moved litter box - issues


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
so we're trying to move the litter box a total of 10 feet, and our guys are not having it. We first moved it one foot and they were ok with that. Then we moved it five feet and they were fine with that. Now we have moved it another 3 feet and they won't use it. What the heck? Why was the five foot move ok, but the 3 foot move not ok?

:sigh: More to the story though is that we bought a cabinet to put the litter box in once they accept the move. They LOVE the cabinet, as cats do. After a couple of days of leaving it open, I put a brand new litter box inside, so they had one additional box to use. No dice, but not a problem. I showed it to them, set them inside with all the doors open, etc. and let them do whatever they wanted. When I set them inside, then I would close the doors and show them the way out. They are fine with it, and oddly enough still go in and out and even dig in it, but won't use it. I get so excited when they go in, but nothing is happening in there except sometimes Darko actually lays down in the litter box. And before you ask, no there is no health issue...both are pooping and peeing fine - in the THIRD box upstairs!

So now the box being moved is right next to the new litter box cabinet, which they still go in and out of, and there are even footprints in the old box, but nothing else. Oh, and I moved some pee from the old box to the new box hoping to draw them in, but that hasn't worked. Should I try Cat Attract? I can't move their old box any closer!

I need help from you experts. I half expected to wake up this morning to poop and pee where the old box used to be, but my boys are good boys (sometimes) and just went upstairs. But I DO know not to get upset if they make a mess here. Also, does it make a difference to know that the cabinet is in our closer? The old spot was in our bathroom...same area of the house, and the closet is a place where they always run whenever the doorbell rings, and where Tinky hangs out a lot anyway. It's his "safe room" in his mind. The door is always open, so they basically get the same lighting as before as we set the cabinet where you can see it from the doorway. It's less traffic than before so more privacy for them.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
the closet is a place where they always run whenever the doorbell rings, and where Tinky hangs out a lot anyway. It's his "safe room" in his mind.
This might be the problem, that they don't want to be peeing and pooping in a place where they hide for safety. Instinct could be saying it's not good to do that since predators would find them, -- maybe? I don't know...

I'm not sure how to overcome it, if I'm on the right track with why they're reluctant. Maybe Cat Attract would help?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 23, 2017
metro Detroit
If they'll dig in the new box but not use it as a litter box, they might not be sure the new box is for pooping. You might try putting some of the used contents of their old litter box (including turds and clumps) in the new one. It will smell more like what they're used to and they might start using it as intended.
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
This might be the problem, that they don't want to be peeing and pooping in a place where they hide for safety. Instinct could be saying it's not good to do that since predators would find them, -- maybe? I don't know...
That's a thought, although even as a "safe room" the door is always open and people still go in. Tinky usually can be found up on one of the shelves under some hanging clothes all stretched out nice and comfy. He still goes in there even with the new litter box cabinet in there, complete with the "offerings" that I transferred from their old box.
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
If they'll dig in the new box but not use it as a litter box, they might not be sure the new box is for pooping. You might try putting some of the used contents of their old litter box (including turds and clumps) in the new one. It will smell more like what they're used to and they might start using it as intended.
I'll try moving over a turd or two to see what happens. I'm still wondering why they have stopped using their OLD box. Perhaps Furballsmom Furballsmom is onto something, which is bad news because we don't have anywhere else to put that cabinet
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
Hi. I am with Furballsmom Furballsmom about what is going on. I don't have a solution, but think you should move the 'old' box back to where it was before you moved it those last 3 feet, and see if they go back to using it - and come up with Plan B. Sorry - don't shoot me!! :running:
Last night we moved it back (right outside the closet door) and low and behold, they hopped right in literally right as I set it down, so I think that was EXACTLY the issue :sigh:. So now we have to rearrange our bedroom furniture to fit it in, and will probably have to paint the cabinet since the wood is different and DH is extremely OCD. He is going to have to deal with it at least until we figure out if they will use it in the bedroom because I'm not going to go to THAT trouble if they still won't use it. But I spent most of last night trying to figure out where on earth we could put it if not the closet. On the plus side, I'm not too happy with those plastic clothes covers I had to put up on the closet, so I can take those off if the box leaves!
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
Thanks all for your advice. Now I can move the entire cabinet based on what you've said and not have hubby get upset thinking I don't know what I'm talking about. He trust you guys! I'll update once it's done, which won't be today as we're having company for dinner and don't want to be in the middle of rearranging furniture when they arrive. Speaking of which, I'd better get busy with my dinner prep!
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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
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Aug 13, 2009
Update, in case anyone is interested or ever has this issue.

We relocated the entire cabinet to our bedroom from the closet and slowly moved the old litter box in the new direction of the cabinet. Voila! The boys wouldn't use the cabinet until we took away their old box, but now they are using it fine with one caveat. We are still leaving one of the doors open for them. They usually go in that door, but always exit through the door that was meant to be for them to enter and exit through. Don't know what's up with that, but I'm still happy. Oh, and just an FYI, I did add Cat Attract and it didn't do anything as long as their old box was sitting right next to the cabinet with the new box inside with the Cat Attract in it. Oh they still went in and looked around, but wouldn't actually USE it :rolleyes2:. What made the big difference was removing the old box entirely. Guess they're too lazy to run upstairs to the other box in the middle of the night or something. Whatever it is, we're very satisfied now.