Peeing In Random Places


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
Some of you may remember I posted a bit ago about our new kitten that had coccidia and one of our resident cats suddenly peeing outside the box.

The coccidia is cleared up, kitten is happy and healthy, but the 'outside the box peeing' has become a problem with our other cat Ludatsi.

She is *not* an anxious cat. At first we thought it was because she was a little stressed due to the new kitten yowling in his quarantine room but he's out now and she's still doing it. She does not otherwise act stressed, she's a pretty laid back little kitty. She's not hiding, she's eating and drinking fine, she's playing (even with the new kitten, though a little warily).

She does frequently have bladder infections but her behavior when she does is totally different (visits the litter box frequently, like several times in ten minutes or so, with only small amounts expressed) and it's usually a pretty obvious tell that she's got the infection. She's not doing that. We also got Feliways to try and help if it *was* anxiety of some kind that for some reason is only showing in the urination.

What she's doing is about once a day, she finds some random place in the house (on top of a plastic bin, in front of the door, on the upstairs landing, beside the litter box, in the bathroom, on the couch, etc) and empties a full bladder. The first time she did it on the couch where I sit and then on my desk chair, so I thought it may be my hormones that she was triggering on (I'm having some lady health issues) but the pattern now seems to just be random and not 'me' specific.

It doesn't seem to be the litter: she poops consistently in the box and pees in them the rest of the time. It doesn't seem to be privacy: we added two more boxes in more private locations and while she uses them the problem is continuing.

She seems to do it most often in the morning, so we've taken to putting her in the cat room for twenty minutes or so right after we get up until she pees in the box, then letting her out. We did that this morning, she peed in the box, and we let her out. Now it's about two hours later and she has apparently peed on the desk, in the upstairs hallway, and in the bathroom next to the box we put in there.

Any thoughts on what else we can do? She usually pees on hard surfaces which is a god send because it's easier to clean, we use an enzyme cleaner (which unfortunately I'm highly allergic to so I can't be in the same room when its used for a good twenty minutes), we praise her up and down when we do catch her using the litter box- we're just stumped what else it could be that's causing her to do this.

Nothing has changed in the environment outside- no strange cats she's triggering on and she doesn't seem to really be doing it as a 'territorial' thing. We're both pretty decent cat people and we're just stumped what else to try or how to help her.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
We did that this morning, she peed in the box, and we let her out. Now it's about two hours later and she has apparently peed on the desk, in the upstairs hallway, and in the bathroom next to the box we put in there.
This is a LOT of peeing - I'd find a vet who will look into kidney issues.

Also, has the other vet given you any help regarding how to stop the frequent bladder infections?
Is she getting dry food only?
Is she getting filtered water?
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TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
>Also, has the other vet given you any help regarding how to stop the frequent bladder infections?

They're not sure *why* she keeps getting bladder infections, though they suspect that her mouth may have something to do with it at this time (her teeth are not the best and she seems prone to gingivitis even with brushing and other measures we are taking to keep her teeth clean).

She is getting tap water the same as the rest of the cats. She is on a bladder prescription food which is dry (our older boy had a small bout with crystals so we just keep all the cats on the bladder food now) and also gets wet food now and again. The bladder food also encourages them to drink a bit more frequently.

We just ordered cat attract litter to see if that will help. She's acting fine otherwise, or I would be a bit more concerned with kidney issues (our elderly cat had on and off kidney issues in her last year and I take them very seriously). If this keeps up we'll definitely take her in for another check but the health issues have all seemed to cluster this last month for the vet and money is tight (long bout of coccidia/shots/worming/ear infection for the youngest guy, impacted anal glands, a cough and antibiotics for the big guy, a previous bladder infection in her that had cleared up just before the little guy came home, a stage three heart murmur just diagnosed in our dog that is going to need a cardiologist to look at, a roof that we are getting replaced, etc). I'd never leave her to 'suffer' but we're trying to be a little conservative in our approach for now since there is no other signs she's sick or uncomfortable and this appears to be behavioral more than anything. She acts in very specific ways when she's uncomfortable or ill and we've seen no indication of that yet at all.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi! I'm guessing the bladder food gets them to drink more because it has lot of salt.
If at all possible, can you feed more canned food?
Walmart, tractor supply and grocery stores have decent wet foods that aren't expensive.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Jan 26, 2015
>If at all possible, can you feed more canned food?

Sure, that's not a problem at all. She currently gets about half a (small) can of wet per day in the evening. The bladder kibble is out all day for them to graze on.

:Edited to add, she gets half a small can of wet per day *right now* because we are also feeding the kitten as much wet food as he'll eat. When we don't have a kitten that is growing, she gets about half a can of wet once or twice a week.