Okay to bring in stray cat due to heat?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023
Hello and please excuse the long thread, I wish to explain my cat situation.

Prior to cats arriving to my life, I only had 8 years of guinea pig experience. I am trying my best to learn about cats. My worst thought and dread is causing harm with my good intentions to these kitties. I have a deep respect and a healthy amount of fear (they have claws!) of cats.

My first cat, Thomas, is a cat I TNRed with help from the city. I took care of him while he lived outside for about 2 years. He loved the outdoors, but he suffered several small injuries and scrapes. He ultimately dislocated his hip, had surgery (his left back leg is not connected to his hip anymore), and now lives completely indoors, a year inside this April. He is an angel.

My second, Sandy, is an orange lady cat. She arrived grown to the backyard already TNRed. She used to come and go but now the backyard has been pretty much her home for several months. It has taken me a while to gain her trust (aside from the feedings). She spent the harsh winter in my backyard (I checked and I made outside shelter available, which she used). She sticks around what appears to be full time in the backyard and around the house. I do not believe she has a home.

My third cat, Timoteo, sauntered up, a stinky, unkempt adult tomcat, couple of months ago while I was feeding Sandy. I got him TNRed the first week of May because he was getting injured (cat? Human? I do not know). He was overheating (panting, breathing quickly) a couple of days after his TNR release as the heat started marking its arrival. I got him inside and then released him outdoors once he had cooled off and was well. I had to bring him indoors a couple of weeks after (still in May) because he got into a fight. The other animal (perhaps a cat) bit his neck and sunk a claw each into his head and chest. I secured mobile vet care for him because he was still a bit wild (wilder than now, from what I understood from the vet, he was still hormonal), and I could not get him into a cat carrier. He definitely had to stay inside to avoid flies, possible infection, etc. He has always allowed me to pet him, but he has a wild streak. The cat hormones are lower now, and I have been working with him so that he can also be an angel like my Thomas.

Now for my question: is it okay to bring in Sandy due to the Texas heat or I am shooting too high with the cats under my care? Am I being selfish if I bring her in? Because Thomas cannot be allowed to escape outside, she would be strictly indoors at least until the weather cools. Would this be fair for her? For Timoteo and Thomas, being strictly indoors was/is a necessity. I am in the process of completing a catio but it is months away from completion.

I did not want to rush her own trusting process, but it is about to get really hot temperature wise. It is already hot, but it is going to get hotter (over 100 ℉ feeling like 110s ℉), I don’t want her to get sick. She is not too young and does not appear to be too old. I love her and want to offer her the possibility of a home.

Sandy trusts me relatively well. She sits next to me and lets me pet her. She eats near the entrance to the house now. I have picked her up about two times now. She is an angel already.

I have a room prepared for her (each cat has a room already and she would have her own too). I have purchased a Comfort Zone plug in for her room.

I am slowly making introductions (just switching rooms right now) between Timoteo and Thomas. I am in no rush. I know that Timoteo and Sandy used to hang around each other. Thomas had good interactions with another cat named Milo, a beautiful orange cat I tried to help. Milo was skin and bones, and he also had chronic digestive issues that were never resolved. He had to be helped cross over. May he rest in peace and may he forgive my failings.

It is not my wish to have three indoor cats, but I will do so if that is what is best for them. I have reached out to a shelter, and I am giving Timoteo time to know his FIV status more concretely. There is a possibility that he may be adopted out.

I do plan to have a completely physical and bloodwork done for Timoteo (as mentioned especially for FIV) and Sandy. It might take a minute as I get them familiar with their cat carriers, but I will. I will also request that Sandy will be scanned for a microchip.

Thank you in advance for everyone’s time and advice.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
First of all - welcome! I think you'll find this a great place to get advice - or a shoulder to lean on - when you need it. Virtually any issue you might come up against - someone (or many someones!) on this site will have been through it and be able to offer suggestions. Again - welcome!

And secondly - you're being a very kind, caring (and concerned - in all the right ways!) about the kitties you're caring for. And thank you for caring for them - I often say "most people would have looked the other way" - only because it's true. And all 3 of your fur balls sound like they've needed rescuing by you - - even the TNRing alone is an enormous step many people aren't willing to deal with (and as someone who watched a cat colony balloon quickly in our neighborhood who couldn't get much help with TNRing, let alone the cost of it or the aftercare if they were injured....or find time to help socialize kittens etc....and certainly not the finding of homes for those we could place, so we did 95% of it on our own and I know how difficult it can be!). So I'm very happy your 3 kitties found you!

And you're NOT being selfish by bringing them in - you're likely saving them from so much harm and a much shorter life. Obviously it's best if all 3 can be inside, so if you can, that'd be in their best interest (and help them live FAR longer lives - even with shelter and food, as you're finding with Timeto and Sandy, between predators/other cats/cars/weather/you name it). Thomas obviously isn't an issue (he sounds like he adapted absolutely beautifully and is that amazingly shining example I truly wish more people could hear about). We have a similar kitty - Flick - who was one of the colony ferals we TNR'd and my husband said "we can't even think about bringing her in - we've got too many already (5 at the time - about 5 more then my husband wanted at the time). So we gave her a nicely insulated shelter with a heated pad, heated water bowl and all the food she could eat....and she forgot to leave. A few months later, I noticed my hubby walking outside with a piece of ham in his hand....only to watch as he tossed Flick ham pieces and talked to her as he gardened. Still he said "we just can't have another inside"....then a few weeks later I came home to a brand new pink cat bed on our back steps, Flick sound asleep in it. Needless to say, a bit later she became the fully indoor, 100% adoring (the feeling's mutual) lap cat I've never had (and I've had lots of kitties). So I get it! But yes - inside is best if you can afford it and work it out as far as giving them time and separate space to adapt (which it sounds like you're well on your way to doing so already.

It does sound like Thomas won't be an issue - with the exception of letting him get used to Sandy - and hopefully Timeto soon too - through very slow introduction. And it sounds as though you're set up to do so (actually you sound like the dream home for cat introductions!). My biggest piece of advice - if you feel like you're going too slowly introducing them - go slower! I've worked/volunteered for shelters for decades, and rushing intros is the biggest reason for cats getting a bad start (that sometimes they have trouble getting over - but never say never!). I've always kept even our sweetest new kitties (or fosters) separated from our others for at LEAST a week, and longer if the situation calls for it. It's the best gift you can give to two kitties getting to know each other. Many of us here are well-versed in slow intros (although sounds like you're setting yourself up already to succeed - separate rooms, Feliway, etc.) and happy to help or answer questions as they come up.

I'd love to say get both in asap with this god awful heat - esp in Texas. It seems never ending and it can be lethal. Make sure any days that Sandy and Timeto are outside that they have tons of shaded drinking water available - and I'd put ice cubes in at least one or two of your water bowls. I don't recommend doing it in every bowl as some cats are frightened by the cubes. And I'd 100% get Sandy in ASAP - it sounds like she's well on her way to being a good indoor kitty - and she's obviously warming up to you (pun intended re: the heat wave). So I'd bring her in right away if possible. Is she flea-treated? I'd definitely do so (not a flea collar though - a collar will likely freak her out, and they can be dangerous). It sounds like you've got a plan on Timeto - I'd definitely keep working toward bringing him in full-time if at all possible. This heat's not going to get better, and it sounds like he's having a tough time outside.

One of the other things I just wanted to gently note - try to remind yourself that not every kitty will be just like Thomas. Sandy and Timeto will each be different, and while perhaps not the angel that Thomas is, they'll be wonderful kitties in their own ways.

Lastly - again, you're doing amazing things for these 3. Keep it up - and ask ANY questions any time!!!!! Sorry this was long and rambling and hope I answered most of your questions - - it's 1:30 am here and my head's ready to hit the keyboard. But seriously - ask away! We're all here in this community with the same goal - making the lives of the kitties we share this world with better, in whatever ways we can.
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023
Thank you so very much for the warmth welcome and thoughtful response. Thank you for listening to me. It has made me feel less alone. I’ve reached out to shelters and rescue groups during my cat journey, and I learned quickly that it usually lands on one to help the cat in need in front of one as the shelters and rescue groups are very busy helping other cats and kittens I believe you are correct about this site being a great source of information. I wish I had found it sooner! It would have made for less stress and anguish. Each thread here has such great thorough experienced information, the Cat Care Sheet alone, Wow!. I am very happy 😊

TNRing was definitely a challenge. I started by trying to get Thomas into a carrier! That was definitely a no go. I have since made good use of cat traps. Overall, I definitely agree that it is very challenging. It has been a long learning curve for sure.

Helping TNR a growing colony! That is a lot of work! Five kitties and then an additional Flick! Thank you for helping Flick. You are a cat expert and have a big heart! I remove my hat to you 😊

I will share that I am very nervous about introductions. I have been going at a snail’s pace (perhaps even slower). Timoteo has been inside due to his injuries, and I have kept him completely quarantined. Now (about two weeks later) that he has healed substantially and also to be fair to him, I have started letting him walk around the house. I do not want a cat fight in the house. Thankfully, I have read up on threads here to avoid them and how to address them if they should arise.

I wasn’t able to treat Sandy with any type of flea medicine until this month. I secured Revolution and she was a champ with the application. I wish I had applied some type sooner. I believe the elements and especially mosquitoes have gotten to her (reading up on heartworm and my heart freezes). I’ve increased my time with her these past days, and I have heard her cough twice. I hope it was a hairball. I will be bringing her in the next two days (these two days were "cooler" than the previous ones. I will get her in before the next high hot day) and because she is so manageable I will probably secure a vet appointment within the week. Whatever comes, we will address and go through it.

You are so correct that each cat is different. I wouldn’t mind them being cats, doing cat things (there is really nothing breakable in the house) as long as they do not do cat violence against me or each other! Timoteo launches at my feet and swipes at me. He has a tendency to bite me (he does not break skin often or pierces deep but still scratches and squeezes) if I am not quick with his food. I know I need to be careful, and I’ve adapted and had to learn how to safely handle him. I wore rain boots and cat safety gloves for the first week with him inside. I picked up the hissing tip and that brought down his “negative” behavior by about 3 factors. Now, it is just redirecting, redirecting, redirecting. I think he might have a type of thyroid problem (I pray not). He will eat 3 cans of fancy feast in one sitting if I let him. Perhaps it is his background and possible past food insecurity. I’ve changed to feeding him smaller portions at spaced out times. He is looking better and behaving better (slowly).

Thank you again so very much for your response, I really appreciated it. Thank you, thank you. ❤


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm so sorry I haven't been on to respond. Been thinking about you often. Two of our kitties are suddenly facing major health challenges (Flick's now diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and our Bowie - my avatar kitty - was just diagnosed with probable FIP) so we're just a little off our game at our house (that's putting it mildly).

How have things been going with them all??? I know you're certainly experiencing a TON of heat down there!!!!!
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  • #5


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023
Hello Ms Kittychick

I am very sorry to hear about Flick and Bowie (he looks very handsome in his picture).My heart and best wishes of health go to them and to you.

Thank you for thinking about me and my cats😊. My cat journey continues on a slowly curving path, the road is not completely smooth yet.

Timoteo and Thomas visited the vet and both tested negative for FeLV/FIV combo test, which was a great relief to me. I inquired about Timoteo’s constant hunger and thirst (I may not have mentioned his water habits on past posts). It turns out Thomas may not be drinking enough water, and it appears like Timoteo may be drinking enough. The vet did not do blood tests beyond the FeLV/FIV for Timoteo. He did give me some suggestions on food quantity and quality. I’ve modified his portion control and frequency a bit more. His constant vocalization and hunger for food has not been resolved yet.

I don’t know if I may attribute this constant hunger to past food insecurity alone or what. He may have some anxiety and may still be adapting to new surroundings. He sometimes cries for the outside (not as much as he cries for food). I don’t believe he had ever been inside a household, and he did not know initially how to play. I do follow a solid routine, but he may not completely trust me yet. He has been dewormed twice, a month apart. He has had his Revolution application too (he is looking more cat majestic each day). I am hoping his appetite will settle as his most recent deworming kicks in. On all other fronts, he has adapted as well as he could (off the counter please) and is quite the affectionate cat (he is still getting the hang of controlling his swiping instinct).

Thomas has his yearly physical in October. If Timoteo still has this unusual food fixation/appetite, I will take Timoteo in too and I will most definitely press for blood work for him. I wish it had been done (as it had been my desire) but the vet did not advise. We visited Thomas’s head vet, different from the mobile vet one that saw to Timoteo’s wounds. Perhaps the vet did not hear descriptions or see physical symptoms in Timoteo to warrant a blood test.

I have failed (or at least not succeeded yet) in completely introducing Thomas and Timoteo. They are separated by a screen door and see each other completely now. They go into shared areas at different times, but I haven’t done same room/same time introductions. They also share breakfast but have other different meal times (because of Timoteo's constant hunger). I am scared and nervous. I wish someone could take the cats, introduce them and then give them right back to me. That is what I wish as this would be perfect and solve my Thomas and Timoteo introduction challenge😊.

I have failed a little on Sandy’s front too. You are correct. It has been really hot here in Texas. So very hot. She still lives in the backyard. I know this may be a bit silly and many may shake their heads at me for not bringing her in yet (especially as I specifically asked about transitioning her to the inside due to the heat). I just have not been able to force her. I’ve tried easing her in, placing the food inside the house to which she has responded positively. I tried closing the door as she explored further into the household after her meals. Her dilated pupils and body language in each visit show that she is not quite at ease yet. A Comfort Zone plugged near the entrance gave her a little bit of confidence and security, yet she asks and prefers to exit and be outside. Since she is not injured, and I still have my hands full with Thomas and Timoteo, I have respected her wishes. I monitor her quite closely though for any signs of dehydration and overheating. She burrows underneath the shed and stays there once the day heats up. She visits for breakfast (at dawn before the heat has started) and then visits again for dinner (once the heat has subsided). I provide her with fresh cold water, wet food, and wet snacks. I wrestle with whether I am doing well (on a large part I know I am not). I know in the long run, a good inside home is best for her, but we are both getting there.

Thank you for inquiring about us. I know I have rambled on a bit (my sincere apologies, I am a talker 😊). Please do let me know about you and your kitties. With respect in case of different beliefs, I will keep them in my prayers. I know it can be very difficult and fearful on many different levels when our pets get sick. I wish health to them and to you.


TCS Member
Jul 2, 2013
I'm running out to get Bowie his FIP meds and then his first shot (I'm terrified bc I know they hurt - so see - even w/40+ years of cat experience lots of us get scared and worried!) but wanted to at least pop on and say something quickly. (I'll address the other stuff this weekend - promise I'll do my best! Our lives have been chaotic for the past lord-knows-how-many months - - - but know yours have too in your own way - - guess everyone's are in some sense!).

You have NOT rambled on (have you seen any of my other posts? I think I take the prize for most words in posts on this site!) We/I WANT to know how things are - and more info's better then less for me at least! (you've found a kindred talker spirit :))

Don't feel you've failed Sandy. At all. You're doing more then 99% of people would do. You're caring AND acting! You're doing basically everything I'd suggest!!!!!!! Don't remember if I mentioned this - you can try ice cubes in her water - but don't make that her only water source. Some cats (ours included) are scared by ice cubes and will go thirsty rather then drink with them in it! But some love it - so if you can provide two bowls of water - one w/ice cubes and one without, that's wonderful! You're not alone in a kitty not accepting - initially if at all - what seems like a super-inviting place to be. Whether it's AC in the heat, or warmth in the winter (which we go thru major winters in Ohio - not so much in Texas), or even just the safety of inside (altho that's probably harder for them to get their kitty brains around). I'll share my story of our "ex-feral/semi-feral indoor leeeeeennnnngthy - and still 0n-going after 5ish years" attempt hopefully this weekend. Betcha it'll make you feel alot less guilty about Sandy (which you shouldn't anyway - but from one heavy guilt-ridden person to another - I get you won't stop feeling guilty). :alright:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Y yolin_art it seems I'm very late to the party. First I wanna gice you a warm welcome to TCS and I want to say you are amazing. I don't have time so I'll make this quick. I agree with what kittychick said that

Make sure any days that Sandy and Timeto are outside that they have tons of shaded drinking water available - and I'd put ice cubes in at least one or two of your water bowls. I don't recommend doing it in every bowl as some cats are frightened by the cubes.

Also if you can get a Styrofoam cooler and a couple ice packs cff one side so Sandy can get to the bowls put ice cold water in their bowls and put them in the cooler with ice packs on the back side that is still attached. It will have 3 sides with one side cut out. If that makes any sense.. this will help to keep the water cool. Try placing this in a shaded area to keep it as cool for as long as possible then switch out ice packs when needed. If you can get an ice pack mat type of thing and put that under the bowls and put the others behind and but the bowls up against the back of the cooler. I hope this makes sense to you... this way you can add ice cubes to one and still keep the ones without cold as well..

Thank you for all you have been doing for all three of your furballs you are not failing any of them. You are doing what you can while also keeping their stress levels in mind. That is just as important this will keep them trusting you more and more. I hope that Thomas and Timoteo introductions go well and you are able to get Sandy inside Doon as well. You are doing a fine job please don't feel like a failure. You are amazing and you are doing great!! Please keep us posted. You and your fur babies are all in my thoughts and prayers

kittychick kittychick I'm sorry to hear about Flick and Bowies diagnosis' I've never dealt with a kitty with either hyperthyroidism or FIP.
Please keep us posted. You and your little guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023
Ms Kittychick (sorry I don't know how to do the @ yet)

Thank you Ms KittyChick for your support. You are very kind. Your words made me feel better. Thank you for your understanding. I am slowly adjusting my mindset and words around guilt. It is quite easy to feel guilt when being a pet caregiver. The last guinea pigs had to be helped cross over about two years ago. I had four in total for a span of eight years, and I adopted most of them in the adult to old age stage. I was not prepared for the necessary age care and mortality remainder pets can gift us. It has been easy to second guess myself and think that I could have done more (them being nonverbal human language wise makes things so much harder). As mentioned, I am slowly reprogramming my mind around this guilt aspect, and I am trying to focus on the joys of pet care of which there are so many 😊. I do appreciate your patience and understanding as I work on this and especially as I learn about cat care.

Thank you very much for your suggestion regarding the water bowls for Sandy. It is a really good idea to have to sources of water. I had not thought of this and it does preempt possible pickiness on her part. Thank you

I do look forward to your story regarding the stray/feral kitty for when you have a chance. Definitely, no rush. I will be here to listen whenever.

I hope Bowie and Flick are doing well. I know they appreciate your help, and I wish you the best as you work to help them.

Ms Heatherwillard0614 (apologies, I have not learned how to tag)

Thank you very much for the welcome. You are also very kind and your words have also helped my feel better. The assurance has served as comfort to me. I get the occasional help from close family members (I definitely needed it when pilling Thomas after his surgery), but overall it has just been me and the kitties.This is a great Cat Community! I definitely do not feel alone on this cat journey. Thank you very much for the advice and friendship.

Thank you for the recommendation about the Styrofoam cooler and ice packs. It does make sense. I will work on setting it up. I know Sandy will appreciate it.

Thank you for the well wishes regarding Timoteo and Thomas's introduction. It is a slow going process, but we are all hanging on. 😊

I will definitely keep updating. Thank you very much for your thoughts and prayers. I extend the same to you and yours 😊


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 10, 2023
West Virginia
Y yolin_art To tag someone you use the @ then name without any space after the @ as such:
@name there is a drop down of names as such: (see attached picture)


You can continue spelling out the name or click on the name from the drop down space after you choose the name and continue writing. 😊

Y yolin_art and this is how you can tag someone I hope it was detailed enough.
I hope I explained it well enough to make sense lol

It will take time for the introductions. And sometimes there can be set backs. Remember that part.. set backs happen and it does not mean you have failed or that you are not doing the right thing.
Sometimes it just happens. I just want you to know this just in case it happens you don't become discouraged. In the same sense everything may go as perfect as can be.
I'm glad that you understood what I was trying to say about the cooler lol sometimes I'll try to explain something and it just doesn't come out right lol

Again thank you so much for what you are doing for Timothy Timoteo and Sandy
They are all very lucky to have you in their lives. You are amazing!!!!

Please keep updates whenever you can you're in my thoughts and prayers that everything continues going smoothly as possible for you and your fur babies ❤ 😺
Love from everyone here at TCS to you and your kitties!!!


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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023
Greetings to everyone,

First, heatherwillard0614 heatherwillard0614 Thank you so much for the help. I can tag now :) Thank you

Second, I wish everyone the best of health to them and to their pets.

An update on my cat saga:

I gave Timoteo more time to adjust to being an inside cat. His crying has diminished to an occasional morning lament (tugs at my heart very much). I understand as I basically kidnapped him. The outdoor living was just not kind to him (fresh injuries, cat enemies, and Texas heat). I will try my best so that he has a happy indoor life.

After Timoteo adapted a bit more, I finally placed him and Thomas in the same room. The introduction went surprisingly well (no fighting and no blood, a win), and they have been hanging out for longer and longer periods the past two weeks. They are not the best of buds, but they do tolerate and respect each other’s boundaries well. I feel confident leaving them alone for bits of time.

Sandy still lives outside. The days have thankfully cooled, and she is doing well. I had to halt introductions to the inside as a stray cat arrived. Actually, two stray cats arrived to the backyard. A gray cat (in need of TNR) started visiting first, and he got chased off by dark haired one (also in need of TNR). The dark haired one waits outside the doorstep and has his meals RIGHT there (a bit frustrating with my Sandy). Sandy approached once, and he hissed at her. Later days, he chased her away from the doorstep. Thankfully, Sandy was not run off from the backyard, and they sort of coexist there now. I feed her a bit of distance away. I plan on TNRing the new arrival. It may take me a minute. I hope to see the gray kitty again. I’ll TNR him too.

This is my news so far. I had so much fear of introductions. I even googled for cat trainers in the area. So many dog trainers exist, and I only found one cat trainer. I decided to do my best with my niece’s help and contact out in case of need. Thankfully no need so far and I hope (knock on wood) none for the future.

Thank you to everyone for your support. Best of wishes to you and your loved ones.

I was finally able to add some pictures. First one is of Thomas and Timoteo eating. The next one is of Sandy (she is slimmer, I am just a bad photographer), After is sweet Milo, may he rest in peace.

TandT.jpeg Sandy.jpg Milo.jpg
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jun 21, 2023

I just wanted to take a moment to provide an update.
The cold winter drove Sandy inside. She has lived inside since then. I have gotten her acclimated to the inside noise and aside from an adventure where she got into the attic (the house is big but it is old. The laundry room has been in constant state of repair do to a DIY attempt and it is unfinished), everything is going okay.

I have put a screen door just last week, and the my two other cats see her.

She is a very shy girl. She has learned to play and does not stay underneath a couch anymore. I am switching rooms between the cats and I think soon I will be able to make introductions.

I am relieved and thankful.