Anyone ever have a cat with a large liver mass (but no spread anywhere)?


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 24, 2022
Sangria (12) started pooping outside of the box a bit over a month ago. She was still urinating in the box, so we took her to our usual vet to rule out anything medical. Our vet palpated an abdominal mass and did an x-ray. The x-ray showed a mass, so we were referred to a specialist hospital four hours away for an ultrasound.

We met with an internal medicine specialist and he did the ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a very large, vascular mass attached to her liver. It's attached by an 8mm strip of tissue and is causing anemia. It could also rupture. He suggested further x-rays to show if there was spread since it could be cancer. He said primary liver cancer in cats is rare, but he can't rule it out until it is analyzed AND the mass being so vascular doesn't sound promising. Anyway, there was NO spread to her lungs, other organs, or lymph nodes.

We then met with the surgical specialist who agreed that surgery is the best option and could be curative. If it is benign, it will cure her. If it is cancer, the lack of spread also works in her favour. We are getting the rather expensive ($5,800) surgery done by the surgical specialist on the 14th of December. She will have to be in the ICU for maybe one night (but likely two).

Has anyone experienced anything like this? I looked online, and primary liver cancer is indeed rare in cats.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I have not had to deal with anything similar, although in the last week or so we were beginning to wonder if my angel kitty Poppy might have had something (a mass) going on in his abdomen, but his many other issues got the best of him, and his system crashed before that became definitely identified.

I'm keeping you and Sangria in my thoughts and prayers :vibes::hugs::heartshape:
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