Random Acts Of Kindness


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 10, 2005
Have you ever been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness? We were eating today in a nice restaurant. When we finished we asked the waitress for a small box and tea in a "to go" cup. She came back with it and told us our meal was already paid for by someone else.
What a special treat that was.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 3, 2006
Chicago area
One of my regular customers at work surprised me with coffee one day. She was shopping earlier in the week and heard me tell one of my bosses what to get me for coffee from McDonald's. He was going there for lunch and asked people if they wanted anything. I told him what to get me while I was ringing up this customer. A few days later she went to McDonald's with her son after they were done shopping. She remembered what I told my boss to get me and order the exact same drink for me. She sent her son in with the drink and he told me it was on his mom when I offered to pay for it. It was a nice pick me up for the rest of my afternoon.

I have also done an act of kindness for one of my customers. I had an older customer who used to baby sit her grand kids some times. She was trying to buy some milk and cereal but did not have enough money. My co-worker actually went into my locker with my permission and got my debit card out of my wallet to pay for my customers milk and cereal. I did not put in the money she gave into the register. I paged for a fake stock check call and gave a co-worker a note to go get my debit card to pay for the customers groceries. I could not leave the register and I wanted to help with out making the customer feel uncomfortable. My co-worker swiped my debit card to run as credit while I was chatting with the customer. My co-worker then stayed up front for a minute so I could put my debit card away. I told the customer that I paid for her groceries because I wanted her to be able to have milk and cereal for her grand-kids.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
A few years ago about 20 people wearing shirts that said Random Acts of Kindness
knocked on my door and asked if they could mow my lawn and do some edging, etc. They were from the Methodist Church, all ages, from kids to seniors. I said yes and they made my yard look amazing. I live in a duplex and as tenants it is our responsibility to move the lawn, etc. My neighbor at that time didn't like to keep up on it and I would've gladly paid someone but he kept saying he would get to it.

I was so surprised by their RAOK that I cried afterwards.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I had someone give me a ride to the emergency room after I fell off my horse during a ride and broke my wrist, and someone else drove my car to the ER for me. Going the other way, I paid the difference for some firefighters who'd come up short on their grocery run one day.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I love the title of this thread! :clap: It's a good reminder for everyone especially since people seem so much more stressed these days. I myself have been on both the giving and receiving end. The most recent act of kindness happened at our local coffee shop. One of the regular employees was leaving to go to another store. He brought my husband and I several dark chocolate bars and said it was for being his favorite couple. :heartshape: It was completely unexpected and so thoughtful of him.
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TCS Member
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Sep 10, 2005
Some have also said they have been the giver in a random act of kindness. I doesn't necessarily have to involve money. Recently someone let me in front of them in the grocery line. I only had one thing, they had several. Still, my husband was waiting in the car and I am sure he was glad I got in and out quickly.

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
When you're on a mobility scooter, the random acts of kindness just keep coming. People volunteer to get things off grocery shelves all the time. They offer to help load my scooter. And they give a push when I get stuck. They move so I can see and hear. And it's people of all ages.

We see and hear the bad all the time. We just forget how much good there is.

My husband and I try to help people whenever we can. Sometimes it's a battery jump. Sometimes it' a little financial gift we know is needed. And sometimes it's a bit of money specified to be spent frivolously for someone who needs that. Dinner for one of our veterans. Help with loading groceries. Finding information. Simply moving out of the way for someone.

One of the easiest random acts of kindness is to tell someone they did a good job and thank them for it. When's the last time you thanked the grocery cashier or sacker? The restaurant server? Your doctor? The guy who mows the lawn? The people working out in the cold and rain? The ones who left their homes and needs to restore your electricity after a storm?

We're quick to complain, criticize, or take for granted. We're slow to appreciate. If you get good service, don't just tip well, call the manager and let it be known. It's so easy to thank someone or tell them you appreciate them. It costs nothing, but it's worth a fortune to them.

When people we've helped thank us, we just ask them to pay it forward. I would like to believe they do.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
You know, I always thank our cashiers, whatever store we're in. I thank them and tell them to have a nice day. If I'm having a problem and they help me, I always thank them for their patience and tell them that I appreciate it.

When we were looking for a new fridge a few years ago, we talked to the guy in the appliance dept at Lowes. He agreed to match the price on a fridge from another store at a considerable savings. And he worked to get that price for us. I thanked him and I called down to Lowes to the manager and thanked him for employing such good, knowledgeable people.

When the bodyshop was working on our Tucson, after the accident when we were in Canada a few years ago, the day after I picked the car up, I stopped at DD on my way to work, bought a dozen doughnuts and took them into the bodyshop. The guys were amazed. And I sent a Thank You note.

I hold the door open for women and men alike. There was a meme on FB yesterday: When was the last time a woman thanked you for holding the door open? Well, to be honest, when was the last time you held the door open for a man? I always do. If I'm going out, and see someone coming in, I hold the door for him or her. It doesn't have to be gender-specific; it's simply being courteous.

One time, there were two little old ladies at an Olive Garden who were lunching together. They were adorable. They were laughing and cackling and you just knew they were having a grand time. We loved watching them. When the waitress brought our bill, Rick asked for their bill, too, and we paid theirs, along with ours. Just because. I'd like to think we made their day.

I'm not perfect and I don't try to be. But darn it, it doesn't hurt to make somebody feel a little special or to show your appreciation sometimes.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester said "I'm not perfect and I don't try to be. But darn it, it doesn't hurt to make somebody feel a little special or to show your appreciation sometimes."

You are so right. I love the RAOK you've given to others. I bet the ladies at Olive garden were so appreciative.
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TCS Member
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Sep 10, 2005
Last night, we had the chance to "pay it forward." We were in a local restaurant last night eating supper. We got there early and sat in a booth for four. Before we got our meals, a couple who we have known many years came in and sat down with us. We got our food first because we had already ordered. We enjoyed our time together. We finished eating and my husband took our bill and went to the register, paid and we left. When we got home, he told me he had paid their ticket too. I am glad he did.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 28, 2017
London, England
Around Christmas time, I went to the coffee shop for a bite, though my credit card wasn't working, so the man behind me offered to pay for my lunch as a Christmas present from him to me. I thought it was such a lovely thing to do, so I did ask if he was a regular as I was considering in giving him a voucher for the coffee shop, though I never saw him again when I next went there.

When I was celebrating my sixteenth birthday; I went to a restaurant and had a small cake with some candles and an elderly couple who were sitting next to us came up to me and wished me a happy birthday; which I thought was really sweet too.

Last week my mother said she was on her way home from work and realised she didn't have enough cash on her to buy a coffee as well as a snack on the way home; so a man in front of her had just got a free coffee from a special offer and noticed her situation, so said that she could have his because the coffee is free and he didn't really fancy it anymore. There *are* some kind people in the world!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 9, 2014
Fredericksburg, VA
I use a mobility scooter, also, and people are always volunteering to get things off the shelf for me and they have the good sense to get out of the way when they see me coming. LOL


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 1, 2015
Someone does our sidewalks when it snows. We have no idea who it is. This is the second year. I’m so truly grateful because my husband is in that danger age and health condition category where he could have a cardiac event from shoveling. I don’t know if the shoveler realizes it. I worry they might think we don’t appreciate it but we really do.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
While we're talking about RAOK, I've been on the receiving end. I mentioned to somebody on TCS one time that I'd love to find a 2-tablespoon measuring spoon. Well, low and behold, it wasn't long til there was a package in my mailbox. Opened the package and it was set of really nice measuring spoons, including one that was a 2-tablespoon measurer and one that was a 1/2-tablespoon measurer! Now, how cool was that?! To this day, whenever I use that set of spoons, I think of her. Such a nice thing to do. She's from here and she's an awesome lady.