Persil, a life well lived


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
One rainy night in Sarajevo in 2004, I found a tiny kitten sheltering under my car. When I went to move her I realised she was black and sticky with oil, grit and dirt. The streets were running with stray cats – she was just one of many, condemned to live a short, brutal life outside. I took her home to assess the problem. And that was how I found TCS – googling for the best way to clean this little scrap before she poisoned herself trying to clean the muck off. Following some good advice, I shampooed her, not without some resistance on her part, and got the worst off. Over the next week I repeated the process daily until a pure white kitten emerged from under all the goo. That was how she got her name – 'Persil washes whiter' (Persil actually means 'Parsley' in French).

Green mouse was her favourite toy as a kitten

Over the next few months Persil settled in well to our family as the third cat to Dushka and Ellie. She was the prettiest kitten imaginable, and loved to play 'Fetch ' with her toys. But I soon found she had other problems. At 5 months old, she fell sick, and was diagnosed by our local vet with gastro-enteritis. But 3 weeks later she was getting worse and by Christmas could not eat or drink and was breathing four times the normal rate. I spent Christmas day with her on my lap, trying to get her to take some fluids and fully believing she was about to die. Next day my office advised me to take her to the University clinic, where they Xrayed her and accused me of abusing her as her diaphragm was completely ruptured. They left me with her to say goodbye. Then we were saved by the arrival of the chief surgeon, who told me there was a chance, and next day he performed the necessary operation. Haris soon became the most important man in my life, as he and my friend Vicki tried to save as many stray puppies and kittens as we could, getting many of them rehomed in neighbouring countries like Austria and Germany.

From then on Persil lived a happy life with her two feline companions, and we were soon joined by two brothers, also white, Napoleon and Wellington. All five came with me in 2006 when we moved to France, to our forever home on a hilltop in Normandy.

Sleeping in a tub of her namesake herb, parsley

Persil had a special place in the hearts of all who met her. She was very affectionate with humans and seemed to have a special affinity with anyone who was upset. She seemed to sense a troubled soul and would always choose that person to make up to. It happened a number of times, but she would not tolerate the same behaviour with cats. Any cat who got in her way was severely dealt with – a swipe around the ears put the culprit in its place and she was not above starting a fight if she got wound up enough. She had a wonderful expression when she was upset or angry – it really looked like she was frowning her disapproval. She could be jealous, too. After Biscotte arrived and Wellington immediately took up with the new kitten, Persil continually tried to muscle in. Eventually they became a menage a trois, and could usually be found together. Persil would not put up with Wellington's manly affections, however, and gave him a swipe if he tried anything on, unlike Biscotte who actively flirted with him and encouraged him (all 3 were of course neutered).

Wellington and Persil 'parent' Biscotte

Persil continued to play 'Fetch' – the only cat I have ever had who really enjoyed this game, and always had a selection of mice to be thrown for her. Her other passion was cheese – especially the harder ones like cheddar or Cantal. Every morning she would be at my feet with a meow as I was making my tea, and would stay till I had cut her a tiny piece. She knew she only got one bit, and was happy again till next morning. If I couldn't find her I only had to call 'Cheese' and she was there, running.

That was how I knew she was really ill. She failed to come for her cheese. She had had a urinary infection and a long-standing cough/cold during the winter, but these had seemed to clear up. She was eating and drinking OK till last Friday. She didn't want breakfast on Saturday. Then she went and hid and would not come out. I found her at 9 PM inside the box of my bed, under the mattress, obviously in great distress. A visit to the emergency vet revealed severe anaemia, but not the cause. She was given an iron shot and a calmer, and I took her home, where she slept tucked into my arm. On Sunday morning I gave her some warm milk and broth by syringe and she screamed as it reached her stomach. She had a pee and screamed while she was doing that. So I knew it was time for drastic action. I managed to find a clinic that was open on Sundays where they could do an Xray and rushed her up there, where they found a massive tumour in her stomach. I stroked her head as she went to sleep.

Persil played a massive part in my life for twelve years. A smallish cat of huge personality, who made her presence felt in a large household of cats, and who was a great comforter, she will be terribly missed. Wellington is feeling her loss and looking for her, I miss her morning meows as I automatically open the fridge to bring out the milk for my tea and her piece of cheese.

I am going to put her ashes under a white rose bush by my reading spot in the garden, so she will always be part of me as I go about my daily life.

RIP my most beautiful girl
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 19, 2003
Beautiful post, and beautiful tribute. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
What a beautiful tribute for such a beautiful cat. Persil was so lucky to have you in her life, I'm sure she repayed your kindness in a thousand different ways over the years she shared your life and your home. I was moved to tears as I wonder why such a beautiful girl who is so loved in this world has to go, but once again it is a question that has no answer that makes sense to a broken heart. You have a big heart, and I'm sure Persil has a large part of it, she was special in so many ways and had a huge personality to match. That she had such wonderful care and such a loving family was a bonus in her life, and I'm sure she is forever grateful for sharing your love and that family which meant so very much to her. Having her in your life gave it a special meaning, the loss felt after her passing is so much greater because it is equal to the love you have for her. Do not cry for your loss, try to remember all the good times and what she meant to you. She would never want you to be so sad because of her, I can feel her trying to send you comfort along the path that is formed with the bond that binds you together forever, she loves you too much to ever bring you such sorrow. She will send you a sign if you ask, that she is safe and healthy and whole once again, and that she will hold you dearly in her heart, just as you will hold her tenderly in yours. She was well loved and well cared for in this life, she could not ask for more. Take care, and kiss those left behind for me, they will need your strength in the coming days, for they hurt too, and miss her so very much......RIP beautiful Persil, you will never be forgotten.  Your star will shine bright in the heavens, as you send your love to the ones you hold so dearly in a heart that will never let them go!    


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Jenny, I was really moved by the story of how you found Persil and rescued her. She was such a lucky girl to have you. What a wonderful life for a stray kitten who would have had a much shorter, sadder existence if it hadn't been for you.

Under the white rose bush sounds like the perfect resting spot for her.

Rest in Peace Persil

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
What a beautiful journey you had together. A very lovingly written tribute. RIP beautiful girl 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
That may be the most beautiful tribute I have ever read to anyone- human or animal. Now we all feel the loss as after reading that I feel as though I knew her too. I wish someone would stop cutting onions over here. Yeah- that's what it is. 

RIP beautiful Persil. You will never be forgotten. Run free at the bridge and keep an eye on Jenny and the rest of the family who are missing you so much right now. 


Just what part of meow don't you understand.
Staff Member
Mar 17, 2013
Central Coast CA, USA
What a moving story, and a truly beautiful little girl.  I'm so sorry, Jenny.  
    Rest in peace, sweet Persil.  


Sylvester's daddy
Top Cat
Nov 19, 2015
Emmaus, Pennsylvania
Another one here saying the same, such a beautiful tribute to a beautiful kitty. God Bless you for saving her and taking care of her, you will be rewarded tenfold I'm sure.......

Rest in peace, sweetheart......


Moderator and fervent feline fan
Staff Member
Feb 28, 2012
Weeping as I write, as I imagine many of us have done.. a beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful girl.  How wonderful that you found each other.

RIP lovely Persil...


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
I've very sorry for your loss.  Persil was stunningly beautiful cat.  What a blessing that you enriched each other's lives so.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
That's a beautiful tribute to a very special cat. I recall your posting when you first found Persil, the drama of her ruptured diaphragm, your move to France and how the clowder grew. It feels like the end of an era, but as your title says, she lived her life well. :hugs: RIP, beautiful girl. You'll be sorely missed at home and here at TCS.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Oh my. This is so sweet. What a wonderful life you had together. She will be forever missed. RIP beautiful girl. :whitecat: I am so sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself. The memories will be so sweet.