My Cat keeps sending me Mixed Signals


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Jun 14, 2016
 I adopted MJ six days ago. I am very eager to get him to adore me as I adore him. He is 4y2m old. He is lethargic most of the day. However, when he is in a playful mood, he can be extremely active for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Here is where the mixed signals come in; he keeps bunting me nonstop, he hops onto my lap and turns around a couple times, but never sits down. He rubs against me whenever we get up close. But there's a catch! When I walk up to him to pet him, sometimes he will growl. One time he even hissed at me (which was really strange). He doesn't allow me to pick him up. He doesn't let me touch his paws. I haven't been able to cut his nails yet. When bedtime comes, he follows me into MY room and sleeps on MY bed. I don't mind it that much except when he sleeps right in the middle of the bed. (I sleep on a twin sized bed and live alone). When he is on my bed he will come up to me and rub on me and will "ask" me to pet him. I find it very weird. He never responds to his name, the same name he has had for 4 years (2 years of which he was with his previous owner who passed away and 2 years of which he was at the SPCA shelter before I adopted him). He doesn't even look when I call out his name. I read an article that came along with a video

explaining how to get him to respond to his name and it hasn't worked at all. 
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TCS Member
Adult Cat
Mar 15, 2016
6 days is a really short amount of time! He's probably still overwhelmed by the new building, routine, and person. He's sort of saying that he likes you, but he doesn't trust you yet. He doesn't want you to do anything too forward or make him feel vulnerable. You're an acquaintance not a friend. I would just lay off and give him time to settle in. Don't go up to him, because that can be intimidating. Wait for him to initiate the contact, and be gentle so you can gain his trust. Don't try to do anything that's going to make him uncomfortable, like messing with his paws or picking him up. I think as far as the name goes, some cats just take a while to get use to it coming from a different person's mouth, and it's possible he wasn't called by his name as often in the shelter as he would have been in a home. Keep using it and he'll realize you're talking to him.

Personally, I let all my cats sleep on my bed. I think it can really help with bonding. If he's sleeping in the middle of the bed, then you might have to pick him up or play with him a bit before bed to get him up and out of your spot. Or give him a little night time treat before bed to get him to move. if he's more affectionate on the bed, then maybe you could go to bed a little earlier so you can just spend a bit of time giving him attention before going to sleep. You could also try sitting on it during the day with him if the bed is a place where he enjoys. When you're sleeping, that's probably a lonely time for him. So it makes sense that he would want to get attention before you drift off.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
The Land of Cheese
It is very early days yet, and he is still feeling his way with you. he has had a bad time and will not be sure if this nice place he has now will be permanent. It also sounds as if he is a bit scared of you when you are standing up, but is trying gradually to gain confidence when you are sittingor lying down. In other words, he does not like it when you appear much bigger than he is. So make friends with him on his level - sit, lie on the floor to play. When he is on you lap, even if he doesn't settle, stroke him gently as much as you can while repeating his name constantly. He may not have had many people use it at the shelter, and anyway, your voice will be different. Always say his name when you give him food, not just once but several times, in fact use it all the time to him. Give him treats as you say his name sometimes, too. I have never had a cat who failed to learn its name tis way.

But above all, give him time. Actually, you have done well to get him to respond to you, sit on you and sleep with you after 6 days. It can take months after cats have been in shelters. It is good for the future that he is so friendly so soon - he must be basically a very well tempered cat.