Bobby Cat is Dead and Princess Tabitha is Missing and Presumed Dead


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Mar 19, 2016

I have not been active at this site for some time ... and after submitting this post, I doubt if I will be active again.

For those of you who remember my posts about Bobby Cat and Friends, it grieves me to tell you that Bob died early on the morning of October 31st. He was 17 years old. Princess Tabitha (aged 7) is missing and presumed dead. Both cats are pictured above. Bob was the orange Manx and Tabitha was a tuxedo kitty. 

After getting ready for work, only Buki and Scraps were in the living room for their breakfast. Bob and Tabitha were nowhere to be found. I pushed open the flap of the pet door and softly called for my cats (so as not to wake the neighbors). When neither of them responded, I went into the back yard and was horrified to find that a coyote had torn Bob into pieces. All that was left of Bob was his head, chest, and front legs lying in a pool of congealing blood. The rest of him was missing. 

I remember Bob giving his customary call for an early morning breakfast at 3 AM ... so sometime between 3 AM and when I discovered his body at 6 AM, Bob died ... and Tabitha went missing. 

I retained the presence of mind to arrange for a substitute. I wrapped Bob's mangled body in a bath towel. After the sun came up, I searched the yard and found one of Bob's back paws. 

I also found a second pool of blood by the back wall. I think that this is where Tabitha died. No remnant of her body has been found and based upon the blood, I think was killed and her body was carried away. 

The location of the blood trails suggest to me that Bob may have tried rescuing Tabitha. Sadly my 17 year old ten pound Manx had no chance against a 45 lb. coyote. 

Although I live in a rural area of Arizona, I live in the middle of a subdivision. I also live in a gated community that is surrounded by a 6 foot wall. Each home within this community is also surrounded by a 6 foot wall. It never occurred to me that this neighborhood might not be safe ... but as I later found out via the internet, coyotes can go over walls as high as 8 feet. They stand on their hind legs, bracing their front paws against a wall and use their powerful hind legs to leap. If their front paws can get over the top edge of a wall, they can literally haul themselves up and over any fence or wall that's less than 8 feet in height. 

I was sorry to learn this lesson the hard way. 

The pet door has been taken down. Neither Buki (black cat pictured below left) or Scraps (below right) seem to mind. Buki who was adopted from a local shelter over this past summer, was never an outdoor kitty to begin with. Although he watched the other cats coming and going with great interest, he never once expressed any intention of going out himself. 

Given the fact that he spent most of the first 6 and a half years of his life in a community kennel at a no-kill shelter, I think he thinks that life in my home is just about perfect and he has no interest in leaving. Scraps who was literally abandoned as a kitten on the sidewalk in front of my home in Pennsylvania on a cold autumn day has also never expressed much interest in going outside. 

Princess Tabitha was my adventure kitty. Not only did she enjoy visiting the backyard but she also liked going over the wall and patrolling the neighborhood. Bob was not an explorer but he liked getting some fresh air and sunning himself on the back porch.

Words cannot properly express how badly I feel over the loss of my two cats. 

I know that in time, the raw pain I feel (and the guilt I am suffering from having installed a pet door) will diminish .. but for now my heart is empty and I dearly miss my two friends.

I am sharing this post because you are the only people who knew how much my cats meant to me. A therapist also suggested that writing this post might be conducive at finding some sort of closure from what has happened. 

I will not be returning to this site. 



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
So sad to hear this! We all love our cats and want what is best for them, sometimes this includes having them go outside. It is so terrible to have experienced this. We also have lost cats to coyotes, though we live in a forest so it makes sense. Our cats are indoor cats now. 

I'm so sorry for your losses. I cannot imagine how terrible it must be for you to be dealing with this. 

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
David, words cannot convey the grief I feel for the horror and pain you felt when you discovered your two little ones like that, my heart cries for you. I pray that you will come to the understanding that you thought you were giving your babies some pleasure by letting them out into what you thought was a safe environment. You had absolutely no reason to believe they would not be safe, there can be no guilt given to you for something that was not intentional and was out of your control.  You gave both what they wanted most in this world, a wonderful home full of love and family.

My heart cries with you, I know of this guilt and the grief that accompanies it, somehow you learn to live with it. Your babies would never want you to be so sad when remembering them, use the bond you have with both, along with your precious memories of happier times to comfort yourself. Their new life's order path will follow yours where ever you go, it will join yours once again in the distant future.  by making the most of our present. The past cannot be changed, but the future is what we make of it, and we learn in this time of our lives. Thank you for letting us share your grief, we understand and care about you, Bobby and Tabitha, and we cry with you. Take care........RIP Bobby Cat and Princess Tabitha, you will never be forgotten and are held tenderly in a loving heart. Goodnight sweet Prince and beautiful Princess, send what comfort you can to the one left behind that loves you so very much!

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
How upsetting, I am so sorry that you lost your loved friends and in such a horrific manner. RIP sweet kitties you will always be loved 


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
I have not been active at this site for some time ... and after submitting this post, I doubt if I will be active again.

For those of you who remember my posts about Bobby Cat and Friends, it grieves me to tell you that Bob died early on the morning of October 31st. He was 17 years old. Princess Tabitha (aged 7) is missing and presumed dead. Both cats are pictured above. Bob was the orange Manx and Tabitha was a tuxedo kitty. 

After getting ready for work, only Buki and Scraps were in the living room for their breakfast. Bob and Tabitha were nowhere to be found. I pushed open the flap of the pet door and softly called for my cats (so as not to wake the neighbors). When neither of them responded, I went into the back yard and was horrified to find that a coyote had torn Bob into pieces. All that was left of Bob was his head, chest, and front legs lying in a pool of congealing blood. The rest of him was missing. 

I remember Bob giving his customary call for an early morning breakfast at 3 AM ... so sometime between 3 AM and when I discovered his body at 6 AM, Bob died ... and Tabitha went missing. 

I retained the presence of mind to arrange for a substitute. I wrapped Bob's mangled body in a bath towel. After the sun came up, I searched the yard and found one of Bob's back paws. 

I also found a second pool of blood by the back wall. I think that this is where Tabitha died. No remnant of her body has been found and based upon the blood, I think was killed and her body was carried away. 

The location of the blood trails suggest to me that Bob may have tried rescuing Tabitha. Sadly my 17 year old ten pound Manx had no chance against a 45 lb. coyote. 

Although I live in a rural area of Arizona, I live in the middle of a subdivision. I also live in a gated community that is surrounded by a 6 foot wall. Each home within this community is also surrounded by a 6 foot wall. It never occurred to me that this neighborhood might not be safe ... but as I later found out via the internet, coyotes can go over walls as high as 8 feet. They stand on their hind legs, bracing their front paws against a wall and use their powerful hind legs to leap. If their front paws can get over the top edge of a wall, they can literally haul themselves up and over any fence or wall that's less than 8 feet in height. 

I was sorry to learn this lesson the hard way. 

The pet door has been taken down. Neither Buki (black cat pictured below left) or Scraps (below right) seem to mind. Buki who was adopted from a local shelter over this past summer, was never an outdoor kitty to begin with. Although he watched the other cats coming and going with great interest, he never once expressed any intention of going out himself. 

Given the fact that he spent most of the first 6 and a half years of his life in a community kennel at a no-kill shelter, I think he thinks that life in my home is just about perfect and he has no interest in leaving. Scraps who was literally abandoned as a kitten on the sidewalk in front of my home in Pennsylvania on a cold autumn day has also never expressed much interest in going outside. 

Princess Tabitha was my adventure kitty. Not only did she enjoy visiting the backyard but she also liked going over the wall and patrolling the neighborhood. Bob was not an explorer but he liked getting some fresh air and sunning himself on the back porch.

Words cannot properly express how badly I feel over the loss of my two cats. 

I know that in time, the raw pain I feel (and the guilt I am suffering from having installed a pet door) will diminish .. but for now my heart is empty and I dearly miss my two friends.

I am sharing this post because you are the only people who knew how much my cats meant to me. A therapist also suggested that writing this post might be conducive at finding some sort of closure from what has happened. 

I will not be returning to this site. 

Hi David. I was hoping that you'd decide to come back but under better circumstances. I'm so sorry to hear about Bobby Cat and Princess Tabitha. This is just horrifying news. Yes, we do know how much they mean to you and we appreciate the chance to get to know them even a little bit from the pictures and stories you shared. 

Please don't beat yourself up about having put in a cat door. This was not your fault. It was no one's fault. Unfortunately, these things happen. 

My heart goes out to you, Buki and Scraps. The three of you will help each other get through this. I hope you change your mind and let us help you get through this as well. If you do, we are here for you. 

RIP Bobby Cat and Princess Tabitha. Please keep an eye on your dad and your siblings and help them heal. 