the trim was a good tooth sharpening tool i had to move her.  It sounds terriable but we have a insulated attached garage with a cat door coinmg into the house but heres the not so terriable part,   lots of space, her own litter, her cage is out there and open if she wants to go into it, a cat tree, and her very own bed of hay.  We also practically live out there, theres two tvs set up for the kids/guys room for sports.  I also everyday two or three times take her to the back yard on two tie outs so so can run and play out there as well.  I found a harness that she can not get out of and she is supervised when out doors and arround children.  The kids no not to touch her and how to respect her for the kind of animal that she is.  When i decide what i am going to do with geisha, breed her or keep her as a pet, then i will know what type of enclosure to build her.  Thing is i bring her in the house some , sometimes ill put her on her cable tie out and open the garage door and let her come in to explore, she cant get all he way in but so she cant attack any animals but they can get to her if they want and she can smell them and be a part of the action in here . Dont want to throw her in a cage and forget about her.  She was a queen before. She is five: first year kitten, second year the breeder waited for the f6 to produce and then she had two litters and one the breeder was not aware she was pregnant then i aquired her at 4 and a half basically.  I would like geisha to live the best possible life she could and so if getting a male that she would bond with is healthy best alternative i would or to make her a great pet is the best i would do that as well. Im stil debating it. All i knew when i got her was we had to work on behavior. I dont like the way that animals are caged up with no social structure, no stimulation, just to create babies. She was not leash trained when i got her which was not hard to do, just came natural but she hadnt seen sunlight, felt grass, or even touched the earth, pretty sad huh?   So about hte suckleing behavior, she sucks her own teet! She walks back and fourth in front of my legs not wanting me to move forward and ill take a step she will meow as if she if trying to tell me something, i dont know what it is and then she justs starts suckingon her teet and if you try and you try and pull her away there is a force there and she does it again get up try to tell me something and then start again. Strangest thing maybe i can upload a video!   AS far as diet i feed her a wide variety of things but its a mixture of soft and hard and i give her vitamins. I also give her tuna,  salmon,  hearring, a little red meat, some bone sometimes (is that bad). i know no processed meat but what else is a no no with cats? is it pork ? feel like i read that somewhere.....I will add when i first got her she didnt even like table food (meat only)  and didnt even like treats but now she likes everything!  Good bye for Now. Hopefully Im not wearing you out
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  • #15

cat person

TCS Member
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Oct 31, 2010
First of all, I want to apologize, for, the delay in response times. Hope you understand
First off let me say you seem to be well educated on f1's and sanannahs.

Thank you, very very much. I have had a rescue Serval, who, was 10 (ten) years old, when, I got him. I had him only eight months, since, he died of cancer. He was a great cat
. Plus, owning this Savannah, I learned a REAL LOT, REAL FAST

  There is only so much info out there before you start re-reading all the same stuff. 


So let me answer your questions on her living space first.  Geisha had her own room but that just became way to small for a cat of her size and she decided the trim was a good tooth sharpening tool i had to move her.  It sounds terriable but we have a insulated attached garage with a cat door coinmg into the house but heres the not so terriable part,   lots of space, her own litter, her cage is out there and open if she wants to go into it, a cat tree, and her very own bed of hay.  We also practically live out there, theres two tvs set up for the kids/guys room for sports.  I also everyday two or three times take her to the back yard on two tie outs so so can run and play out there as well. 

That all sounds great
. Just the term tie out, worries me. Just make sure, she, can't get caught on anything, and injure herself. Yes, that, is the paranoid, part of me talking

 I found a harness that she can not get out of and she is supervised when out doors and arround children. 

Good Good

The kids no not to touch her and how to respect her for the kind of animal that she is. 

Sounds good

When i decide what i am going to do with geisha, breed her or keep her as a pet, then i will know what type of enclosure to build her. 

I am confused, by that part, care to elaborate?

Thing is i bring her in the house some , sometimes ill put her on her cable tie out and open the garage door and let her come in to explore, she cant get all he way in but so she cant attack any animals but they can get to her if they want and she can smell them and be a part of the action in here .

Just make sure, she is supervised. Servals and F1's tend to not, do as well as, dogs, on tie outs. Maybe, I am thinking of, a different item, then, you are referring to? Now, that I think about it. A picture, would help me

Dont want to throw her in a cage and forget about her.

Very very very good

  She was a queen before. She is five: first year kitten, second year the breeder waited for the f6 to produce and then she had two litters and one the breeder was not aware she was pregnant then i aquired her at 4 and a half basically. 

Okay, so, the cat produced two litters, is, that correct? One, the breeder, knew she had, since, they saw the kittens. Then, sold/kept them, is that correct? Then, the second litter, she had while in your care? Or, she came to you pregnant, and nobody knew, and she reabsorbed the kittens? Feel free, to correct, any/all that. So, I understand all that happened, with, her breeding.

I would like geisha to live the best possible life she could and so if getting a male that she would bond with is healthy best alternative i would

I am SURE you KNOW this, but, I am just saying it, to make myself, feel better. One, having her bond with a male cat is NOT the same as having her BREED with a male cat. Even if, you, just want to get her a companion, you may need, to let her pick from a few males. In order, to breed her, you will need MANY different males for her to choose from. F1 Females, like pure Servals, exercise considerable choice, in, choosing a mate. You can't force her to breed a male, of, your choosing. Can you get the F6 male, she, bred with? If, you want to breed her, that male, is your best bet. In my humble opinion.

or to make her a great pet is the best i would do that as well.

As a "pet", what do you expect her to act like/do?

Im stil debating it.

No need to rush, I was just curious.

All i knew when i got her was we had to work on behavior. I dont like the way that animals are caged up with no social structure, no stimulation, just to create babies.

I agree, with, all that

She was not leash trained when i got her which was not hard to do, just came natural

That shows, her behavior, is still VERY "PLIABLE", which, in my humble opinion, is a MAJOR PLUS!

but she hadnt seen sunlight, felt grass, or even touched the earth, pretty sad huh?  

Yes, I think that is very very very sad

So about hte suckleing behavior, she sucks her own teet! She walks back and fourth in front of my legs not wanting me to move forward and ill take a step she will meow as if she if trying to tell me something, i dont know what it is and then she justs starts suckingon her teet and if you try and you try and pull her away there is a force there and she does it again get up try to tell me something and then start again. Strangest thing maybe i can upload a video! 

Yes, I really need a video. It sounds very strange. But, very harmless. Plus, can be used to your advantage, if, you want to make her a "pet".

 AS far as diet i feed her a wide variety of things but its a mixture of soft and hard

I am taking that, to mean, wet and dry food. Is that correct?

and i give her vitamins.

What brand?

I also give her tuna,  salmon,  hearring, a little red meat, some bone sometimes (is that bad).

No, bone is good. As long as, it is raw, not cooked. Bones from chicken wings, legs, thighs, and such are great. Also, raw dark meat chicken is good. Plus, some red meat (raw), some raw fish, raw egg, and such are GREAT!

 i know no processed meat but what else is a no no with cats?

When, feeding raw, to an exotic or hybird, you, want to try and use "dark meat" or parts that are "dark meat". Like, a chicken leg and thigh, for, parts. Or, for dark meat, things like rabbit. No no's for exotics and hybirds are cooked meat and bones.

is it pork ?

That, is, a very very touchy subject. I WON'T feed it. But, many many people do. I feed, my Savannah, whole live prey, twice a day, and EVO dry. The domestics get the same. Plus, grain free wet.

feel like i read that somewhere....

I am sure you did

.I will add when i first got her she didnt even like table food (meat only) 

It is VERY normal, for her, to like ONLY MEAT! NOTHING, to worry about, at ALL!

and didnt even like treats but now she likes everything! 

What type of treats? What else does she now like?

Good bye for Now. Hopefully Im not wearing you out

, having you here. You are not wearing me out, one little bit. I hope you stay around for YEARS!!! I
having someone, to "talk" to, on the board.


TCS Member
Aug 28, 2012
I'm afraid to say what parts are confused ! So I didn't do my homework so well after all . Raw food grosses me out with all the germs and such so I do a mixture of a dry food and a wet and Opps some cooked meat! Omg didn't know . So whats the harm in cooked meat? I buy my food from a supplier who speacilizes in foods that offer nothing but citiams and nutrients for dogs and cats in indiana. She says the levels in my dry food are higher percentages than in zoo preen . And the vitamins are in a gold package don't know the name either I always dump them in a container with a lid. So this kitty was raised on iams and when I got her she didn't like meat and or anything but iams and off course tuna.
But I have used food as a way of saying like me, trust me, I'm your friend. To answer you on what do I want her to do as a pet is be nice to everyone . Kids and pets but when you have an unaltered female you are dealing with hormones and temperments and mood swings . So if I got that out of the way my progress would go faster. Or I could get her a male and have me a nice f2 and sell the others (with a responsible contract of course) and I would be left with a family of Savannah's. No I do not have a male so all babies were born with the previous owner. So u see Depending on what dection I make changes how big or elaborate I go with an enclosure. Yeah it's a cable just like your thinking of and she does well with it but I do watch her so she doesn't get tangled arround things. I carry arround with me when we play in the yard and she gets lots of excersise this way:)
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cat person

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Oct 31, 2010
I'm afraid to say what parts are confused ! So I didn't do my homework so well after all . Raw food grosses me out with all the germs and such


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 17, 2008
Corinth, TX
You will get germs on Raw, if you leave it out to rotten..... Aside from that, you are feeding clean, human grade, beautiful meat - the same meat you cook for your meals. There is really nothing dirty about that.... The quality of meat you feed when feeding raw is far, far superior then the meat in pet food.
And...... if by "germs" you mean salmonella and such..... you'd be surprised to find out how contaminated kibbles really is :nod:

Anyways.... Just wanted to point that out....

In any event, raw feeding is not for everyone, so good luck on the route you choose :wavey:
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Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hi folks, hi Erinka!  This tread as now leaves me a little bewildered. I ge the impression it is some sort of continuation from somewhere else? Misplaced Savanna-tread, or misplaced Raw-tread?   :(


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Hi folks, hi Erinka!  This tread as now leaves me a little bewildered. I ge the impression it is some sort of continuation from somewhere else? Misplaced Savanna-tread, or misplaced Raw-tread?   :(
Yes bewildering

Also not sure why any decent breeder would pass on an entire 4 year old girl, should be retiring at that age not passed off to someone else who is going to breed from her.
Are you a registered breeder? Have you spent time showing and learning about the breed, have a mentor?