No longer eating what the vet wants him to


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Oct 26, 2005
An Elf from the Woodland Realm
Jasper has had a rough month, he was in the vets for over a week recovering from crystals in his urine, he was completely blocked so he was catheterized, on an IV and had a feeding tube.

Since he ha been home he has been on antibiotics, Vicodin and a vet's diet Royal Canin C/D which is supposed to be a "stress reducing" diet. We think stress caused his crystals and hence the diet.

However since his antibiotics and vicodin ran out he is on topical amnitripaline (inside his ear it's a antidepressant/antianxiety med) He has been throwing up the canned Royal Canin or turning his nose up at it completely.

However he is not starving, Audrey my other cat is leaving her wellness wet for him as she is more a dry food kitty.

So here is my problem, the vet diet has gotten him this far, he is peeing on his own and is actually being cuddly (which he never was) I am very anxious about him becoming blocked up again, I know his condition could reoccur  at any time. Any advice?

Plus the vet diet is a chunky, he has always eaten pate (might be because he doesn't like the texture?)

Maybe I am a worried meowmie for no reason


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
It could certainly be a texture issue. However, you also mention he is vomiting the food, which could certainly lead to an aversion to it.

If he won't/can't eat the prescription food, another canned food, low in phosphorus and, preferably not fish, with extra water added would be my next step.

You can also contact your vet and see if they have any recommendations.


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
I agree. You need to work closely with the vet to find something that will work. I had two male cats with urinary issues. Both of them had to eat prescription food as long as they lived. What worked for them was dry Hills prescription. They lived on many years with no more urinary blockages.

angels mommy

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
I went through cystitis twice in 2012 w/ Angel, & it was stress related as well. Angel also likes pate. He has been on the Purina UR SO Rx can food from the vets.

(The vet knew how I felt about the yucky ingredients in the Rx foods, so she looked at the ingredients in all 3 urinary formulas they had, & the Purina had the least, so we went w/ that). Angel likes it!  I also, still, to this day add a little water to his food as well from the PUR filter. (about 1/8 cup to 1/2 a can of food).

After being on it for a little over a year, I wanted to find something for him that would still address the urinary concerns, but have better ingredients. 

I was fortunate to find something at our local natural pet food store. The staff there are very knowledgeable, & recommended it.  It's the Dave's Restricted Diet,

(magnesium).  After being on it for a couple of months we went for a follow up ultrasound & urinalysis, & it all came back good!  I will still sometimes get a few can of the Rx to be an alternative for him, so he gets a little rotation from eating the same food all the time. 

I can get it locally, but here is a link for it for you, if you want to try it. It is also a pate.'

I also keep a feliway, or comfort zone diffuser plugged in. 

I hope the info I gave will be of help to you. I know how it is to go through it. 