I'm Unexpectedly Having To Move! (sorry, Long Post)

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi friends,
I am having to move, & very unexpectedly! I am not too happy about it.
As some of you may remember from some previous post, I don't have the best landlord.
A little over a week ago he gave me a 30 day notice! I have been here for about 20 years, &
have given this place a complete home makeover, as some of you may remember me posting pictures of projects I've done here. .....Anyway, there had been some things needed fixing.
There had been a leak happening once & a while coming from somewhere in my bathroom,
(tub drain? we think), to the downstairs bathroom. They could never figure out where it was coming from, because it wasn't always leaking when water was running or draining. He has had someone out 4 xs to try & figure it out & fix it. My dad having been a plumber, he looked down there w/ the guy once & told him he though it was coming from my tub drain, that it needed a new gasket & seal. They finally did that & supposedly it was fixed.
Then the 2nd thing... my air conditioner (window unit) frosted up one day, & had never dome that before in all these yrs. So, It being here probably way before me, was on it's way out.
So I left my landlord a message about it. The repair guy called me back & said that he would replace it, but my rent was going to go up...which I expected (since it's not gone up in yrs, fortunately, I know). OR..I could replace it myself. So, that's what I was going to do, in hopes rent would stay the same. Then, a few days later, I got another call from the repair guy saying not to get one, that my landlord was going to replace it, his responsibility,
("ummm, yeah!":rolleyes:) this way if I ever left, it would stay. BUT, rent would be going up!
So I was just praying hard that it wouldn't go up more that $50.00, & I could handle it.
Well, I took him rent a couple of Thursdays ago, the 31st, & he said nothing. I was so nervous I was shaking, because the repair guy had also mentioned that he was so mad about, spending $ on this place trying to find/fix the leak, then this, that he had said something about kicking me out! :eek2: So I was afraid of that. After paying him, & nothing being said, I thought, "ok, either he calmed down, realized all I've done here, all the improvements, & isn't going to do either, OR, it's coming later...... Well, he called later that day & told me that he had a lot of work he needed to do in here, & needed the apartment empty to do it & was giving me 30 days. (He couldn't tell me earlier to my face I guess...coward!) I was in shock! He talked about taking out the tub, etc.... I said that they could work on it if I stayed, that I could shower at a close by friends, if I had to. He said no, needed it empty. Then he said he wasn't making any money on it anyway, because we don't pay water. Told me about how much it was per person, etc.. I offered to pay the difference in a rent increase, but he shot that down too! So then, the I asked if he could at least give me 60 days instead of 30, he said no! I just can't believe it.
He owne's A LOT of properties & is definitely not hurting for or need the money. He could at the very least given me 60 days! 20 yrs is a lot to pack up in 30 days!! (1000 sq. ft.)
I am .....In shock, devastated, & hurt. I spent the better part of the first 48 hrs after that in tears! He is a complete ass!! He even sent a certified letter that I had to sign for the following Sat. to cover his butt. He knows with me he'd have to, because If I could snag him on anything I would! He's so old school & country, that it wasn't even a dated typed up letter. It was written on a piece of notebook paper & signed. That's it, not even dated. So that's also why he probably sent it by certified mail.

So, with no where to go that I can afford, I am having to move back in with my parents!
I will be 49 in August, & can't believe this is happening!
I do have a girlfriend who's lease is up in January & rent is getting too expensive for her alone too, so we are talking about getting a place together then.
In the meanwhile it will give me a chance to get care credit paid off, & my car will be paid off in February, hopefully I can get that done a little sooner too. Then I will be in a better position to be able to afford (my 1/2 of) a little higher rent for a two bedroom, two bathroom w/ my friend. We want to look at some houses, or townhouses. So hopefully this will all only be for 6 month...

So, It's a very unexpected & upsetting situation for me, but a little bit of a blessing in the way that (I am trying to now focus on), that I can pay a couple of things off, & not be under the thubm of my landlord, walking on eggshells afraid to tell him if anything needed fixing in fear of rent going up too high. ...and as far as that goes. I know he wants to get more money out of this place, (& certainly could now after all the work I have done!) but it's on him that he didn't go up over all these yrs. I know partly he didn't because of all I've done, & my dad helping too, BUT, he could have gone up little by little, so I could manage it, BUT, he didn't, so that's on him!! So now, it gets taken out on me.

My main worry in all of this of course is Sammie.:bigeyes: Her little world is going to turn upside down, & not know why. She is used to it just being the two of us.
She is used to getting to go out during the day. Now, she will be confined to our room at first, then when she seems ready & interested, I will let her out in the house to explore.
It's not a big house, only around 1200 or more sq. ft. but still, w/ 2 more people there.
I've ordered comfort zone diffusers, I'm going to get more Rescue remedy, (I have walnut as well, for change), & will feed her & keep her litter box in my room. Not ideal but best to start anyway. I want her to feel safe. I will also have a couple of old pillows she lays by under the bed, when she does go under there, from thunder or anything. Her blankets, etc... so she will have her/ our smells for comfort. (I remember things I've read on moving threads).
Oh, & I ordered another harness for her. A vest kind. Hoping it will be more comfortable to her than the strap one. She already doesn't walk well on it. Walked a few steps, then plops down, repeat, repeat... Not like Angel used to be. He didn't love it, but would walk on it & even go potty. So, I'm trying to get my dad to screen in the patio out back. Told him I'd pay for it. (cement slab w/ a roof & post, so would just need to screen in), but think it looks like we may be building a catio instead. I just wanted the porch done as a safe buffer w/ the back door. She is chipped, but will be in a completely new place to her.

I am completely exhausted already w/ working every morning, then coming home in the afternoon to pack. Making myself stop by 6 or 7, so I can shower, eat & try to relax a little before bed. Friday night I didn't stop until 8, so didn't eat until 9! I can't do that.
I am trying to take it easy this weekend, since after working all week, I packed all weekend, then back to work, so no day off. My low back (I do wear my support belt!) & feet are killing me! So I've done very little this wknd, but will be back to it tomorrow! My dad is coming to take down my ceiling fan in the living room, & I'll be starting the kitchen!
Because I am so busy between working & trying to pack up, I won't get to email every day, but will check in here as often as I can. (W/ updates once we move)
Movers are scheduled to come Thurs. the 28th. I had to get storage units. Then that afternoon, we'll be getting my room set up, so I can take Sammie over. So worried about her.

So many of you have been so good to me & have become my friends here, so I just wanted to let you know what's going on. Please keep us, especially Sammie in your prayers & thoughts.
We need them!! Please pray for an easy as possible transition for her.
She is my #1 concern.

Sorry this was SO long, but had to fill you all in.

Hugs to you all! XOXO!
Kelly & Sammie



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
sending you :hugs:'s, and your Sammie gentle scritchins......

you'll get through this, you and Sammie, together. and once you two get settled into the new house with your friend(s), your Sammie will gradually become used to and comfortable there. i'm sure she'll love the catio!!! :cloud9:

and the stress you've been feeling related to your current landlord, which your girl may very well pick up on, will also be gone. your car will be paid off as well as the care credit -- good things, that also will reduce stress you may feel.

you're planning well and carefully, to help your Sammie during these coming moves. and you're 'pacing yourself' with packing. that's great!! :agree:
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angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Thanks for the relpys guys.
Because this is a private property, (an investment property) he can pretty much do what he wants.
Most of what I read on that link does not apply to me. Back when I moved in, he told me that he doesn't do leases, that if I needed to move out to give him a 30 day notice, & vise versa on his side. I've been here for 20 yrs, so it's been fine, with no issues. I've always paid on time, etc...
He did give notice to me in written form by sending it to me by certified mail. This is how he covered that, because he knows I'd look into things if he didn't do something right. So by sending it that way, it has a date & I had to sign for it. He stated that he needed to do some remodeling & repairs on the apartment, & needed it vacant to do so, & to consider that my 30 day notice. He has had properties for many yrs & knows what he's doing. He knows I'm not stupid & someone he can take advantage of.
Yes, the whole situation sucks, but I will be glad to be out from under him! It's going to take some adjusting living w/ my parents again, but it should only be for 6 months until my friends lease is up.
I do believe that things happen for a reason, so I am trying to focus on that.
Like finally getting rid of that landlord, getting some bills paid off, and something else. My mom has been sick with a lung infection. It's some long name, but in short is called MAC. So she is on 3 different antibiotics, & one of them is in the chemo family! So they are strong. Being there I will be able to do as much of the housework for her as I can. She does some & my dad is helping more, but I don't want her to do much at all. She has felt better to get out & about a little, going to the store, etc.. but she does need to take it easy as well.
I will make sure she does that.
I also have the best vet in the world! I love her!! She is very supportive. I emailed her about what was going on & that besides the fireworks after some baseball games a few doors down I needed some more gabapentin. I had some last year for the same reason & 4th of July. This way, I will have them if I need them for the move. She is great about emailing, & said she too firmly believes
that everything happens for a reason, & to keep her posted on how things are going with us. :)

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angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Here's Sammie right now. Hanging out, napping under the massage table.
This is the last room that has that old crappy indoor/ outdoor carpet he puts in places. I was going to finally get to this room this summer, & paint the walls again, ( & the bthrm again too) & take the last of that out!

Here, you can see the living room. My mom helped me take up the carpet in there about 5 or 6 yrs ago, I think it was. We used the valspar deck & floor paint from Lowe's. Got it done in a long wknd! I had previously painted the walls w/ the best tuope I've found. Also valspar. "Outlands subtle tuope." I love that it's so neutral. Doesn't look beige or gray. Here's pictures of my place, & you'll see all I've done & why it's hard to leave. I've really made it my home.












TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
angels mommy angels mommy , I know this is extremely stressful for you, and I'm very sorry it's happening to you, but, while I can't say that I believe everything happens for a reason I do believe that just about everything has some kind of "up" side, and I'm hearing quite a few of those in your posts:
  • You'll be able to help care for your mom, at a time when she really needs the extra care (this is almost enough all by itself to make the move desirable, even if you weren't being evicted).
  • This will give you a chance to get out of debt.
  • You'll probably end up in a nicer place, and having a roommate can simplify a lot of things, including but not limited to expenses and pet care.
  • You won't have to deal with this particular rather toxic landlord any longer.
Regarding the new harness for Sammy - I've no idea whether she'll find it more comfortable than the strap kind. The big difference I've found is that a determined cat can extricate herself from a strap style harness, but not from a vest (or near vest) style harness. I won't use strap style harnesses ever again because of this; I just don't trust them.

Will this be stressful for Sammy? Of course; it's stressful for you, therefore it's stressful for Sammy. Will she cope? Absolutely! Yes, cats like routine, and may not like change (though I've known cats who prefer variety), but the most important thing in Sammy's life is you. So long as she has you she'll be just fine. Everything else is peripheral. Remember that she already knows your parents; they also are part of her "family," which reduces the trauma of living in their home, and if your friend is close enough that you and she are inclined to become roommates then I strongly suspect that she, also, is part of the circle of people Sammy considers to be part of her family. If not, I suggest that you ask your friend to get to know and be known by Sammy before the final move happens.

Regarding screening in the back porch, I would be very interested to know how you plan to do this - I'd like to do the same for Jasmine and the thing that's stopping me is being uncertain how to affix the screen to the concrete so the cat can't push her way out. I, at least, would greatly appreciate it if you'd post a "How to" thread once the upset and rush is over and done with.

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  • #8

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Margret Margret , You are absolutely right. Thank you for the kind words & encouragement. They are much appreciated!
Yes, my friend knows Sammie. She's "Auntie Jess." :) She also had a kitty, (even though she had to be on Rx eye drops for the allergy). Until she lost her girl a few months ago to kidney failure. So she would be really great with her, knows all the kitty stuff, etc.. (turned her on to this site) but she would just have to keep her bedroom door closed.
Yes, I think it will also be a chance to have a nicer place, & although I've never had, or wanted a roommate, especially at my age, we are a lot alike, so think it would be good. Maybe we'd both get out a little more too. We are both homebodies, like to relax & chill at home, watch Netflix, etc.. LOL! She turned 50 last Sept. so is only a couple of yrs older than me. Neither of us are "party" kind of people. It will actually be nice to have someone to do stuff with when we want.

Yes, I am trying to watch my energy around Sammie. I'm making sure there aren't a lot of boxes around,(no room anyway) making it stressful. Whenever I have enough, I take them over to storage w/ my dad to get them out of here.
I told Sammie, "Mommy's just cleaning up, that's all."

As for the screen w/ the patio. I think what we'd have to do is just use wood beams, 2x4's or whatever, between the post that are already there to have something to fix the screen to along the bottom, like you said. I really wish we could, but not sure my dad is going to. One side is close to the AC unit, & said that if that ever had to be replaced would be hard w/ that in the way. So??? I don't know....
I've seen a few good catio builds on YouTube, so I will show my dad some of those for ideas. I do want a decent size for her. As big as we can manage. I don't want her to feel caged in. My living room rug is 8x10 I think, so that looks like a great size, or at least as close to that as we can. Will just have to wait & see.
Oh, yes, the new harness I ordered is a "escape proof" vest (Pink of course!)
She's never gotten out of the strap one I have, but I make sure it's fitted on her well, but not too tight, before I take her out in it. She just likes her freedom....


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Suggestion: Make a screen "door" in the porch enclosure, that opens inward and is situated right next to the AC unit, with the hinges on the side away from the AC unit. Add some kind of hook and eye thing so that it can be hooked open while the air conditioner is being worked on.

One year when we were traveling to Oregon to spend Christmas with my parents we stopped at a rest area in high desert, right on the border between Utah and Idaho, I think. There was an elderly couple there who were having car trouble and there was no pay phone available (don't know why - there should have been as this was well before cell phones became ubiquitous), so Roger offered to take the gentleman into the closest town (several miles away) to get help. We were traveling in our old red pickup truck that year, so there was only room for two humans and one cat carrier in the cab, and it seemed wisest to leave Pretzel with me. I put her in her strap-style harness and let her out of the carrier on her leash, intending to walk around a bit with her and then sit down with a book, but the old woman felt obligated to talk with me - I guess she thought it was the only polite thing to do, and I was too polite to tell her to leave us alone, which was a serious mistake on my part, because Pretzel was afraid of strangers. We sat there and talked; I kept looking (unsuccessfully) for ways to end the conversation; and Pretzel backed up to the full extent of her leash and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and PULLED! until she finally managed to back out of her harness entirely.

Roger and the old gentleman came back; the woman rejoined her husband; and I started looking for Pretzel, who had found a very good hiding place and was taking a nap. After about an hour Roger said, "It's no use. She's gone. We'll have to put up some lost cat signs and put your parents' phone number on them."

I said, "No, she'll come out as soon as it gets dark. Leave me a sleeping bag that I can put on the ground and sit on (I meant in the desert, which was where I was certain Pretzel was) and leave me a book to read. You go into town and pick me up a couple of sandwiches, and book us a room for tonight."

Roger was sure it was useless, but he also knew that if we left before I was convinced of that I'd never forgive either myself or him, so he did as I asked, adding in a phone call to my parents to tell them to be prepared for a seriously grieving daughter. And I sat there in the desert and read until it got too dark to read (with a break to eat my sandwiches), and then I put my book down and listened for the bell on Pretzel's collar. And, sure enough, as soon as it became fully dark I heard little tinkling noises and began calling her and moving toward the sound. And when I finally got to her Pretzel was very glad to go back into her carrier. I admit I did say "Told ya so!" at least once. :blush:

This is why I always bell my cats, and why I no longer trust strap style harnesses. I've had Jasmine try to back out of harnesses, too, and I know she could if it were the strap kind. I thought for a while the problem was the Figure 8 style straps, but it can happen with H style straps as well - it's almost as if cats can dislocate their shoulders to get out of a harness; they're just so limber.



Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Sorry to hear your landlord sprung this on you. Change is always stressful, especially when it isn't your choice. But it does sound like you'd got some plans in place already, so that has to help make things a little bit easier.

You've done a lovely job with your apartment, though, and I can certainly understand your sadness at having to leave your home. But at the same time, I'm sure it will be a relief to not have to deal with that landlord anymore.


TCS Member
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Feb 8, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
This would be a good size, if my dad woud do one this big. I'd hate to have anything smaller. This way, I could put a chair in there & hang out in there w/ her .

There's nothing like having your own place, so I sympathize with you having to stay with your mom temporarily. That will be a change for you and Sammie. He will do just fine because he will be with the one who loves him. When the time is up you'll probably like having a roommate, even though it will very different for you and Sammie both after it being just the two of you for so many years. I know you will find a place that you like and feel at home in before long! Best wishes for a happy life with mom and afterwards too!

P.S. The purple text is hard to read. Can you please use black? I think I read that the admins have asked us to do that. Thanks.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Your landlord is wanting to evict a loyal tenant of 20 years who has kept his property spotless and given it a make over *upping* the value of the property....all because of a leaky drain and a failing AC unit?
Landlord needs to get out of the business, or deal with tenants that don't pay, trash the place costing the landlord thousands of dollars in repairs for a big fat wake up call.

I'm no where near NC but if you were and I had a rental, I'd rent to you in a heart beat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
debbila debbila , are you aware that when you put your response inside a quote you make your response unquotable? Before the site move we had the option to include quotes in quotes; that disappeared with the site move.

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Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Hi friends,
I am having to move, & very unexpectedly! I am not too happy about it.
As some of you may remember from some previous post, I don't have the best landlord.
A little over a week ago he gave me a 30 day notice! I have been here for about 20 years, &
have given this place a complete home makeover, as some of you may remember me posting pictures of projects I've done here. .....Anyway, there had been some things needed fixing.
There had been a leak happening once & a while coming from somewhere in my bathroom,
(tub drain? we think), to the downstairs bathroom. They could never figure out where it was coming from, because it wasn't always leaking when water was running or draining. He has had someone out 4 xs to try & figure it out & fix it. My dad having been a plumber, he looked down there w/ the guy once & told him he though it was coming from my tub drain, that it needed a new gasket & seal. They finally did that & supposedly it was fixed.
Then the 2nd thing... my air conditioner (window unit) frosted up one day, & had never dome that before in all these yrs. So, It being here probably way before me, was on it's way out.
So I left my landlord a message about it. The repair guy called me back & said that he would replace it, but my rent was going to go up...which I expected (since it's not gone up in yrs, fortunately, I know). OR..I could replace it myself. So, that's what I was going to do, in hopes rent would stay the same. Then, a few days later, I got another call from the repair guy saying not to get one, that my landlord was going to replace it, his responsibility,
("ummm, yeah!":rolleyes:) this way if I ever left, it would stay. BUT, rent would be going up!
So I was just praying hard that it wouldn't go up more that $50.00, & I could handle it.
Well, I took him rent a couple of Thursdays ago, the 31st, & he said nothing. I was so nervous I was shaking, because the repair guy had also mentioned that he was so mad about, spending $ on this place trying to find/fix the leak, then this, that he had said something about kicking me out! :eek2: So I was afraid of that. After paying him, & nothing being said, I thought, "ok, either he calmed down, realized all I've done here, all the improvements, & isn't going to do either, OR, it's coming later...... Well, he called later that day & told me that he had a lot of work he needed to do in here, & needed the apartment empty to do it & was giving me 30 days. (He couldn't tell me earlier to my face I guess...coward!) I was in shock! He talked about taking out the tub, etc.... I said that they could work on it if I stayed, that I could shower at a close by friends, if I had to. He said no, needed it empty. Then he said he wasn't making any money on it anyway, because we don't pay water. Told me about how much it was per person, etc.. I offered to pay the difference in a rent increase, but he shot that down too! So then, the I asked if he could at least give me 60 days instead of 30, he said no! I just can't believe it.
He owne's A LOT of properties & is definitely not hurting for or need the money. He could at the very least given me 60 days! 20 yrs is a lot to pack up in 30 days!! (1000 sq. ft.)
I am .....In shock, devastated, & hurt. I spent the better part of the first 48 hrs after that in tears! He is a complete ass!! He even sent a certified letter that I had to sign for the following Sat. to cover his butt. He knows with me he'd have to, because If I could snag him on anything I would! He's so old school & country, that it wasn't even a dated typed up letter. It was written on a piece of notebook paper & signed. That's it, not even dated. So that's also why he probably sent it by certified mail.

So, with no where to go that I can afford, I am having to move back in with my parents!
I will be 49 in August, & can't believe this is happening!
I do have a girlfriend who's lease is up in January & rent is getting too expensive for her alone too, so we are talking about getting a place together then.
In the meanwhile it will give me a chance to get care credit paid off, & my car will be paid off in February, hopefully I can get that done a little sooner too. Then I will be in a better position to be able to afford (my 1/2 of) a little higher rent for a two bedroom, two bathroom w/ my friend. We want to look at some houses, or townhouses. So hopefully this will all only be for 6 month...

So, It's a very unexpected & upsetting situation for me, but a little bit of a blessing in the way that (I am trying to now focus on), that I can pay a couple of things off, & not be under the thubm of my landlord, walking on eggshells afraid to tell him if anything needed fixing in fear of rent going up too high. ...and as far as that goes. I know he wants to get more money out of this place, (& certainly could now after all the work I have done!) but it's on him that he didn't go up over all these yrs. I know partly he didn't because of all I've done, & my dad helping too, BUT, he could have gone up little by little, so I could manage it, BUT, he didn't, so that's on him!! So now, it gets taken out on me.

My main worry in all of this of course is Sammie.:bigeyes: Her little world is going to turn upside down, & not know why. She is used to it just being the two of us.
She is used to getting to go out during the day. Now, she will be confined to our room at first, then when she seems ready & interested, I will let her out in the house to explore.
It's not a big house, only around 1200 or more sq. ft. but still, w/ 2 more people there.
I've ordered comfort zone diffusers, I'm going to get more Rescue remedy, (I have walnut as well, for change), & will feed her & keep her litter box in my room. Not ideal but best to start anyway. I want her to feel safe. I will also have a couple of old pillows she lays by under the bed, when she does go under there, from thunder or anything. Her blankets, etc... so she will have her/ our smells for comfort. (I remember things I've read on moving threads).
Oh, & I ordered another harness for her. A vest kind. Hoping it will be more comfortable to her than the strap one. She already doesn't walk well on it. Walked a few steps, then plops down, repeat, repeat... Not like Angel used to be. He didn't love it, but would walk on it & even go potty. So, I'm trying to get my dad to screen in the patio out back. Told him I'd pay for it. (cement slab w/ a roof & post, so would just need to screen in), but think it looks like we may be building a catio instead. I just wanted the porch done as a safe buffer w/ the back door. She is chipped, but will be in a completely new place to her.

I am completely exhausted already w/ working every morning, then coming home in the afternoon to pack. Making myself stop by 6 or 7, so I can shower, eat & try to relax a little before bed. Friday night I didn't stop until 8, so didn't eat until 9! I can't do that.
I am trying to take it easy this weekend, since after working all week, I packed all weekend, then back to work, so no day off. My low back (I do wear my support belt!) & feet are killing me! So I've done very little this wknd, but will be back to it tomorrow! My dad is coming to take down my ceiling fan in the living room, & I'll be starting the kitchen!
Because I am so busy between working & trying to pack up, I won't get to email every day, but will check in here as often as I can. (W/ updates once we move)
Movers are scheduled to come Thurs. the 28th. I had to get storage units. Then that afternoon, we'll be getting my room set up, so I can take Sammie over. So worried about her.

So many of you have been so good to me & have become my friends here, so I just wanted to let you know what's going on. Please keep us, especially Sammie in your prayers & thoughts.
We need them!! Please pray for an easy as possible transition for her.
She is my #1 concern.

Sorry this was SO long, but had to fill you all in.

Hugs to you all! XOXO!
Kelly & Sammie

:alright: :grouphug: :goodluck: :clover: :crossfingers: :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::bigeyes::runaround::heartshape::grouphug2: :wave3:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Your landlord is wanting to evict a loyal tenant of 20 years who has kept his property spotless and given it a make over *upping* the value of the property....all because of a leaky drain and a failing AC unit?
Landlord needs to get out of the business, or deal with tenants that don't pay, trash the place costing the landlord thousands of dollars in repairs for a big fat wake up call.

I'm no where near NC but if you were and I had a rental, I'd rent to you in a heart beat.
:yeah: For some reason I'm continually being surprised by stupidity, and your landlord is a prime example. He sounds like a total idiot, and I suspect he'll get exactly what he deserves with his next tenant. Whether he'll learn from the experience is another question entirely....


di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
There are MANY small properties around every town taht need fixed up and can be purchased cheaply. We have bought close to thirty in the last 40 years. Buy, not rent, and you don't have to worry about landlords. Save your money for a down payment instead of using it to fix up someone else's property. It just takes a lot of searching, and knowing what a good foundation looks like. Thank goodness for internet now! I wish I had had renters like you! All the luck! I'll pray for you both, please keep us updated on how you are doing!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I am so sorry. Man, you did a ton of work on that place; I remember all the work you've done. He should be appreciative that he has such a wonderful tenant. :hugs:

Do you have tax rolls where people haven't paid their taxes for so long that the county or municipality puts the properties up for sale? If so, you might want to check into something like that.
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angels mommy

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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Thank you all for your supportive responses! It means a lot.

rubysmama rubysmama , Thanks you, & yes, it will be a relief to not deal w/ my landlord anymore!

debbila debbila , Yes, hopefully Sammie will do ok. It will be a big change for her.
I will be doing everything I can to help her adjust. Sorry the purple is hard for you to read. No one has ever said that before. It's just always sort of been my signature on here. My fav. color. I'm trying a darker one, so hopefully it will be better for you.

1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 , Thank you so much! Yes, I have upped the value by making it nicer!
I had to bring it up to my standards! LOL! He doesn't do anything he doesn't HAVE to do... I do know that it's probably why he did keep my rent so cheap over the yrs. I wish some of you with rentals were here, It would be such a nice change to have a good landlord, who really appreciates everything!!

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 , Thanks for all the vibes, love & cheers!

Margret Margret , Yes, he is an idiot!!!!!!!

di and bob di and bob , Thanks. I wish I could buy.....but, I don't have that kind of money to save. It would take another 20 yrs! LOL! It would be nice, but money to buy, & money to fix up is still a good amount for a single person. Being on the coast, it's expensive here. Also, I'd have to be able to afford to keep it up if something needed replacing. Especially big things like a roof, etc... and my parents, as young & active for their ages as they are (my dad is 73 & mom will be 70 this month), are getting too old to help me do a lot of that kind of stuff again.
I started my cleaning business 5 yrs ago this past spring, & am doing pretty well, but not that much extra to save. It's just me alone, so I can mainly only do one house a day. I do have a day that I do a couple of smaller places. My other places are a good size, including some big historical houses downtown, so that's all I can physically do by myself. I do have my friend who will be my potential roommate, help me on one day, after getting another house & had to put it on the same day as a smaller one , but needed help to do it all, but couldn't afford to pay anyone else to take on more. I do pretty good on my own, but the thing w/ what I do is, if I have someone cancel on me, that's lost income that I was relying on. In fact, in the midst of all of this, just earlier that wk, I had both my Monday clients cancel services. (most are all biweekly) One said she had to take a look at her finances, & put it on hold for now... so doubt I'll hear back, but hope so, because we really got along. Then my other lady is retiring, so next Mon. is my last day there. She is going to have me come a few times later & help her with organizing though, so that's good. So things like that can happen & really affect my income. I will be ok, but I just won't have as much extra money until it's replaced. I have a new lead that I will be calling today to talk to. It's also hard to fill a Mon. because most people want a Thurs. Or Fri.

Winchester Winchester , Thanks you. Yes, I have done a lot over the yrs w/ the help of my parents labor as well. Especially my mom. She has helped me do all the painting, & pulling up of carpet.
Yes, I'm sure they do have those kind of properties, or bank owned ones, for that reason, but as I said above the issue is not having the money to do that.

This is also where having a husband would be nice! It's just hard for a single person here.