Can you mix urinary foods?


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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
I can’t remember if I have asked this before I probably have and just forgot. But as everyone knows I have 2 cats Scooter(my orange cat who is 5 years old) and Casper(white cat who will be 2 years old in a few months) both are males and neutered. In September 2023 Scooter was rushed to the emergency vet where it was discovered he had a UTI. It was when I joined this site to look for support and answers. Sunday as I posted here I was concerned with how Scooter’s poop looked as he went 4 times which was not normal for him. That got better until today so far he has only pooped twice when he usually poops once. First time he pooped looked normal. Second time it was partially formed but mushy which indicates an upset stomach. Now he has thrown up twice and he hasn’t thrown up like this since October after I switched the dry food from Purina Pro Plan Urinary dry food to Purina One Urinary Dry as the pro plan was making him sick. The wet food is still Purina Pro Plan urinary tract health. Ususlly when I put some dry food in their bowls in the mornings the bowls are usually empty when I get up. Today there was still a little bit in both of their bowls. I mean I know they definitely ate some of it just a small bit was left in both bowls. I asked my dad if he gave them anymore which he sometimes does he said no. Them leaving food especially Scooter even if it’s a little bit is not always normal. I mean Casper it is he isn’t a big eater but Scooter it’s not normal sometimes. Now I am not saying it is the Purina One dry food making him sick. But if he keeps throwing up I may have to switch the dry food again. Which puts me in a tough spot cause my choices are very limited. Neither Scooter or Casper would touch Royal Canin. Oh btw Casper is fine it’s just cheaper and stress free to feed them the same thing. He hasn’t gotten sick or anything it’s just been Scooter. Anyway Hill’s towards the end was making Scooter sick. Besides they were prescription foods and I can’t afford that. As I said the Purina Pro Plan dry was making Scooter sick. My only option left for dry food urinary wise is IAMS urinary dry food. I don’t know if it actually works I see mostly great reviews on it but idk if anyone has tried it. Wet food I can’t change cause there is no options left for urinary wet food. He & Casper will get a second wet food feeding in a couple of hours. If Scooter will eat I will give him a probiotic then. But other than that I don’t know what to do and it’s frustrating.

I’m sorry for these long panicking type posts but I just want to cry right now. In the back of my mind I have the pet food scare going on and I don’t want to go there. I am praying with everything in me that it’s just Scooter having a bad day. But I’m starting to worry again cause my financial situation is so bad right now. If he got seriously ill I can’t afford to take him to the vet at all. Whether it’s regular vet or emergency vet I can’t afford it any of it. No way would I surrender him ever. So I’m afraid if he got seriously ill I would have to put him to sleep and I don’t want that. I wish there was more options for urinary food and wish I never saw the pet food scare. My furbabies mean the world to me I always feel helpless when they are sick and I don’t know what is wrong or what to do. I seriously hope he is just having a bad day cause the dry food is almost gone so idk why it would affect him now if it’s why he is sick. But I hope a probiotic will help him feel better I really do cause I’m at lost on what to do.

But to end this very long rant sorry IF I have to switch to IAMS urinary for dry is it okay to still give him the purina pro plan wet? Will giving him 2 different brands still help his urinary tract stay healthy? I can’t really afford to switch both dry and wet food completely right now. Plus I don’t want to make too much change on Scooter. Idk if I will have to switch. All I can do is give him a probiotic and monitor him. Thank you for reading this long long post any help right now will be appreciated.
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Oh btw I did give him a treat in his wet food he got for dinner. I don’t know if that did it or he is just have a bad day. I don’t know what is going on with him. I pray with everything in me that he is just having a bad day and the probiotic will work.
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  • #3


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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Sorry I can’t edit my other 2 posts. Sorry for all the posts I am just so frustrated right now I want to cry. I can’t figure out what is making Scooter sick. I gave him wet food at 2am with a probiotic in it. He just threw up 19 mins ago. It was mostly liquid and now he has diarrhea. I don’t know if he is having a bad day or what is going on. I don’t know if it’s the food cause Casper is eating the same thing and he is fine. Plus if it was off in anyway Scooter would try to bury it. Casper would walk away from it too. But Casper didn’t walk away and Scooter didn’t try burying it. Plus Scooter has been playing like normal but I know cats can still act normal even if they feel bad. At least that is what they say. If Scooter didn’t need urinary food I would switch no problem. Cause then I could just get the perfect portion wet cat food. But he needs urinary food and I only have 1 option left dry food wise wet food wise I don’t have any at all. I don’t know if the Purina One urinary wet food will help or not. But it only comes in 3oz cans not enough for 2 cats. Plus I don’t have the money to change both foods. I feel so helpless cause I don’t even have the money to take him to the vet regular or emergency wise. There is literally nothing I can do but monitor him in hopes he works it out and not get serious ill. I can’t give him another probiotic until tomorrow. I’m sorry for sounding crazy and for these posts but I’m just feeling so hopeless and helpless right now I want to cry cause I don’t know what to do. 😔😢
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
What is the reason for Scooter being on urinary care food? What did the urinalysis show when he was tested for the UTI? Does he have crystals that need dissolved, or?

Depending on why he needs urinary food has a bearing on what foods are better. Generally, any of them can be mixed, including prescription and non-prescription as long as they serve the same purpose - that is explained on the bag/can of each food. Also, depending on why he needs these foods, usually wet food is always better than dry because of the moisture content.

I can't tell from what you have posted if he did OK on any of the urinary foods, or if all of them have made him sick. I also can't tell how long he was on each of them before you changed to another one. For dry food, a quick change can cause diarrhea. Food changes are normally meant to be done gradually in order to help prevent digestive upset from the change. Some cats are more sensitive to food changes than others, hence the reason Casper doesn't seem to be as impacted.

There are more urinary care foods around than what you've given him, but again it depends on why Scooter needs them as to which ones you could try. .

You also can't rule out that there may be something going on that is entirely different from his urinary issues.
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
What is the reason for Scooter being on urinary care food? What did the urinalysis show when he was tested for the UTI? Does he have crystals that need dissolved, or?

Depending on why he needs urinary food has a bearing on what foods are better. Generally, any of them can be mixed, including prescription and non-prescription as long as they serve the same purpose - that is explained on the bag/can of each food. Also, depending on why he needs these foods, usually wet food is always better than dry because of the moisture content.

I can't tell from what you have posted if he did OK on any of the urinary foods, or if all of them have made him sick. I also can't tell how long he was on each of them before you changed to another one. For dry food, a quick change can cause diarrhea. Food changes are normally meant to be done gradually in order to help prevent digestive upset from the change. Some cats are more sensitive to food changes than others, hence the reason Casper doesn't seem to be as impacted.

There are more urinary care foods around than what you've given him, but again it depends on why Scooter needs them as to which ones you could try. .

You also can't rule out that there may be something going on that is entirely different from his urinary issues.
I don’t have the vet papers with me anymore and I can’t remember too much from September my memory is not that good. All I can remember is the vet at the ER saying his urine was full of blood which was concerning to her. She said she suspected a stone but could not tell cause of the blood. She went with the worst case first like him needing to stay 3 days for a catheter which would have cost $6,000 to $8,000. Said he wasn’t blocked but could become block basically leaving us to freak out. Cause no way would be able to afford it. Until she said well she wanted to do a test to see how his kidneys were functioning. Test came back that his kidneys were fine. She recommended a 24 hour stay to flush him out. When we went to pick him up the next morning the vet that was there said he did well over night. She didn’t say anything about crystals or stones. Said there was bacteria in his urine that we could do a test to see what bacteria it was. We was already at $1,400 couldn’t afford it. On the paper it said Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease-Bacteria in Urine. She said he would need to be on urinary food rest of his life to prevent another UTI. Which when we said we have another cat and there is no way to separate them to eat that is when she said Casper could eat it too that it would benefit him too even though he’s healthy. Plus it’s cheaper and stress free to feed them the same thing. When he went to the regular vet they said nothing about crystals or stones either. Just that he was responding very well the antibiotics we were sent home with to finish them out. That he still needed the urinary food. As I stated I can’t afford to take him to the vet for a checkup. So until I can afford to take him to make sure his urinary tract is healthy and they say it’s ok I’m not taking him off the urinary food. I don’t want to risk taking him off it and he ends up with another UTI. Which btw Sept was the first time he experienced a UTI.

Timeline of food: When we was sent home from the ER vet she gave use 3 cans of Royal Canin, 3 cans of Hills and two ziplock baggies of each dry food to try them on. It was enough to get us through the week til his vet appointment. I put both down he turned his nose up at Royal Canin and started eating Hill’s. So we got a 4lb bag and more cans at the regular vet. Scooter never had problems transitioning to new foods he always took to it well. His UTI was Sept 9th 2023. By the end of September into the first week of October he started throwing up eating hills. Plus with it being prescription food it was very expensive I can’t afford to pay over $100 a month in food for 2 cats. That is when I looked for alternatives and found Purina Pro Plan urinary foods. I did transition him safely to both and he was doing great on it. So by the second week of October he had Purina Pro Plan dry & wet. After about 2 weeks towards the middle/end of October he was throwing up constantly on the pro plan dry food. It got to where he was refusing to eat the dry but did great on the wet food. No matter what I did he refused the dry food. When he does that it tells me he doesn’t want it anymore and would rather starve. When he does that I don’t like to force food on him cause I would be wasting money. That is when I got Purina One+Plus urinary dry and he responded great to it. He didn’t throw up at all except for a few hairballs since he has been on pro plan wet and purina one dry since Oct. Both boys get 2 wet feedings a day with extra water and kibble in between for them to nibble on.

I don’t think it is the food cause he has been fine on it for about 3 almost 4 months now and his UTI happened 4 months ago. I just want to have back up incase I ever do have to switch. In my area besides grocery stores and Walmart only place to get pet stuff is Petco as I don’t trust ordering online. For urinary is Royal Canin, Hills, IAMS(only has dry for urinary) and Purina Pro Plan & Purina one. I know Blue Buffalo has one but I don’t see it in my area and I don’t trust it. Only canned food that comes in 5.5oz cans are Hills and Purina Pro Plan. Purina & IAMS are the affordable ones in my area. I can’t afford Hills or Royal Canin (which he won’t eat) prescription or otc versions. I don’t think it’s the food I still think it’s a hairball issue or he had an upset stomach. So far today he has been fine hasn’t thrown up. He still meowed for food. I just want to have a back up just incase
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TCS Member
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Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
I am not sure that urinary care food is going to be the 'end-all' that the vet is suggesting. The cells in a cat's urine are unique to what they are related to so, I am a bit confused about there being so much blood that stones/crystals could not be identified. But, nonetheless, take a look at all these options (links below) and see if there are some back-ups you can find. Some of what you have already tried are on the list, so skip those and read about the rest of them. You can also look more closely at the ones that hit these lists the most. I also included a TCS article on FLUTD, in case you are interested.

Tbh, the more wet food and less dry food the better for any cat with any kind of urinary issue, even if it isn't specifically urinary care labeled.

The 8 Best Cat Foods For Urinary Health In 2024: Reviews & Ratings (
The 8 Best Cat Foods for Urinary Tract Health in 2024 (
10 Best Cat Foods for Urinary Tract Health in 2023 (
12 Best Urinary Cat Foods of 2022 | Tested, Reviewed and Rated (
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (flutd) - TheCatSite
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
I am not sure that urinary care food is going to be the 'end-all' that the vet is suggesting. The cells in a cat's urine are unique to what they are related to so, I am a bit confused about there being so much blood that stones/crystals could not be identified. But, nonetheless, take a look at all these options (links below) and see if there are some back-ups you can find. Some of what you have already tried are on the list, so skip those and read about the rest of them. You can also look more closely at the ones that hit these lists the most. I also included a TCS article on FLUTD, in case you are interested.

Tbh, the more wet food and less dry food the better for any cat with any kind of urinary issue, even if it isn't specifically urinary care labeled.

The 8 Best Cat Foods For Urinary Health In 2024: Reviews & Ratings (
The 8 Best Cat Foods for Urinary Tract Health in 2024 (
10 Best Cat Foods for Urinary Tract Health in 2023 (
12 Best Urinary Cat Foods of 2022 | Tested, Reviewed and Rated (
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (flutd) - TheCatSite
I don’t know it’s just what she said when she came in to tell us the results of tests they did. There must of not been any cause I know they had to do testing before letting him go home. Nothing about stones or crystals were mentioned at all not even at the regular vet. Only thing that was said is he had bacteria in his urine and we was sent home with food & meds. I know it’s not the end all but so far he is doing great. I check his litter box habits every time he goes as I keep a log of when he goes, what he leaves and what it looks like. I have seen those lists so many times the only ones that may be in my area are Tiki cat, Weruva, and maybe Nutro. Tiki cat I would have to buy a ton of it cause 3oz cans will not last long for 2 cats. Purina One has a wet urinary food but it’s only 1 flavor and a 3oz can. The rest is either Smalls which I don’t have the money for or feel comfortable in feeding or it’s brands that is not found around here. I do make sure Scooter stays hydrated. In each wet food feeding a little water is added. Sometimes if I can swing it I will get chicken broth for cats and pour it on their kibble to moisten up the kibble. I stay away from anything seafood flavored from treats to food. Litter box is scooped multiple times throughout the day and deep cleaned every week. Food bowls gets washed everyday but deep cleaned every week and they are stainless steel. Water bowl is a gravity water bowl so fresh water is given daily and that is deep cleaned every week. I haven’t replaced that yet cause I can’t afford it right now. Until I can get him to the vet for a check up of his urinary tract I do the best I can with what’s available to me.

I just wanted to be sure I could mix IAMS with Purina Pro Plan wet food if I have to change the dry food. Also other options as well for the wet food. But with things being tight for me right now I seriously hope it doesn’t come to having to switch the food at all. Hopefully my financial situation changes soon to where I can get him to the vet for a check up on his urinary tract. Then of course to get pet insurance for him, Casper and Nera so I can be comfortable in knowing if something happens and they need a vet visit I’m covered. I mean we are still paying Care Credit the $1,600 total for Scooter plus the few visits Nera has had. Can only pay the minimum on it as things are very tight. Makes me feel like a bad pet parent sometimes that I can’t afford the best for them but I do the best I can with what I have. Hopefully I can get to a place where I don’t stress about it anymore.
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  • #8


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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
For everyone who reads my posts including this one I am so sorry if I sound crazy. While I do love & worry over Nera(my dog) & Casper I worry more about Scooter. I don’t know if I told the story of how I got him but my birthday is Oct 24th in 2018 I was sick on my birthday. 2 days later on the 26th my dad texted me saying he had a gift for me. I thought it was a prank cause he does that sometimes. But he came home with this tiny orange kitten. He was maybe about 4 or 3 weeks old. My dad worked at a manufacturing plant where they used recycled stuff books, paper and anything that could be shredded to make cardboard and I think they did paper too. The plant had been around for over 150+ years so it wasn’t all that good looking. There was tons of dyes and many dangerous things a cat could get killed. Plus for some reason people dropped off cats there. So many basically became little workers cause they hunted mice. Scooter was spotted when one of the guys almost ran over him. They could not find his mother anywhere. So my dad brought him to me. I basically bottle fed him til he could eat kitten food. I rocked him to sleep and so much more. I sometimes wonder if him being around so much dangerous stuff mainly chemicals before he was brought home will affect him any as he gets older. Hardly any cats there made it long granted they stayed there. But that is why I worry so much over him. So if I sound crazy I am so sorry he is my baby same with Casper & Nera.

btw here is Scooter as a baby when he was brought home. It was love at first site for me…


Adopt don't shop.
Top Cat
Jan 13, 2017
Where do you think?
No food will help (except canned possably) with a bacterial infection. It is caused by bacteria from poop or litter contaminating the urethra. Food does not affect this.

An antibiotic shot is the only treatment for bacterial infection. The food is to disolve crystals or sediment not bacteria.

That being said, feeding a diet consisting of mostly/all canned food will flush out the bladder more frequently reducing the time bacteria has to sit around and fester. This does not need to be a special canned food, even fancy feast would have the same effect.

I would recommend a easy to clean pet fountain like pioneer pets raindrop fountain (can be put in dishwasher) to increase his water intake. Worked to increase my boys intake.
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  • #10


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
No food will help (except canned possably) with a bacterial infection. It is caused by bacteria from poop or litter contaminating the urethra. Food does not affect this.

An antibiotic shot is the only treatment for bacterial infection. The food is to disolve crystals or sediment not bacteria.

That being said, feeding a diet consisting of mostly/all canned food will flush out the bladder more frequently reducing the time bacteria has to sit around and fester. This does not need to be a special canned food, even fancy feast would have the same effect.

I would recommend a easy to clean pet fountain like pioneer pets raindrop fountain (can be put in dishwasher) to increase his water intake. Worked to increase my boys intake.
View attachment 468592
Yes I am very much aware of that I was just stating what I was told by the ER Vet. We could have done a test to see what kind of bacteria it was but I could not afford it. It’s why we were sent home with antibiotic pills which he responded great to. The ER Vet & regular vet said he needed the urinary food so idk. It’s been 4 months I can’t remember everything. My mom was the one to take him to the follow up appointment she can’t remember what was said fully. However I don’t want to take him off the urinary food and something bad happens. Cause as I stated my financial situation is very tight right now so I can’t afford any vet visits regular vet or emergency vet. So until I can afford to take Scooter for a check up and see if he can indeed be taken off it I’m keeping him on the food to be safe. As I also stated they get 2 wet food feedings a day water gets added to the wet food. They get kibble in between the wet feedings so they have something to crunch on. Their litter box is scooped multiple times a day. Basically every time on of them goes to the litter box it gets scooped. Then the litter box is deeply cleaned and fresh litter put in every week.

Water bowl they have a gravity water bowl. I also have a dog who drinks from it too. So that gets cleaned weekly too. I would love to replace their water bowl but I can’t afford it right now.I also don’t have the space for multiple bowls. But they are pretty good about drinking water. Their litter box habits are normal both go to the litter box 3 times a day. They both will pee twice and poop once in a day. So the urine output has been normal as I always check Scooter’s pee clumps as I keep a record of when he goes and what he leaves. I even check Casper’s even though he is healthy I just do it to be sure. Of course they leave different size clumps cause they are different sizes. Casper is a small cat so his is always leaves golf ball size clumps. Plus he goes when I am in the bathroom he turns to where I can see him pee so his pee is a normal color plus he is a loud peer and never covers what he leaves. Scooter is a digger then squats he sometimes pee loud but I don’t see his pee until he gets up. Scooter always covers his leavings so it’s how I can tell which one goes cause I only have 1 litter box since I’m limited on space.

I may be in a bad financial situation right now but I do what I can for all 3 of my furbabies for what is available to me. I would love to give them the best multiple water bowls another litter box etc. But sadly right now I can’t so I use what is available to me. But I always like to have a back up incase something does happen. I am working hard to better my financial situation so hopefully things can change soon for me.
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Apr 29, 2022
A cat can have a urinary infection without stones or sediment. Usually the vet will say if they have stones or sediment. But if the cat already passed the stone before the vet's urinalysis, who knows?

Anyways the vet likely wants your cat on the urinary food because urinary issues become repetitive no matter the cause. Urinary foods are pH balanced to try to prevent infections. Some urinary foods (prescription) also dissolve stones and all usually have less of the nutrients that cause stones/sediments.

Your question, is can you mix foods aka wet urinary from one brand and dry urinary from another. The answer is yes. The wet just has lower of the nutrients that cause sediment and both are PH balanced.

But to throw you off track a bit, I think you're running with changing food again much too quickly. However, Iams has slightly different ingredients like no beef unlike the Purina so it could be a good bet, should you need to change (I had mistakenly written elsewhere that my cats were back on Purina. It is Iams they are on. Urinary dry, urin

First is to determine if the dry food is causing the issue.

1. How are you storing the dry food?
2. Is the vomit digested or still whole kibble?
3. How long after eating it is he vomiting?
4. How often are the dry food bowls washed?

Many times they are eating the dry too fast and it swells in their tummy and a few hours later he throw it up. It can be solved by putting less out at a time. If it's thrown up fast it can be eating too fast causing regurgitation which can be solved by using a puzzle or slow feeder.
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  • #12


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
1. How are you storing the dry food?
2. Is the vomit digested or still whole kibble?
3. How long after eating it is he vomiting?
4. How often are the dry food bowls washed?
I don’t think my boys wouldn’t care about it being no beef in IAMS. They seem to favor poultry more. Their favorite for the pro plan is the chicken morsels in gravy and the turkey & giblets flavor. I was finally able to find the turkey in 5.5oz cans at Petco hopefully they still have them.

But to answer your questions here:
1. Their dry food is kept in the bag and then put in a plastic storage container. It keeps it fresh and keeps the boys from tearing the bag.

2. First two times he puked it was digested some. Second time it was liquid mainly that was the color of the wet food.

3. It was hours after the dry food that he got sick. The last 2 times it was 2 hours after his wet food.

4. They have 2 bowls each one for dry one for wet so that is 4 bowls. They are stainless steel and are washed every day. The wet food bowls twice a day since they get 2 wet food feedings.

I am not going to change his dry food now as he is doing fine now. I just want it as a back up incase I need to change it. Scooter has not thrown up any since I first posted this. So I think he was just having a bad day. Cause everything is normal. He has been playing non stop today I think he had upset stomach. So right now I’m not changing his dry food. I just want to have a backup just incase.


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Apr 29, 2022
I don’t think my boys wouldn’t care about it being no beef in IAMS. They seem to favor poultry more. Their favorite for the pro plan is the chicken morsels in gravy and the turkey & giblets flavor. I was finally able to find the turkey in 5.5oz cans at Petco hopefully they still have them.

But to answer your questions here:
1. Their dry food is kept in the bag and then put in a plastic storage container. It keeps it fresh and keeps the boys from tearing the bag.

2. First two times he puked it was digested some. Second time it was liquid mainly that was the color of the wet food.

3. It was hours after the dry food that he got sick. The last 2 times it was 2 hours after his wet food.

4. They have 2 bowls each one for dry one for wet so that is 4 bowls. They are stainless steel and are washed every day. The wet food bowls twice a day since they get 2 wet food feedings.

I am not going to change his dry food now as he is doing fine now. I just want it as a back up incase I need to change it. Scooter has not thrown up any since I first posted this. So I think he was just having a bad day. Cause everything is normal. He has been playing non stop today I think he had upset stomach. So right now I’m not changing his dry food. I just want to have a backup just incase.
And good for you for thinking ahead on it. I'm glad you gave him time to settle and his tummy is feeling better.

Also the storage is great. That's what's recommended! I always check because we've seen a lot of people have cats with tummy issues who were dumping the bag into plastic storages.
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  • #14


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
And good for you for thinking ahead on it. I'm glad you gave him time to settle and his tummy is feeling better.

Also the storage is great. That's what's recommended! I always check because we've seen a lot of people have cats with tummy issues who were dumping the bag into plastic storages.
I never put too much on both Casper & Scooter I never want to be the reason they are sick. It’s why I’m hoping I never have to change right now cause both thrive on what they are currently eating. I swear their fur is a lot softer too. I do have to make a trip to Petco this weekend to stock up I may get some hairball solution for them. Nera(my dog) is shedding a bit right now and both Casper & Scooter have a habit of eating her fur before I vaccum it up.

The storage I started leaving the food in the bag and putting the bag in the storage container after my last cat Skeeter(he lived to be 16 almost 17 before he passed in 2021) would throw up constantly. I could never figure out why his dry food would spoil quick either. Till someone told me dry food bags have a coating that protects the food from spoiling quick and protecting it from bugs. After I started leaving it in the bag Skeeter would only throw up if he ate like there was no tomorrow. So Scooter & Casper’s dry food stays in its bag when done giving them food I seal the bag with a bag clip then the bag goes into the container. The strays their food stays in the bag and in a storage bin on my back porch. I keep their food separate from Scooter & Casper. Since they are strays it made more sense to keep it outside where they are.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
I never put too much on both Casper & Scooter I never want to be the reason they are sick. It’s why I’m hoping I never have to change right now cause both thrive on what they are currently eating. I swear their fur is a lot softer too. I do have to make a trip to Petco this weekend to stock up I may get some hairball solution for them. Nera(my dog) is shedding a bit right now and both Casper & Scooter have a habit of eating her fur before I vaccum it up.
Ugh I understand that! Magnus isn't a big eater and he actually ate the Purina dry food regularly. He can only have about 10 kibbles of whatever at a time or he regurgitates. The beef fat for helping to keep the food fresh on the formula update is killer for our use of it. Magnus's toes swell when he eats beef and then he gets infections in the mail beds.

Oof re: fur eating. I guess they want to protect Nera from other predators too!
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  • #16


TCS Member
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Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Ugh I understand that! Magnus isn't a big eater and he actually ate the Purina dry food regularly. He can only have about 10 kibbles of whatever at a time or he regurgitates. The beef fat for helping to keep the food fresh on the formula update is killer for our use of it. Magnus's toes swell when he eats beef and then he gets infections in the mail beds.

Oof re: fur eating. I guess they want to protect Nera from other predators too!
Casper isn’t much of a big eater sometimes as well. He does have his moments where he will eat food out of his bowl then go to Scooter’s. He actually wasn’t big on Friskies wet food but loves the Purina Pro Plan wet food. Definitely loves the Churu treats. Scooter he wasn’t big on the cuts in gravy only wanted pate but he loves the Purina pro plan chicken cuts in gravy. The kibble they definitely love. But I never feed the recommended amount on the packages and can. I only put in their bowl what I know they will eat. Cause my boys will eat a bit walk away to play then come back to eat. So I only give the amount I know they will eat.

I have no idea why they are eating her fur. She is starting to shed more I guess she is starting to shed winter fur not sure. But I have to vaccum twice sometimes I find poofs of her fur everywhere
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Update: Scooter is doing just fine everyone. I do have a suspicion on what possibly caused his sickness Saturday when I posted this. I suspect it is the Special Kitty cat treats. Which he has always ate these treats when I couldn’t give him the other treats I normally give him & Casper. The treats don’t expire until 2025 but it is what he had Saturday. Plus Tuesday I did give him & Casper a treat 2 hours after their 2nd wet food feeding. About 10 mins later I hear him let out his sick cry cause it sounds like he says mom he threw up. I have not given him any treats since and he has been fine. I’m not fully saying it is the treats cause he has ate these before no issue. But it does seem odd he throws up after eating these treats. I’m not gonna blame the brand either cause it could be he just couldn’t handle it this time. But I have tossed them out to be safe. I do have some blueberries I may try them on as I hear blueberries are good for cats. I go to Petco Saturday for a restock on their canned food I will get them some Churu aka Kitty crack 😂 until then I will give them safe food that I have as a treat.
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  • #18


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Another update: it’s been a month since I posted this. Scooter is once again feeling bad by which I mean he has diarrhea. He is now hardly eating the dry food he will take 1 or 2 bites then walks away. I only put out dry cause I can’t afford to feed solely wet food. So I give a combination of wet and dry food. I don’t know if the Purina One dry is not agreeing with him or what is going on. But I am limited on dry food options since he needs urinary food. So looks like I will be trying IAMS urinary dry food for a bit. The Purina Pro Plan urinary wet food he does fine on. He has no issue with the wet at all. But again idk if the dry is doing it or what is going on. Cause if I take away the dry he will only get the 2 wet food feedings. Then he will be wanting more which is why I give him the dry.

So looks it looks like when I have to get some dry food which will be very shortly I will have to get IAMS urinary dry to see if that helps. So for a bit it will be IAMS urinary dry food and Purina Pro Plan urinary wet. Hopefully mixing the two (which by that I mean wet for one meal dry for another) won’t cancel each other out and it keeps his urinary tract healthy cause I can’t afford a vet visit of any kind right now.


TCS Member
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Apr 29, 2022
Another update: it’s been a month since I posted this. Scooter is once again feeling bad by which I mean he has diarrhea. He is now hardly eating the dry food he will take 1 or 2 bites then walks away. I only put out dry cause I can’t afford to feed solely wet food. So I give a combination of wet and dry food. I don’t know if the Purina One dry is not agreeing with him or what is going on. But I am limited on dry food options since he needs urinary food. So looks like I will be trying IAMS urinary dry food for a bit. The Purina Pro Plan urinary wet food he does fine on. He has no issue with the wet at all. But again idk if the dry is doing it or what is going on. Cause if I take away the dry he will only get the 2 wet food feedings. Then he will be wanting more which is why I give him the dry.

So looks it looks like when I have to get some dry food which will be very shortly I will have to get IAMS urinary dry to see if that helps. So for a bit it will be IAMS urinary dry food and Purina Pro Plan urinary wet. Hopefully mixing the two (which by that I mean wet for one meal dry for another) won’t cancel each other out and it keeps his urinary tract healthy cause I can’t afford a vet visit of any kind right now.
Both are just to prevent stones since they aren't the prescription kind which means they are just lower in phosphorus etc so that stones don't get made.

It would be a problem to use together the kind that breaks down stones and the kind that doesn't...but you'd know that since the kind that breaks down stones is prescription.
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  • #20


TCS Member
Thread starter
Adult Cat
Sep 15, 2023
Jefferson County, WV (In the US)
Both are just to prevent stones since they aren't the prescription kind which means they are just lower in phosphorus etc so that stones don't get made.

It would be a problem to use together the kind that breaks down stones and the kind that doesn't...but you'd know that since the kind that breaks down stones is prescription.
So it will be ok to give IAMS urinary dry for one meal and Purina Pro Plan urinary wet food for the 2 wet feeding meals? I just want to be sure before I make the purchase. I’m not sure if it’s a permanent change for the dry it’s to see if he does do better on IAMS. I read the reviews from different sites it seems to get great reviews so hopefully it will be good for him.