How to stop kitten from jumping up on things


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 3, 2023
I’ve posted before about my 2 kittens . One shy and one brave . Well the shy one is also the ornery one . He has warmed up to the house sufficiently but he’s still not friendly or affectionate. It’s most definitely His personality. I’m at my wits end with him to be honest because he doesn’t have any redeeming qualities when he gets in trouble . You know how kittens make up for their mischief by being super cute and cuddly other times . He’s not . I re arranged my whole living room so he won’t walk across the bunny pen . I got them a cat tree which they love . I put my small fish tank on a different small stand without all the space on it for him to walk around and put a fireplace panel in front like a gate so he won’t get up there . I put my plants into a small glass greenhouse away so they can’t be eaten . So yesterday he decided to jump up on the fish tank and grabbed the fireplace grate and rocked it back and fell over and scared the living whatever out of us all . His brother was in my arms cuddling and scratched me big time because the noise scared him . I’m glad he didn’t jump ON the tank or he would have knocked it over . Now I need to find a different space for my fish tank and I have to clue where to put it . This cat . He’s determined to go up on things he shouldn’t. I CAN NOT turn my walls into a climbing jungle gym and I have nothing safe for him to go up on except the cat tree . Despite all the cute ideas I’ve seen that people do to let their cats go up on their walls that’s not something I can do . I don’t have time money or space . Despite having his brother to play with he’s constantly into things he shouldn’t be and just glares at me and runs away . I honestly think he’s better off somewhere else . I just don’t know what to do


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
1. Making a loud noise (clap, stomp, "no!") when he climbs can eventually train a kitten. This is my go to technique for kittens climbing on & damaging curtains. (Just using curtains as an example because its the most damaging behavior I typically see, but there are many others of course). But YMMV in terms of effectiveness;

2. Pick up and put down & 500 times if needed. This is my go to method for cats on the keyboard. It can work. With some cats. Eventually. Still, I don't like to use the loud noise if they aren't actually hurting anything

Have I managed to train every cat I've had out of climbing on the curtains or simply kept trying until they grew out of it? One can never know. Training a cat is not easy. For example, sometimes they learn not to do something . . . while your in the room. In an ideal world, you find solutions that dont involve butting your head against the training wall. So I get why people would say "build a cat climbing wall" -- (a favorite Jackson Galaxy suggestion btw). But sometimes it just isn't possible and you need to go through the training process.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 3, 2023
1. Making a loud noise (clap, stomp, "no!") when he climbs can eventually train a kitten. This is my go to technique for kittens climbing on & damaging curtains. (Just using curtains as an example because its the most damaging behavior I typically see, but there are many others of course). But YMMV in terms of effectiveness;

2. Pick up and put down & 500 times if needed. This is my go to method for cats on the keyboard. It can work. With some cats. Eventually. Still, I don't like to use the loud noise if they aren't actually hurting anything

Have I managed to train every cat I've had out of climbing on the curtains or simply kept trying until they grew out of it? One can never know. Training a cat is not easy. For example, sometimes they learn not to do something . . . while your in the room. In an ideal world, you find solutions that dont involve butting your head against the training wall. So I get why people would say "build a cat climbing wall" -- (a favorite Jackson Galaxy suggestion btw). But sometimes it just isn't possible and you need to go through the training process.
I have yelled at him and he runs off only to do it again . I have snuck up on him with a spray bottle so he doesn’t run from me . That works better . The main issue was pestering the bunny and the fish . I got the bunny solved by turning around the living room . But the fish is still an issue . They killed my willow and my aloe plants already and I made the other ones safe . So outthinking him has helped . But I’m just not sure about the fish . I’m not sure where to move him
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 3, 2023
I will say the only thing that keeps me keeping him around is , 1 his brother seems to like him , and 2 , my oldest best cat I adopted from the shelter when he was 3 . His name was Spaz and he was declawed but previous owners . Yet he was the sweetest boy . He hated being held too but would sit on your chest in bed and purrr . So I have to think at one time , he was also an ornery little spunky thing that his owners could barely tolerate and he turned into this wonderful lovable older cat . Finn even looks like him so I think if I can put up with his antics he may turn out ok one day .


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I have yelled at him and he runs off only to do it again . I have snuck up on him with a spray bottle so he doesn’t run from me . That works better . The main issue was pestering the bunny and the fish . I got the bunny solved by turning around the living room . But the fish is still an issue . They killed my willow and my aloe plants already and I made the other ones safe . So outthinking him has helped . But I’m just not sure about the fish . I’m not sure where to move him
You'll get some negative feedback on the water bottle. Personally, I've found it can work, but only if you use it in one specific context & place, and keep the bottle right there. No running to get the bottle. Sneaking might work. I dont use the technique anymore, but dont think its bad for defense of a specific highly problematic area such as the stove or in your case fish tank.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 1, 2017
I will say the only thing that keeps me keeping him around is , 1 his brother seems to like him , and 2 , my oldest best cat I adopted from the shelter when he was 3 . His name was Spaz and he was declawed but previous owners . Yet he was the sweetest boy . He hated being held too but would sit on your chest in bed and purrr . So I have to think at one time , he was also an ornery little spunky thing that his owners could barely tolerate and he turned into this wonderful lovable older cat . Finn even looks like him so I think if I can put up with his antics he may turn out ok one day .
Kittens & young cats can be super PITAs. It goes with owning cats, sometimes you'll get one that drives you a little crazy. Or more than a little even. But they almost always mellow quite a lot & you can (eventually) get them to stop the worst behaviors. And then you have a great cat.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Apr 3, 2023
Kittens & young cats can be super PITAs. It goes with owning cats, sometimes you'll get one that drives you a little crazy. Or more than a little even. But they almost always mellow quite a lot & you can (eventually) get them to stop the worst behaviors. And then you have a great cat.
I think you’re right . We’re in the thick of it . Maybe headed toward our way out . They are 6 months now . I keep thinking if we can make it a year they will settle. I don’t think I’ll ever get kittens again I’ll be honest . I remember my childhood cat who has since passed , my mother was just about to get rid of her due to her antics and then she calmed down and was the best girl

game misconduct

TCS Member
Top Cat
May 1, 2020
westcovina california
just calmly get up pick him up off the places he isnt supposed to be climbing on calmly tell him no and rinse repeat until he gets the idea he's not supposed to go there. atleast not while your around:lol::lol:just accept all bets are off when your out of he house and he is home alone


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
I got my cat to stop going on the one counter between the stove and fridge by blocking off the top of the fridge with large plastic storage bins. You could use baskets or anything. Just block it off.


TCS Member
Jul 6, 2007
Sundarville, NC
The water bottle was a popular suggestion when we got our first cat shortly after we were married. She was PTS years ago and I regret ever using it on her to this day. I think it made her scared and a bit resentful/afraid of me. She clearly preferred DH and looking back, I don't blame her. My Redman loved to sit on top of the fish tank. He would lean over and watch them, but the cover was sturdy enough support him. (I wasn't too worried about him upsetting the fish. It didn't seem to bother them. I would worry much more about traumatizing the bunny and you have that situation under control.)

I think you are right, he may or may not get cuddly as he gets older, but he probably already loves you and will show more affection with age. I think maybe you need a break from being around your kitten at home for a bit each day. Is there any way you could keep him in a separate room for awhile? As a last resort, I would pit him in the bathroom with food, a litter box and his toys for a short while a day. As long as the toilet lid is closed and there are mo chemicals around, he should be fine. I had one cat that clawed up my wallpaper while he was in the bathroom accommodation after being neutered, but nobody else has done this. (He also came home from the vet with a beat up face. They said it was from trying to escape their cage, so I guess it was a confinement issue.)

I really don't know the answer to your question because my current cays don't jump on things. However, there is my new kitten Bob. He is a Manx, rescued from a hoarding situation and not well socialized. The cuteness makes up for his antics, but he is only five months old and weighs just over four pounds. Yet, I saw him sizing up the jump to my kitchen island tonight. I don't have other animals or fish to worry about. I don't mind the cats on my sofa table. My herd is what I kindly refer to as big-boned or portly. The kitchen counters are strictly off limits, though it has never came up. I will be looking to this thread for all the advice I can get. One thing is certain. Bob is an angel, but he is not going to listen to anything I have to say. Sometimes the big cats look at him like they are simply shocked by the things he does. He somehow seems stronger than them, even though most of them outweigh him at least three times over.

Good luck. I truly believe he will mellow either age.

Oh, and sorry to write you a book. I have been up sick all night, watching Ice Cube movies and looking at my phone.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
I’m probably not the right person to answer this question. 🤣 Smudge has been removed from the sink 5982 times. Obviously water doesn’t bother him. So we compromised. I let him go in the sink 🤣😻🤦🏼‍♀️


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2017
Ummmmm the squirt bottle didn’t work on Jackie! He took it as jump up on the breakfast ledge and walk across the counter and jump into the kitchen real quick! After a year I gave up and stuck his water fountain there. He knows he allowed on that one counter but not the other.