"reset" behaviours


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2024
So this might be a long one but to summarise it at the start - we decided to give our senior some days in the lounge only (it's a big lounge!) and let the kittens/now juniors have the rest of the house (not that big!) in order to help him out with boundaries resetting and to give us time to think about what to do. Wondering if having him in that one room (sometimes on his own if hubby is at work, otherwise he's got hubby with him) for a few more days so he recalibrates from whatever he's experiencing.

Now for details / background info:

We got Milo, 12yrs old in October from my mum-in-law as she was going to have to move due to rent increase (we had just gone through that as well and God gave us a great flat with a great landlady that allows pets) and she knew what to do with the dogs, but unsure of what to do with the cat (that was his name too, "the cat"). It took him 2 weeks to get out of hiding in "basecamp" and rule the house.

In November, we got Cosmo and Malachi (9 weeks old at the time). We did the introductions as best we could - I studied everything I could (but hubby wasn't totally getting it so we had a few arguments, but all good now...) - the kittens had each other to play and would give Milo a wide berth, eventually he would start grooming and playing with them.

We thought it was all good, and we'd leave them all in the whole flat when we went out.

Around January, mum-in-law moved in with us with the there doggies (that Milo was familiar with already, he got on well with them. at her house, he had all the windows open on a ground floor flat 24/7, didn't even have a cat litter and did his business outside, didn't go very far; he'd sleep in the dogs' bed with them and now will go lie on her bed and sleep for a little while - but we can't leave her door open as the kittens will go in (which after proper intros they can do an coexist very well) and her window might be wide open, they can go in if the window is on the safety latch...

Milo seemed OK with that - Malachi struggled a bit more with the change but adjusted after a few days of hiding under my chair and started being curious about the doggies; Cosmo just wanted to see what was in that room! (btw that is where they had their base camp before she moved in, but we closed them out of it before she moved in so they wouldn't associate it with themselves - they love my bedroom/office which is the sanctuary for them and me! so all is well)

By mid-january they were 4.5 months old and their testosterone kicked in...all hell broke lose then!
to make matters worse, we had our neighbour across the road's female kitten(s) in heat in our next door neighbour's garden so all the toms and neighbourhood cats (there are many cats, more cats than people in our street!) were meandering in Milo's territory.

He started being aggressive to the kittens and redirecting aggression as well towards them - and sometimes us.

We have Feliway Friends in the three rooms they spend most of their time in (again, not a big flat) which seems to help but he was being really aggressive so we had to do reintroductions.

The vet said to leave them until Feb 14th (that was a month away still and they'd have been "hormonal" for 1.5 months at that point) for their neutering, to which we said OK, but then we thought better of it and asked them to move the date forward. They were neutered at 5 months on 1st Feb, phew!

So while they were wearing their cones of shame for a few days, and healing, we kept them separated and were already sort of keeping them separate.

Hubby has been sleeping with Milo in the lounge as he feels guilty for "segregating" him to the other room. I think Milo is enjoying the peace and quiet and the lounge is quite big, with a window open on a safety latch (he can usually go out but for the last day and a half he hasn't gone out and he seems fine with it - we played a bit and that distracted him and tired him out), he has 2 cat litters, 2 water bowls, lots of beds and places to hang out, so he's fine really...it's us projecting our feelings on him probably!

Oh! important - he wasn't eating his wet food and then we took him to the vet to discard any medical stuff that might be causing his behavioural problems as well - he is between stage 2 and 3 CKD so now on a special renal diet - although we do give him chicken, some treats, and kitten leftovers (which he oddly eats the lil' bub). So at least we found that out from our discarding possibilities venture.

He eats separately from the kittens and has food all day long, we're varying it so he doesn't get bored...he's eating Hills at the moment, but we have the Smilla brand ready if he gets bored, and also two more options - Royal Canin and Purina Bifensis - so hopefully we're past the bad patch and he'll eat better now.

The juniors are eating well and much better apart from Milo. We are improving our strategies and ways to give them their best life as we go along.

Now back to where I started:
I go by my intuition with these things (I am a counsellor and use that a lot, also worked a lot with non-verbal people and am very good at non-verbal language and sensing things which has proven well for my work and with my cats) - so I am trusting that I'm on the right track here, but having an idea of what we're doing and being not sure of what else we can do.

My rationale for leaving him on his own in the lounge for now:
- to give him space to recalibrate and rest in a quiet space away from all other pets
- to give me a chance to calm down, regroup, as it is stressing me out that he's not eating and that he's meowing and being very demanding
we can't be opening the front door for him to go out or sit there all the time - we have to sit with him if that's the case and sometimes we are cooking, resting, working, or the juniors want time there too (they will be indoor only, so we have a "catio"/pet curtain zipped up for them to look outside, they love it! - they also enjoy the occasional harness and lead walk around the garden).
We can also not be watching him all the time in case he pins the juniors down (although as they are now 8 months old and weigh the same and not little at all, they can wrestle him out of the pin-down) or hisses and chases them for no reason (most of the time he does it when they're sitting down or resting on the floor - he is a bully! we think it might sometimes be redirected aggression if the neighbour cats come into his turf and he can't get to them).
this is the big one and part of my post here for feedback/suggestions:
- if this time in the lounge helps him "forget" what he was doing before, and allows us time to think what to do (redirect, ignore, put back in the lounge or in a room the juniors are not in) when we start letting him come out again, and we stop giving him everything he asks and redirect him if he gets aggressive, etc...

any feedback/suggestions will be helpful!


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I'm sorry, I guess I need explained exactly what is wrong and what you want changed? Everything sounds pretty normal to me. Milo hissing and pinning them down is a older cat teaching young upstarts manners. Be careful about having him completely avoid the youngsters or he will forget them and really be mad at them for coming onto his turf. Young cats are VERY annoying to older cats and must be put in their place, which Milo is doing. Are they truly getting hurt, blood or deep scratches? I agree, noone likes to see a cat getting into a tussle, and pulling them apart is our first instinct, which isn't a bad thing, but sometimes it is necessary for him to train the younger cats to give him peace. Hisses, growls, swatting and sometimes wrestling are completely normal. Have a stiff piece of cardboard handy to stick betwen them if they fight so you don't get hurt. They WILL form a family unit it just takes a lot of time sometimes and you have put your older boy through a lot of changes and stress, with getting kittens and moving,having a different person move in, tom cats meandering around just outside, and dogs (even if he knew them, they are a big change right now)! No wonder he is on edge. I would get some calming treats online to help him calm down a little, and two kickeroos, a long kicking toy, that you can throw towards him when he is paying the youngsters too much attention. Keep one in a bag with some cat nip to refresh them once in a while, and exchange them frequently. I would also put the youngsters in a time out room once in a while to give him peace, and maybe even have a big wire dog kennel in teh house to put them or him once in a while to keep them apart, but able to watch each other. Maybe they need a 'catico' to go outside once in a while out a window. Those chicken coops they have now are great for that. i know it seems stressful right now for you, but really, in time this will all even out, it just doen't happen as soon as we like it with cats!
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2024
Hi, thanks for your reply.
He gets very demanding and we can't give him what he wants all the time - like sitting with the front door open on his own - it is the front door after all! or going into mum-in-law's room with the doggies, can't have that all the time either as she might want to rest... - sometimes he doesn't even know what he wants which is the more worrying thing...

nop he's not teaching them manners - as I said, he is a bit of a bully and they don't need him to teach them anything as they leave him alone, they've always left him and played with each other.

he won't forget them, it's been 1.5 days so far and we're not doing this for a long time, a week at the most but I can't see that happening...it's too long for all of us lol and they do play with each other but he is temperamental and switches from Dr Jeckyl into Mr Hyde randomly.

"Have a stiff piece of cardboard handy to stick betwen them if they fight so you don't get hurt" - the juniors don't fight with him...and that's not practical, I'd have to sit with them all the time and that's part of why we separate them for periods of time...I want to rest and work in peace (I work from home as a counsellor - delicate job!)

I understand about the many changes - the different person and dogs he lived with up to October so not "new" to him

he won't eat the calming treats, again it's not plausible to do this all the time..I'm not sitting or following the cats around all day...

he gets the timeout room as he doesn't need to run around as much - which is where he is now, sleeping in the lounge...the babies can run in the rest of the space (that isn't that big anyway but enough for proper zoomies and playtime with us).

nop, not putting my babies in a dog kennel! different room works for us...

we can't have a catio as we rent - the only space we have that is a catio type is at the front door - and again we have to be there with them and that's not always possible so they get access to it when we're free.

thanks for your message..

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
You might just have to let them together and take what may come. You can also get claming supplements in liquid and put it in Delectable Lickables in the stew flavors, i have not had a cat turn that down. It is in the treat section. It is given every 8 hours or so.
You can't babysit them all the time, that is not good for you, so continue what you are doing for a while and then let them together. If there is no blood drawn they will be fine.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2024
thanks for this! we will have to leave them be after a while...

Milo won't take the calming supplements, he's too clever and knows what they are!
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Young Cat
May 6, 2024
Hi all! a brief update.

After being in the lounge from yesterday morning to today at around 5pm, hubby opened the window so Milo would go out, and he just went around the house and up into our guest bedroom's window, then started meowing again to be let back in or out so hubby let him out the front door and he quickly came back in.
I was in a meeting so just messaged to say "just put him back in the lounge for now".
I feel after that, that he doesn't know what to do with more space, more options, and might be getting confused or who knows...so now what do we do?!