New kitten won't eat at all


TCS Member
Thread starter
May 14, 2016
Hi all!

So the situation is, I bought a 3 month old ragdoll kitten yesterday (it's the first pet i've ever had). When I bought him, the lady got me to hold him and he was fine. He meowed twice on the way to my house but stopped after I started petting him and he seemed a bit calm. However as soon as I got him to my house he hid in the corner of my desk. He wouldn't move even when I try to coax him out, I didn't try to touch him because I read in a lot of posts and articles that you should let the kitten come to you and don't force it. I'm really concerned now because I was at my desk and I didn't even bump the desk or anything then my drawing tablet fell down right ontop of him! He was so startled and i talked to him gently, moved the tablet and everything off the desk, he sat back in the corner but still looked really scared. I feel so horrible about it and really wish I had been more careful... :(

A few hours later I tried reaching out to him but he hissed at me so I quickly withdrew and didn't bother him again. I put the food and water near him under my desk and went to bed. I could hear him exploring the house after I turned off the lights, I think I heard him drinking, and he was meowing a lot and sounded like he was sobbing (because he misses his mother and litter mates?)
I woke up today and I honestly can't even tell if he even ate anything out of the bowl. The food is the exact same as what he was having in his previous home.

He's been hiding under my bed in the furthest corner since I woke up, there's no way I can get him out of there without his own will (so I didn't even try). 
I read that if the kitten doesn't eat for 3 days consult the vet; since the vet is literally 5 mins away from my house I decided to pop in and ask for some advice. I told the man my situation only to have him tell me in a very unfriendly way "I can't give you any advice I haven't seen the pet. I can't tell you if it's normal behaviour or if there's something wrong." He then closed the door on me. 

So I went to buy some pet toys and a scratching post in hope that it'll help him adapt. I also bought ceramic bowls and switched the food to there since the previous one was plastic and I read that cats don't like plastic and when the bowls move when they try to eat?

I also put a square piece of green catnip on his bed and he tried nibbling at it last night (I know for sure because there are marks on the catnip from being nibbled) but he still didn't use the bed. Am I using the wrong type of catnip?

Can someone please give me some advice? I'm really really concerned, I don't know what to do if he doesn't eat for 3 days, what if he gets sick? I can't get him out from under the bed to the vet if he does get sick! Since the vet can't give me any advice I thought I'd try my luck in the forums >_<
Sorry for the long post I just really wanted to get all the detail in! I really love him and I want to start a happy life with him :(


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Three days is the outside limit for not eating.  Do you have kitty confined to one room?  Often that is the best way rather than giving them the entire house.  The entire house is a bit overwhelming.  One room that is quiet is best.  Some kitties respond well to soft relaxing music like the softer classical music
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
Yeah I confined it to my bedroom and I have the food and water bowls, litter, toys, bed, everything inside. I'll start playing some soft classical music and see if it helps. What do I do if it still doesn't eat after the 3rd day? :( 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
Hopefully he will start eating before then.  He probably will only eat when he is alone until he gets settled in so you will just notice that food is gone.  If he doesn't start eating then he will need to be syringe fed which unfortunately will be traumatizing for him.  As long as he didn't come to you with some kind of health issue I think he will start eating on his own.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Get some plain meat baby food, turkey or chicken, and offer him that.  He NEEDS to eat and quickly!  Place the food under the bed for him.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
May 14, 2016
Hopefully he will start eating before then.  He probably will only eat when he is alone until he gets settled in so you will just notice that food is gone.  If he doesn't start eating then he will need to be syringe fed which unfortunately will be traumatizing for him.  As long as he didn't come to you with some kind of health issue I think he will start eating on his own.
Hopefully! It's one hour away from being 24 hours, I believe he's pretty healthy, he has been dewormed and vaccinated before he was given to me. Hopefully it doesn't come to the syringe feeding >_< Thanks for the info! 
Get some plain meat baby food, turkey or chicken, and offer him that.  He NEEDS to eat and quickly!  Place the food under the bed for him.
Ok, I put the food bowls under the bed as far as I can reach, I'll go out and buy some meat for him right now, thanks so much! 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
It's so very common for kitties to not eat or use the box for a day when they're in a new environment.  Their whole world's been turned upside down and they kind of go into "I don't know what's going to happen to me" mode.  He's scared and unsure of what's going on.  He's in a new house with new smells, new people, new sounds, and a new routine.  Be patient with him and consider using a calming agent such as a Feliway plug in to help him de-stress.  As much as you want to connect, snuggle, and love on your kitty, don't force him to do anything.  Don't try to pick him up.  Leave him be, but check on him and make sure he's still under the bed.  Sit on the floor with him and talk to him like you would a person.  Read the newspaper, a book, or a magazine out loud so he'll get used to your voice.  Use interactive toys (wand toys, feather on a stick) to draw him out from his safe place.  DaBird is a huge hit in my house.  Also, play the radio for him on a classical music channel for him.  The biggest thing is time and patience.  The other thing you can try is to not leave food down for him, but to take food in when you go visit him. That way he associates you with food and that's a pleasant thing for him.  I predict that in a few days he'll come out of his shell and be fine.
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
It's so very common for kitties to not eat or use the box for a day when they're in a new environment.  Their whole world's been turned upside down and they kind of go into "I don't know what's going to happen to me" mode.  He's scared and unsure of what's going on.  He's in a new house with new smells, new people, new sounds, and a new routine.  Be patient with him and consider using a calming agent such as a Feliway plug in to help him de-stress.  As much as you want to connect, snuggle, and love on your kitty, don't force him to do anything.  Don't try to pick him up.  Leave him be, but check on him and make sure he's still under the bed.  Sit on the floor with him and talk to him like you would a person.  Read the newspaper, a book, or a magazine out loud so he'll get used to your voice.  Use interactive toys (wand toys, feather on a stick) to draw him out from his safe place.  DaBird is a huge hit in my house.  Also, play the radio for him on a classical music channel for him.  The biggest thing is time and patience.  The other thing you can try is to not leave food down for him, but to take food in when you go visit him. That way he associates you with food and that's a pleasant thing for him.  I predict that in a few days he'll come out of his shell and be fine.
So, I just went out to buy him some meat, and I came back to find he had moved the toys I set up for him, but he wasn't under the bed, but he DID EAT!! Thanks so much for the advice!!  However, I put the new and old food into the bowl and he only ate the new food :eek: should I just keep feeding him the new food? I also found him hiding behind my wardrobe between the draws so I slid in the meat on a tiny saucer to him  and he hissed at me (I was trying to interact with him with food but this is probably the completely wrong way to do it) is that bad? Will he warm up to me? :( 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
He will warm up to you on his own time table.  Just spending some time in the room with him without trying to interact with him helps.  He will get used to your scent and voice.  When he begins to feel more comfortable try a wand toy, kittens love to play.  You may be able to get him interested in the toy and draw him out with it.  It's kind of like he gets so much into playing he will come out before he even realizes what he is doing.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Are you feeding him wet or dry or both?  If it's dry food, don't switch his food until he's settled.  Changing dry food too quickly and suddenly creates bowel problems like diarrhea.  You don' t want to deal with that right now.  If you're going to change dry foods, do it in a month or so and do it gradually over several weeks.  If you're feeding wet food, take a small serving in each time you go visit him.  Just put it down and then sit on the floor away from the food, like on the other side of the room, and be there with him.  Talk to him quietly and softly.  My kitties like it when I whisper to them.  You might consider investing in a large wire dog crate and keeping him in that until he's comfortable with your home.  You can also provide a large box turned on its side with the flaps tucked in and set up with a towel in the bottom as a hiding place or "safe place" for him. 

How's he doing today?
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
Are you feeding him wet or dry or both?  If it's dry food, don't switch his food until he's settled.  Changing dry food too quickly and suddenly creates bowel problems like diarrhea.  You don' t want to deal with that right now.  If you're going to change dry foods, do it in a month or so and do it gradually over several weeks.  If you're feeding wet food, take a small serving in each time you go visit him.  Just put it down and then sit on the floor away from the food, like on the other side of the room, and be there with him.  Talk to him quietly and softly.  My kitties like it when I whisper to them.  You might consider investing in a large wire dog crate and keeping him in that until he's comfortable with your home.  You can also provide a large box turned on its side with the flaps tucked in and set up with a towel in the bottom as a hiding place or "safe place" for him. 

How's he doing today?
I'm feeding him both, the tuna actually made him come out of his hiding place and he walked around the room while I was watching, and then he hopped on my bed and sniffed me! It's definitely getting better, he's eating all the tuna that I gave him in small portions like you said so. I'll definitely just stick with the old dry food :D However he's still crying a lot at night but at least he's eating lots while he knows for sure I'm out of the house or at night when the lights are off and I can't see him. He's still playing hide and seek under my bed but it's getting a lot  better thanks so much for the help!! Definitely trying out the cardboard box. 

Also should I wait until he's fully settled into my room before I let him explore the rest of my house? I found him scratching at the bottom of the door last night but there was a sheet of carpet hammered into the wood so I really don't know if he just wanted to scratch or go out of the room. I showed him how to use a scratching post but I can't tell if he's been using it.
He will warm up to you on his own time table.  Just spending some time in the room with him without trying to interact with him helps.  He will get used to your scent and voice.  When he begins to feel more comfortable try a wand toy, kittens love to play.  You may be able to get him interested in the toy and draw him out with it.  It's kind of like he gets so much into playing he will come out before he even realizes what he is doing.
Thanks! I got a wand toy today definitely trying this out! 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Yes.  Leave him confined until he's fully comfortable and settled.  You don't want him finding some tiny hiding spot and you not be able to find him.  I usually keep all my new kitties confined for about 2 weeks.  Be careful with feeding too much tuna.  It's rich and might upset his tummy. 

Keep up the good work!!  You're doing great!
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
Yes.  Leave him confined until he's fully comfortable and settled.  You don't want him finding some tiny hiding spot and you not be able to find him.  I usually keep all my new kitties confined for about 2 weeks.  Be careful with feeding too much tuna.  It's rich and might upset his tummy. 

Keep up the good work!!  You're doing great!
Yay!! He just started eating in front of me
 Thanks so much for helping me I'm actually making progress!

I just have another quick question, I'm using crystal litter and I know you're supposed to scoop the poop out but what do I do if he pees? Do I just leave it in there? I attempted removing the crystals with the pee on it only to find he buried all of his (which is really nice!) and what was showing on the top of the litter was the remainder of what he buried. I scooped the litter back over the exposed and I'm scared he might start peeing outside the litter box if I don't do something. There's only one litter box in my room the other one is in the bathroom.

Thanks so much for the help!! 


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Yay for progress!!  He'll slowly but surely come around, just continue to be patient with him. 

I have no experience with crystal litter.  Personally, I wouldn't use it with a young kitten.  I'd try something more natural like World's Best or Blue Buffalo Naturally Fresh (or a combination of the two).  You need to get the urine out some way because it'll start stinking real quickly.


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I have never used crystal litter..  I found this old thread  about it.  The person in this thread that uses it says that Tidy Cats worked the best for her.  She changed the litter every two weeks.  The way I understand the crystals absorb the urine so urine isn't scooped out, the whole litter is changed.  It sounds like it works the way the non clumping clay litter does but it doesn't have to be changed as often.
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
I have never used crystal litter..  I found this old thread  about it.  The person in this thread that uses it says that Tidy Cats worked the best for her.  She changed the litter every two weeks.  The way I understand the crystals absorb the urine so urine isn't scooped out, the whole litter is changed.  It sounds like it works the way the non clumping clay litter does but it doesn't have to be changed as often.
Thanks so much for the link! I tried using the wand toy on him last night and he LOVED it!

 I just heard it was the least odourless litter and you only dump it out when the litter goes yellow so I decided to try it out. I'm so confused now, so with normal clumping litter the urine forms clumps so you just scoop those urine clumps out and change the whole litter when the litter runs out? And with non clumping you only scoop out the poop but leave the urine? 
When I purchased the crystal litter I asked the lady if it would have enough for one cat and two litter boxes and she said it'll last me quite a while but judging by that huge pile of buried urine i'm not so sure about that statement anymore >_< 
Yay for progress!!  He'll slowly but surely come around, just continue to be patient with him. 

I have no experience with crystal litter.  Personally, I wouldn't use it with a young kitten.  I'd try something more natural like World's Best or Blue Buffalo Naturally Fresh (or a combination of the two).  You need to get the urine out some way because it'll start stinking real quickly.
He's happy being around me when I walk around the room and I managed to get him to play with a wand toy but he's still trying to escape the room at night though, I thought ragdolls were bred to be indoor cats and don't like going outside? 
 He clawed at the door then hopped onto the window sill and clawed at the metal part that opens the window I was so scared, does it mean he doesn't like me? :C 

Oh, I didn't know it's not good for kittens omg, I'll look into those other litters! I tried getting the urine out but it doesn't form "clumps" so the crystals with the urine on them just....fell through the holes in the litter scoop ;/ 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I haven't tried crystal litter so I can't comment on how well it works.  The thing that concerns me with the crystal litter and kittens is their tendency to investigate things with their mouth and I don't think the crystals should be ingested.

Clumping litters form balls which you can scoop.  You wouldn't want to use clumping clay litter with a kitten again because of their tendency to investigate with their mouth.  There are several different kinds of natural litters that clump made with corn, wheat and Blue Buffalo makes one with walnut shells.

The Feline Pine litters work a bit differently.  You have to have a special litter box with a sifter bottom to use them.  They don't clump but the urine turns the pellets to sawdust.  You then sift the litter and throw away the dust.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I haven't tried crystal litter so I can't comment on how well it works.  The thing that concerns me with the crystal litter and kittens is their tendency to investigate things with their mouth and I don't think the crystals should be ingested.

Clumping litters form balls which you can scoop.  You wouldn't want to use clumping clay litter with a kitten again because of their tendency to investigate with their mouth.  There are several different kinds of natural litters that clump made with corn, wheat and Blue Buffalo makes one with walnut shells.

The Feline Pine litters work a bit differently.  You have to have a special litter box with a sifter bottom to use them.  They don't clump but the urine turns the pellets to sawdust.  You then sift the litter and throw away the dust.
This was my concern with the crystal litter and a young kitten.  They like to get into everything and I'm afraid that he might ingest some.  I'd go with one of the natural clumping litters.

As for keeping him inside, he's probably bored.  Have a rough play session with him just before bedtime, then give him a good serving of wet food and then turn the light off.  This mimics the natural play, eat, sleep pattern of a cat.  Should help him sleep through the night.  If possible, try to find a way that he can't play with the latch on the window.  It doesn't mean he doesn't like you.  It means he's curious and you'll have to be diligent in teaching him to avoid the door and windows. 
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TCS Member
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May 14, 2016
As for keeping him inside, he's probably bored.  Have a rough play session with him just before bedtime, then give him a good serving of wet food and then turn the light off.  This mimics the natural play, eat, sleep pattern of a cat.  Should help him sleep through the night.  If possible, try to find a way that he can't play with the latch on the window.  It doesn't mean he doesn't like you.  It means he's curious and you'll have to be diligent in teaching him to avoid the door and windows. 
Ok I feel a lot better now! I'll switch the litter as soon as I can. He's been sleeping on my bed today for quite a few hours instead of under it, which is HUGE progress! I can even lure him out with the wand toy, but he still won't eat treats from my hand. Any advice on how and when to try and pet him and possibly hold him?

He's also been a chronic meower, how do I get him to stop? It doesn't sound like crying anymore but it's stopping me from sleeping @_@ Like sometimes the start of the meow would sound like a purr and when he's near me he meows even louder. I've been trying to ignore it and not respond so I don't end up rewarding the behavior but does that really work and is there any other secret to get him to stop meowing? 


TCS Member
Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I think it's just part of the settling in process.  Ragdolls aren't known for being particularly vocal so I think it will stop on it's own when he is completely comfortable.  He is probably still looking for his littermates or his mom.  I would continue to offer the treats from your hand.  Once he takes those then he will probably accept a little gentle petting on the side of the face or under the chin.  Picking up will come later and he may never like being picked up.  One of my  kitties is a real lovebug as far as snuggling goes but she doesn't like to be picked up.

Have you named your kitten?