Pregnant Cat Due Soon

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  • #121


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
Ok so I have two questions once again! First of all, the kittens are 9 weeks and 2 days old today, and the second smallest one I still bottle feed, because he absolutely refuses to eat wet food! He eats hard food daily, but he just won't eat wet food! I've tried four different brands, so I don't think it's the type that's bothering him. I've tried putting a little tuna juice in, to see if that would entice him, but nope. He drinks a lot of formula in one sitting, about 4 tablespoons, so it's quite pricey. All the others eat their solid food completely fine, it's just him. He weighs 2 pounds, 3 ounces right now. So I'm wondering if it's okay that hes still not weaned? From my research he is quite late for an orphaned kitten. What should I do?

Second question: I've realized the kittens have been having very liquidy diarrhea lately. I think one or two of them have normal poop from what I've seen, but some definitely have very bad diarrhea. I know this is a problem, and I've researched it a lot. They aren't eating any new foods, so I don't think that's the problem. So maybe it's worms? I hear that worms give them diarrhea, so maybe they got some from their mother, i know she had tapeworms. I haven't seen any worms in their poop, but they may be the kind that are too small to see. If they do have worms, what type of treatment will the vet give us, and will we have to take the kittens into the vet? Also is there any chance that it's the brand of food they are eating?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
It could be the brand of food, but it may be worms and/or parasites. What color is the diarrhea? It is not normal for them to be having diarrhea. If they’ve never been wormed or treated for parasites they definitely need treating, and yes, you would need to take them to the vet. My vet would treat the kittens as one single exam fee, then just charge for the amount of medications needed for all the kittens. You might want to ask your vet about that.

If your little runt is eating dry food, he is certainly capable of lapping his formula milk from a dish. Have you tried this yet?

Some cats never take to wet food, or he may learn to eat it in a couple more weeks. I have several adult cats who mostly eat dry food, though wet food is offered daily. He clearly loves his bottle, and most kittens with a mother would still be nursing some at this point.

Since he’s always been behind I’d give him a little more time. One of my kittens was the last of a litter of four to wean around nine weeks. She was smaller and just took longer to catch up. Human babies wean, walk, talk, and potty train at different times also. There is always a range of time which is all considered normal. It’s okay to baby him a little longer. :)
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  • #123


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
It could be the brand of food, but it may be worms and/or parasites. What color is the diarrhea? It is not normal for them to be having diarrhea. If they’ve never been wormed or treated for parasites they definitely need treating, and yes, you would need to take them to the vet. My vet would treat the kittens as one single exam fee, then just charge for the amount of medications needed for all the kittens. You might want to ask your vet about that.

If your little runt is eating dry food, he is certainly capable of lapping his formula milk from a dish. Have you tried this yet?

Some cats never take to wet food, or he may learn to eat it in a couple more weeks. I have several adult cats who mostly eat dry food, though wet food is offered daily. He clearly loves his bottle, and most kittens with a mother would still be nursing some at this point.

Since he’s always been behind I’d give him a little more time. One of my kittens was the last of a litter of four to wean around nine weeks. She was smaller and just took longer to catch up. Human babies wean, walk, talk, and potty train at different times also. There is always a range of time which is all considered normal. It’s okay to baby him a little longer. :)
I have tried giving him a bowl of formula, but he won't drink from it. I've tried all the tricks. I'm glad to know that it's okay that I'm still bottle feeding him, if in a couple weeks he still isn't weaned, i guess I'll tell you and see what happens.

Their diarrhea is a normal brown colour.

I hope the vets here do it the same as for you, I want this to be as easy as possible. For now I'm just going to try a different brand of food, and see what happens.

Once again, thank you for all your help!
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  • #124


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
Ok so quick update. We took some of their stool to the vet for a fecal test, and we just got the news that they do have parasites. So we're going to pick up the treatment soon. I'm very glad it was so easy and simple to do. :)

I also bought some new wet food, and they all loved it, including the one who wouldn't eat it before. But he's still not eating it every mealtime, this morning he refused it again, so I had to give him the bottle. Hopefully he starts to eat it more, I'm just happy he's started.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
Good to hear you are getting meds for the parasites, and that you’ve found a new food they like! What is the vet giving you for the parasites? Depending on what it is, it may cause temporary stomach upset too.

Your little guy will get there soon enough! :)
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  • #126


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
Good to hear you are getting meds for the parasites, and that you’ve found a new food they like! What is the vet giving you for the parasites? Depending on what it is, it may cause temporary stomach upset too.

Your little guy will get there soon enough! :)
I treated them yesterday, so far no side effects. They gave us Strongid btw.

Also the little kitten is now eating the wet food at every meal, so I'm starting to wean him now.

One quick question: I found a lump under one of the kitten's skin, around his armpit area. Do you know what this could be?


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I have no clue. How big is it? Is it soft or hard?

Great to hear the little guy is eating the wet food! :)
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  • #128


TCS Member
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Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
I have no clue. How big is it? Is it soft or hard?

Great to hear the little guy is eating the wet food! :)
Maybe like pea shaped? And more hard than soft, though its not completely hard.


Cat lady extraordinaire
Staff Member
Mar 8, 2015
Sunny Florida
I just don’t know. Ask the vet office when you pick up meds. It may be nothing to worry about.
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  • #130


TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Nov 14, 2019
So update on the kittens. About a week ago we found a new foster home through a humane society, which will take amazing care of the kittens, and wait as long as it takes to find good owners. Yesterday we took them to the city, and they are now safely with their foster parent. She is a really nice lady, and is going to send us pictures and updates of them. I already miss them a lot, but I know its for the best.

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to anyone who helped me. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have your help. So thank you so much for going along this journey with me. I had an amazing time taking care of these 5 orphaned kittens. :redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump: