Need to rant a little - sorry


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 20, 2008
Burlington, North Carolina
I know I am preaching to the choir but if this gets to at least one person who thinks cats can survive on their own, it will have served its purpose.

A few weeks ago, I saw a red, long haired cat outside our door, hunkered down behind our air conditioning unit.  He was obviously in bad shape but bolted as soon as I opened the door.

Our neighbors have a long-haired red cat named Butters, so when I saw their daughter Shannon in the yard, I told her about the cat and asked (for the umpteenth time) that they keep him inside.  She answered (as she always does) with something flippant about Butters being fine.  (AKA - mind you own business).

A few days later, I was driving to an appointment and saw the cat in the middle of the road, just lying there.  I stopped the car and he wobbled away.  Because I had to go, I called my husband and a cat friendly neighbor, Betty, to apprise them.  My husband called Animal Control, who came out right away.  He finally found the cat under a tarp near Betty's house.

My husband told him about Butter's family, so he knocked on the door and was shown Butters, who was on their sofa.  The ACO took the cat to our SPCA, where he was put down.  That cat had mats all over his body and maggots has eaten much of the base of his spine and tail.  He was also skin and bones.

When I came home and found out it wasn't Butters, I realized who that cat was.  TWO YEARS ago, a third neighbor moved and left his cats -  a red, long-haired cat and a tabby.  I captured the tabby and neutered/vetted him.  We named him Alfred and he's now in our outside enclosure, living the good life.  I left the trap out for a few weeks but was never able to trap the red cat.

What I realized was that this cat was the red cat they left behind.  Isabel, the neighbor who told me about Alfred, had told me the original owners had been back for the cats.  I thought this meant they'd captured the red one.  Because Alfred was in our enclosure, they hadn't gotten him.  Isabel did not know their contact information, so I was unable to get Alfred back to them or check on the other cat.

In any case, during the past two years, I'd seen the red cat but always thought it was Butters.  Turns our this poor animal has been on its own for two years.  And he suffered, terribly.  I am so angry, sick and heart broken, I can barely stand to think about it.

Please continue your good work helping strays and ferals.  They wouldn't be stray or feral if irresponsible people, like those neighbors, had done their jobs.  It is so vital we keep this work up, even when we're flipped off, ignored and made fun of.

I am still nagging Shannon and her family, though.  I saw Butters out last night in our yard.  If she thinks I am crazy, she's correct!  Crazy about strays and ferals.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Thank you Ondine for all that you do.  It is so hard to not be able to help them all.  It just makes me sick the number of people who just up and move and leave their cats.  I have had my share.  The mentality that "a cat can hunt for food" makes people think they are doing an ok thing.  Ha.  I would them to see what it is like to hunt for food. 

Most of my neighbors think I am bat**** crazy for taking care of the cats and other animals that wander into my yard.  I truly just have to keep my mouth shut and continue on. 

I have a friend who has cared for feral cats for years.  She backs up to a wooded area where many live. She did TNR on about 15 and fed them all daily.  One of her neighbors complained that the cats were using her flower bed as a litter box.  My friend did so much to ensure the cats stayed away.  This awful lady got other neighbors involved.  She lived in a community with a HOA that was very strict.  They called an emergency meeting and said that cats had to leave or they would be trapped by Animal control and she could be forced to leave as well or face heavy fines. This went on for years.  She was able to find some help and had 10 of the cats moved to a feral friendly barn.  Yet 3 still remained.  She could not get them retrapped.  Two of the cats lived and slept on her patio.  She has now kept them fairly hidden for 2 years.  Yet it is a still such a a struggle.  Her neighbors are the meanest most horrible people.  She so desperately wants to move, but she cannot fathom trying to relocate the 2 feral cats.  She has done so much and is just ridiculed by these people. 

Those of us that care for strays and ferals must do our best to continue forward.  We cannot save them all, but we do our best each day.


Foster mama
Alpha Cat
Dec 25, 2015
Oh I'm so sorry about poor Alfred...that is heart breaking. :( But you are doing a great thing to help. I totally hear you on this... I just don't understand people of the mindset that cats will just "take care of themselves."

I don't want to go into too much detail here, but I've wound up taking in a cat who everyone thought loved being outside, can fend for herself, doesn't need water because she finds it on her own outside/won't drink tap water and can't wear a collar because she'll just get right out of it. Suffice to say, two months later, her collar is still on, she is drinking tap water in my house, sleeps on our bed, sits on our lap and spends more time in the house than out of it. She's a sweet girl who loves getting scratches on her head and has really gotten close to us. It breaks my heart to think of her before we came along, and I wish we could do more to make people understand but sometimes I just don't know what to do. Some people never listen.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Thank you for all that you do!

Back when I was a child my neighbors had so many ferals that had spawned from an unspayed female that you could smell their yard from an acre away. They often had kittens who my mother would capture and give to good home, but once there was a little black kitty who was very very sick. We cared for her as much as we could but she had a severe case of an URI that she died within the night. After her passing, we called the shelter and they took all the kitties away, saved what they could, but many were so sick they had to be put down.
It just blows my mind how careless people can be, it wasn't a lack of money that didn't get that first cat spayed, it was a lack of effort.