Has Anyone Here Ever Had To Deal With An Infected Cat Bite?


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
Yesterday I got bit by one of the strays when I tried moving her babies to a safer place after she gave birth on the front porch. I don't blame the momma cat: she was just trying to protect her babies. It was my own stupidity and I should have known better.
This morning when I got up I noticed the bite was worse so I went to the doctor to have it looked at & treated. It was infected, and the doc gave me two antibiotic shots & one for tetanus - plus a prescription to take home. I've been bit before and was never too worried about it cuz I know what to look for, but I think the reason it got infected this time is because I wasn't able to flush the bite out properly despite my efforts.

Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else has been bitten by a cat, and what happened if the bite got infected. Should the treatment the doc gave me kill the infection, or is it possible that it wasn't enough and I may end up getting really sick & end up in the hospital? I know a cat bite can be extremely dangerous. Needless to say, I'm pretty worried right now, wondering if I got treatment quickly enough.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Keep a close eye on the wound. If it starts getting redder or putting out red streaks, go to the doctor or ER immediately. Cat bites can be life-threatening if they get infected. You did the right thing going to the doctor so soon. I think you are fairly safe, but watch that wound.  I have never had a cat bite get infected, but I have had some scratches that started getting bad.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
What is the name of the antibiotic? Some are what are called "broad spectrum" which covers almost everything.  But even then not all broad spectrum will work for everyone, and sometimes one will work better than another.

Just make sure that you clean the wound with soap and water every day and to keep the dressing into between dressing changes, clean and dry.  Wet dressings will cause bacteria from the outside to wick its way inside to the wound.
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TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
What is the name of the antibiotic? Some are what are called "broad spectrum" which covers almost everything.  But even then not all broad spectrum will work for everyone, and sometimes one will work better than another.

Just make sure that you clean the wound with soap and water every day and to keep the dressing into between dressing changes, clean and dry.  Wet dressings will cause bacteria from the outside to wick its way inside to the wound.
 I don't remember the names of the antibiotic shots the doc gave me, but she gave me two injections of antibiotics to "be on the safe side" so to speak. The prescription she sent me home with is Ciprofloxacn. I also got a Tetanus shot cuz I haven't had one on probably over 15 years. As far as dressing is concerned, the doc didn't recommend me dressing the bite, and she told me not to soak it - even though I asked her if I should soak it in Epsom salts cuz I read online that sometimes that will help to draw out the infection.

The bite area doesn't look any better, but it doesn't look any worse, either. I'm not sure how long it will take before it starts to look better. I know that antibiotics usually take affect pretty quickly: usually you'll notice an improvement within 12-24 hours if it's working. I'm just really nervous that I might not have gone soon enough to get it treated.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
Keep a close eye on the wound. If it starts getting redder or putting out red streaks, go to the doctor or ER immediately. Cat bites can be life-threatening if they get infected. You did the right thing going to the doctor so soon. I think you are fairly safe, but watch that wound.  I have never had a cat bite get infected, but I have had some scratches that started getting bad.
I've been watching it like a hawk, believe me. The doc told me if it starts to look worse I should go to the ER, and I have to go back in tomorrow to have it rechecked. I probably won't get any sleep tonight.
What worries me is that I've been bitten before and have never had this happen - and the other times the bites were  much worse. This one barely broke the skin.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 2, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
 I don't remember the names of the antibiotic shots the doc gave me, but she gave me two injections of antibiotics to "be on the safe side" so to speak. The prescription she sent me home with is Ciprofloxacn. I also got a Tetanus shot cuz I haven't had one on probably over 15 years. As far as dressing is concerned, the doc didn't recommend me dressing the bite, and she told me not to soak it - even though I asked her if I should soak it in Epsom salts cuz I read online that sometimes that will help to draw out the infection.

The bite area doesn't look any better, but it doesn't look any worse, either. I'm not sure how long it will take before it starts to look better. I know that antibiotics usually take affect pretty quickly: usually you'll notice an improvement within 12-24 hours if it's working. I'm just really nervous that I might not have gone soon enough to get it treated.
Cipro is a broad spectrum, so it should cover a variety of bacteria.   So far as wound cleaning, no need to go and buy epsom salt specifically.  Use baking soda and boiled water, salt and boiled water, or simply club soda (yes, the soft drink).  If you are making your salt water solution. Boil the water, dissolve the salt or baking soda and store in a clean bottle  (boil water and rise the bottle with the boiling water)  in the fridge.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
I got a bad bite in the hand a couple of years ago. Although I let the wound bleed and cleaned it well, my hand started to swell and was very painful within a matter of hours, and I ended up in the ER. The wound had to be cut open and cleaned by a surgeon, who put a full cast on my arm to prevent the infection from spreading, gave me antibiotics, a tetanus shot and painkillers. At first I had to go back to the orthopedic surgeon every day to have it reopened - antibiotics were put directly in the wound, in addition to what I was taking orally - then every other day, then every third day for about two - three weeks. The infection cleared up completely, though I have scars where the back of my hand was repeatedly cut open. I was told to go directly to the ER the next time it happened, even if I thought it wasn't bad.

One year later I was bitten again, in almost the same spot, and was at the ER within 20 minutes. They took me ahead of all the other patients, cleaned it out, gave me shots and a prescription for Cipro, and told me to come back if there was any swelling. There wasn't, and the wound healed within a few days.


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
I got a nasty, deep cat bite on my hand a few years ago too. I have a couple of scars there now. It got infected and I went on antibiotics the next day, and it cleared up alright. I had to stay on the antibiotics for a week, but they kicked in quickly.

Good thing you're going back tomorrow to get it looked at. I think you're doing the right things so far to take care of it.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
Cipro is what they gave me when I had c.diff and salmonella. It is also given for anthrax infection. So it is very powerful and should take care of most bacteria.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
Never had this problem with Bella or Thunder  biting me but when Bella was a kitten she really tore up my arms with her nails. I did have to get a tetanus shot.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
May 11, 2013

Basically, listen to what everyone else has said plus. I have had serious infections in my hand from a cat bite, dog bite and a cactus thorn. One thing I didn't see is where your were bit. What I have learned is that the hand is a specially problematic area for infections because of the spaces where the infection can grow (over simplified explanation) and because of the number of joints there are in the hand. Infections can destroy joints, so take them very, very seriously. You can lose mobility in the hand (or any joint) in a matter of days. Some infections require surgery to treat.

My recommendation is if you think there may be a problem then be aggressive with your treatment. If your doctor takes a conservative approach and you don't see improvement quickly then either push your doctor or find someone else. With the dog bite, I needed a lot more antibiotic than the conventional wisdom. I did not respond with the standard dose (and they had surgically flushed and treated the wound in the ER). I developed a fever and probably would have lost a lot of mobility in my wrist except I got into physical therapy immediately. I came close to needing surgery with the cat bite. My hand blew up into a catchers mitt . It was very uncomfortable.

So yes, I would say your concerns are well founded. Remember, these kinds of injuries are not that common overall and if your doctor does not have experience with them then he/she may not recognize the seriousness of the injury.

Let us know how it goes.
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TCS Member
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Apr 1, 2006
Hey y'all,
I really appreciate everyone's responses & advice.
I had meant to update y'all yesterday, but by the time I got home from the doc's my hand was so swelled up & hurting so badly I couldn't even use the keyboard. It's still pretty sore, but not quite as bad. Here's an update:

Yesterday when I got up my hand looked much better: the swelling had gone down and there wasn't much redness. I was even thinking about not going back to the doc to have it rechecked, but something told me I should. It's a good thing I did...

By the time I got to the doc, it had started getting swelled up & red again. The doc put me on another antibiotic, in addition to the Cipro stuff. By the time I got home, the entire top part of my hand was really swelled up & red again, hot to the touch, and really hurting: I was seriously considering turning right around and going to the emergency room. Instead I decided to keep an eye on it cuz I was thinking that maybe it got irritated due to overuse of the hand (I'm not sure if it's even possible to inflame an infected hand even further due to overuse, but I had been overusing it: the bite's on my right hand, and naturally, I'm right-handed
). The main reason I'm so hesitant on going to the hospital is because I'm worried that the furkids won't get taken care of properly if they were to admit me. Yeah, Randall's here, but I may as well expect the cats to take care of themselves better than he would.
But that's a whole other story and I won't bore y'all with the details...

Today's it's better: it's not as red & as swelled up, and just slightly warm to the touch - although it is still rather painful. It's not as good as I'd like it to be, but the good news is is that I don't have a fever or feel sick, and there aren't any red streaks going up my arm or anything like that. I'm kinda worried that I'm not responding as well as I probably should be to the antibiotics: I've had infections before (such as bladder, yeast, ear, etc.) and I've always responded pretty quickly to antibiotic treatments. And I've been bitten a lot worse from a cat before, and never had this kind of reaction - even from cats that have been sick. I don't understand why this time I had such a reaction - aside from the fact that I wasn't able to flush the bacteria out like I have in the past..

Tomorrow I'm supposed to go back to the doc to have it rechecked (unless I notice a decline again - in which case I'll go back sooner). Needless to say, I'm even more concerned after reading some of y'all's "horror" stories.
The last thing I want is to end up in the hospital, due to reasons I've already mentioned.
But I also appreciate everyone's input.

I will keep y'all updated.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
With an outdoor cat, you never know what kind of bacteria they have gotten from eating stuff. It could be she had been eating rodents that carry bacteria that don't affect cats, but do affect humans.


FERAl born “Pepper”
Top Cat
Jun 17, 2006
CA - Desert
Go for the intravenous antibiotic - that's what I did after the oral antibiotics were too slow in taking care of the beginning infection.

I was told that 4 injections would be required and that the intravenous would be a one time (and effective) deal.

Sometimes the medical office doesn't have it - I think, if it were me, I'd just go to the ER where they'd probably have the dose of medication you need to shoot this thing down.


P.S. yes I got a yeast infection because of the antibiotics - but a good probiotic can help with that.  ugh!

I hope you get well soon!  g


TCS Member
Sep 10, 2005
Oh my gosh. I am just beginning to catch up on some reading here and saw this thread. How are you doing now. Please give us an update. Sending prayers your way,
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
Hey y'all,

I had meant to update y'all sooner, but I had a lot of unexpected things pop up in the past week, and my computer has been acting up to top it all off - which means I haven't been able to use it most of the time.
I'm still having problems with it and have been trying to figure out how to correct the problem, but that's a whole other story and I won't bore y'all with the details. I figured I'd better log on to TCS while I have the chance...

Anyway, the infection cleared up - although I had to quit taking the antibiotics cuz I ended up having a reaction to the second one (the Cindamyacin). I went to the doc on Thursday to have it checked and to see what he wanted me to do regarding the antibiotics cuz I wasn't sure if I had been on them long enough: he told me that the infection has cleared up, and I apparently had been on them long enough so I shouldn't have any more problems. I'm to go back if any more problems arise.

Again, I appreciate everyone's input & advice, and I apologize for not responding sooner.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Apr 1, 2006
P.S. yes I got a yeast infection because of the antibiotics - but a good probiotic can help with that.  ugh!

I hope you get well soon!  g
That's exactly what happened: I ended up getting a yeast infection - only not in the usual place - in the mouth instead. I never even knew you could get a yeast infection there.
You learn something new every day!
The doc did recommend getting some probiotics, which I did.
With an outdoor cat, you never know what kind of bacteria they have gotten from eating stuff. It could be she had been eating rodents that carry bacteria that don't affect cats, but do affect humans.
It's funny you should mention that. The cat that bit me is indeed an avid bird catcher. That would explain a lot!