Feral in my garage

Bitsy's Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2021
Both of you made tremendous progress. Oscar coming down is a huge progress. I don't think that there's much stress in him in seeing you and Oscar is making his little move as he is getting more comfortable with you while you are inside the catio with him. Let him have it his way in his own time. I don't think you want to jeopardize this relationship since you've already come so far.

I can see in his eyes that he is pretty contented and he knows you love him and care for him. Please keep up the good job that you are doing.
Do you really think he’s content? I worry about him being imprisoned in there with only me going in and out during the day ❤


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Do you really think he’s content? I worry about him being imprisoned in there with only me going in and out during the day ❤
Any confined place is like a prison and any indoor cats are prisoners if you put it this way. He is not like struggling to escape and also he does not try to claw his way out and when the window is opened, he just go out and relax and goes back in when he's done.

If a cat feels that he is imprisoned, he'll go berserk and try every way to escape. Oscar already knows you very well and he trust you and that's why he is not doing any of the things I mentioned. He just need time and maybe lots of time but you never know. We too hope that this one day will come when he allows you to pet him and brush him.

There's one thread here that this lady brought in a cat since April 2022 and till now, she still can't pet him although she can sit next to the cat and petting her with a brush. If you have time, you may want to have a read on her thread :- Newly adopted Rescue


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
It's more difficult for us humans than it is for cats and comfort zones .... we relate to everything from human perspective because it's what we know,we know contentment because we understand tye difference between that and being unhappy,human emotions

I'm not too sure this will help you feel better about Oscar's state of being but I sincerely hope it does.Cats are "content "( for thank of a better word) in their comfort zone,familiarity with established territory,no threats,no competition,food ,water source.Thats makes for contentment,it's what ",they" know

We feel joy when we see our cats at play or when they come trotting over for a pet and a rub but truly,Oscar only knows thst life is good,he's comfortable.... he does not miss what he doesn't know in wide contrast to a stray cat that was used to human affection or other cats they may have bonded with.....Oscar survived,there's nothing about survival to miss,that was his existence before you came along and now he doesn't merely survive,he lives in a comfort zone because of you

So,is Oscar ",content" ---- sure he is,you know it could be even better but I assure you,he does not but hopefully he will find out.....you can push it more if that's your goal but that would require many many hours

It's not so incredible that Timmy has come as far as he has in less than 4 months,I have no husband,nothing thst requires my attention more than my agenda for domesticatimg Timmy,thats what I can afford( time)..... For 4 months I've been living,eating,sleeping beside his enclosure-controlled environment....I'm part of his space,,unavoidable.....

So back to that question- content? I know what he can have once he finds his respective place within my multi cat household,as he learns to "play' with toys and begins to experience the life of a domestic housecat and I'd like to help him get there .... to me he looks like a sad sack watching the others run,play and jump on me for love and affection and that will bring me great joy BUT he's in his comfort zone,doesn't miss what he's never known.....

You've done a great thing,he's living the best life he's ever lived and he would not be " happier" outside....

Be of good cheer,Oscar has it made plus you've mentioned he actually plays with his toys,ferals don't play with toys,they learn to play with toys- that's MAJOR in itself,that gives pleasure ,the natural behavior to play with prey is instinctual- he's adapting well to his environment...


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Do you really think he’s content? I worry about him being imprisoned in there with only me going in and out during the day ❤
Kwik Kwik : answered better than I could, but yes, I'm pawsitive he's content. Remember when he "escaped" his cabin, and what did he do. Went back to it. He has everything he wants and needs there. And now his space has even widened to include his outside catio. One day, and that day may be closer than we think, he may long for his mom to pet him, but for now there's nothing a born feral cat could want.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Kwik Kwik : answered better than I could, but yes, I'm pawsitive he's content. Remember when he "escaped" his cabin, and what did he do. Went back to it. He has everything he wants and needs there. And now his space has even widened to include his outside catio. One day, and that day may be closer than we think, he may long for his mom to pet him, but for now there's nothing a born feral cat could want.
100% Bitsy's Mom Bitsy's Mom -no there's doubt

Bitsy's Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2021
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for checking in on us <3

There is nothing to report except the weather is getting colder ...but then will be 78 next week so I will have to leave the AC unit on. He is probably getting his winter coat. I always wonder if I should leave the window open when it goes down to 47 degrees lately. I do since he is always in the window or going outside in the middle of the night, but not sure if I should.

I wish he would interact with me but no news since the last connection. Fingers crossed.

I will post a video tomorrow for you all <3 and thanks again.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for checking in on us <3

There is nothing to report except the weather is getting colder ...but then will be 78 next week so I will have to leave the AC unit on. He is probably getting his winter coat. I always wonder if I should leave the window open when it goes down to 47 degrees lately. I do since he is always in the window or going outside in the middle of the night, but not sure if I should.

I wish he would interact with me but no news since the last connection. Fingers crossed.

I will post a video tomorrow for you all <3 and thanks again.
Well, our weather is doing the same here in la-la land. It always seems to seesaw until it figures out what season it is🤪 So Oscar is floofing out even more than before? WOW! Pix please!
You'll have to be the judge of whether or not to close the window, but just FYI, when we lived in the high desert and had snow in winter, I left the catio flaps open unless it was blowing snow, rain, or sand, because the furmily loved to be on the catio in all weather and at any time of day or night! They had cat beds and rugs out there, and a cat tunnel or two, so they could choose whatever they preFURRED. And of course, they had the run of the house. Cats are very resilient. I've seen some beautiful videos of Siberian cats...in Siberia. In the snow.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for checking in on us <3

There is nothing to report except the weather is getting colder ...but then will be 78 next week so I will have to leave the AC unit on. He is probably getting his winter coat. I always wonder if I should leave the window open when it goes down to 47 degrees lately. I do since he is always in the window or going outside in the middle of the night, but not sure if I should.

I wish he would interact with me but no news since the last connection. Fingers crossed.

I will post a video tomorrow for you all <3 and thanks again.
I'd leave it open,he'll acclimate ,start getting his winter coat and enjoy the cold brisk air


Bitsy's Mom

TCS Member
Thread starter
Alpha Cat
Feb 17, 2021

I’m so sorry for the delay. My senior dog had surgery :( and then my puppy went into heat since I had to delay her spay to accommodate my senior’s needs. Everyone is ok.

I’ve been trying ti get a video of Oscar but no luck yet. I will keep trying and make a point of uploading something. I so very much appreciate you all caring about us.
He is still hanging in there although no new *almost* interactions with me. I still hold out hope.

Thanks again. ❤ and I will get a video up this weekend!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

I’m so sorry for the delay. My senior dog had surgery :( and then my puppy went into heat since I had to delay her spay to accommodate my senior’s needs. Everyone is ok.

I’ve been trying ti get a video of Oscar but no luck yet. I will keep trying and make a point of uploading something. I so very much appreciate you all caring about us.
He is still hanging in there although no new *almost* interactions with me. I still hold out hope.

Thanks again. ❤ and I will get a video up this weekend!View attachment 461423
Such a lovely pair of headlights on the floofster! :redheartpump: :blackcat2::redheartpump: